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 Post subject: Re: Bodies
PostPosted: February 27th, 2011, 9:34 pm 
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Joined: May 2nd, 2010, 8:59 am
Posts: 136
Bart wrote:
This is very strange. The notion of time as a sphere had occurred to me a couple
of days before I wrote my "My Reading with iON..." article (http://bit.ly/fMaAV4).

And here, perusing today (Sunday, Feb. 27), I see a passage from Zappa I'd never
seen before, offering the same analogy.

I've not been introduced to Zappa the philosopher, save for a Youtube video I watched
a year or so ago of Zappa on Crossfire from 1986 (http://bit.ly/I6xqC).

The analogy seems very fitting. I'm not sure an analogy of time as a plane / surface,
extending in all directions infinitely would be too inaccurate either; where all we'd have
to do is turn (and move) in a certain direction to move forward, backward or sideways
in time...


These serve up an exegesis of Zappa the philosopher:



 Post subject: Re: Bodies
PostPosted: February 28th, 2011, 6:59 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
Posts: 467
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chad wrote:
Bart wrote:
This is very strange. The notion of time as a sphere had occurred to me a couple
of days before I wrote my "My Reading with iON..." article (http://bit.ly/fMaAV4).

And here, perusing today (Sunday, Feb. 27), I see a passage from Zappa I'd never
seen before, offering the same analogy.

I've not been introduced to Zappa the philosopher, save for a Youtube video I watched
a year or so ago of Zappa on Crossfire from 1986 (http://bit.ly/I6xqC).

The analogy seems very fitting. I'm not sure an analogy of time as a plane / surface,
extending in all directions infinitely would be too inaccurate either; where all we'd have
to do is turn (and move) in a certain direction to move forward, backward or sideways
in time...


These serve up an exegesis of Zappa the philosopher:



Thanks a lot! With regard to McLuhan, Zappa, and Bob himself,
there is too much information to digest...

The first video is a good representation of what it might feel like
for someone (like me) just introduced to their works.

Although, I did find the first video a little too negative *rim shot*.
Thanks, I'll be here all eternity.

Depends on your intention, I guess.

In my case, I'd had personal insights that resonated / mirrored what
Bob was explaining (of his own and McLuhan's / Joyce's work, etc.).

These insights made it easier for the other information to sort of fall into
logical (albeit organic) place.

It's interesting, and perhaps unfortunate, that so few are able to
truly reflect upon and enjoy what these other individuals have

As Bob said in a reply post at Five Bodied to a member who had
interpreted and broken down one of Bob's charts, it's only taken
22 years for someone to do that. haha

Of course, within the next couple of years, we'll all know and see
everything they discussed before we get a chance to embark on a
study of it.

Perhaps that's not the point...

Actually, and Bob may disagree, as beautiful and apt a picture has
been offered by these individuals, much like dispensing spiritual
information or guidance, the individual must be in a condition or state
of receptivity - to have a requisite, preexisting accord with the
information, or the instruction would be like trying to plant in infertile

So, aside from recognizing these towering intellects, what's the point?

For most people, I would gather, there's nothing special about these folks. And
this doesn't mitigate or preclude the fact that many may be in a similar or greater
state of knowing...

Even then, as regards the spiritual instruction, the point is not to instruct,
but to direct the individual back to him / herself.

The resonance with any teaching / instruction would seem to occur
spontaneously, within oneself, and independent of that instruction.

The guidance may be more to shed light on these preexisting experiences,
but can never create, or evoke them, which is likely what Bob is doing in
offering these studies.

I don't know how easy it would have been for me to connect with McLuhan's /
Bob's work without first having had insights into what they were sharing.

Intellectually, without these glimpses, I might be able to put it together after
some time, but it would have been an intellectual practice, and I'm more
interested in being in a state of seeing this for myself; and this doesn't come
from reading or listening to these individuals.

I actually have a point. haha I've been wanting to ask Bob this (and, as this
is iON's forum, obviously I welcome a response from iON).
And Chad, your response is obviously welcomed as well on this point.
This conversation is with you.

I don't wish to "push against" the forum. I appreciate that it exists. There is an
excellent and unique camaraderie here, and that really is a rare find. Clearly a result
of Bob's consummate management of the iON situation.

However, and this has been nagging me, is this forum here simply to share experiences
and to offer each other a unique space of encouragement? Is there something
of deep value to be garnered from this; or is there a purpose independent of the
pleasant "chit chat" we're engaging in?

I hope this isn't coming off as inconsiderate, because I truly am curious with regard
to our tactile experience.

The Internet is all chatter. The real insights we're hoping to come to occur off the
Internet, and without the assistance of "information".

The only reason, I feel, I connected with, and saw something in iON was my preexisting
propensity for that experience. Without that, many folks may see iON as a joke.

I think Bob has said that iON asked for this board to be set up. Whether or not that's
true, I would like to know if any benefit (or purpose) is to be derived through this
(possibly phatic?) conversation.

