Dupes of Non-Physical

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 Post subject: CASH FLOW Questions
PostPosted: February 24th, 2011, 12:38 am 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
02/24/2010 11:04
Name: Rob
Location: Riverside, Missouri
Message: Ion: Many of us have a hearts vision for PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TOWARD MEN. This would seem to be a different RATIO between the physical and non-physical than we are presently creating. What about that?
Ion: your instant answer seems to have been: "Peace begins at home. Simply becoming AWARE of the non-physical--changes our physical manifestations to include that perspective." Telepathy?

02/24/2010 11:05
Name: Renee
Location: WA State
Message: James,
You were talking about TM yesterday. I heard that you had over 400,000 listeners a few weeks ago during a Wednesday show. Can you ask iON the correct procedure and verbiage need to accomplish good intention to its fullest and then use it on your Wednesday�s show to change these insane things going on in the world. I suggest we start with deterring any attacks on IRAN.
Thanks, R

02/24/2010 11:09
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: for all 4 of you: what is the source of self hatred in the soul of americans?

02/24/2010 11:11
Name: Rob
Location: Riverside, Missouri
Message: Ion: THANK YOU.

02/24/2010 11:13
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: If we created the Earth did we then create the Universe?

02/24/2010 11:25
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: james : heard your show yesterday and checked out the bloom energy generating
device .i think this is the audience to drop that little nugget upon,good show! upon a good show

02/24/2010 11:31
Name: Trish
Location: Paso Robles, CA
Message: I feel in limbo with my work. Any Ideas? I'm semi happy with my part time job but would like to produce more money to help pay the bills.
Thank you

02/24/2010 11:42
Name: Tom
Location: everywhere
Message: Ion's description of reality sounds a lot like a modified Metaphysical solipsism.
Sort of a "Group Solipsism" if such a thing is possible. Perhaps a schizophrenic solipsist view, as it were.
Comments, Ion?

02/24/2010 11:47
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Are the Acupuncture points a useful reference to gauge the proximity of the non physical with the meat sack?

02/24/2010 11:50
Name: a friend
Message: To Carolyn
Thanks Carolyn for being a balanced middle Kingdom! for the rest of us.

02/24/2010 12:00
Name: M. P.
Location: Deep South Texas Border
Message: Should I buy a property in this geographical region? If so, I am going to be able to find it with owner financing with a no bank involved?

02/24/2010 12:00
Name: Jane
Location: Los Angeles
Message: Carol I experience sharp headaches that last for up to a minute this has been going for 3 years when I am driving there is so much pain I must pull over to keep from hitting someone I have been to the doctor but everyone medication they have tried does not work and I do not take any. Can you give me a medical diagnoses, my doctor is going to schedule me for test? Also these headaches are not daily

02/24/2010 12:04
Name: Jane
Location: Los Angeles
Message: Ion I have been practing relaxing and allowing but the headache still come, I never had headaches in the past and do not like having these headaches they came after I recovered from a coma does can this have something to do with them. and please have Carole respond also.

02/24/2010 12:09
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: pantheistic solipsism

02/24/2010 12:22
Name: Chad
Location: Chad
Message: iON, what does it mean when my hands and feet feel cold?

02/24/2010 12:25
Name: Steve
Location: the resonant node
Message: iON, can you explain what is involved in the the process of:

"coming into vibrational proximity?"

02/24/2010 12:26
Name: Pam
Location: CT
Message: Along the same lines as the last real estate question...how do you recommend negotiating with a bank on a home I own already in foreclosure; that is come to an ageement on a principal reduction or a short sale to myself. I have already decided it's the fastest path to my joy to remain the owner of the property.

Thanks! Love you!

02/24/2010 12:28
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: oh yeah!! ion: can you go into what kundalini and the human nervous system
are about? is this a normal potential of all human beings that is some how blocked by the psychosis of modern life ?

02/24/2010 12:33
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: IS there less champagne and dancing in the guf when human creators ask the same questions? What bliss is there in non physical besides interacting with humans?

02/24/2010 12:37
Name: Scott
Location: Indiana
Message: I was raised to believe that money was in short supply. My mom clipped coupons and my dad worked a job he hated. I am an adult who has never had a profitable relationship with money, quite the contrary. I am in debt and I am scared that I will never get ahead of it. Is it my belief system that keeps abundance at bay? If so, how can I overcome, or reprogram my mentality of lack? If not, what is it?

02/24/2010 12:40
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam

02/24/2010 12:41
Name: Santiago
Location: Washington
Message: The color is vermillion, I belive

02/24/2010 12:41
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam

02/24/2010 12:47
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam

02/24/2010 12:47
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam
Message: Hi

02/24/2010 12:48
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam

02/24/2010 12:49
Name: Santiago
Location: Washington
Message: What was the skype name of that room again?

02/24/2010 12:49
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam
Message: Hi

02/24/2010 12:53
Name: Conner
Location: Amsterdam
Message: What is the fastest way to get rid of my torticollis? It stood between me and my joy for the last 10 years.

02/24/2010 12:54
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: the spear of Longinus

02/24/2010 12:59
Name: naz
Location: london
Message: Ion you guy's are spoiling the show.... making fun of other people is not cool or realistic in spirit world... it's better to laugh with people instead of at people....what message are you giving to those listeners who are not wise enough to know the difference.... why add to the confusion?....you are suppose to clarify life. What are you hoping to ACHIEVE....

02/24/2010 13:08
Name: Sheila
Location: Paris, France
Message: Hi James!
You can let Ion know that I found a persimmon red. Is that the color he was talking about?
Thank you, this is the best fun!

02/24/2010 13:21
Name: Califia
Location: Gardena
Message: Ion I love the business venture I am practicing now; however I have not invested any money in it, when I decide to invest will I be better than I am right now at it. I also find it tricky learning how to use words in the affirmative or talking to my non-physical because using words like need, hope, or want says that you lack. Give me example of how to speak correct words when speaking to my (I AM)

02/24/2010 13:28
Name: Tom
Message: I want to know if Alex really has any friends?

02/24/2010 13:33
Name: Kendra
Message: Thanks for the medical questioning.
My children have parasites and/or pinwoms. I do not want to use pharmacuticals so can you direct me to a good alternate.


02/24/2010 13:45
Name: Earl
Message: BOB!!! ask if this person is jehova.
Ask if this person Jehova.

03/03/2010 11:09
Name: Michael
Location: Miami, Florida
Message: For iON: If we as meat bodies don't have to follow other meat bodies into earthquakes, floods or other happenings, how do we avoid these? Do we just change dimensions or put ourself in other bodies or are we automatically in our right place?

03/03/2010 11:14
Name: Rick
Location: NC
Message: Talk about -- if you would -- the concept of the Jubilee in relationship to the cycles of boom and bust throughout the timeline of what we call history.


03/03/2010 11:17
Name: michael
Location: miami, Florida
Message: So being in the hurricane belt, does one just ride out the storm or take safe refuge?

03/03/2010 11:18
Name: Hettie
Location: Lowlands
Message: Greetings marvelous creators and iON!
Here's a follow-up question from last week regarding my dad who had fallen and gotten pneumonia. He has mostly recovered now.
Question for Carolyn: my dad is short of breath which makes it harder for him to move and regain his strength. His appetite is mediocre still too.
Any suggestions?
iON: your two cents for my dad?
Many thanks as always :-)

03/03/2010 11:27
Name: kaye
Location: tx
Message: Can you tell me about the significance of circumsion on the 8th day, If I read correctly Jesus was circumsized on that day. how does this appply to today ?? Was it just a ritual they did then, what was the reasoning?
thanks to you all.

03/03/2010 11:33
Name: Brandon
Message: but they wouldn't come down on drinking sewage? =]

03/03/2010 11:34
Name: a friend
Message: Ion, please give a remedy for parasites and yeast. Thank-you and bless all of you.

03/03/2010 11:35
Name: Califia
Location: Gardena
Message: Hello Everyone,

Bob did you ask my question from last week, you said you might forget, so I am reminding you to ask Ion my question. Thank You Smile...

03/03/2010 11:43
Name: michael
Location: miami, Florida
Message: One conspiracy is that the 8.8 earthquake was retribution against a Nazi stronghold in that area of South America. Also it is told that all recordings / reporting of earthquakes are 1 point lower to give us the illusion of less powerful earthquakes.

03/03/2010 11:48
Name: michael
Location: miami, Florida
Message: I would like ride the storm but wives don"t agree with this male attitude.

03/03/2010 11:49
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: iON is there a new musical genre being created?

03/03/2010 11:51
Name: Margarita
Location: South Texas Border
Message: I have three questions for iON:
1) Is there a spiritual hierarchy (beings more advanced than others) in the non-physical?
2) Do parallel universes exist? If so, when we dream, Do we visit those parallel universes?
3) Are there any practical techinques to assit an individual in the thinin of the veil?

03/03/2010 11:54
Name: Earl
Message: Bob,
I know that my weather here in britsh Columbia Canada has been exactly how I prefer weather to be. The Olympic commitee didn't see it this way. All winter has been like spring. I can't deny what I really like. I like what I like and it has shown up wonderfully. All that power and yet I can't get my new puppy to stop pissing on my floor 4 times per day. Go figure.

03/03/2010 11:55
Name: Victoria
Location: stl
Message: jubilee is the forgivness of debt every 7 years.

03/03/2010 12:19
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Is contrast increased and dealt with instantly while becoming and being ascended?

03/03/2010 12:30
Name: Dave
Location: Ireland
Message: Bob, Carolyn & iON, Is there a basic blueprint to the Structure of Existence, like
1. You exist always, but may change form.
2. The all is one, the one is all - everything is interconnected.
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. The only constant in the universe is change, except for the first 3 above which never change.

03/03/2010 12:46
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Hi guys,
Bob, could you please bring Rhyee into a topic of conversation. I find this very interesting as the first separation. Maybe an explaination from iON of this first searation and what it is. Could rhyee come through iON?
If so, Bob please query some questions...any will do.

03/03/2010 12:56
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Bob,
What does it mean then that Rhyee has returned to essence?

03/03/2010 13:05
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Bob,
1.Thanks for your patience with these questions. I am wondering how the Guf relates to essence.

2.If Hitler is in the guf (or maybe he's not) is not Ralph Duby then too? Has Ralph Duby forgiven Himself?


03/03/2010 13:07
Name: Chad 1
Location: Chad
Message: Regarding my dial for parallel world travel, do I illustrate it with 12 slots like a circle of fifths in musical theory? Are the keys in the inner wheel offset from those in the outer wheel? If so, how many steps are they offset?

03/03/2010 13:26
Name: michael
Location: miami, Florida
Message: My wife must have a lot of male. She is from Brazil and priority is sex and food.

03/03/2010 13:29
Name: Dave
Location: Ireland
Message: Hi James, the 3rd point in extended form is
3. What you put out is what you get back - your physical reality is just a mirror reflection of what you most strongly believe to be true and will not change unless you change first.

03/03/2010 13:31
Name: Sheila
Location: Paris, France
Message: Hi James!
I heard Ion's question about my mural. Does he have any advice on my installation of it this weekend? I'm a bit apprehensive.
Thank you!!!

03/03/2010 13:39
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Bob,
1.Thanks for your patience with these questions. I am wondering how the Guf relates to essence.

2.If Hitler is in the guf (or maybe he's not) is not Ralph Duby then too? Has Ralph Duby forgiven Himself?


03/03/2010 13:45
Name: Chad 1
Location: Chad
Message: Are the symbols placed into the dial clockwise or counter-clockwise in the order I received them?

03/03/2010 13:53
Name: Chad 1
Location: Chad
Message: Do the next rung of symbols in the helix visually overlay the lower rung to create compound symbols, or do I only display 13 symbols at a time?

03/10/2010 09:03
Name: Ray
Location: los angeles
Message: Hi Steve,
Can you please tell me if, you see me taking a trip? (may)
I have a minor surgery that I should be having within the next few weeks and I am hoping it wont interfear...


03/10/2010 09:05
Name: OB
Location: california
Message: Hello Steve,
Please tell me if, you see a new relationship coming up for me or do you see me reuniting with an old fling?
I am see an older woman, not sure if, this will work??

I send you White Light! and Blessings

03/10/2010 09:07
Name: Reina
Location: el centro, ca
Message: Steve,

I send you love peace and the energery of white light!

Can you please tell me what you see for me in the month of april and may...
or any other insight that you feel i need to know...

Bless you for helping us ALL!!!

