OK, here I am again. Monday morning, November 7.
I spoke too soon when I said the effects of the drops
had diminished early last week.
I've actually been enjoying the intense ride all week,
and through this past weekend.
When I posted about it diminishing last week, it
actually had that morning...But slowly crept back.
It wasn't as intense, but the noticeable shifting has
Today begins the third week of this intensity.
The headaches / pressure in the head is, for the most
part, gone.
I do get occasional faint blue flashes, as well as some
rainbow-colored flashes.
The symptoms have moved to my stomach, where I've
been having some interesting, contrasty experiences.
I won't go into too many details, but it does include
a tight feeling in the stomach. Almost like cramps.
Those of more delicate constitutions may want to turn
away for this next part, but there has also been some
sustained, intestinal discomfort. hahah
OK, you can look now.
The symptoms have also included dizziness, as well as a
very "awake", all over restlessness.
All of the experiences I've had over the last two weeks
have been, without a doubt, new to me. Totally new.
I really don't have a reference point for this shifting.
So, as I'm experiencing longer periods of contrast, I'm
left with a very bizarre feeling at the same time.
I'm seeing it, and experiencing it, and it isn't wholly
pleasant, but I can't categorize it.
I can identify the parts of the body experiencing the
sensations, but that's about it. haha
My whole being seems to be experiencing intense shifting.
I went back down to 30 drops a day, and Re-Align twice
a day, and the shifting is more manageable.
Couldn't imagine what Matthew would experience on this
generation at 90 or 120 drops a day, as he seems to have
more sensitivity to it. Wow! haaha
If I had to back off, that should tell you something.
If I wasn't sure of what was happening here (well, as sure
as one can be, given the circumstances) I'd be happy to
go off the drops for a bit.
But like Aerosmith, I don't want to miss a thing.
It's funny, but the drops are both the source and
balm for this shifting. They're still making me feel
awesome, but at the moment, that's the sugar that helps
the medicine go down.
This is the longest stretch of this severe of shifting
I've experienced (two weeks). It's affected my sleep,
and my waking hours, so there hasn't been anywhere to
Given this, I definitely have to recommend Re-Align. iON
said it will ease the shifting, so I'm on it.
I realize the shifting is iON getting the Devil out. hahaa
I'm cool with it...(he says with a grimace).
I wanted to share, because someone else may be experiencing
this as well. You're not alone, but sometimes it wouldn't bother
me if you were. hahaa

"The power of iON compels you! The power of iON compels you!" hehe