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 Post subject: Illumiati backwards...
PostPosted: November 28th, 2010, 12:17 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 9:21 pm
Posts: 242
I really thought I had heard almost all of it already...the conspiracy theories, the encodings, you know the drill...

But something came through my email today...when you type in illuminati backward in a search bar, and add www. in the front and .com at the end you end up at an NSA site?????

Any thoughts here?...is this a silly thing or something pretty phun and profound?

Interestingly my friend and I have just recently been experimenting with reading backward (and another coincidence, some other recently circulating emails are talking about reading Billy Meiers messages backward to uncover "the truth", hmmmmmmmmm)..

any thoughts?


 Post subject: Re: Illumiati backwards...
PostPosted: November 28th, 2010, 1:30 pm 
ponder this.....
If the printing press created the false premise of time, then reading backwards un does time?
The Bible was put together with the Book of Revelations printed as the last book, yet it is the first book.(per iON)
Arabic and older written languages are all written and read from left to right. An assumed backwards movement to our English alphabet writings.
When one overlays: thinning of the veil,
retrieval of technology that became obsolete; ie: the Box of the covenant.
re-activating our 144,000 strand DNA structuure thus utilizing All the gray matter
contained within the brain. We will use the full compacity of the brain's
functions to 'manage' as a ascending/ascended God.
heaven on earth as it is in heaven,
A time when time will be no more,
The merging of You and You (physical and non-physical)
Outer and Inner kingdoms being our Middle Kingdom of Now.
"Stand back and witness the miracle working power of an everloving GOD!"(You and I)

Many,many moons ago I began writing notes during our tailgates. When I turned to the last blank page of my 2nd notebook I 'noticed' I was actually writting on the first page.? I grabbed my first notebook, and sure enough, I had written from back to front.
Everytime I open my notebook, I am at my closest "now" from when I last put pen to paper!


 Post subject: Re: Illumiati backwards...
PostPosted: November 28th, 2010, 1:42 pm 
the retreival of obsolete technology/power is the cause/effect of the thinning of veil


 Post subject: Re: Illumiati backwards...
PostPosted: November 28th, 2010, 7:55 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 9:21 pm
Posts: 242
Thanks T.....xooxoxoxo
I am pondering...and I see you :)

I am just now watching the movie "The Box"...my son turned me onto it...it is quite interesting!!! Especially noteable after last weeks CF with iON's comments on "living in a box, working in a box, coming home and watching a box, and then ending up in a box"!!!

I seem to be in a dance with the video box (TV) these days when I am not interacting with the "outdoors"...there seems to be so much delivered by us, to us, for us, through this medium.

Again, really appreciate your input here...love u

 Post subject: Re: Illumiati backwards...
PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 2:28 am 
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Joined: July 20th, 2010, 10:06 pm
Posts: 74
"The box" is very good. I have watched it more than once. It delves into the oblivious way people act in attempt to feel more important.

Richard Kelly also made "Donnie Darko". Kelly's father worked for the government.

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 Post subject: Re: Illumiati backwards...
PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 1:52 pm 
mmmmmm.....My son just sent Me his copy of Donnie Darko. He also sent "The Waking Life."
Life imitating Art imitating Life.....



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