03/10/2010 09:10
Name: oSCAR
Location: LA
Message: hey steve,

can you see what is going on in my love life? or advise
i am dating several girls but, i dont seem to find the right connection! do you see someone coming soon??

03/10/2010 09:17
Name: Shari
Location: CO
Message: I really, really like that buy into your on self!! That's such good advice.
Your so damn smart!!! and that my friend you can buy into!! :)

03/10/2010 09:45
Name: Jami
Location: AZ
Message: Hey Steve : ) wondering if you see the "Bigger" company paying my husbands company the many dollars they owe them for the work they've completed? The stress is SO overwhelming for him (Ben) & I'm worried about his health-. ....if it's going to be awhile Tell me..GET A JOB..lol! THANKS!! have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!! : )

03/10/2010 09:50
Name: Shari
Location: CO
Message: Awww Sorry Dude here's a hug. Have some good soup today. It will make you feel better. :)

03/10/2010 09:50
Name: Steph
Location: idaho
Message: One of those "sad" days here too...it's gotta be the weather... Any positive messages from my guides?

03/10/2010 09:58
Name: Jane
Location: Vancouver
Message: Good Morning Steve,

I also am feeling off balance and out of sorts as well. I know something needs to shift in my life and it almost feels like I am being held back. Even my relationship feels off right now. Can you tap into my guides and tell me what is going on? What do I need to do?

It is so cool that you got to meet your daughter!

Thank you so much and blessings to you,

03/10/2010 10:00
Name: Rhonda
Location: Burbank, CA
Message: Hi Steve, who was singing the song you just played? You, you, you?

03/10/2010 10:15
Name: Shari
Location: CO
Message: We have a lot of computer software companies. Oracle for one. Sun Microsystems. He could make good money selling software programs :)

03/10/2010 10:45
Name: Shari
Location: CO
Message: Shite CO is a veterinarian state. We are a huge community of pet lovers and there are really good schools here.

03/10/2010 10:46
Name: Shari
Location: CO
Message: Shite, everything is here. This state is awesome. Man I'm glad I live here!! Sunshine 325 days a year, beauty, and me. What more could you ask for!! HAHAHA

03/10/2010 10:47
Name: ~Crystal~
Location: Florida
Message: ~Hi Steve, do you see a new career coming for me? I am really wanting to get out of the waitress work. Thanks much!


03/10/2010 10:53
Name: Helen
Location: Maryland
Message: Hi. Steve, I would like to know will I be able to transfer to my prospective colleges for fall 2010 admissions? I am applying to colleges in the New York area, New England region, Michigan, North Carolina (Duke University), and the Ivy League schools which are Brown, Columbia, Cornell, and Yale. What is coming up for me in 2010? Is Liza J coming to Achieve Radio?! Is she still with CBS?

03/10/2010 11:00
Name: Pam
Location: Ct
Message: James/bob-is there a way to listen to show on iPhone? My Internet is down now!


03/10/2010 11:05
Location: Miami, Florida

03/10/2010 11:11
Name: Robert
Location: NJ
Message: Can Ion point me as how to help my wife over come her asthma She is on medication and tried all kinds of homeopathic treatments etc. It sort of helps but the asthma returns. I think it is mostly an emotional issue. She sort of believes it to. At present she is not open to any woo-woo so it is impossible for me to approach her with any esoteric ways of relax and allow or to come to her power

03/10/2010 11:23
Name: Bob Marshall
Location: everywhere

...hey guys can we address how syntax functions within the labriynth of the mind and and how it affects our understanding of the non-physical...!?...in other words - language and the labrynth of the mind...!?

03/10/2010 11:26
Name: kay
Location: tx
Message: Hello : can Ion tell me what I can do to open up more to my higher self?What blocks I might be having, or anything else he sees.. perhaps something I can look forward to - a direction I might take?? I am really happpy with my life at the moment - the only thing I would change is to be more decisive, (focused) and more intuitive so my choices will have wonderful results for me.
thanks to all

03/10/2010 11:27
Name: BobMarshall
Location: everywhere

...so how important is syntax/language to thought formation and the labrynth of the mind...!?...

03/10/2010 11:29
Name: Margarita
Location: South Texas
Message: So, is there is 2 of everything; does this means that I have a duplicate in a parallel dimension/world? Describe the other parallel world, Is it like this one? When you travel in your "meat sack" do you actually take your physical body? Can you take your family (children) or is at individual level only. What is the purpose for para-dimentional travel? (learning, enjoyment)List techniques to travel

03/10/2010 11:29
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
when ion channels an entity/ person/, like when bob asked ion to channel McLuhan , what is that entity; in relation to the concept of your soul going back to the oceanic guff state? which contains the essence of the formed personality of your last human incarnation ?

03/10/2010 11:36
Name: M. P.
Location: Texas
Message: Follow-up on parallel-world traveling:
Can your soul-mate be in the other parallel world? And appear only in your dreams.

03/10/2010 11:46
Name: Bob Marshall
Location: everywhere

...so can we control how we use language in the labrynth of the mind, can we stop syntax misfires in the labrynth of the mind if so how...!?...

03/10/2010 11:58
Location: miami, Florida
Message: Many believe in destiny or decisions made prior to this life to learn certain lessons, people to marry, time they die. Define destiny please. Are there lessons to learn? Do we through our beliefs of destiny create destiny?

03/10/2010 12:06
Location: miami, Florida
Message: shoutcast app then look up achieve radio

03/10/2010 12:22
Name: Sheila
Location: Paris, France
Message: Hi James!
For some reason I'm having difficulties hearing the broadcast, but everytime I can get a connection Ion is addressing all the questions I had today. What's that about???

03/10/2010 12:31
Name: Margarita
Location: South Texas
Message: Sorry, I didn't mean to order iON around, I actually run out of space. My question is, Are there different techniques for parallel world travel? Is there natural or nature's portals or stargates? How do they look?
Thank you

03/10/2010 12:42
Name: Angela Nolan
Location: ireland
Message: hows it going:)

instant manifestation is cool to watch within the now
different level
how does one activate the sleigh of the hand in this now:)
ie setting the table with one hand movement:)
fun fun:)

03/10/2010 12:46
Name: Margarita
Location: South TExas
Message: iON, you keep rhyming "Fajita" with Margarita in South Texas. But, I don't eat meat, Is there something wrong with been vegetarian? I'm just curious.

03/10/2010 12:47
Name: Linda
Location: Nevada
Message: How exactly do we create and "relax and allow". For example, I would like my Accounts Receivable to come in faster. I stay relaxed until the bank balance gets low and then I worry how to pay payroll and bills. What thoughts should I be thinking in order to "relax and allow" and rid myself of the worry.

03/10/2010 13:10
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
ion would you say that bob's dissertation on thomas aquanises'
theory of proportions /percentages /ratios is a method to successfully
navigate the labyrinth of the mind?

03/10/2010 13:17
Location: miami, Florida
Message: When iON says the 1st lord's prayer. What are the mechanics for translating the prayer from a non English language?

03/10/2010 13:19
Name: Hettie
Location: Lowlands
Message: This is a question for iON:
Sometimes it feels as if I am in two IS's at once. The feeling is so intense, yet, I allow one "Is" more than the other. How do I relax into a perspective that will help me ease into the other dimension or universe?

Thank you :-)

03/10/2010 13:21
Name: k
Location: tx
Message: Hello another question please: Can you talk about this woo - woo of the planet Nibiru? Thanks

03/10/2010 13:26
Name: Bob marshall
Location: everywhere

...yes that's what i was asking earlier about how important language and syntax are important to the labrynth of the mind and creating our reality...!!!???

03/10/2010 13:31
Name: Renee
Location: Washington State
Message: Does the cup from the guf enter the meatsack at the time of conception or at birth or during growth in the mother's body? Does the cup from the guf have a choice of what meatsack they take or is it first come first serve? What is the process?

03/10/2010 13:33
Name: BobMarshall
Location: Everywheree

...did the artist Antonin Artaud transition and not transition at the same time...?

03/17/2010 11:15
Name: M. P.
Location: Texas
Message: I just received my census form, I would like to know why the government is requiring our family personal/private information. Some people in the fringe or alternative media are saying that we can invocate our miranda right "the reight to remain silence". Why the goverment wants our private information? Do they have a hidden agenda that what we volunteer to say can be use againt us in the future?

03/17/2010 11:18
Name: brandon
Message: for dr. dean -- what minerals / vitamins are helpful in withdrawing from misdiagnosed ADHD [adderall (20 mgs / day)]?

03/17/2010 11:18
Name: ~Crystal~
Location: Florida
Message: ~Hi Lisa, I would like to hear about any upcoming changes in my life such as a move and a career change. Thanks much!!


03/17/2010 11:27
Location: NC

03/17/2010 11:32
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisa
Message: In Article 1, Section 2, the Constitution includes the phrase:

[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

Congress first met in 1789, and the first national census was held in 1790.

03/17/2010 11:56
Name: richard
Location: NC
Message: Could the Ritalin meme also reflect the idea of killing the aborning Christ child, making certain that this aborning spirit will be disconnected?

03/17/2010 12:25
Name: Margarita
Location: South Texas
Message: iON: Does the thinning of the veil is going to be happening to eveyone? Or individuals are going to be a different levels of conscious awarness? I read from the new age people that some are going to the 5th dimension while other will stay the the 3rd. I am a little confused, What exacltly is going to happen in 2012?

03/17/2010 12:32
Name: Sheila
Location: Paris, France
Message: Hi James!
I just received a rampage of appreciation from a friend, and I thought I'd pass it on to you all as I am so thankful for you, Bob, Carolyn and Ion.
Question for Ion: Is the element of Cobalt integral to the color of Cobalt Blue (and if yes, then how) or is that just the naming of the hue?
Thank you!

03/17/2010 12:34
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: question for any or all of you'se guys :is there /was there any connection between the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION AND THE WORLD TRADE CENTER? WAS IT

03/17/2010 13:08
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Bob I have international numbers also

03/17/2010 13:15
Name: angela nolan
Location: ireland
Message: hiya
happy paddies day :)

did ion say the cobalt blue was a portal activation coz thats quite cool

cud u speak more languages ion? can translate them really beautiful:)

03/17/2010 13:34
Name: twilight
Location: moon
Message: Hi everyone,
Thanks for a great show. Bob Many times you have mentioned vampires. Could iON please elaborate on this and get as detailed as possible for the sake of woo woo.

03/17/2010 13:38
Name: Ionized
Location: cyberspace
2 questions:
First - Since an ion is an incomplete atom, what is your purpose in adopting that moniker?
Second - as the "All Knowing" non-physical, please tell us what you can say about chocolate man-hole covers?

03/17/2010 13:41
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Bob, iON chastized you and you handled it perfectly. Your an inspiration. I'm still licking my wounds from when Carolyn kicked my butt last week.

03/17/2010 13:43
Name: angela nolan
Location: ireland
Message: hiya
dont know if got last question:)
if theres enough room cud ion talk about the ancients(oringinals) and their tunnel building skills

03/17/2010 14:00
Name: Earl
Message: It's all great fun. Love ya'll

03/24/2010 11:07
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Please talk about what Ion said last week " Joy is your fastest path to what is" How does this statement differ from " Is this the fastest path to your Joy? "

Tayzay = french word spelled taize, used as a salutation,meaning: liberate your core of goodness.

03/24/2010 11:08
Name: Robert
Location: NJ
Message: Thank you for the help with my wife's asthma it is still work in progress Question Were all humans aware of their powers on earth at any period - if so why have we given it up and to whom? Can any one comprehend coming in to their power instantly if they wish so I like woo woo so don't hod back please.

03/24/2010 11:12
Name: Margarita
Location: South Texas
Message: 1)When the non-physical enters the meat sack? At conception, 90 days? When abortion happens, does the women becomes a killer or the baby choose to be aborted? 2)Is there anything missing in people who chose to remain celibate because they don't enjoy sex or don't have orgasms? 3)Are plants/flora non-physical? What do you think of people who don't eat meat from the beasts and remain vegetarian?

03/24/2010 11:20
Name: Rob
Location: Missouri
Message: I have been able to find forgiveness for the Control Paradigm on planet earth. Although those evil ones involved in it are not aware, this extreme pressure is acting as a CATALYST to WAKE US UP. It is driving us to our own power. ION, can you elaborate on this?



03/24/2010 11:24
Name: t,j,
Location: L.A.
Message: james ; listening to your show yesterday i heard the news that you were in a
group with col. tom bearden. so the thought arises that you have an inwith one of the most informed man on the subject of free energy devices. have you ever thought of trying to get investors together to fund an independent company to produce the widgets ? if you announced it dollars to donuts you would be flooded with $$

03/24/2010 11:25
Name: Rob
Location: Riverside, Missouri
Message: Is not the "center" the One Source of All That Is? The thread that leads to all the worlds is the "event horizon?"

