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 Post subject: The Original Steve vector/angle
PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 11:00 pm 
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Steve, a very close friend for 50 years from Dartmouth (home of the great hockey player, Sidney Crosby), Nova Scotia, Canada, visited us in Maui from April 18-May 6/09 when we were just getting acquainted with iON.

Steve sat in on a couple of our long private sessions with iON and eventually had a private reading himself while in Maui.

Here are some edited highlights with Steve from the April 22/09 seven-hour session with iON (the longest since we had started a month earlier on March 18 and a week after iON - disguised as the human "Ian" - appeared on the April 15 CASH FLOW):):

http://www.fivebodied.com/archives/audi ... nd_iON.mp3

So Steve was there at the Beginning of the END OF THE BEGINNING. When he returned to Dartmouth, he quickly sobered up and the following correspondence ensued. What phun!!

Bob Neveritt

From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: Another Swing and Miss for iON!!
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 12:33:26 -0300

Awright, awright, BOB; that's enough!!! This was a biggie; one of iON's most astonishing predictions. You can 'fess up now, though; I was on Candid Camera the whole time, right?

Remember the missing Ontario girl, shown on a surveillance camera, walking away from her school with some unidentified woman? "Ah yes, that one", sez BOB.

You may recall that during my reading, our man in the sky, Mr. i. ON, told me that "she is with us" and that she died of "natural causes" several years ago.

Me, playing the gullible dupe or straight man, sez, "Well, not so fast, Mr. ON; you must have the wrong person. Tori was only eight years old when she disappeared just last month."

"Not so", says Mr. ON. "The reason nobody recognized white coat woman was because she was from the future" (from the motherficking FUTURE, fer fick's sake!) "and l'il Tori somehow slipped into the future, strolling away, blithely unaware, with Ms. White Coat, only to die some years hence after living out her allotted three score and ten."

I'm sure you can imagine my shock last night when it was reported that, contrary to Mr. ON's assured read of the situation, it turns out that poor Tori was just one more sad statistic on a pedphile's score card. Yes, the mundane truth of the matter is that Tori was murdered at the age of eight, dying NOW, not in the future. Two people have been arrested and charged with her murder; a 28 year old man and an 18 year old woman. No need to use the future tense here to meet universally accepted tenets of good grammar.


P.S. - I do hope that Carolyn will be relying mostly on her own experience and good sense when she writes the medical book "with" iON. If he was a ballplayer, he'd have been benched or sent down to the minors by now.

From: purple@fivebodied.com
To: steven
Subject: Re: Another Swing and Miss for iON!!
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 20:00:57 -1000

Apparently, your mother became what she beheld and appropriated my Anti-Christ role.

Of course, this means you are the guilty possessor of the DEMON SEED.

Luckily, iON wasn't fooled and is on to you.

iON went into Orange Alert when you showed up and proceeded to do a major mind-fuck on our Steve (I've seen the Evergreens proceed in similar fashion, too, when the evil ones dropped in).

By the way, do you have any proof that such a news story exists?

Why would we trust those with the nickel heads and the fifty-dollar hairdos?

But, taking it on face value:

iON says murder is a natural cause because suicide is a "natural cause."

Because there is two of everything, the little girl lived a few years before she died in the other reality (iON calls it the "rift").

So, in this world there was a suicide and she joined that party.

In another world there was a different planular (multi-planes). That then becomes a physical aspiration of this plane's now recordable history...

Sorry, the rest would take too long to explain.

Meanwhile, nothing, not even Beelzebub, can stop the iONic Crusades!!


From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: RE: Another Swing and a Miss for iON!!
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 15:10:28 -0300

I'm replying to your most recent email again, Bobbeeeeee. My earlier reply was spur-of-the-moment, not really taking the time to review and properly weigh your message from beyond. Now that I have perused it more carefully, I find myself slightly bewildered by some of the statements and feel driven to respond in a more serious vein.

To start with, I have no idea what you're getting at in your first sentence. You say that my mother "...became what she beheld and appropriated (your) Anti-Christ role". What's it got to do with her? The response came from iON and he was answering a question that came from me. Now, if you'd said that I had assumed the anti-Christ role; well then, maybe we're talking!!

I also find it slightly (well, HUGELY) bizarre that you ask why we should believe that this news story actually exists or why we would trust the talking heads on television. Conversely, however, you seem to suggest that we can accept on faith iON's statement that "...there is two of everything...", thus allowing him to spin an outlandish Grimm's fairy tale of the little girl living "a few years before she died in the other reality". There's "two of everything", is there? What is this; Noah's Ark with each pair of boat people made up of two versions of the same entity? Come on, wake up and smell the Red Bull(shit)!

