Lofti wrote:
Please explain what
Neale Donald Walsch was/is experiencing during his "Conversations With God."
OH STEVE! Great question! I want to know too. Conversations with God was something that totally shifted how my husband sees the world and in turn is what greatly helped me through loosing my Dad. I would love to hear iONs take on his books.
I would also love to know if the author of The Celestine Prophecy was channeling or receiving his information from his higher self/ non-physical for his books. That book changed my life back when I was 15 and have always wondered where he got his ideas for that book.
BOB: He got it from an Evergreens series of recordings done in 1984 in Peru at various sacred sites (this is confidential).
You can buy it today.
Just phone 604-536-7402.