03/24/2010 11:41
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: My non-physical appeared has 2 beings dressed in robes, why did they take this form and interact with me this way?
How can I interact with them again without the labyrinth second guessing and oppressing?

03/24/2010 12:00
Name: Califia
Location: Gardena
Message: Hello Everyone,
To Ion and Bob
Have you recorded the magical word-ology CD yet? I look on the website and do not see it, if not when should I expect to see it on the website.

03/24/2010 12:08
Name: Margarita
Location: South Texas
Message: James, I sent you twice the same message because I'm not sure if you got it the fisrt time I send it. If you can please ask iON my questions, Thank you

03/24/2010 12:18
Location: MIAMI, Florida
Message: CAN ION EXPLAIN WHAT many label as "ORBS "? Has new technology enabled us to photograph these more readily now?

03/24/2010 12:20
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise ID
Message: My husband was just diagnosed with liver problems/Hep C (heavy drinker as a young man). Have I ordered the right supplements for him?

03/24/2010 12:35
Name: Anicca
Location: California
Message: Since time is an illusion, only people measure everything with time, and in spirituality there is no time, going to a psychic is actually useless! Please comment....

03/24/2010 12:58
Name: twilght
Location: moon
Message: Ion, please follow up on Carolyns question about Father/son/holy spirit in each kingdom.


03/24/2010 13:14
Name: brandon
Message: 10 million was just added to carolyn's bank account

03/24/2010 13:14
Name: brandon
Message: yes your live

03/24/2010 13:17
Name: brandon
Message: james / carolyn: it did sound like credits being added at a casino.

03/24/2010 13:20
Name: brandon
Message: eat right for your type: http://www.dadamo.com/

03/24/2010 13:25
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise
Message: RE: husband's supplements, I oredered LIV52 and high content milk thistle. I also will order mineral supplement for our water. The MD basically gave him a death sentence

03/31/2010 11:16
Name: brandon
Message: My non-physical is beaming. I start typing and iON brings up mirrors.

My thought which I am working on manifesting is a magic mirror between individuals that is controlled by the participants biofeedback.

An example : Couples Therapy.

Both husband and wife look within the mirror and only see their own reflection until they both reduce their Heart Rate by 20% and then they can see each other.

03/31/2010 11:20
Name: TayZay
Location: michigan
Message: A socrates thougth:
An unexamined life is a life not worth living

03/31/2010 11:27
Name: Brandon
Message: :) Old South is where it's at.

03/31/2010 11:34
Name: richard
Location: NC
Message: Hello Ion from Zion

Do you remember the barbershop opposing mirrors? where you could look into infinity while your head was being cut (off). Is this phenomena like Indra's Mirror?

03/31/2010 12:21
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise
Message: last week Ion recommended Shark fin oil for my husband's liver "dis-ease"
The oil of shark fin is not avail here in the USA as far as as I can tell (online) because of the cruel means of attaining it (cuting off the fins and throwing the sharks back into the water alive to drown)I've seen it on National geographic and it looks very cruel. Is this the only supplement recommended by Ion?

03/31/2010 12:30
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: how much taller will we become?

03/31/2010 12:33
Name: mike
Location: Miami, Florida
Message: To what degree with the boiling point of water change and how soon? Are you talking a fraction or full degrees?

03/31/2010 12:48
Name: mike
Location: MIAMI, Florida
Message: What does ion mean body size volume, height ? waste size, will enlarge in porportion to one's own body size? If this is going to happen. Can we assist in changing our height if one is of short stature or change to our ideal shape and size? What is changing in volume mean? Fat? Muscle? Bone?

03/31/2010 12:54
Name: Linda
Message: We had our business sold a few years ago and it fell through at the last minute. The amount the buyer offered was the exact amount I had written down on a "wish list" 2 years prior, so I knew that I had created that sale. When it fell through, I could not figure out how I caused it to fall through. We are ready to find a buyer and sell it again, but what do we need to do to make sure it happens.

03/31/2010 13:20
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: so everybody listening should invest in clothiers and furniture manufacturing?

03/31/2010 13:27
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: CERN achieved it's new record on Tuesday - For the first time it smashed subatomic particles together at more than three times. This was the highest than the previous record.
What is the timing significance of the 5th?

03/31/2010 13:29
Name: Jane
Location: Vancouver
Message: Hi James, Ion, Bob and ____ (oops, I forget � so sorry!)

I enjoy your show so much. The banter is so entertaining and Ion never seems to miss the opportunity to amuse us. Good stuff!

In listening to the previous caller about her scar it has me wondering how I can apply this logic to body weight. I suppose I have labeled myself and until I can figure out how to �unlabel� my body as being one way or another it will remain that way. OR�..do you have suggestions for me?

Thanks for all the great information and smiles, as I listen while I work.

Jane in Vancouver

03/31/2010 13:33
Name: K
Location: tx
Message: Ion: What should I do with the book I created? I am at a standstill on what/how to create it further. Is it worth the "time" (ha) and trading of money to create more money??? Self publish?? or get someone to help me complete this project?? Where should I go with this??

Thank you,

03/31/2010 13:40
Name: Jane
Location: Vancouver
Message: Hi Carol, James, Ion, and Bob

Fabulously delicious advice for weight loss!!!


03/31/2010 13:42
Name: a friend
Message: Hi guys,
Bob and iON are you two geting tired of each other yet? You both are seeming a bit like an old married couple. Are you possibly spending to much time together?

03/31/2010 13:44
Name: Pat
Location: California
Message: Please return to the discussion of 'IS' from the end of hour 2. I found that topic very important.


03/31/2010 13:45
Name: Linda
Message: Follow up to your response -- we are having a fantastic year so far with our business - far better than expected -- If it keeps up this way, you are right, I will make more money now than I would have sold it for. Thanks for adjusting my perception.

03/31/2010 13:56
Name: Tayzay
Location: Michigan
Message: Time is simple
day to day
season to season
It is not meant to count minutes nor measure lifspans

04/07/2010 11:15
Name: Allen
Location: Conecticut
Message: Hi James,

This message is for Ion...
Question: Ion, Can you see if the recent "Restore America Plan" is going
to happen in the next week or so, or is this just more B.S. like the Nesara Plan?

04/07/2010 11:20
Name: alison
Location: earth
Message: unable to access live? any advice here?

04/07/2010 11:26
Location: NC
Message: The webpage was changed.

04/07/2010 11:27
Name: Hettie
Location: Lowlands
Message: Re. Live Streaming:
There are some changes to the site...this URL works....I had the same challenge not being to locate the streaming for sound:

04/07/2010 11:28
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Link to listen live is on the home page of Achieve website. Bob, I told you to contact David:)

04/07/2010 11:29
Name: alison
Location: earth
Message: found it, thanks

04/07/2010 11:35
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.

04/07/2010 11:51
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: ALex liked the The Ionosphere overlay!

04/07/2010 11:57
Name: Hettie
Location: Lowlands
Message: ....maybe you can post a message on the site with the url :-)

04/07/2010 12:31
Name: Mystery
Location: Here
Message: If love is a force field, what is a force field?
And, how does it work?

04/07/2010 12:32
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: How is CERN affecting our ionospheres?

04/07/2010 12:33
Name: roger
Location: australia
Message: Howdy James, would Ion like to comment on the following words "mirror of change". this is not a question, It is intended to be more of an intuitive suggestion.

04/07/2010 12:33
Name: Califia
Message: James you may want to repeat go to the Achieveradio.com site and hit live and the listeners will be able to hear your radio show live.

04/07/2010 12:33
Name: Linda
Message: I have tinnitus in my right ear and I know it came from a lot of negativity on my part about my business 4 years ago because many times I said I wished I couldn't hear the phone ringing all the time. The right ear is my phone ear, so it's logical I have noise in that ear. Is it possible to make my ear whole again so the noise goes away and if so, how do I do it?

04/07/2010 12:34
Name: Earl
Message: Hi folks,
James thank-you for being such a fantastic host and as well cudo's to your station for being top notch.

Ion, if I am all the power that is then what's the big deal about cold fusion?

Thanks muchly

04/07/2010 12:42
Name: Angela Nolan
Location: Eiru
Message: Hows it going:)

my first mememory of physical walking into this kingdom of Gaia/Earth is the same physical manifestation here n the now - the only difference been ratio scale - that tells me that my body is physically immortal

reversing the programs rewinds/reverses the aging process within time and space or n the now - activating/deactivating gene
cud u talk about that

thanks :)

04/07/2010 12:52
Name: Sheila
Location: Paris, France
Message: HI James,
Great show!

iON has often alluded to the renaissance in a cheeky way, is it because it means "rebirth" and there is only one birth? Or is the word renaissance a reference to something that is "shiny shiny"?

04/07/2010 12:56
Name: Califia
Location: El Segundo
Message: Carol what is the best magnesium to buy and what is the best ion drops that you can use in juice? Do you sell the products on your website?
Ion I am studying psychology and you are redefining what I accepts as valid or true, I reject most of the concepts that they are teaching. My memory does not hold on to what I am learning because I know what psychologist accept as good behavior is not correct. Do you have any suggestion on how I should approach this field of study since I understand that it does not matter if you right or wrong and I know that a person must desire to change their behavior but are probably not accepting responsibility for them-self or accepting themselves as God?

04/07/2010 13:06
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise
Message: Ion: I have heard the non-physical KRYON speak and he once said he helped to create the Earth. Input?

04/07/2010 13:09
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: I love you guys! But either ION (or more likely Bob) is making me wanna drink today while listening to the show.

Rock on...

04/07/2010 13:17
Name: roger
Location: australia
Message: howdy James, would Ion like to estimate the amount of 6.0 magnitude and above there will be for 2010...2009 had around 1800 according to some websites.

04/07/2010 13:31
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Does the so called Higgs boson imbue particles with mass, or is it the speeding up of the ionosphere and subatomic dynamics thereof?

04/07/2010 13:34
Name: Linda
Message: Ion, thank you for the tips on my ear. Do I put the sweet oil into my ear?

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions
PostPosted: March 5th, 2011, 1:03 pm 
Good follow through Bob!


 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART TWO
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 6:16 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
04/14/2010 11:30
Name: brandon
Message: this discussion reminds me of the scene in Fight Club when Tyler Durden has kissed Edward Norton's character and poured on the lye.

Screw going to your cave. This is your pain.

04/14/2010 11:34
Name: union
Location: hollywood
Message: when the changes that ion says are coming ,size wise, water wise, etc.,
will that activate other potentials in the human morphic field ?

04/14/2010 12:22
Name: Scott
Location: Georgia
Message: I've been eating whatever I want and I have gained weight. What happened?

04/14/2010 12:27
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: What is the real story behind the Polish airplane crash?

04/14/2010 12:51
Name: Earl
Message: Hi Guys,
Before these portals open the way you speak of are pigs going to fly? Please go into this territory and explain the dynamic here. If there is a timing to this could you please give it.

Thanks muchly

04/14/2010 13:33
Name: RC
Location: Amsterdam
Message: I see no recent 4.8 afterquake in China on this quake monitor:

04/14/2010 13:35
Name: RC
Location: Amsterdam
Message: http://www.iris.edu/seismon/ this one show the values, red is today, no recent 4.8 quake in China

04/14/2010 13:35
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Is the opening of the ionic-sphere part of the veil thinning?

04/14/2010 13:36
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: Re: Scott & eating what he wants. Completely agree with ION on smothering things in gravy or whipped cream but what has not been covered IMO is issues lurking within the labyrinth of the mind sabotauging us. Such as my feeling a need to exercise to keep slim. So, it doesn't matter what I eat b/c at this point in my life I still feel the need to do cardio.

04/14/2010 13:49
Name: a friend
Message: Could you fine crazy people please answer this. In your marathon session a few weeks ago ion gave a really interesting piece on the empting of the guf. With that very fine speech that would mean everything we discuss here is obsolete. Is this true?


04/14/2010 13:56
Name: Earl
Message: great!Carolyn

04/21/2010 11:25
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: The damage caused by Iceland volcano "Eyjafjallajokull," could be far more damaging than is being reported. It has happened before, and it could happen again. The last large eruption was in 1695 with consequences lasting seven years and brought Scotland to its knees.

