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 Post subject: emotion and compassion
PostPosted: February 21st, 2012, 9:08 pm 

Joined: February 12th, 2012, 10:27 pm
Posts: 4
Dear Classiclady, I don't have a clue what the hell u said." The journey is not about emotions", but we allllll have them in this world of the physical human

creators including you, Bob, and the rest. And yes I know Bob cares enough to push, as you are doing so, that I might get a grip on what ever is discussed. And

you said he IS compassionate, which is the Supreme emotion , so which is it? Is he not on the journey as well, is he not in his place of power,as you seem to

know where I am and where he is. yes, no, yes, no, which is it! I am confused. I am new at this, u are not, u have been sorting this stuff out a hell of a lot

longer than me.

Sorry folks, I am having a hard time these days and am out of sorts. I apologize for the attitude, and I won't post any more. Just listen, relax and allow. But thanks for

all the support.

 Post subject: Re: emotion and compassion
PostPosted: February 22nd, 2012, 4:49 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
Emilio wrote:
Dear Classiclady, I don't have a clue what the hell u said." The journey is not about emotions", but we allllll have them in this world of the physical human

creators including you, Bob, and the rest. And yes I know Bob cares enough to push, as you are doing so, that I might get a grip on what ever is discussed. And

you said he IS compassionate, which is the Supreme emotion , so which is it? Is he not on the journey as well, is he not in his place of power,as you seem to

know where I am and where he is. yes, no, yes, no, which is it! I am confused. I am new at this, u are not, u have been sorting this stuff out a hell of a lot

longer than me.

Sorry folks, I am having a hard time these days and am out of sorts. I apologize for the attitude, and I won't post any more. Just listen, relax and allow. But thanks for

all the support.

BOB: Given that what can be uttered is literally infinite, iON's given the easiest and
simplest way to approach it.

The short answers is, only speak what it is you wish to have in your experience.

And iON gives examples like, "My physicality is in perfect condition, and operates
optimally.", "Money flows freely and easily to me.", etc.

We are also encouraged to consider what we would like to experienced far beyond
this. What else would we like to have in our experience? The possibilities are

There are no limits, so whatever you want to experience can be yours, freely and
easily. It just needs be spoken, and allowed into your experience.

The finer details are still being sifted through, but we're not in a hurry.

As a brief response to the so-called swear word question, it depends on their usage.

For the most part, swear words, or curse words fall into the etiquette category.

However, when "speaking angry", swear words work just as well as any other word
for creating.

The swear word in the following expression may indicate additional excitement,
or joy at the possibility being considered.

In a sentence such as, "I really fucking want a red Porsche convertible, so I can
drive past my old girlfriend's house and show it off.", the first thing your non-
physical / angels / Source energy / the universe - whatever you want to call it,
recognizes and acts on is the noun, "Porsche", followed by adjectives describing
that noun.

Everything else in that statement is, for the most part, excluded.

It's not always the noun that is picked up. Sometimes it's an adjective.

iON's quoted someone as lamenting, "I'm ruined. My life's in ruins." and that
individual thereby creating the experience of ruination (whatever that individual's
interpretation of that is).

Clearly, there was heightened emotion behind the utterance above, and that
added, in some way, to the creative force (e.g., in degree, or capacity, etc.).

The same thing with people not wanting to be "fat". People who worry about
being fat, saying, "I don't want to be fat. Why am I so fat?", etc., are creating
that condition.

The same thing with poverty, "I don't want to be poor. Everyone's so poor.
Why am I so broke all of the time? I never have any money?"

An interesting note with regard to the latter example above, "I never have any
money.", one would think that the noun "money" would be picked up and

However, given the sentiment being expressed, and the other poverty-focused
statements overlaying that statement, the overall effect is one of poverty.

This also brings up the notion of overlaying. If we've created something we
aren't pleased with, we can simply speak and overlay those creations and bring
about that which we do wish to have / experience.

When emotion and / or clear intention is put into the words, there seems to be an
additional energy or power in those evocations.

It is also interesting to note what it is that often manifests to us. This is the part
of creating that we're still getting a handle on.

You can speak / say something specific, but what typically manifests is something
that ends up being more resonant with the "frequency" of that request, rather
than one's specific image(s) as to what should manifest, and how.

You may have heard accounts of people praying, or speaking to God and asking
for certain experiences, only to later admit that they'd received something
completely different than what they requested, but it ended up being exactly
what they needed, right when they needed it.

Go figure.

