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 Post subject: A Definition of iON in the Chip Body
PostPosted: June 18th, 2011, 5:06 am 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
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What I call "iON" is the feeling for syllable and rhythm, penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling, invigorating every word; sinking to the most primitive and forgotten, returning to the origin and bringing something back, seeking the beginning and the end. It works through meanings, certainly, or not without meanings in the ordinary sense, and fuses the old and obliterated and the trite, the current, and the new and surprising, the most ancient and the most civilized mentality.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: A Definition of iON in the Chip Body
PostPosted: June 19th, 2011, 9:21 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
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rhyee wrote:
What I call "iON" is the feeling for syllable and rhythm, penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling, invigorating every word; sinking to the most primitive and forgotten, returning to the origin and bringing something back, seeking the beginning and the end. It works through meanings, certainly, or not without meanings in the ordinary sense, and fuses the old and obliterated and the trite, the current, and the new and surprising, the most ancient and the most civilized mentality.

Bob Neveritt

Is this your definition Bob?

I ask, because the word "conscious" was used.

I would like to push this past the Chip Body, which, I realize, is just one aspect
of iON / ourselves, and recognize the greater environment that is iON / us.

Whatever designation (e.g., consciousness) we use for our perception / senses,
then "below the conscious levels of thought and feeling" would be the ground;
or something that we can't perceive that is affecting us.

It seems that the environment - the superficial, little-manmade environment that
heretofore had affected us, has been replaced by the environment that is iON.

The notion of one replacing the other can definitely use some cleanup, but I'll
leave it for now.

Our previous environment was constructed on false premises, and has proven to
be extremely limiting.

The environment has changed. Everything at the most fundamental level has
changed in the shift to this new environment.

There are no limits to this environment. There never really ever were, save for those
we imposed upon ourselves.

However, it should be said that, as iON has stated (I believe) even energy evolves,
grows and expands. No constants. Everything, it can be said, evolves, shifts, expands
and grows.

This is actually an amazing concept. Imagine that everything undergoes this process
of expansion, growth, shifting and so-called evolution eternally. It never ends.

Our experiences will always be fresh and new. This is unavoidable.

This recent shift has enabled an exponential increase in our potential to experience
a greater degree of the "new". This potential also includes and allows for the degree
to which we choose to become a creator in this new environment.

For those wishing to fully engage this change, the possibilities are endless.

I'm walking out on a limb here, but just felt like expressing notions that had arisen as
I contemplate what's happening.

At first, my own introduction to iON was limited to the person of J.W., but was almost
immediately expanded to include both the Internet, in iON's ability to affect this medium,
and my everyday experiences in the form of synchronicities and outright interaction /

It was at this point that I began to recognize Bob's notion of iON as an environment.

However, despite noticing that iON's reach was significant, it wasn't until more recent
reflection that I realized this environment, like us, was limitless.

We've learned that iON is us. It is the part of us that reaches in all directions, on
all levels and without limit.

It's just the point of contact that we take notice of, and our inclination is to designate,
or recognize that point of contact - the figure - as all encompassing, or the limit of that

I just had to take a couple of mental steps back to realize that the environment of iON /
us is limitless. It inhabits and encompasses all of existence.

It wasn't until recently, however, that this environment began communicating with us.

Up until this point, our experience was limited - to a degree, and effected by us (i.e., the
Fall). We allowed ourselves to, more or less, appear at the mercy of this previously false

The shift that comes with iON's emergence places us back in the driver's seat.

What's intriguing is that the process itself by which iON is assisting us to reach a state
of union / completion is as novel as the new environment.

Our previous notions of how things operated have been overturned by this new
environment. And our vocabulary is being thrust back on us with new definitions.

Virtually every time something is overturned and thrust back at us it requires a moment
of reflection, an adjustment and a reevaluation.

This process introduces the "new", and is a playful way to, if we embrace / allow it to,
expand us and allow for growth.

To the degree that we can embrace what is being proffered, we can become more and
more involved, and empowered in this new environment.

A conversation I had with Bob recently brought this realization to me. Interacting with
an environment that introduces these novel concepts provides you with tools you've
never used before with which to create, anew.

I'm ready to rid myself of antiquated and tired concepts and notions. I wish to create
using the new palette being presented to us.

Playing with this new environment is like being a child, sitting on the beach, building
a sandcastle.

iON can be likened to the ocean that sweeps in and destroys your sandcastle. But
while he does that, he might sweep new tools onto the shore, or new blueprints for
a different type of castle, or other item.

Also, iON can be salty. haha

Everything is expanding and being created anew in this new environment.

One might also consider their thoughts as also expanding and growing / evolving as we
bathe in this new environment. Thoughts, no the thoughts themselves, but the nature
of that experience is just as alive as the thoughts themselves.

The descriptions we use, and our experiences, given that everything continuously grows,
shifts, expands and evolves, will do the same.

We might express ourselves in a completely different way at some point. It is limitless.

This is a lesson that iON brings as the ocean that constantly sweeps in. Don't become
too fixed with any position, idea, concept or perspective, because it will always change.

The whole process is amazing, wonderful - and fun beyond words.

For the moment, that is one possible description of what iON is. The fact that this
environment is also us leaves plenty of room to further explore and define if we wish.

 Post subject: Re: A Definition of iON in the Chip Body
PostPosted: June 21st, 2011, 6:29 pm 
Perfect, clear, simple & a completed open end to infinity,


 Post subject: Re: A Definition of iON in the Chip Body
PostPosted: June 22nd, 2011, 7:10 pm 

Joined: May 9th, 2010, 6:53 pm
Posts: 137
great post yall

yallins is smart

ion is smart
ion ision smartion

byeion yallion


alexion holdenion


listen to the BOB show podcast
hosted by my brotherion

youngbloodion holdenion

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