04/21/2010 11:57
Name: Sacha
Message: Is it true that, as written by Thoth there is a black box beneath the pyramids/sphinx that contains the secrets of the civilization that instructed the Egyptians?

04/21/2010 12:17
Name: Allen
Location: Connecticut
Message: Question for Ion:

Ion, what was the significance of the Egyptian
Ankh that we see in the artwork within the
Great Pyramid at Giza? Is it the gateway key to Ascension?

04/21/2010 12:17
Name: Sacha
Message: Another question about Egypt... what's the message that they were trying to tell us about Isis (Sirius) & Osiris (Orion)?

04/21/2010 12:25
Name: mike
Location: mIAMI, Florida
Message: Ion referred that most don't know how the people got into Auschowitz? How did they get there? I have read that the camp were comfortable compared to the camps after the war for the Gremans.

04/21/2010 12:46
Name: union
Location: hollywood
Message: People Can Emit Measurable Microvolts of Energy from Their Eyes, Phenomena Is Basis for Evil Eye
People can shoot energy beams out of their eyes that others can feel. Brainwaves in the 1�40 Hertz, 1�10 microvolt range are emitted through the eye and can be measured using a high-impedance electrode housed inside electromagnetically insulated goggles, according to psychiatrist and author Colin A. R

04/21/2010 13:28
Name: K
Location: tx
Message: Hello everyone.Can Ion tell me how accurate is the book STAR WARS the essential ATLAS from the core to the rim of the galaxy?AlsoI found a volcano-like cheese called a "enchanter",even the Ashed-type.
Just two more questions? 1. Can you give me a good homeopathic remedy or insightfor my daughter who is nausea/flu-like?
2. Where is Ameilia Airheart (sorry about spelling)
Thanks, love you all

04/21/2010 13:39
Name: Earl
Message: Hi guys and gal,
Whats past the event of seeing our future selves. Is it seeing each other as ourselves undeniably?


04/21/2010 13:51
Name: Dr. Paul
Location: Costa Mesa CA
Message: Hey I'M in Costa Mesa! Where is she?

Or am I her?

04/21/2010 13:52
Name: Pam
Location: CT
Message: Saint Germain is mine Bob - don't be trying to hook him up with Amelia!

04/28/2010 11:31
Name: Richard
Location: NC
Message: Please discuss the European bond issue in US Civil War -- where the elite collapsed the South's bonds and demanded, at war's end, full face value of these junk bonds ...

And here they are again, repeat, repeat ...

04/28/2010 11:39
Name: Kelly
Location: Arkansas
Message: Question? Pls forgive if I am asking the wrong Acheive radio station? However just wondering if this there is anyone here that can give a reading? I have very heavy energy today and just wondering why? Again pls forgive if I have asked in the wrong show.


04/28/2010 11:47
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: How does voltage and amperes relate to frequency, vibration and kneading the non-physical.

04/28/2010 11:50
Name: Carol
Location: FL
Message: the news reported Noah's Ark was found on Turkish Mountaintop -- What does Ion say about this?

04/28/2010 11:52
Name: Kelly
Location: Arkansas
Message: ok ya'll are too hard to keep up with. So many talking and I am confused by this whole show.

04/28/2010 11:56
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hello James, Caroline, Bob and ION.
What are the objects very near to the sun that have been posted on youtube recently? One person on an interview said that they were souls... is this a disinformation person? Please tell me more about these.

04/28/2010 12:01
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1l4XkJw ... re=related

This is a link for the objects

04/28/2010 12:05
Name: union
Location: hollywood
Message: 1. Who was Caspar Hauser ? 2. Bob, do you have any updates on ongoing news about the Booteians ?

04/28/2010 12:14
Name: Renee
Location: WA STATE
Message: I am listening to the show in the office..mean while, my coworker Tina is freezing cold and I am about to strip because she has the heater on full blast. Why is she so cold while here in the office. She says she is not this cold anywhere else. Help me! It is way too hot in here!

04/28/2010 12:15
Name: ~Foo Fighter~
Location: Off your wing.
Message: What forums? Are they private forums for paying customers?

04/28/2010 12:17
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Hi All,
The bacon is sizzlin' and Jake's world is rockin'.
He (Jake the non-physical dog) barks his "we have company" bark like never before.
No surprises here and now. Just More,More,More.

Comments! Jake is barking is "we have company Bark"
at this moment. (no one is here)

04/28/2010 12:25
Name: Unis
Location: Oklahoma
Message: Question for iON:
You speak of how at one point physical will completely merge with non-physical and able to stay in your body, experience bliss AND create. What percentage of humans will experience this since most seem more connected to American Idol than themselves or wont they have a choice?

Is this process ongoing or is there a certain point when this will occur?

04/28/2010 12:26
Name: David
Location: New Mexico
Message: Did I hear correctly that Ion declines to address questions of who really was responsible for 9-11? Given that this event was the pretext for extraordinary abuse of personal freedom and mass hypnosis, why will he not deal with this subject? If I'm mistaken, I simply ask that he proceed with his revelations. Thanks!

04/28/2010 12:26
Name: Earl
Location: 85719
Message: Please discuss the emptying of the guff. This seems to be the most important event EVER! iON, Please don't hold back and sqeeze this like it's the biggest juiciest lemon of all time because I think that's what it is. Bob, go ahead sqeeze away. Don't you think we should get with this. Even if it's a bit scarey, should't we know.

04/28/2010 12:34
Name: LJ
Location: idaho
Message: What does Ion know of the "Kryon of Magnetic Service" entity

04/28/2010 12:50
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi from spain my question for ion is how do you know your mission in life?thanks for the show .

04/28/2010 13:10
Name: Sheila
Location: NY
Message: I'll be on tailgate! Who could miss that!

04/28/2010 13:29
Name: Richard
Location: NC
Message: Ion --
May be off subject, but can our sun generate an electro magnetic pulse (EMP)? What energey, or lack of energy from the sun would cause the same scenario as an EMP?


04/28/2010 13:31
Name: non physcial
Location: 85719
Message: Hi guys,
are we witnessing the breakdown of the Bob machine on live radio?


04/28/2010 13:37
Name: Linda
Message: Please let me know exactly how to create something and then have it manifest.

04/28/2010 13:48
Name: ~Foo Fighter~
Location: Off your wing.
Message: "You're already doing it" Like palmolive... "You're soaking in it".

05/12/2010 11:10
Name: Joe
Location: LA CA
Message: Hello James, please talk about the May 6th stock market drop. Who did it?

05/12/2010 11:22
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: you were speaking a week or so ago about the EMP, I noticed that number 1 you did not respond to the part of the question of "when" it will happen. Is that up to us human creators "when." Also, will this EMP wipe out all our devices, computers, electronics, motor vehicles, and clocks and therefore "Time on Earth will be no more?"

05/12/2010 11:26
Name: Jen
Location: California
Message: If love is a force field...is fear also a force field or the opposite end of the continuum from love?

Thanks for your insight!!

05/12/2010 11:29
Name: Richard
Location: norf caroleena
Message: If I can change the subject from eating all the fish, Ion, could you please address the concept of the "super-wave" pulsations -- the Galactic center WAVE alignment thang ...

05/12/2010 11:30
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Comment stated by iON, "We are not God....." I was under the understanding we all are of that essence of 'God' as a drop of water in the ocean, contains the base principles, all the drops combined, are the ocean

05/12/2010 11:33
Name: Brandon
Message: No way the oil spill is recentering culture. The 1st public meeting for the coastal protection restoration authority of Louisiana isn't until next wednesday.

05/12/2010 11:34
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: you are speaking of an ineffable quality. yes?
ineffable is too great for description in words;
or can't be defined, can only feel = non physical

please comment and thank you very much.

05/12/2010 11:37
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: iON, Is it not true the places of the valdez spill that were not 'cleaned' are bountififul, in comparision to the bare cleaned places, still to this day? Why the great hype for this spill? How is making money in the disaster mode? And will they hang the CEO as a scapegoat.

05/12/2010 11:50
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: Actually the bra is green! :)

05/12/2010 11:55
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hello evrerybody I have this question ,does everybody have emotions ,feelings.?

05/12/2010 12:13
Name: Sheila
Location: Rhode Island
Message: Hi James!

Bob stated in the first hour that non-physical does not guide. But iON specifically guided me a couple days while I was in the park via my iphone! How about that?

And,I'm still searching for an app that will alow me to listen to Cash Flow live on my iPhone, any suggestions?

Thanks, love you guys.

05/12/2010 12:13
Name: Richard
Location: norf caroleena
Message: It was a nod to carol -lyn...
I did not ask this out of fear or any of that. I'm writing a script/story now that involves this phenomena.

Is this a magnetic/energetic pulsing? Not heat or electrical...

Shrimp and grits for ever!

05/12/2010 12:19
Name: Sherry Moe
Location: Mount Vernon, WA
Message: I am interested in a consultation with you. Could you please send me your options regarding length and price?

Thank You.

05/12/2010 12:20
Name: Sherry Moe
Location: Mount Vernon, WA
Message: My e-mail is noela3588@aol.com
Thank you
Sherry Moe

05/12/2010 12:20
Name: Richard
Location: norf caroleena


05/12/2010 12:22
Name: Dr. Paul
Location: So Cal
Message: Bob unhinged!

05/12/2010 12:26
Name: steve
Message: Hello Ion,
I had a native friend of mine try to explain the term natural being versus the being described on my credit card in and as my name. Many believe their name as who they are and that their ID has taken over as a false identity. Is there truth to this and if so how bad has it become for many. What is a natural being that my friend was refering to.

05/12/2010 12:30
Name: Sheila
Location: Rhode Island
Message: Thank you James for the app info! Just found it.

05/12/2010 12:36
Name: Allen
Location: Connecticut
Message: Ion,

Is it true that all of our TV cable boxes have hidden cameras embedded in them so that Big Brother can keep an eye on us 24/7 (even in bed?
Isn't that the reason they tell you to never turn it off?

05/12/2010 12:38
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Why is iON doing these communication. If he has no emotions like humans, what is his purpose?
Why are we interested in what he says?

05/12/2010 12:40
Name: Linda
Message: What does the soul do after the physical body dies? Does it roam around and do things? Are we walking around here with our deceased family around us as souls?

05/12/2010 12:46
Name: Earl
Location: bc
Message: iON,
I recently discovered that the heart regulates the emotions through ionic channels in the heart.iON does this mean that the heart regulates positive ions versus negative ions. Is this how emotions are made.

Magnesium seems to ease these channels if they are irregular, like Carolyn says. Why do you say that magnesium can be a form of woo woo?

05/12/2010 13:12
Name: JumpingDeer
Location: woods
Message: Hello to you all:
We have not had any crop circles in awhile,and recently their has been two by stonehedge. Can you talk about who is making these? Why and what are they suppose to be doing/communicating?
Also, a "out of control satelite" made the news yesterday - Is there any significance to this story?
One more:Whats the best way to use my power to
extingish scorpions and other pesty things

05/12/2010 13:13
Name: LJ
Location: idaho
Message: ion, can you please explain about the 3 jesus again. I have only heard bits and pieces. Thank you.

05/12/2010 13:24
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: My Grandmother has memory issues and hit $70K somewhere on the property. My Grandfather can't find it and is troubled. Can you please tell me where exactly she hid it?

05/12/2010 13:27
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Silly question how can I keep cats from tearing up my flower beds in a non agresive/violient way?

05/12/2010 13:28
Name: George
Location: New York
Message: Is there a quick way to open the pineal gland
to connect the higher self and the meatsack body?

05/12/2010 13:29
Name: mickey
Location: medford or
Message: Can I get a reading from Bob?

05/12/2010 13:29
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: reason for silly the cat lady leves a few doors down dhe has many many cars... at one time 100 plus

05/12/2010 13:36
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: JAMES*******INEFFABLE QUALITY!!!!!!

refer back to one one Inquick message

05/12/2010 13:40
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: Thank you so much! iON has confirmed exactly what my husband has received in a dream!

05/12/2010 13:47
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: No no no no.
I was commenting when you all were speaking about n.p. luv, the force field and emotions and how it is hard to put IT to words, 10-20 min into show

05/12/2010 13:52
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Tell me where you've been and
where you've yet to go, but
Soothe me as you pass----
for I can't follow

05/19/2010 11:05
Name: Ed
Location: The Garden Isle
Message: iON,

What is the difference between a thought and an idea?