An example iON gave is of a woman wishing her husband dead. The way this
manifested could be in her husband vanishing, never to be heard from again.

It was a resonance of complete and total absence of the husband from her
experience for ever. In the woman's experience, there was no difference; the
end result was the same.

And this makes sense.

As every death is a suicide (i.e., the person transitioning must wish to transition),
if that woman's husband wasn't in accord with transitioning at that point, and
that woman spoke the words, then the universe must accede to both conditions;
therefore, the woman's husband vanished in here experience, but didn't experience
transition in his own.

So, simply speaking creates. You don't have to worry about curse words, save for
the context of their expression.

iON's said, we can say a word, about which we have no image or definition - just
some jibberish word, and that word creates. At that point, we just speak it and
let non-physical / the universe do the rest. That creation will come to us if we
allow (a topic for a whole different discussion).

Whatever you say is. It just needs to be allowed into your experience.

Also, iON has also responded to queries about how someone could create, who
wasn't able to speak by saying, that individual could groan, or moan; or attempt to
express themselves in that way, although ineffectually, and scratch on a chalkboard,
for example.

We're still learning about the dynamics involved in our own expression. At the
moment, we have a very limited notion of what's involved in this creative faculty.

We've spoken / created all sorts of confused and mixed up creations up to
this point that, for many, it feels like they're just in this unmanageable mess -
a victim, when the reality is just the opposite.

We're now in the middle of experiencing what we've laid out for ourselves up
to this point - and, now, desiring to get past it, so we can get to the good

We've been working at cross purposes with ourselves, because we'll speak
one thing one day, and overturn, overlay, or undermine it the next.

Simply by having a knee-jerk reaction to situations and speaking in the heat
of the moment has in itself created a lot of drama / contrast.

This is one reason why our experiences seem disconnected, disparate and

This is why iON's first order of business was to bring our attention to this, so
that could, first and foremost, be cleaned up.

It's the beginning of creating an environment where we are firing on all cylinders
and creating consistent with our wishes.

And from that new space, a groundwork, or foundation is laid, where more
and more is allowed, we expand, and begin the merging of Heaven and Earth.

And as regards our creative capacity, making shit up - lying - is no different.

Folks have said, "I made it all up and it somehow came true." It's no different.

There are folks, who have embellished their exploits - flat out lied and made stuff
up, and that stuff came to pass.

This is what we're talking about. So, just say you're rich. Everything you desire
is yours. Everything is abundant in your experience that you wish to be so.

When you consider this, or even speak it, you might initially feel reluctant
about it, or that your words aren't in accord with your view of so-called reality,
but that's the point - your view needs to be overlayed and overturned.

Now, let's get past the academic shit, because more often than not, that tends
to get one tangled up.

It's time to just speak. Just say it. What do you want? iON's saying, "What do
you want? What is it you wish? What is your desire?"

We're already in the space of Heaven and Earth. Now, we're just allowing.

Enjoy - relish and effervesce with these self-affirming statements. Just fucking go
for it!

Speak what you want. Make shit up. And don't limit.

People have gone too long saying things like, "I don't want to say it, because
I'll curse it; or it won't come to pass." when the exact opposite was the case -
say it! And love saying it!

Let the joy and jubilee in uttering everything you want and more to wash over

Now is the time to say it! Get it all! It's yours! Don't worry about if you're saying
it right - just speak your wishes, desires and dreams.

It's all yours for the taking. It's your birthright.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: emotion and compassion
PostPosted: February 22nd, 2012, 8:06 am 
Site Admin
User avatar

Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
Emilio wrote:
Dear Classiclady, I don't have a clue what the hell u said." The journey is not about emotions", but we allllll have them in this world of the physical human

creators including you, Bob, and the rest. And yes I know Bob cares enough to push, as you are doing so, that I might get a grip on what ever is discussed. And

you said he IS compassionate, which is the Supreme emotion , so which is it? Is he not on the journey as well, is he not in his place of power,as you seem to

know where I am and where he is. yes, no, yes, no, which is it! I am confused. I am new at this, u are not, u have been sorting this stuff out a hell of a lot

longer than me.

Sorry folks, I am having a hard time these days and am out of sorts. I apologize for the attitude, and I won't post any more. Just listen, relax and allow. But thanks for

all the support.

BOB: Or alternatively:

It's easier to answer a clear, straightforward question, which you did
with the swear word question.

Regarding emotion and compassion, however.

Yes, every human being has emotions. And these emotions can affect
one's decision-making process.

This is the "Inner Kingdom".

