naw, is it up to YOU, oh WE mean you, Caps are used to distinguish Wordy words, and to bring significance,that all. Now to the good stuff, it is not your job to help her, you are very compassionate and that is great, but it is up to her because it was indeed her creation in the first place. Then, all the drama begins. The laby is also used as a validator of see I told you that something was Wrong with me. I just can't seem to function... blah, blah, blah... So much so that the great physicians have named this lack of ease. So a great way to help is suggest that she look for a brand new drug, it is an anti- pull -against resistor. Remember that even Genius is also a mental disease, or disorder, but the funny thing there is that science is not trying to curb that malady, oh but it is early in the day.
Love the sister, don't get in her mess, get so happy with Yourself, that she sees your good works. Then she may ASK for direction, there is a pattern here, and solves it for herself, then and only then will any piller hold her up.
This is a great topic, come back and we will play some more.
Love iON