JW pointed out to me yesterday that asaScott made some statements about Carolyn and Yours Truly on the Nov.17th TAILGATE.
After listening to the archive I would like to make the following corrections:
1. asaScott says Bob and Carolyn are of the realm of "academia", "academics", or academically inclined.
Actually I never went to university and have no degrees. I have never been recognized by any academic institution or university anywhere - even in the McLuhan "world".
Likewise, for Carolyn, other than she has medical and naturopathic degrees.
2. asaScott implies that Bob and Carolyn are controlled or influenced by the grant-funding of institutions.
I have always been involved with the "underground" world of culture and there are no grants or funding in that environment... if there were, I never applied for any.
Carolyn has never received any post-graduate grants either.
3. asaScott says Bob and Carolyn conjured "iON".
Carolyn and I have had no experience or knowledge that would guide us in such activity. We wouldn't know how to do any kind of conjuring. iON is a serendipitous accident as far as we are concerned.
4. asaScott says Bob and Carolyn are creating a Mystery School with the Revelations Re-Write Study Group.
Carolyn and I are not interested in creating any more mysteries. We are interested, however, in X-raying the Mystery Landscape and its Bodies. We invite anyone to share in that exploration. iON has shown up to assist us. JW, not iON, has asked for token financial remuneration if he is involved in these endeavors. iON respects and supports JW's wishes.
5. asaScott says Bob controls the way iON interacts with individuals and the public.
Actually, the unofficial "Board" (Carolyn, Bob, and JW) controls these interactions with iON. If there is a vote on this "Board", 2 votes beat 1 vote in any required decision. If a decision is not able to be made, JW goes with what Carolyn prefers. I might protest JW's bias but that hasn't happened, yet. We've gotten along fine so far and any deliberations have been rather casual. We are relatively 3 informal people in style... and have been all our respective lives. Remember, I never even bought Carolyn a wedding ring for the ceremony on June 9, 1970. She bought, I think, whatever was required by the Justice of the Peace in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
All 3 of us have always been "very easy" about it all. And all 3 of us have been characterized by our friends as having "sunny dispositions" all our lives.
6. asaScott says Bob has struggled against a lot of things during his life and has recently changed and come to some kind of "relax and allow" poise or "knowing".
I don't THINK so. I have always been too lazy to struggle against any "outer kingdom" scenes. I avoid struggle. My father, whenever asked before he passed in 1976 what his son did, would reply: "Bob does nothing but he does it very well." That's always been a wonderful cover story for me.
As far as my undergoing a "change', I like to refer to what "mj" said to me last week: "Bob, I like listening to your [recorded] conversations with Andrew [Chrystall, professor in New Zealand]... but you are a completely different person with him [as opposed to how I present myself in iONdom, I guess]."
That's a useful statement because I'd be hard pressed to figure out where to begin to "draw a line" with a quadrophrenic such as myself (and most anyone [albeit perhaps unconsciously] reading this, I might add).
7. asaScott says Bob is an aristocrat.
I and the members of my family, for 300 years, were butlers employed by aristocrats. That doesn't mean we WERE or ARE aristocrats, it means we WORKED for aristocrats.
But I've always agreed with Frank Zappa who once advised people to "maintain their aristocratic cool." As it pertains to me I'll admit that much, asa.
NOTE: By the way, tullah wonders why I don't sound French even though I grew up in Paris, France.
My mother was English and my father was French. I liked my mother and probably took on her tone. There are lots of people in Paris who are not French PER SE. I lived a very sheltered youth on the grounds of the "castle" and hardly learned any French. That's a unique situation in France, I'll admit, but completely understandable if you were there. After all, these were the environs of some of the "Illuminati" - a rather cosmopolitan genre of the human species.
Hope this helps.
Bob and Carolyn