Emotions are fine. They're a part of who we are.

Contrast excites emotion. It's not a good or a bad thing. It just is.

This is not in question. It's a part of our experience.

We happen to be moving, however, toward a state where our our
feelings will be "un-hurtable" (per iON). Also, where our emotions
will be less extreme and affecting.

Until then, we're navigating the same, for many, choppy waters.

You're on the drops, so you're on your way. They definitely make the
ride easier.

What's in question (and in the process of being cleared up), however,
is where we made other people responsible for our happiness - our
emotional state.

It's the point where the "God" surrendered his/her power and made
someone else responsible for their happiness / enjoyment.

This is why Pat Benatar wrote Sex as a Weapon.

She gave her power to a guy, who, I'm sure, knows how to "strut that
stuff", "how to act tough", and has a "body like a centerfold", but gave
her power away she did.

When we "voluntarily" entered the condition of less-than-ness - of
surrendering our power to others, this gave rise to this whole mess,
including so-called compassion.

What is compassion? Here's what Merriam-Webster has to say,

noun \kəm-ˈpa-shən\
Definition of COMPASSION
: sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it


Middle English, from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French, from Late Latin
compassion-, compassio, from compati to sympathize, from Latin com- + pati to bear,
suffer — more at patient

You see what's wrong here?

Compassion is, essentially, seeing another as less-than. It means seeing
another God's creation and not recognizing that that God created that

It's also a desire (stirred by emotion in the witness) to change, alleviate,
or clean up the other God's situation.

Compassion, as a socially redeeming quality, is only necessary when a) the
so-called "victim of circumstance" feels they require assistance, b) the God
witnessing this circumstance sees the other as less-than, and c) this same
witness is incomplete, or lacking themselves if they don't somehow remedy
or improve the situation (which is, in itself, a surrendering of power to the
observed as responsible for their own happiness; and, clearly, a
misunderstanding of the situation).

The word (and concept) "compassion" is an abstraction, categorization and
a value judgment of an experience. That's all.

It means the object of compassion is less-than, powerless and needy; which,
by extension, also means the witness and possessor of compassion is less-than,
as they clearly don't recognize their own or others' Godhood.

If one doesn't recognize Godhood in another, how can they recognize it in
themselves, and vice versa?

We've taken this aspect of helplessness - of reliance upon those outside of
ourselves and made it a social edict called "compassion".

This is the same principle behind social rights movements.

Social action groups acknowledge some sort of lack, less-than-ness, or
weakness in whatever segment of the populace they decide, and create
"less-than-ness help centers".

They're saying, "You can't get your act together, so we're going to try to
help you along". It's all based on a false premise.

It's the categorization of, and the value judgments placed upon this
personal dynamic that gave rise to this confusion, and this discussion.

There's nothing wrong with it. It's important to recognize where we went

Now, does this mean that an individual won't offer assistance to another?

Of course not.

Compassion still exists (i.e., the desire to assist another where one can), but
the social edict aspect is removed.

Sometimes assistance, or guidance (so-called compassion) comes in a form
not immediately recognized as such.

This does not mean the desire to assist is absent in the one offering this

In the end, however, we're each responsible for ourselves. All of this confusion
regarding emotions and compassion will clear itself up.

Until then, questions are still answered, and answers questioned.

But just know that no one here is in "need" of compassion. And no one "needs"
another for support.

You don't need to get your "God legs". You have them.

Now, that being said, everyone is starting where they are. And most everyone
is happy to oblige when requests are made.

Assistance? Sure. Guidance? You bet. Compassion? Good luck.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: emotion and compassion
PostPosted: February 22nd, 2012, 3:15 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 8:58 pm
Posts: 23
To me compassion is recognizing someone else's actions as something I would/could have done or have done. Then I can be at peace with it. I enjoy helping someone if I feel like it, but not because I think they are they are less than.

When I was on the big Island of Hawaii we went to the Waipio Valley. It has the steepest 1 mile road I have ever seen. They have signs warning not to drive non-4WD vehicles. We decided not to drive our rental car but to walk down and back up. On the way up I was not enjoying the very steep climb and wanted a ride. There where many jeeps driving up but none stopped. I think it was too dangerous to stop midway. I told my girlfriend that I'd really like a ride about now. About a minute later a 4WD jeep came up from behind stopped and asked us if we wanted a ride. I gladly accepted. As we were driving up I asked the guy why he stopped. He said he didn't know why he stopped. He just had an impulse. Did he stop because he thought we were less than? Was that my creation of a ride?

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