Ah, Bobby, Bobby... I think I now better understand why your mother denied you when talking with Garrett at Mount St. Vincent back in the '80s. It appears that she alone realized that the core of BOB had long since left us and was now soaring beyond time and space, somewhere near the orbit of the Bootes.

Incidentally, my comment about iON's medical advice remains valid. I don't think we should forget his incisive reading of my medical issues and his advice that the best approach was for me to "become a couch potato", scarfing back pop and chips while "relaxing and allowing". I will entertain the thought, though, that iON's main goal wasn't to heal me, he was actually trying kill me instead. It seems obvious that he fears my "the emperor has no clothes" skepticism, and he was trying to hasten my transition to the non-physical so there'd be no credible opposition to stand in your way while you pursue world dominance alongside "the richest man in the world". Well, it ain't gonna work! I may be retired, goddammit, but once a civil servant, always a civil servant. I will continue to fight for my fellow man against this scourge from beyond as it attempts to suborn all that is good and logical in our civilization. "A-KA-LA, we do our best, to do our duty, to God and the Queen..."

And here's another message for iON. We here in the physical have laws governing service interactions such as we entered into while I was in Maui. Misrepresentation is taken very seriously, and if this statement of yours is accurate ("iON went into Orange Alert when you showed up and proceeded to do a major mind-fuck on our Steve", then he and his disciples will face the wrath of my (un)civil suit. If he wasn't treating me fairly and honestly then he better hand over some big bucks. Tell him that Steve says "An asshole is often just an asshole, even if he now lives in the non-physical". He's still subject to the LAWS of MAN, I tell you!! I was ripped off and I wanna refund!

A puzzled sign-off from


From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: FW: Shirley
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 22:08:14 -0300


This is the last fucking straw so far as iON goes. Even you would have to agree that he/she/it doesn't know his/her/its arse from a hole in the ground. The first reading I had, when I had no preconceptions at all as to the reliability of said reading, was crystal clear on the subject of Shirley. He/She/It was definite as to (1) "she's not with us", (2) that she now lives in Oklahoma City, (3) her good health, (4) her two children, and (5) the states in which they lived. WAY wrong on all counts.

What a fucking farce. If he/she/it is even within the same zip code as the "non-physical", perhaps he/she/it may want to review the records for accuracy. Tell him/her/it to check under "New Arrivals", circa November 15, 2006. Jesus.

Sadly, and disgustedly,


> From: jim
> To: steven
> Subject: Shirley
> Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 17:16:15 -0700
> Steven,
> This is Jim ----. I am sorry to advise you that Shirley, your
> former friend and my wife of 24 years, passed away November 15th,
> 2006 after a year long battle with cancer. Her sisters Nora and
> Eileen were here with me when she passed away in our home. Shirley's
> legacy, in addition to the friends and remembrances left behind, is
> our son ----, who is now a Sophomore at Franklin W. Olin College of
> Engineering in Massachusetts.

From: purple@fivebodied.com
To: steven
Subject: Re: Shirley
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 23:10:25 -1000


Of course, we're sorry to hear about Shirley, but the good news... sort of... is she hasn't died, yet.

The explanation is simplex depending on what one accepts, of course.

For background, listen to last night's awesome Eben Rey show at:

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/bo ... Hour_1.mp3

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/bo ... Hour_2.mp3

Or check out the MP3's offered on our site in the right-hand column, especially 'Rift Riding":


Anyways, Shirley lives on the other side of the Rift - she hasn't "transitioned" to the Guf. Her address there is the Oklahoma City one iON gave us. There are two of everything, so Shirley is in our "mirror-world" (accessed through the Rift).

When you were here, we hadn't explored the Rift, yet, so iON didn't feel it wise to bring it up - we wouldn't have understood. Having taken many hours to get it after you left, I can understand iON's reticence. Here's what I suggested to you on May 21:

[Because there is two of everything, the little girl lived a few years before she died in the other reality (iON calls it the "rift").]

Shirley's not too happy "over there," either.

Oh well, you probably believe, know and understand what I'm saying above and want more, so let me know when you want the phone version of this.

Also, rest assured, Michael Jackson is still alive and watching events unfold. Who or what killed his double?


From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: RE: Shirley
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:39:14 -0300


Oh Bobby,

I resisted the impulse to immediately respond to your email and did you the courtesy of listening to what ion had to say. Now that I have, though, I gotta say it's some of the most absurd drivel I've ever heard in my life.

