WOW thank you guys so much!!
(Chad and Margarita).
I was really surprised to find some actual dialogued response.
It is greatly appreciated and makes me so happy!
thank you thank you thank you!!!
I was really expecting to see some cryptic boob-tube greatful dead toe-jam punk rock-snot rap crap trap WTF is THAT supposed to mean baloney that would just leave me wondering once again what planet I just dropped in to, or from, and how I ended up here! :-Q
(not to knock you "tubers"- it does have it's place in the mongoloid mean and hebralite annuknockian dailectic, BUT sometimes just a straight answer will do nicely thank you.)
I had a reading with iON and I didn't even get the damned t-shirt!?!
I was sicker than a dawg w food poisoning for several days last week and used the down time to over indulge in all things iOnic ...which does have a tendency to topple everything you thought you knew....lots of sacred cows are led to the slaughter no? and this stuff is not for the faint of heart.
So yeah, I know that I know all this stuff, but just get a little lost sometimes
Your gleanings do help and I like seeing different perspectives and sharing in this way
I shall read and re-read to be sure....
seems like the middle kingdom is the place to be (the middle path?)
and yes yes YES
M.C. in "Light on the Path" said
"make no judgements
make no comparisons
delete the need to know why"
I think Jesus' comment of "kill your mother and father" refers to cutting yourself free of all the negative programming that does not serve-
I know that when I stop and look and try to determine where this or that came from (in my ways of seeing and being in the world) it usually can be traced back to the ingrained programming and biases that were instilled by family, community, church and/or society at large.
We only think that we think, whereas many times it's simply programmed response and, we the sheeple, are so worried about what everybody else thinks that we become our own worst enemy.
As David Icke says, we police ourselves by being afraid of what granny will think or what Fred and Ethel down the street might say ...."Oh my, we can't have that now can we?...Better fall in line ..dont want to be DIFFERENT do we?" lol
Thanks again everybody
onward and upward
Mega Hugs for all ,
(may not be as jiggy as "slurping a slippery pussie at Coyote Ugly" but, hey,
maybe I'm just a boring kind of mega god/magnificent creator being on safari here on this speck o splendor we call Earth-school!)
I'll have to check out Revelations Revealed
thanks for the tip Margarita