05/19/2010 11:28
Name: t.j.
Message: http://www.pressarticle.info/2009/08/20/saint-medard/

IF YOU read down into this article you might find some
ion like advice and some skeptical debunkers flabbergasted by interaction with the non physical.
copy and paste or type and copy

05/19/2010 11:29
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: re: iON's sabbatical on the forum

Just a noticing, much like all other noticings

05/19/2010 11:30
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: In the last week, I have been focusing and gazing at the brilliant light in the sky noticeable on clear nights in the western sky that a caller referred to last week. Will just gazing at it for minutes at a time bring me through the portal that Ion said it is?

05/19/2010 11:34
Name: Ed
Location: The Garden Isle
Message: iON,

How do I merge my physical and non-physical?

05/19/2010 11:36
Name: richard
Location: NC
Message: As-Salamu Alaykum, brother Ion.

Great show with Ed. Even Bob was okay...

As a confirmation on the Chinese vis a vis "owning America," THE Chinese General made a statement a few years back saying that China owns America. They were here first... and they intend to get it back!!

Speak also, if you would, about usury & the current usury wars -- the West vs Islam which still regards usury/interest

05/19/2010 11:51
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: iON: I'm saving my fingernail/toenail clippings, because you say they contain power. How can I use them that would most benefit me in my daily life?

05/19/2010 12:07
Name: Earl
Message: I'd like to say to everyone......Hey!

I'd also like to give a shout out to Colithia. Colithia, your voice is the voice from the matrix movies as the Oracle. It's uncanny and awesome.

05/19/2010 12:20
Name: Bernadette
Location: Arizona
Message: Hi everybody, Carolyn, Bob, James...and Non Physcial!!!You guys are funny today!! Bob you must be tired I am so used to you being wired!!! Bob did Ion see my art work?? I figured it out its the language of Sanskrit in design.....(its me Bee52 in the forum) are we tailgating today???

05/19/2010 12:28
Name: martha
Location: tucson
Message: Hey I stopped y2k! I didn't want it in my world and because I heard about it I stopped it.

05/19/2010 12:29
Name: t.j.

05/19/2010 12:31
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise
Message: Whats Ion's explanation of Doreen Virtue and Ronna Herman, world renown " Arch Angel communicators"

05/19/2010 12:33
Name: Pam
Location: Vermont
Message: ION, what are the low level reveberating sounds I have been hearing at night? I have heard in it CT, NYC, and only some nights while in Vermont. Is it the sound of the Earth itself, ELF stuff or personal? And if you answer personal, I understand what you're talking about...

05/19/2010 12:45
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: hey folks... this sounds much like the forum...
ie; 'conversation being all over the place'

Carry on, we are all ears.

05/19/2010 13:16
Name: Angela
Location: ireland
Message: Hiya Hows it going:)

when the lights of reality go down whats beyound the physical door on the right vertical wall

05/19/2010 13:20
Name: Matha
Location: tucson
Message: Ion
I've noticed my sunflowers are not tracking the sun like they usually do. They just face east. Can you tell me why? Did I go to a world where sunflowers don't track the sun?

05/19/2010 13:25
Name: asaScott
Location: California
Message: Two prong question.
Can we call a portal imto our immediate presence for use? If so what do we do to activate passage to and fro

05/19/2010 13:35
Name: asaScott
Location: California
Message: Where can I find writings physical accessible to me of Jesus(s) of thw Bible

05/19/2010 13:37
Name: Sacha
Message: iON... last night I was practicing relax & allow & saw this place that looked like a city... it had a massive structure in the middle that looked like a lotus. What was this?

05/19/2010 13:42
Name: Diane
Location: los angeles
Message: hello! maybe you can help!!me understand what is going on...

i started to see images.. i recongnize two of them father and friend both who passed. i have great pictures of the images that apeer, on wall or bedspreaed... weeks ago i seen an mage of a girl who i dont know..(also have pitures to prove it)
what is going on????

05/19/2010 13:42
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Got It thanks again

05/19/2010 13:45
Name: Sacha
Message: Interesting because I was wondering if melting titanium was still going on at the same time!

05/19/2010 13:47
Name: asaScott
Location: California
Message: The things not included in our Bible. Is it not true Jesus(s) was a scholar? If so, there should be lots of writings that were not included. That is what I seek. Example sermon on the Mount in a all day lecture was reduced to 23 verses. I wish full versions...

05/19/2010 13:49
Name: Sacha
Message: it was about 11pm pacific

05/19/2010 13:50
Name: Diane
Location: los angeles
Message: as i am listening to you both now, i have goose bumps all over... how do i activate it???

i know that they get my attention some how because i will look at the wall and there it is!

i have seen a full figure person walking the hall way, BUT I WISH NOT TO SEE THAT AGAIN!! scared the $@@#$%^! out of me! didnt know if, i should dail 911 or run out!

05/19/2010 13:54
Name: Diane
Location: los angeles
Message: there it goes again! the hair is standing in back of my head as YOU ARE SPEAKING crazy!

can seeing a U.F.O. COULD HAVE TREGEGGER SOMETHING N ME>> 1995, WAS when i seen it and it all started after...

05/19/2010 13:55
Name: asaScott
Location: California
Message: In not what Jesus was trying to teach us, is what you are stating?

05/26/2010 11:12
Name: Gloria
Location: Canada
Message: Hello Vincent, I really enjoy listening to your talk show.
I have been in two bad relationships in my life and I have always been hurt.
I have met someone and he lives in another country. He wants to take our relationship to another level. He planns to come to visit me.
My question is.....
Is he a genunie person and true person? What do you see happening between us?
Thank you

05/26/2010 11:13
Name: Allen
Location: Connecticut
Message: Might this gulf oil mess be a deliberate coverup
to keep the world from learning that Atlantis is once again rising in the region?

05/26/2010 11:17
Location: MIAMI
Message: Hello! My question to ION is what's his view on the fact that The explosion at the gulf of Mexico was "announced" in the movie "Knowing" a year ago (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmgeA3dr2uY) and linked with the fact that a CME is supposed to hit the planet tomorrow... same situation as the movie

05/26/2010 11:19
Location: MIAMI
Message: to compliment the question: From today's spaceweather.com - Shortly after the eruption, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spotted a billion-ton CME racing away from the sun: movie. NOAA forecasters say there is a 35% chance of geomagnetic activity on May 27th when the cloud delivers a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field

05/26/2010 11:26
Name: Sheila
Location: Seattle
Message: Hi James!

The second Harmonic Convergence is tomorrow May 27th and Friday the 28th, the first was in August 1987. This has been described as "a crucial point of preparation for the attainment of supramental cosmic consciousness." What does iON think of these "events" and are they really significant to our awareness?

Thank you!!!

05/26/2010 11:29
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Just received a CNN Breaking News email...

"BP begins "top kill" procedure to cap Gulf of Mexico oil leak."

Does that word "kill" have an adverse affect?

05/26/2010 11:31
Name: Isabel
Location: spain
Message: Hi to all,my question for Ion is , do EMP have something to do with conscience or creates any kind of singularity?. Thanks for the show .bye

05/26/2010 11:33
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.,ca
Message: my solution , get those huge jacks(as in the game of jacks) shaped concrete pieces that they make breakwaters with and dump them precision over the rupture

05/26/2010 11:34
Name: Barbara
Location: Nor Cal
Message: What is creating the PH inbalance in the oceans?
Is a mini Ice age coming?
Why is the electromagnetic field around the earth delining? What are the ramifications of this?
Bob feel free to squeeze the lemons.

05/26/2010 11:35
Name: svwhett
Message: all of you work well together. this is a good show

05/26/2010 11:37
Name: Angela Nolan
Location: Eiru
Message: Hiya Hows it going :)

Ion, whats outside this alternating coordinate configuration portal system, can this physical body travel there or is that part of that system

Thanks a million

05/26/2010 11:38
Name: Califia
Location: California
Message: Keep on talking about the Oil Spill Bob, Carol, James Bob, and iON. You causing the stock market to fall more...

05/26/2010 11:45
Name: Brandon
Message: iON: I haven't participated on the dupes of non-physical forum yet. which threads should I read first to follow my bliss?

05/26/2010 11:59
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON, Please define and elaborte about the essences of awareness.

Gratitude and Appreciation
Jake and Me

PS my security code #'s add UP to 9..Gates Galore.

05/26/2010 12:02
Name: Barbara
Location: Nor Cal
Message: Ion has said the EMP is coming. What is the cause of it? Is it a nuclear event or non Nuclear event?
Last week it was 3% here, what % of it is here now?

05/26/2010 12:04
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: No question... want to thank you so much for your show James! You clearly have positive intentions for helping people and bringing to light many issues. It is refreshing to listen to stimulating and though-provoking talk radio. Also, love the show with iON, Dr. Carolyn and of course the many voices of Bob! Multiple thanks to you all!!!

05/26/2010 12:10
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.,ca
Message: what is going on people who are telepathically
communicating with pets ?

05/26/2010 12:11
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Solution: Create a vaccuum attachment shaped apperatis
attached to a vaccuum to suck the oil up to container vessels on the surface. This would direct the oil to a better place then into the sea.

05/26/2010 12:13
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Wooh. did I hear from Ion that humans are the reason for creation, illuding that humans are the alpha. Is this corrct? Alpha most powerful/dominant

05/26/2010 12:14
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.,ca
Message: alex how is the gnome hunting going?

05/26/2010 12:14
Name: Barbara
Location: Vallejo Ca
Message: Not North Carolina - Northern California

So no worries. Ice age is coming, EMP is coming, Cme is coming. Just relax and allow. Ignore it or pay attention to what we want instead? How much of this outer kingdom is going to affect us?
What's the point of all of it?

05/26/2010 12:16
Name: Eloise
Location: New York
Message: Thank you for answering my e-mail. I have been listening to your back programs. I would like to know more about 2012 because it is a time in which there is to be no more time. This seems that we all will die. Can we live in a world without time? If so how does it work.

05/26/2010 12:19
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: To clairify question previous and refine. Please explain the pecking order of creation, from root source to ?????

05/26/2010 12:23
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.,ca
Message: in jorge louis borges short story "the aleph " he talks of a singularity that is a portal window aperture type thingambob that can see any point on earth depending
on the viewers intent , i have memories of a similar
phenomenon from my childhood . question do such things exists ,if so how do they relate to "portals" ?

05/26/2010 12:26
Name: Jonathan
Location: Kansas City
Message: Hi guys first time hearing the show and i'am liking what I hear but what is the topic of the show. Question could you talk more about the convo that will happen on 27th. Thank you.

05/26/2010 12:29
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hi guys.About the spill.The most effective response for a most probable resolution would seem to come from none other than JW and how he responds to issues like this.JW is good at not pushing against things.Is there something we could learn from JW and how he and his family give family awareness to this whole thing.Are they concerned.Do he&his kids and wife talk about issues like this as a family

05/26/2010 12:30
Name: Dr. Paul
Location: so cal
Message: Sorry I missed it, can you repeat -- what is the site/forum you're talking about that has replaced/displaced FIVEBODIED?

05/26/2010 12:32
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Note: last week after anouncement of coldfusion website designed by Ruby. was hijack within two hours beibg redirected to a software site

05/26/2010 12:52
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: Tell Tina I can help her with the forms. I used to be a paralegal in Michigan I'm on Dupes I'll message her.

05/26/2010 12:57
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: No worries if you don't want to go back to this topic.
I don't want to add to the spewing of even more oil by paying attenton to this situation, however I can't help but wonder why oil companies would not have a detachable attachment to the drill they used to drill for the oil initially � that would enable them to plug the hole in the eventuality of a leak? Maybe this has been covered already.

05/26/2010 13:01
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: Are you bullshitting us about the NO tailgate today? Dude! I cleared my whole schedule for this. It is completely unacceptable.

05/26/2010 13:13
Name: Renee
Message: Can't one just deposit their check thru the ATM...you still get a deposit slip.

05/26/2010 13:24
Name: richard
Location: nc
Message: The banks don't trust each other ANYMORE. There is no faith in another's currency or viability

05/26/2010 13:28
Name: Pami
Location: Connecticut
Message: And, if there really is no tailgate, then we are simply gonna have the tailgate on our own. Those who want to participate, please call the following number...712-432-1600 code
All who are interested, please join us with or without Bob and ION!

05/26/2010 13:37
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: iOn....WoW!
You opened this whole monetary thing up in this way to lead us down this rabitt hole that at the bottom has a fox waiting for everyone.iON. you are pointing us to our power very slickly. We create the fox and the hole...the everything. iON your good. You open it up to squeese lemons.

05/26/2010 13:40
Name: Renee
Message: Did iON just said that the chip body (computers) will not work in a day or two?

