Post subject: Just Wondering......Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:00 am
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=127&p=1777#p1777YES, Chromosome 14 maybe?
Post subject: Re: Just Wondering......Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:34 am
Maybe ? Will we have to leave the planet (or realm, or world) by activating our Chromosome 14 in order to elude the impending EMP (electro- magnetic pulse) - is this part of the process ?
Post subject: Re: Just Wondering......Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:55 am
Could you please expand on this whole "Chromosome 14" business?
Also, you mention the significance of sugar in our DNA. Is this type of sugar naturally occur in our meatsack bodies, or is it generated from our diets?
Thank you,
Post subject: Re: Just Wondering......Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:33 am
Thank you very much, as always.
What I was wondering about regarding Chromosome 14 is that what exactly is its significance in our ascension? I am not asking you to write me/us another seven pages, a short and general explanation would be good enough. I just really would like to understand it, and I believe others would find it helpful as well.
Thank you again,
Post subject: Re: Just Wondering......Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:34 pm
What will be the cause of chromosome 14 to be activated? and
What is the definition of a frequency node?
Diet as it is metabolized.... Carolyn has the skinny on Chromosome 14, and well, all of them actually.....
If you have a specific querry WE will try to entertain...
YOUR DNA will respond to the RNA as you allow
frequency node is the path of the receptor conduit in the mind...
You did what the short version because the is 14,235 more words if you like...
Tayzay wrote:
What effects are there when embracing the aspects of tachieon charged particles?
Are there practical ways to equalize/balance the state of beingness as this movement expands/increases?
ie: physically?
Will tachieon movement activate the RNA pathway to Chrome 14?
Curious George...
iON responded:
The particles take on a new strata within the field of containment, good.
None required, as the field increases then the quo will adjust, or draw to the new genome.
new cell
better control of the Love (force field) which contains all emotions
magical increase of levels of contained energy
NO, but RNA seems to be the key to activating Chrome 14
Much Gratitude
Atom Ant
Tayzay wrote:
Well, ain't that just ducky! D)
"The particles take on a new strata within the field of containment, good."
.....strata as in layering or overlaying?
"as the field increases then the quo will adjust, or draw to the new genome"
.....quo includes the mystery landscape? genome as in DNA strand? cell as in a vessel contained for current generation?
clarity offers easier overstanding
Thanks evermore,
Jake's Tayzay
iON responded:
New information code to tell the stands to what to BE
Status quo, that which already is to a new gemome
Yes, and new format, compared to what science knows now
new info=new cellular informed generation
Bob Neveritt