Regarding the airplane crash, bodies do not stay stationary when in the ocean, all the corpses hanging out together in one big cluster while they await recovery. Bodies disperse, and widely; some even sink, so the fact that only 20% or so have been recovered is hardly proof that they're not still in or under the water. Surely to fuck that's at least as rational (and I would say much more rational) an explanation as the contention that simply because they haven't been found, ergo, they must have gone into the "rift". And you/ion say that many people who didn't expect to travel into the rift then deliberately killed themselves because they were disoriented by arriving in the rift version of Paris? And the bodies which WERE found were, or may have been, bodies of those who killed themselves in the rift and were then jettisoned back into our physical, much like the sewage flowing into Halifax Harbour? And autopsies may have shown that the bodies they've recovered might have lungs filled with Parisien pool water (sorry, RIFT-Parisien pool water) rather than sea water? Jesus Christ...

Regarding the black boxes, it was understood and stated from the outset that there were serious doubts the boxes could ever be recovered simply because of where the plane crashed. It's extremely deep there with a very uneven ocean floor, and as the plane virtually disintegrated on or before impact, the boxes could be anywhere within a pretty wide swath of quite inhospitable terrain. Since several pieces of the plane have been recovered, tell me, how was it possible that the plane could then continue flying into the rift version of Paris? Or are the pieces that have been recovered simply pieces of the plane which also got disoriented in rift-Paris, thereby causing them to separate from the more rift-attuned portions of the plane, and they, too, flung themselves back into our physical. For fuck's sake, Bob, this wouldn't even have passed muster as the plot of a bad 1950s "B" movie.

By the way, to my ears, Eben seems to think "guf" is pronounced "gulf".

As for Michael Jackson, the thought that he somehow "chose" to transition from our physical plane at a time when he was well on track to reclaiming his former status as "King of Pop"; the belief that he even thought such a thing could be possible...well, that way madness lies. And you/ion say the real Michael didn't die? i saw a clip of his funeral on the news and all the people who Michael loved, his brothers and especially his daughter...there's no way that their grief was feigned and also no way that Michael would have allowed them to think him dead if he wasn't. And Elvis, too? Man, this is so ridiculous; there's no way either of them would have known how to engineer the events ion says occurred, as if such things were possible anyway.

And then there's this poor deluded sap who phoned in and said that people were calling him nuts. ion, based on all of, oh, let's say ten seconds of conversation, declared that he was perfectly fine. What the fuck? A Charles Manson could have called in and I have no doubt he would have been told that everything's fine, just carry on with your "creation", ignore those who would criticize you. Hey, here's a tip - just because the guy was listening to Eben Ray's show and calling in doesn't automatically make him one of the "good" guys. Fucking idiocy.

Ya know, I willingly paid over $500. Canadian to supposedly get insight into various things, but what do I get? Speaking specifically of Shirley (but, really, everything else as well), I'm saying what I got was nothing more than bullshit.

When I asked about Shirley, to hear that "...iON didn't feel it wise to bring it up - we wouldn't have understood"; well, it just doesn't cut it. To wit:

(1) I ask what's the deal with Shirley. ion responds that "she's not with us" and goes on to say that she's living in Oklahoma City. I'm supposed to accept that ion KNEW she was no longer in our version of the physical, that she had gone into the fucking rift, yet he/she/it chose not to mention that? He/she/it somehow thought I was better served by telling me that Shirley was in Oklahoma City, leaving me with the belief that she was in OUR version of Oklahoma City? He/she/it would have earned a helluva lot more credibility if I'd been told that she had died back in 2006, doncha think?

(2) If Shirley HAD passed into the rift, apparently our "mirror-world", why wouldn't she be in California in that world?

(3) How is it she has TWO kids in that mirror world when she only had one in this world?

(4) For that matter, how could she have ANY kids in that mirror world since her ONE child is still alive here?

I'm calling this whole "ion" crap fraudulent, Bob. I see it as no different at all than when Laurie was scamming gullibles like me out of our cash. You, J.W., and fucking ion owe me $400. American bucks.


From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: RE: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Press Conferences with iON
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 11:02:51 -0300

So, how goes it with the Bernie Madoff of the non-phyzical??

Actually, I already know. See, I wuz talkin' to Ghandi the other day and he told me that they kicked iON's ass outta the REAL non-physical months ago. "What an arsehole!!" said Mohandas, and I'm sure you can imagine what it would take to rile Ghandi up so much that he'd use language like that. "You aren't mixed up with him, are you? Even Flakey Foont stays clear o' that jerk."

I assured him I wasn't, but he implored me to warn anyone I knew of the insidious nature of the beast. I said I would. Now I have.

See ya.


On Aug 23, 2009, at 7:43 AM, Steve wrote:

Here's Otis Redding, somewhere in Europe on the 1967 Stax tour, doing "Try a Little Tenderness". To me, this will always be his classic song, no matter how many times insipid radio stations haul out "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" on those rare occasions when they actually want to play some Otis:


And here's my secret Dartmouth memory/history as it relates to this song:

I fucking loved Otis's version of "Try a Little Tenderness" from the first time I heard it on the radio. Getting a copy of this record as a "prize" in (probably) February, 1967 was enough of a prompt for me to give my first blood donation. And given the relative health of that blood back in '67 versus my high-pressured, cholesterol-laden, drug-addled blood these days, it would be nice to have all those donations back, do a switcheroo, right?