05/26/2010 13:41
Name: Califia
Location: California
Message: you can deposit money in the atm and withdraw the maximum amount allowed whether you have the money or not.

05/26/2010 13:48
Name: Barbara
Location: Vallejo Ca
Message: Please take my call.

05/26/2010 13:54
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Is knowing awareness?

Is joy the grand portal?

Is 'it' before 'Is' as that which does not know?

05/26/2010 13:55
Name: Jonathan
Location: Kansas City
Message: Hi guys I was happy to hear you read my email. My question is what's the deal about this harmonic conversion and raising your vibration? Can you talk more about this.

06/09/2010 11:07
Name: Richard
Location: NC
Message: Ion, if I could get personal for a sec, could you please answer this question?
Why are you here, Ion? I am speaking to motive.
Are you here voluntarily? On holiday? Run-out-of-town? Rebel without a physicality? Not enough Twinkies? Lusting after the daughters of Eve? What?!

Why here...and yes, why now?

06/09/2010 11:41
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: having had an interesting experience on Stropharia cubensis i am wondering what, or, where the tutelary
auditory phenomenon experienced is located ? is that voice a non physical agent ?

06/09/2010 12:06
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: ion: i was at work the other night thinking in an
abstracted frame of mind , i was traversing the labyrinth of the mind and had i feeling of getting to
the threshold of a epiphany when suddenly out of the corner of my eye i saw an intense spark and accompanying sound totally derailing my thought. question:
what the heck was that thing?

06/09/2010 12:06
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hi guys,
The way I see it
without the contrast(Bob and Caroyln)as creators with full blown and all inclusive perspectives iON couldn't have something to breach up against so it could come forth and Be? The difference between JW with Bob and Carolyn (male and female as humanity)is iON. Saying this doesn't make me less than as I am as much a part of that definition of humanity as they are.We're one!

06/09/2010 12:15
Name: Brandon
Message: I get high off of eye contact.

06/09/2010 12:37
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Is "we got it...I'm Good" A Now statement of "the place
of knowing for this now" as the bread rises?
any thing missing in this recipe?

06/09/2010 12:40
Name: Sheila
Location: Miami (left LA yesterday!)
Message: Hi James!
I feel like I'm on vacation eternally! (Like iON)

iON: When I entered my friends' house last night here for the first time, I saw that they have a large wall-hanging of a labyrinth! They are very deliberate about placement of objects and intention concerning their house. What one thing could I suggest regarding their house for them to bring more of their joy into their lives. Thank you!

06/09/2010 12:47
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Hi James,

Thanks for bringing up the media black-out story. I was listening and when iON said, "Ed�Ed" on the second "Ed" the power in the entire compound where I live went out. When I was reconnected 6 minutes later, the batteries had gone out in my keyboard and I had to replace before I could resume listening to the program.

Tell iON thanks, it was very exciting.

06/09/2010 12:58
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Bob's connection was lost went he said "Ed".

Maybe you guests should not mention that word today.


06/09/2010 13:08
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: You can use my name anytime.

06/09/2010 13:17
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: yeah yeah yeah I got it, I'm Good

06/09/2010 13:23
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: what is the on going recipe?

The yeah yeah yeah was reply to My accepting of the genius of mccluhan .. Big smile, Big happy


06/09/2010 13:23
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: iOn,

My appologies for modality on last tailgate, Just listen to last weeks cashflow last night.


06/09/2010 13:26
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Bob Thanks for the clarification you have searched you entire life for iON. Congrates good job in arriving at goal of sharing.


Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART THREE
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 6:26 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
06/16/2010 11:03
Name: Ed
Location: Hawaii
Message: iON,

1. What is the significance of the ark of the covenant being located between the 31st and 32nd degrees latitude?

2. As human creators take back their power, will the power in the ark of the covenant decrease?

3. In the movie The Raiders of the Lost Ark the Nazis were involved with locating the ark of the covenant. Have Nazis (for instance, the Paperclip scientists) been involved with the a

06/16/2010 11:09
Name: Sondra
Location: Georgia
Message: Gratitude to all of you! Love the show!
I've noticed many claims that the oil gushing into the Gulf is not only oil, but the result of BP drilling into a mudd volcano under the Gulf floor and that more than just oil is spewing from that hole. Is that true??

06/16/2010 11:37
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi Guys ,Bob is talking very fast today,is dificult to follow,I have this question,if we go to another dimension does the karma follows you suposing there is one karma ?thanks bye.

06/16/2010 12:07
Name: Tiny
Location: Here
Message: feathers, feathers lite as air
feathers, feathers everywhere!
Yes, yes and yes.

06/16/2010 12:15
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Cheers everyone.
Question for iON about these topics.
1. Is the arc of the covenant all about ormus.
2. Is finnegans wake similiar to antahkarana.
3. Is the third triangular point you spoke of our soul.

06/16/2010 12:21
Name: me
Message: Are we done talking about Joyce yet?!

06/16/2010 12:28
Name: Tiny
Location: Here
Message: iON, my feathers are here. They BEgan arriving Monday at 11:21 am.
For real!!!! I have 3 of them with ME.
Gratitude Abounds!

06/16/2010 12:46
Name: asaScott
Location: c.c., CA 95531
Message: You asked for questions

1, PH means what in three words was I taught

2, iON, Bob, James do we have an agreement regarding prepayment for services using the Picasso drawing.
iON = he knows already
Bob = " " "
James = lifetime financial legal services

June 16 is also my birthday too!

Answer to first question, you will find links all of us.

06/16/2010 12:52
Name: Bernadette
Location: AZ
Message: Hi James, Carolyn, Bob, Super Non Physcial
I have a question for Carolyn a few nights ago I was listening to a prev show and Carolyn made a ref to the Tahano prayer?? I am so sorry, please forgive me???? Explain how this was used??
Thanks Forum name BEE 52

06/16/2010 12:54
Name: Bernadette
Location: AZ
Message: continue..how it was used in reference to personal healinG???

06/16/2010 13:18
Name: Angela
Location: Ireland
Message: Hiya
hows it going:)
Ion, i can vibrate at the hertz where that the door physical opens, it opens on the outside with eye regcontition , is this the same on this side? what are the physicals there like ? or does it depend on what parrell - cud u talk about the range of parrells there are thanks:)

06/16/2010 13:26
Name: Bernadette
Location: AZ
Message: Thank you Carolyn..I ran across that prayer by accident ..hmmmmmm brought it to myself to help me over grief after my husband killed himself..I found it to be comforting.


06/16/2010 13:27
Name: richard
Location: Ontario Canada
Message: Thanks Ion for the ho oponopono expanlation from my post on Dupes blog

06/16/2010 13:29
Name: asaScott
Location: c.c., CA 95531
Message: PH = positive hydrogon ions, taught to me by Dick Smith,

So much for no rules huuuu????

06/16/2010 13:29
Name: Bernadette
Location: AZ
Message: I think it helps because you forgive yourself for not realizing you are in control and helps you make better choices in your knowing

06/16/2010 13:31
Name: eternity
Message: iON... I had this dream last night about "getting" relax & allow... it felt so awesome... sadly when I awoke, I forgot what I got!! Can you help?!

06/16/2010 13:38
Name: martha
Location: tucson
Message: Bob doesn't take chickens either...
but maybe I'll get a chicken that lays palladium eggs
then we'll see...HA!

06/16/2010 13:38
Name: asaScott
Location: c.c., CA 95531
Message: Good spin artist...

06/16/2010 13:42
Name: asaScott
Location: c.c., CA 95531
Message: You laugh at the art. Did not iON confirm its origins months ago? As one insults another, they insult themselves actually.

06/16/2010 13:49
Name: Tiny
Location: Here
Message: Headline: Largest discovery of Lithium and other minerals in Afganastan.

06/16/2010 13:51
Name: Catherine
Location: New Mexico
Message: I have an idea! Lets put Rush Limbaugh in there as President! (JUST KIDDING)

06/16/2010 13:52
Name: eternity
Message: The Human creators think.....

Many Facebook and Twitter Users Unhappy with Obama Speech on BP Oil Spill...

http://mashable.com/2010/06/16/obama-sp ... oil-spill/

06/23/2010 11:09
Name: Marshall
Location: World 2222
Message: Good Day, iON. My being is reeling from the insights gained by your Revelation of the Good Book. Maybe books can be good.

06/23/2010 11:09
Name: Bathsheba
Location: Currently in the bathtub without adornment
Message: Greetings iON.

I am pleased and appreciate your glad giving of the meaning of the Book of Revelation. I am also interested in hearing the remaining chapters but am currently short of funds. Actually that miser, David, is withholding my allowance (or would you say "allowing?") and Uriah did not leave me any booty although I certainly gave him plenty. Would you consider barter?

06/23/2010 11:09
Name: James
Location: 7 Eccles Street, Dublin
Message: Hello there iON. We absolutely love your simple unraveling of the gobbledygook of the book of Revelation. Now all may truly WAKE.

May I suggest the Book of Kells next? We love the spirals.

As we there are where are we are we there from tomtittot to teetootomtotalitarian. Tea tea too oo.

06/23/2010 11:10
Name: Jerry Falwell
Location: Looking for a City
Message: iON, I am delighted by your propensity to clearly explain the wordy words of the Prince of Prophets. No more Prophets of Doom. And I applaud your decision to profit from the prophets. God knows, I have.

06/23/2010 11:11
Name: Moses
Location: The Guf
Message: Hey iON, I agree that any further discussion of the Bible should only be available if the Cash Flows to the tune of $100. I further suggest that discussion of the revelations of Herbert Marshall McLuhan and James Joyce also be limited only to those who pony up the Benjamins.

06/23/2010 11:11
Name: Jehovah
Location: New Jerusalem
Message: Greetings iON and Bob. I am eternally grateful to Bob for allowing his servant iON to bring forth the meaning I intended when I sent forth my angel with the Revelation. KEEP IT UP�More manna from the mouth of iON. No knead to pardon the pun!

06/23/2010 11:12
Name: Solomon
Location: Looking for a Temple
Message: Great Revelation, iON. And they say that I am wise! I am dim in your light.

06/23/2010 11:13
Name: Bobby
Location: Massachusetts
Message: iON, I am grateful for your expertise in the Bible and your sharing this knowing.

My question is: could I immerse myself in books and electronic media and embrace them as a way out of the dilemma resulting from the creation of the printing press and electronic technology?

Or would continuing to discuss the insights of McLuhan and Joyce be a quicker way of resolving this issue?

Much appreciatio

06/23/2010 11:14
Name: Vestal
Location: Found a City
Message: Hello iON. After listening to your take on the Revelation, I can truly say �If I could, I wouldn�t take nothing for my journey now.�

06/23/2010 11:14
Name: Jesse
Location: Bethlehem
Message: Hello iON. In your discussion of the first chapter of Revelation, the explanation of who the pronouns referred to was a Revelation for me. Your attention to and focus on the use of upper and lowercase pronouns was insightful. I KNOW that I am timelessly grateful.

My son, David, sends his regards.

06/23/2010 11:14
Name: Angela
Location: Ireland
Message: dont know if i got last message - sorry

after identifing and removing all mind virus's, by changing my thought program my reality physically changes without me even moving, using that princaple cud i travel to niribru


06/23/2010 11:15
Name: King James, Mary's B
Location: Hampton Court Palace
Message: BRILLIANT, iON! You have unraveled our translation and brought us back to the words that were originally written. NOW all may understand. God save the Queen!

06/23/2010 11:15
Name: John
Location: Isle of Patmos
Message: iON, I couldn't have said it better. Your words are truly Divine and Revealing. He that hath an ear, let him hear what iON saith.

06/23/2010 11:16
Name: eternity
Message: Yay!!! Way to go ED!!!

06/23/2010 11:46
Name: richard
Location: NC
Message: As a footnote, from a McLuanish POV, your James is wondering who is Paul Winchell and who is Jerry Mahoney on this ... least we forget ... the James Martinez show.

06/23/2010 11:58
Name: Tuscon
Location: Martha's Vineyard
Message: Hi iON, your analysis of the Revelation opened my place of knowing.

Could you tell me if the the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Thomas are authentic?

I've heard Mary was the most important disciple and Thomas was the main scribe.

But then I have no idea which Jesus this would refer to�1, 2, or 3?

06/23/2010 11:59
Name: Tamar
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Message: iON, is the Bible created in our future and placed in our past to be revealed by iON NOW?

