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 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: September 29th, 2010, 6:34 am 

Joined: September 9th, 2010, 6:33 pm
Posts: 119
Sorry for the whine guys-(like a little cheese to go w it?)

I didn't/don't expect Bobbie Bob Bob and Co to give nuttin away for real and beggin's not my style....he probably needs the dough more than I do anyway :-)

(Money flows freely and easily to ME!)

If I had the frickin revelations I'd probably share (for free) with anybody I thought really kneaded the info-but hey that's just me..no $$ in my eyes

if I got it and you want or need it and I can help/be of service, then that's my calling. my mission, the fastest path to MY joy in helping others
if that offends anybody, I'm sorry.

What's so bad about being good?

I was just a little shocked at the sticker pprice that's all.. so please do forgive me.

I dunno WHERE I've been but I'm stunned by the prices of almost everything these daze...and almost everything seems foreign to me

stranger in a strange land


 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: September 29th, 2010, 9:32 am 
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Joined: May 8th, 2010, 10:19 pm
Posts: 105
I most certainly and happily pay for all the Revelations Revealed chapters. I thought, this way, I can truly enjoy the ownership and the participation of the benefits. It is only an exchange for me, you give me this, in exchange for that, so I can legitimately participate. It is like the price we pay when we want to enjoy the benefits for watching cable or for driving a nice car. I will joyfully pay full price to the rightful (original) owner/producer.

It is like an offering, a sacrificial offering. You voluntarily give because you want to receive the full benefits and have legitimate ownership of them.

Slain the lamb. An act of sacrifice, gratitude and appreciation.


 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: October 8th, 2010, 1:58 pm 
Is this rules and regulations that would then validate your worth thru a specified exchange which of course you choose to engage with?


 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: October 8th, 2010, 2:37 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661
Power vs. Authority?

Is there an Echo?



 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: October 9th, 2010, 8:33 pm 
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Joined: May 8th, 2010, 10:19 pm
Posts: 105
tayzay wrote:
Is this rules and regulations that would then validate your worth thru a specified exchange which of course you choose to engage with?


Thank you Tayzay for helping me seeing this from a different angle.

I know it sounded like a rule and regulation what I was saying; I guess what I meant to say from my perspective is that, what it counts, or the worth as you put it is the sincerity or honesty in your exchange or offering.

For me, I appreciate and I am grateful for the information, I willingly give my offering of what it is asked in exchange, and I do it from an honest heart, which is what it matters.

By putting a sticker price on the revelations revealed series, authority was exercise on them because a judgment in what the value is was placed on the series, and this became a rule and regulation.


Last edited by Margarita on October 10th, 2010, 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: October 9th, 2010, 9:34 pm 

Joined: September 9th, 2010, 6:33 pm
Posts: 119
So the road to validation always must have a sticker price??

iON has mentioned that you can pay $1500 for a dress shirt (at say Tom Ford's exclusive shoppe in NYC)
or you might find the exact same shirt at Good Will for $1...

the SAME frickin shirt!

Is the "value" or "worth" of a person determined by what he "pays" for something?

If I buy the shirt for $1 and give the other $1499 to some worthy cause or use it to bring joy into the lives of others, does that make me "bad" or "less than"???

If the fastest path to MY joy lies in helping others, does that make me an outcast (or less than) those who choose to express their wealth in simply pleasing themselves (service to self vs service to others)with their "ME FIRST and screw everyone else" attitude?

I've seen people in that world and though you could call them many things.....I wouldn't necessarily call them "happy"!
Money doesn't buy happiness.

Some things you cannot put a price tag on, and I think it's sad that we judge others by what they HAVE rather than what or who they ARE.

I like Bashars definition of "abundance"-(saying that it does NOT have to depend on money)
he says that true abundance is being able to do what you want when you want and not worrying about keeping up with the jones or trying to impress anyone with superFIcIoussssnessssessss

For me personally , it's actually more "phun" manifesting via more creative and unconventional means

therein lies REAL magic! :-)

I think that if you really want something and are meant to have it,
it will manifest or come to you somehow if you can "relax and allow" and get out of your own way

Life should be an adventure and should be fun-
what's NOT fun is being judged by nincompoops (not referring to anyone specifically here)
and snobs who think that if you can't afford to be in the right "country club" or that if you have to ask the price of something then you can't afford it and don't deserve to have it.....
and that you should just stay in the gutter w the rest of the "low-lifes" :-Q

I feel the same way about sanctimonious christians who believe that unless you're part of THEIR elite little flock, that you will NOT go to "heaven".
I've actually had family members tell me that they can't wait to go to heaven so they can look down on me "in the firery depths of HELL" and that they will just LAUGH! (!?!)

If THAT is their idea of heaven and their idea of "entertainment" (watching others suffer) why would I want to go THERE!?!?!?
(That would be "hell" for me!)

but that's just me

to each his OW(e)n

a NOM al iON

 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: October 9th, 2010, 9:47 pm 
Whatever You choose for yourself, give to another. The very act of giving something to another will create the experience that you have IT to give. In this action, You come into a new paradigm about You: You must have THIS, or you would not be giving THIS to another. Once You start being THIS, you've engaged the gears of sowing and reaping, which begins to create abundance in your world.

That being stated, does not imply that one is manifesting in anothers' world. Only that You choose to give to another. Now, why would you choose to give to another? And why would one choose to receive from another?

.........when someone gives, is it an act of generousity to receive?
Be I ever so humbled to ask and receive and then to give a-gain.

My cup runneth over.


There is a destiny that makes us brothers,
None goes his way alone.
All that you send into the lives of others,
Comes back into your own.
Edwin Markham

 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: January 9th, 2011, 3:59 pm 
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Joined: April 23rd, 2010, 6:04 am
Posts: 161
Authority vs POWER
Great cartoon!

 Post subject: Re: POWER
PostPosted: January 12th, 2011, 12:48 am 

Joined: May 9th, 2010, 6:53 pm
Posts: 137
If money flows easily and freely to u then can u send me some?


Put Ur freely and easily where Ur mouth is

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