"Ha!" I laugh. "Wrong, Bobby, wrong; I win! That blood, if it were still around, 20 - 40 years later, would be far too old to be of any value now. Ya ever hear of taking science at school? Geez, what a moron."

What am I going on about? Oh yeah, "Try a Little Tenderness".

I've always loved the tension that's created when everyone but the drummer plays this song as a ballad until about the two minute mark. However, for about a minute before that (beginning at the 48 second mark on this video), the drummer had already kicked it up a notch by beginning to play the piece at double-time. The tension created by the insistent rhythmic pulse that the drummer's laying down while your brain is still reveling in the soulful, "tender" melody of the song is stunning (to me, anyway).

Kids today, though; ya gotta laugh at the temerity of youth, right, Bobby? And if ya said "Right!" again, then that's a point for you this time. Good goin', shithead; it is right. Some dickwad, known as "jaimeraim on YouTube, asks,

"Why is it so hard to find music like this nowadays? Yes, I realize I'm probably the billionth person to ask this question, but really....nobody does it like they did back then."

Our (or maybe just my) parents could easily have been making that speech to us (me) back in 1967 as they suffered through Otis' version while remembering "Try a Little Tenderness" as a big band ballad feature for their various band singers.

See ya!


From: purple@fivebodied.com
To: steven
Subject: Re: I KNOW You'll Appreciate This Classic, Bobby
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:25:48 -1000

Chemical Bodies ("the people") don't realize that the Android Meme produces "music" for itself, not for Chemical Bodies (i.e., "you").

We last heard from actual Chemical Bodies making music around 1980 just before MTV:


This is why you prefer "the jazz."


On Aug 23, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Steve wrote:

No, no, Bobby...wrong response AGAIN! You're just no good at this quiz-stuff at all, are you? Way to addle the mind, fer fuck's sake.

No, the correct response would have been:

"Great clip! And insightful analysis, too. Not to mention the wit...ya cracked me up, man!

Not only that, even iON thought it transcended the space/time continuum (or the fuckin' guf or rift or patio furniture or whatever). He actually laughed so hard he pissed himself, inadvertently allowing several unholy shades from the non-physical to escape down his urethra."

Better luck next time!


From: purple@fivebodied.com
To: steven
Subject: Re: I KNOW You'll Appreciate This Classic, Bobby
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 14:14:01 -1000

I'm not always trying to MATCH sense (the fact your comments are funny is a given).

I'm giving you the key to your MAKING sense... of what prompts your musings.


From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: RE: I KNOW You'll Appreciate This Classic, Bobby
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 21:26:18 -0300

Oh. Thank you.


From: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: Fasten Your Aura Belts...
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 11:24:37 -1000

... iON and Dr. Carolyn Dean will now be regular contributors on CASH FLOW with James Martinez and me, every Wednesday (events permitting), starting Oct.21/09:


For iON, see:


For Dr. Carolyn Dean, see:



From: steven
To: purple@fivebodied.com
Subject: RE: Fasten Your Aura Belts...
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 08:43:58 -0300

Still playing with ion, eh? Here on the East Coast, his name's been demoted to all lower-case letters. Fucking fraudulent asshole.

I'm assuming that eventually other clients of ion will come to their senses and see through this scam. It may take awhile, though, since Americans are notoriously gullible about shit like this. Hey, maybe I'll establish a website for them to bitch to each other about it all. I'll call it "howmoronic.com".


 Post subject: Re: The Original Steve vector/angle
PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 12:07 am 
What ever one decides is their truth, then that is what becomes self evident.
Therefore, What you hold to be true for you, may differ from others.
Some say " whatever floats your boat"

What say You?

 Post subject: Re: The Original Steve vector/angle
PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 2:14 am 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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Wow Bobby he is not an iON fan I take it - are you starting to wane ?


 Post subject: Re: The Original Steve vector/angle
PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 4:03 am 
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tayzay wrote:
What ever one decides is their truth, then that is what becomes self evident.
Therefore, What you hold to be true for you, may differ from others.
Some say " whatever floats your boat"

What say You?

BOB: I'm gooood.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: The Original Steve vector/angle
PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 4:06 am 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
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Legend wrote:
Wow Bobby he is not an iON fan I take it - are you starting to wane ?

BOB: Nevah.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: The Original Steve vector/angle
PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 4:16 am 

Joined: April 28th, 2010, 7:28 am
Posts: 2
give the man his money back, a free ticket to Vegas & tell him to follow his joy!

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