Much much force field,

06/23/2010 12:14
Name: Richard
Location: Ontario Canada
Message: We just had a minor earthquake here ,about 1.5 hr ago.
(have not have one for along time)This is the day when 20 Summit starts. Ask Ion if this cowincedence or a conspiracy.

06/23/2010 12:22
Name: Gabriell
Location: Cosmos
Message: The rainbow is a covenant promise from God - after the great flood it was the sign from God he would not destroy the world by water again..........

06/23/2010 12:45
Name: martha
Location: aisle 11
Message: Did Thomas , gospel of Thomas, did he know the first Jesus? Can you talk of Thomas and the finding of his gospel along with gospel of Mary in the 1940's. I give permission to Bob to squeeze any lemon that may come up.

06/23/2010 12:51
Name: Hettie
Location: Lowlands
Message: Yes, thank you! Triangulation :-)
Talk about the points of triangulation. One point is obvious (middle kingdom)...the other two ones, give some verbiage on that, dearest iON. I want at least points...I can than find the 3rd one myself.
How about help guide me towards to outer kingdom point?
Eternally grateful!

06/23/2010 12:56
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Re: Missing boy who went to another world; did he merge with his doppelganger or did his doppelganger go somewhere else so he could take his place or what?

06/23/2010 13:00
Name: isabel
Location: spain
Message: Hi Caroline Bob and James ,Ion ,is service to others one of the ways to connect to source and is that the jesus s message?among others.bless you .bye

06/23/2010 13:03
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi James!
Triangulation! iON told me to triangulate locally before I go to another location so that when I come back I know I'm coming back to the same place. But, I am not clear how this process relates to remembering or rather not remembering where I've been.
Thanks for answering the covenant question...I did NOT expect that answer!

06/23/2010 13:10
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Hi guys just sending you delights from the confines of my little computer. I have a question for Bob Ion or Carolyn. Did Marshall McLuhan ever teach in Utah? I ask because it seems to be a computer internet teaching hub.

06/23/2010 13:11
Name: eternity
Message: iON... my daughter asked me to ask you what World 122 is like. Would you mind clarifying some aspect for her?

06/23/2010 13:14
Name: Green Bra
Location: Green Braville
Message: Hi everyone! iON I've been activating the "Love Force Field," and my lottery numbers have been lining up like crazy! Thank you!

06/23/2010 13:17
Name: Virginia
Location: Indianapolis
Message: Winchell was a ventriloquist and Jerry Mahoney was the puppet with the wooden face that Winchell manipulated and spoke through

06/23/2010 13:18
Name: Bee52
Location: AZ
Message: Jerry Mahony was a dummie ..from my childhood...very funny puppet!!

06/23/2010 13:18
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: I have a question too for james Martinez. If so is Marshall McLuhan a good ambassador of the internet we see today more so than when it began?

06/23/2010 13:20
Name: richard
Location: nc
Message: In the early days of television, Paul Winchell was the puppeteer, and Jerry was his puppet -- the one with the wooden head. The question: in the Bob and ION meme, who is the puppeteer, who is the puppet? Who's pulling the strings? Who is the medium, who is the message?

06/23/2010 13:22
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: If you have time...
iON, could you please expand on your statement in your Revelations analysis regarding the white rock. "The white rock is the purity that will change your RNA and will be the essence of your new DNA equivalent." What is the "purity" you are refering to?
Thank you.

06/23/2010 13:24
Name: martha
Location: aisle 11
Message: Ok last question answered!

06/23/2010 13:26
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: This information of audio and us and them and this and that and digital and ones and o's in the interpretation of the text and the book and the scribe in the chip and the information ligua franca of creation is changed rapidly by the people who carry the influence of the content from mind to text to audio or telly MP4. Is Marshall getting this?

06/23/2010 13:35
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: If the guys were not distracted the nuts and bolts would have been better. Jesus spilled his stuff too and fuelled a lot of creativity, but the spill always has an effect.

06/23/2010 13:45
Name: Pami
Location: Connecticut
Message: Thanks for a good show. We are back on track after a couple really boring weeks. Love ya ION!

06/23/2010 13:49
Name: Pami
Location: Connecticut
Message: BTW - did Sheila and James hook up while she was in L.A. for this special treatment he shows her on the show?

06/23/2010 13:56
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Thanx!!

06/30/2010 11:13
Name: alison
Location: seattle
Message: i am finally available to listen live today, yipeee! i am only hearing some great music, is this a new format :) or am i missing some connection? xoxoox

06/30/2010 11:15
Name: Brandon
Message: iON is charging up.

06/30/2010 11:17
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello James, the sound is good. I'm happy!

06/30/2010 11:18
Name: Brandon
Message: =]

06/30/2010 11:20
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Hi There Folks! First time listener and LOVE what I am hearing... inspired to tune in today... Thanks for the immediate laughter and smiles... Kudos to All..

06/30/2010 11:21
Name: Brandon
Message: everybody except BOB. :)

06/30/2010 11:36
Name: Tom
Location: Kalaheo
Message: Hey iON,

I studied Ho'oponopono with a Kahuna who says there are 12 lava tubes under Kauai which are accessed by UFOs.

I have talked to other residents who have seen UFOs entering and exiting the ocean. I have personally seen ships over the mountain near my home.

What are these beings in my area doing on the Earth? Are they human? Where do they come from? How an I communicate with them?

06/30/2010 11:37
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: iON, when I see my reflection in the mirror, is the person in the mirror the same one I am experiencing in the body that is reflected?

06/30/2010 11:37
Name: Brandon
Message: What was the third element: Platinum, Palladium, and ? -- Iridium?

06/30/2010 11:37
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: As usual, "Ion" is wrong. The terms you are looking for are "Atomic Weight" and "Atomic Number"

06/30/2010 11:42
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: The words "atomic" and "molecular" are not interchangeable. Carolyn used them incorrectly and Ion agreed - "Yes that is correct" he said. It's not.

06/30/2010 11:43
Name: Ruby
Location: Eureka
Message: The atomic number is the number of protons in any element, which is the same as the number of electrons.

06/30/2010 11:48
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: OK, Ion, now please define the following terms:
Cold Reader
You can probably get that right.

06/30/2010 12:02
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen.

06/30/2010 12:05
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Can these ingredients be found at the local grocery store and can they be added to organic cookie dough? Would love to bake up a dozen for hubby, haha.. Just kidding... am enjoying the show very much.

06/30/2010 12:05
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: An Ion, BTW, is an atom that is out of balance, typically a few bricks (electrons) short of a full load. Good choice of names.

06/30/2010 12:08
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City CA
Message: iOn,

Please explain in a simple overview,'cold fusion' in a way all of us lay persons have a correct concept, including practical applications and realistic benefits to be expected. Scott

06/30/2010 12:12
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: Have James ask the cold fusion scientists that are getting results if the correct isotope of hydrogen (deuterium) is important.

06/30/2010 12:14
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Yes, have access to the good stuff.. All joking aside, I am an infant on the level of this discussion, that being said, I am understanding this and finding it fascinating.. Hugs!

06/30/2010 12:15
Name: angela
Location: ireland
Message: hiya, how it going

Ion, whats the next stage after the Dodecahedral perspective

thanks :)

06/30/2010 12:16
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Hi All,
How is it that my body weight has stayed the same and yet the size of my body is smaller? ie: clothing is now 4 sizes less than clothes I was wearing 3 months ago?
I have used 3 different scales, as well as the scale at Jake's Vet office. What molecule change has occured?
Thanking you in advance.

Dorothy, from Kansas, NOT.

06/30/2010 12:17
Name: mj
Location: between worlds
Message: Just wanted to let you know iON(James). I have slipped into and back from a parallel where I had stumbled on iON earlier(year before). My double has allowed me to truly discern my power. Listening to your podcasts backwards(chrono.) was very enlightening due to my parallel(self) doing it forwards(chrono). Tip for marvelous creators; Walking with a deep 'Intent' and glancing into reflections...

06/30/2010 12:17
Name: Chad
Location: Ireland
Message: iON, what will be the first cold-fusion powered application for wide consumer use?

06/30/2010 12:19
Name: mj
Location: between worlds
Message: single can work but the double reflections wheel'd far more power!

06/30/2010 12:22
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: How can one study more on this? If we can manifest just by thought, how can one use this information for the purpose of spiritual transformation? I will be quiet now, and thank you again for a fantastic show.

06/30/2010 12:25
Name: Ruby
Location: Eureka
Message: CBS chose Energetics b/casue they got 25 times the input energy.

06/30/2010 12:27
Name: Angela
Location: Ireland
Message: ION

is cold fusion the harvest of memories
( living memories)

06/30/2010 12:29
Name: Ruby
Location: Eureka
Message: The site is STAYIN!!!!! :>)

06/30/2010 12:31
Name: mj
Location: between worlds
Message: Take your power over the show James.

06/30/2010 12:37
Name: Robert
Location: UK
Message: How come Josh Deans work has not been discussed? With his big turbines fuelled by cold fusion spinners.

06/30/2010 12:37
Name: bob marshall
Location: everywhere
Message: i agree with Ion...now bring on the dancing bears....

06/30/2010 12:44
Name: Robert
Location: UK
Message: The lava is related to dark matter a toxic mixture that is very black and the lava cakes are made of seaweed its big in Wales too. Hawaii has a great lava lounge isn't it?

06/30/2010 12:45
Name: mj
Location: between worlds
Message: 0.1 quadrillion

06/30/2010 12:49
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: Hummmm, Michael McCubry and SRI report more than 50 successful cold fusion results. James devotes entire shows to him. Bob claims that China is far ahead in the research on cold fusion and are doing it now.

Yet Ion says nobody is doing it, and James says there is no point in asking the worlds top experts to clarify Ion's nonsense because nobody is really doing it, according to Ion.

06/30/2010 12:51
Name: Robert
Location: UK
Message: I meant lava bread from Wales and the dark lava is the physical dark matter made in laboratory by chemists, I think.

06/30/2010 12:52
Name: Mentor
Location: Arisia
Message: So why did you waste a show on Michael McCubry?

Is he a junk scientist after all?
Is China really doing cold fusion?
Or is Ion just babbling?

06/30/2010 12:53
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: iON, what is a human being?

06/30/2010 12:56
Name: mj
Location: between worlds
Message: there was another message before. No wedges!!!

06/30/2010 12:57
Name: mj
Location: between worlds
Message: I AM, not hostile!!!

06/30/2010 12:58
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City CA
Message: James you will like and respect MJ

06/30/2010 13:02
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City CA
Message: iOnL
Is the statement true, you were conjured through Bob and Caroline through hypnotic means?

06/30/2010 13:04
Name: michele
Location: mi
Message: Where am I going from here and when will my life make me happy?

06/30/2010 13:25
Name: linda
Location: mi
Message: whats going on in my life

06/30/2010 13:29
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City CA
Message: Bullshir Bob!!

06/30/2010 13:30
Name: Green Bra
Location: Green Braville
Message: Let's try again. iON, will you please join us in some tail-gate fun today?

06/30/2010 13:50
Name: Mary
Location: confusion
Message: IOn please why sometimes it seems to me so easy understand everything and some other times dont understand nothing?

06/30/2010 13:51
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: **BREAKING NEWS**
King Tut's penis is missing. lol

06/30/2010 13:54
Name: Truth
Message: Could you please give a Show ID? I've been listening for 15 minutes, and have no idea what I'm listening to. Also, what is the topic?

06/30/2010 13:58
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Great show. Thanks!

07/07/2010 11:04
Name: Barbara
Location: Hattisburg, Mississippi
Message: Non-physical has said there is no good or evil.

The dictionary defines conscience as an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

What is the role of conscience? Is it a connection to non-physical?

07/07/2010 11:27
Name: Louise
Location: Sydney, Australia
Message: How do you balance not giving into mind limitations while not denying how you truly feel? Don't we need to heal our feelings of separation?

07/07/2010 11:36
Name: Green Bra
Location: Georgia
Message: Hi Everyone! iON, when I was very small I would wake up in the middle of the night and see a room full of what looked like spirits. They were Male, had beards, robes & sandals and I could see their aura. Was this the Guff? Heaven?

07/07/2010 11:38
Name: mary
Location: Florida
Message: does this work with a person - the law of attraction - a specific person?

07/07/2010 11:39
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: yes l.a. has a subway.

07/07/2010 11:53
Name: Louise
Location: Sydney, Australia
Message: Thanks, very thought provoking.

07/07/2010 11:56
Name: johnny blackbird
Location: Phoenix
Message: maybe the internet will be replaced by stronger telepathy amoung the collective consciousness thru DNA re-activation?