Don't get me wrong, the board is great. It's an essential repository for, and opportunity
to engage with the iON material; and fellow experiencers. And I'm happy to coast along
reading, conversing and the like.

** Removed confusing passage here. Just a couple of sentences, but re-reading, I
couldn't understand what I was saying. haha **

I prefer to get to the heart of the matter. And if it's just here so folks can share their
experiences and encourage one another, there's nothing wrong with that. That's life.
It's being in good company. It's all we can expect from one another.

I've read about eight pages of posts (backwards from page 23 to around 14 / 15), and
the posts never go beyond simple pleasantries. And that's OK. I'm happy to engage.

But, I had to ask, beyond this, is there a greater purpose / something deeper to be
gleaned? Because, for all intents and purposes, as with McLuhan, Zappa, and all of the
other philosophers, it's all chatter.

There is nothing that can be presented to a reader here that can do other than
offer the same ephemeral stimulation one can get from a tabloid magazine.

I ask this with all respect and appreciation for the other members. It is my hope to get
at something deeper.

If iON posts a video hahaa I'm happy to have that as a response; and I continue on
in complete joy and appreciation. I would just like to squeeze the whole lemon
here to see if I can elicit something that may be of further benefit to the folks here.

Chad, any thoughts?

Edit / Update: Shortly after posting this, I may have answered my own question.

Part of iON's stated purpose for being here now is to offer assistance during the
ascension process.

This board offers a place to share these experiences, and a reference point.

iON may have prompted creation of this board, so that when people do start
having more pronounced or intense experiences, guidance may be offered here.

Others' encouragement would likely be more appreciated and necessary during
that time as well.

So, it may be that a welcome space has been created, so when these experiences
commence, or become more intense, this board may offer much needed guidance
during that time.

Still curious what responses may come.

Thanks again,

 Post subject: Re: Bodies
PostPosted: March 5th, 2011, 7:41 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
Posts: 467
Location: non-local
Bart wrote:
However, and this has been nagging me, is this forum here simply to share experiences
and to offer each other a unique space of encouragement?

Is there something of deep value to be garnered from this; or is there a purpose
independent of the pleasant "chit chat" we're engaging in?


iON has said that we will be so busy pleasing and delighting ourselves that we
won't care what our neighbor, or someone else is doing (I know take this as a
sort of admonishment to bring our power back to ourselves).

He's also said that there's nothing we can do to bring a state of knowing to
another (or something to that effect).

It was with this in mind that I asked the question above.

However, I would also like to quote iON as a response to my own query here (from
page 3 of the "TRAVELING TO OTHER WORLDS??" thread - http://bit.ly/fX5hem),

iON wrote:

And what better forum to share openly and for all to in joy the type specific details of "This is your Life" staring Kitty Carlyle.
Remember if you kill a cow you must then make a burger...

Have Phun in all things
Love Always

This puts the boards in a different category, it seems.

And so I shall...have phun...Not kill a cow...

I take iON's "kill a cow" metaphor as (possibly) one having ascension,
or anomalous experiences, and then "making a burger" as signifying one's
sharing of these experiences.

The imperative, "must", is interesting. I looked up the word must,


 /mʌst/ Show Spelled[muhst] Show IPA

–auxiliary verb

1.to be obliged or bound to by an imperative requirement: I must keep my word.
2.to be under the necessity to; need to: Animals must eat to live.
3.to be required or compelled to, as by the use or threat of force: You must obey the law.
4.to be compelled to in order to fulfill some need or achieve an aim: We must hurry if we're to arrive on time.
5.to be forced to, as by convention or the requirements of honesty: I must say, that is a lovely hat.
6.to be or feel urged to; ought to: I must buy that book.
7.to be reasonably expected to; is bound to: It must have stopped raining by now. She must be at least 60.
8.to be inevitably certain to; be compelled by nature: Everyone must die.

SOURCE - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/must

The making a burger part could be interpreted as being something done
out of gratitude for the experience (the cow giving of itself), or as a
compassionate act (of sharing) that benefits others (i.e., to receive
the experience and share it with others).

The must might also indicate an involuntary, or necessary need to
express oneself on the boards after an experience(s).

In any event, I want to say that, my probing regarding the boards wasn't
intended to undermine or diminish the space iON has inspired / created,
but to squeeze it a little to elicit further benefit for those desiring "more"
out of the experience.

I think I have an anecdote that clarifies what the hell iON is saying.

I have to say, when I had my reading, and Bob did a conference call with
Margarita, there was more laughing and just this joyous vibe than real

I was looking for a break to just say "hi", but there was just this elevated

Margarita is a glowing individual. I think all of you folks are the same (and
becoming more so).

I'm highlighting that, because the joy was more important than any
exchange of information. And whatever form that joy takes, let it be.

So, I've taken iON's sentiment to heart. I'm happy to relax and allow and
to let the boards be the boards.

Everything inJOY!

 Post subject: Re: Bodies
PostPosted: March 5th, 2011, 11:24 am 
"Fair Thee Well, My Friend"


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