07/07/2010 11:58
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: Thanks iON, Lady GaGa makes sense now

07/07/2010 11:59
Name: lynn
Location: nj
Message: how long after you file bankrupty can you buy a car thanks

07/07/2010 12:09
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: Does internal dialogue evoke like external speech?

07/07/2010 12:09
Name: Kim
Message: who the fuck is "bashar?" Is that an Ion thing?

07/07/2010 12:33
Name: Lisa
Location: Idaho
Message: My 51 yr old friend/co-worker passed away last Sunday. The 40+ people here that she worked with and her immediate family were all projecting that she wouldnt last long. (just diagnosed about a month ago w cancer) Did the projections of others move her from life faster or was it completely her "commiting suicide?" OR did the words of her doctor "cant do anything for you" help to push her along?

07/07/2010 12:45
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Bobs gone green, yay.

07/07/2010 12:45
Name: Tommy
Location: Connecticut
Message: Ion, What is "The Word" or sound spoken by a human, in the presence of Papa Bush, that will transform him from a slowly aging ex-president, into his actual appearance generated by his personal energies within universe, which is a bipedal, reptilian looking creature. Say this word in the presence of Henry Kissinger, or the Queen of England and the same thing will happen. What is that word or sound?

07/07/2010 12:51
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: There trimming down on Movies online Movies dot net and many others this week alone have all been shut down by the federal government. People are moving from streaming back to downloading files through silly browser tools that clunk up the speed of the internet.

07/07/2010 12:57
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Spain 0 Germany 0

07/07/2010 13:12
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys,
I don't think my last flash message went through, if it did...please ignore this.
Please ask iON to explain the dynamic of "Looping". iON says that my world is in a loop, has anything caused is paradigm to occur in my world?
Thank you!

07/07/2010 13:18
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: I want to know why the Queen was in New York. Stop being a pussy James...

07/07/2010 13:19
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: Yes, I'll take the heat!!!

07/07/2010 13:19
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: And, it's not a little town...

07/07/2010 13:20
Name: Pam
Location: Connecticut
Message: Am calling now...

07/07/2010 13:23
Name: Wanda Know
Location: here
Message: I'm with Pam. Way to go Pam. James stop being a vertical taco. Tell us about the Queens true visit.

07/07/2010 13:26
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: The queen's gold was not at depot st.

07/07/2010 13:32
Name: BEE52
Location: AZ
Message: Can we not all protect the info on James show - collective use of our power to protect our intrests and true answers to th questions??

07/07/2010 13:33
Name: Tommy
Location: Connecticut
Message: Ion,
Who stole Israeli PrimeMinister Netanyahoo's
security detail's four guns yesterday at the airport in NY?

07/07/2010 13:34
Name: Barbara
Location: Nor Calif
Message: iON - There is a You tube video regarding #22 synchronisities. They talk about Rhema #22 signs that are indicating a West Coast Mega Quake to come in September 2010. Is there any validity or truth to this.

07/07/2010 13:36
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Spain won

07/07/2010 13:42
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: 1-0 to Spain. Have a great day guys nice show. Was the green drink prepared for you the first time today grass? Q. Is it good to juice grass? I mean technology replacing chewing grass is that part of why peoples stomachs are growing, and like Ion said when people eat more could it be all the chewing that creates digestive things that digest the food quicker and cut down the buldge?

07/07/2010 13:42
Name: BEE52
Location: AZ
Message: Hey Ion we can send them thru a portal

07/07/2010 13:43
Name: BEE52
Location: AZ
Message: Tailgate should be a blast today.....Hey I am orginally from New Jersey!! I know why I left!!!!

07/07/2010 13:53
Name: BEE52
Location: AZ
Message: I HATE JERSEY SHORE ION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07/07/2010 13:54
Name: BEE52
Location: AZ
Message: Those I would send thru a portal are those that would harm James from airing the truth

07/07/2010 13:55
Name: johnny blackbird
Location: Phoenix
Message: any word on the Hindu god, Lord Shiva?? what is he up to these days? Is he listening in right now?

07/14/2010 11:04
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Are the bundlings of home mortgages, fraudulent credit ratings, escalating home values and subsequent collapse of the past few years related to the debt owed to the Chinese people?

Corporate Responsibility Magazine named Sallie Mae one of America's "100 Best Corporate Citizens" five times. What is the current financial state of SallieMae? What is SallieMae's relationship to Bank of America?

07/14/2010 11:09
Name: Maria
Location: Asturias

07/14/2010 11:12
Name: GooGoo for GaGa
Location: New York City
Message: question 1: Jesus loves me, yes, I know. Is the relationship between an external God and ourselves a Bad Romance?

question 2: There is much info on the internet about Lady GaGa being a tool of the illuminati. Could non-physiclal comment on whether this is so?

question 3: Is the Lady GaGa in her power? Why does non-physical often mention GaGa?

07/14/2010 11:23
Name: Ruben
Location: Miami
Message: My question to ION: According to latest ALTA WebBot report we are just days apart of major traumatic events in the USA, that include massive evacuations and death due "toxic winds". Based on an impressive track of accurate predictions by Web Bot what is ION's take on such events to occur in the near future?

07/14/2010 11:25
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON,
How about talking about a NEW Method of Creating Abundance With Mutual Reciprocity as The Journey of Gods.

07/14/2010 11:28
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: listening and HEARING are the two conversations.


07/14/2010 11:37
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: What does one do when she and others HEAR two of her voices simultaneously while she is speaking?

And hearing songs that provide information for me has become ordinary in my day too.


07/14/2010 11:40
Name: Kelly
Location: Maui
Message: Much Love & Aloha Everyone!

07/14/2010 12:00
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: RE: BP Oil capping the Well

Will it work or will it cause too much pressure?
What will be the end result?

07/14/2010 12:07
Name: T.J.
Location: narnia

07/14/2010 12:13
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, great show!
Speaking of the bible, who or what is Jehovah?
As an ex-Jehovah�s Witness, I�d like to kick this mother fuckers ass.

07/14/2010 12:24
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: FYI: Google[Bot] was on the Resonantnode Forum just the other day. (for about 5 minutes.

07/14/2010 12:26
Name: Maria
Location: Asturias , Spain
Message: Hi guys ,Ion,please who is living in fiendship island in chile ? do you know them?

07/14/2010 12:27
Name: Brandon
Location: Louisiana
Message: I'm staying. My non-physical is not concerned with the stale air.

07/14/2010 12:39
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hi folks
I've been fence sitting and enjoying the show alot.
Bob, could you please squeeze the lemon on the pregnancy issue that iON keeps referring to. Is there a seed in that oil?

07/14/2010 12:47
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Dropping reciprocity works. On to Mutual. On to My seted Power. And yes, songs find me, a truck and a sailboat finds me too. Oh yeah, and my angel feathers!

07/14/2010 12:52
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Psst.. Hi Guys! I just tuned in and wanted to say hello and let Eon (sp) that I think I have a crush on him, a girl loves a guy who can make her laugh. Love and Kisses

07/14/2010 12:54
Name: Nastia Danyou
Location: New Orleans
Message: Hi there! My sister Crazia has been telling me forever that I need to contact ION. Finally got a chance to listen, I love your show.

Ok, so in January, I saw a thing in downtown New Orleans, that moved so fast it was a blur. It was humanoid about 6 foot. It had to go around physical stuff, but I could not see what it was. When it noticed I saw it, it took off, toward the Naval Base.


07/14/2010 12:54
Name: Nastia Danyou
Location: New Orleans

07/14/2010 12:56
Name: Nastia Danyou
Location: New Orleans
Message: Sorry ran out of characters. I was wondering what the thing was that I mentioned in the last message. thanks!

07/14/2010 12:57
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: where did Google bot come from

07/14/2010 12:58
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Googlebot is the search bot software used by Google, which collects documents from the web to build a searchable index for the Google search engine.

07/14/2010 12:59
Name: Nastia Danyou
Location: New Orleans
Message: Sorry ran out of characters. What is this super-fast thing running around our hood? Thanks again.

Czarina Nastia Danyou

07/14/2010 13:07
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, California
Message: Please explain the 'Merkabah' amd relationship to Kelly (or any human place holder), paint a mind's eye picture of such relationships. Or is the Merkabah an analogy for meat sack and nonphysical? Reference Spiritualist's

07/14/2010 13:10
Name: patricia
Location: new jersey
Message: hi please please for me i have been falling

07/14/2010 13:11
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Sometimes when I am upset with my husband I ask him this question: Dear, which PLANET are you from anyway? Hmmmm... Laughing here, how about this .. If Ion would care to give me the answer, I had floor my hubby with it next time I ask him... Can't stop laughing... LOVE YOU GUYS

07/14/2010 13:11
Name: patricia
Location: new jersey
Message: i do not want ms please pray

07/14/2010 13:12
Name: mj
Location: west
Message: Google Bots are: CAESAR III, Temper, Pythia, Data Fusion Ptech AI

07/14/2010 13:13
Name: Charles
Location: UK
Message: Hey iON,

What is this secret council of ten that BoB is a member of?

07/14/2010 13:14
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: James.

Really good shift in adversizing wordy words....


07/14/2010 13:15
Name: patricia
Location: new jersey
Message: please help me and my son brandon

07/14/2010 13:16
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: Bob have a website to stay current with revelation series. Have several others that are interested also.


07/14/2010 13:18
Name: mj
Location: west
Message: iON is it possible for a parallel self, very much in his knowing to use another(me here) to watch, play and collect data and objects which then disappear for the parallel self to analyze and then return. Feel I'm being used as a slave... Bob your discernment is very underated.

07/14/2010 13:27
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: iON,

What is the nonphysical perspective on taking life to promote our personal health. point ia the human body designed as meat eaters or non?

07/14/2010 13:29
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: Just who the hell is JW???? You say 3 now? EXPLAIN

07/14/2010 13:30
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: HI Guys! What a fun show...

What are the audition requirements to become an "iON-et"?

07/14/2010 13:36
Name: patricia
Location: new jersey
Message: HRLP ME

07/14/2010 13:36
Name: patricia
Location: new jersey
Message: HELP ME

07/14/2010 13:38
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: iON, what is on the top center of my South wall of the room I am in? 15 second response, private public does not matter.

07/14/2010 13:42
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: thank you Ion for answering what planet my husband is from. Ion, is it a friendly planet? Hugs

07/14/2010 13:44
Name: Alexandrea
Location: somewhere in time
Message: Can you comment on Mary Magdalene sometime, or have you and I missed
that talk

07/14/2010 13:45
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Bob and iON,
Will you be engaging with us monsters on talegate today


07/14/2010 13:46
Name: Nastia Danyou
Location: New Orleans
Message: Sorry, what's a vampire to you all? I don't think Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt are running around the ninth ward. I thought it might be a super solider, you really think vampire? please elaborate. thanks!

07/14/2010 13:47
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Only "The Monster's show up in Talegate.

07/14/2010 13:48
Name: Pami
Location: Connecticut
Message: Thanks buddy for the Booda info. I love you!

07/14/2010 13:48
Name: Pami
Location: Connecticut
Message: oh, and I love the ION-ettes too!

07/14/2010 13:59
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: Ja,es you are changing :-)))

07/14/2010 13:59
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City California
Message: Improving

07/28/2010 11:04
Name: Robert
Location: NJ
Message: I guess that the Icke Wilcock Tsarion and others are close to what Ion is telling but they are going through the labyrinth of mind to validate so it is long and complicated Ion tells us validation is not required I like what Bob said at the end Fitts's analysis, that You ether find it grate to be alive or die that sums it up

07/28/2010 11:07
Name: Max
Location: Santa Barbara
Message: Is it possible to reverse the aging process and rejuvenate the body? Is there a word or term that can be considered the opposite of the word "time" that can be used when overlaying a new belief pattern that negates the illusion of time.

07/28/2010 11:12
Name: Phillip
Location: oxford, England
Message: Who is that man Tony Hayward? Is that a double?

07/28/2010 11:14
Name: Barbara
Location: California

Do human creators choose their biological parents?

07/28/2010 11:14
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: yes, you are on the air, hi there

07/28/2010 11:22
Name: matthew
Location: florida
Message: hi, is this live,


07/28/2010 11:22
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: James, if appropriate, I would like to ask Ion a question about the death experience. Western Culture is pretty ***ked up when it comes to discussing death. Ion, would you please explain what is really happening when one decides to stop making toast. Love you Guys and Gals!

07/28/2010 11:26
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: and titalation

07/28/2010 11:27
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys! The show is rockin' already...

iON! Can the third point in triangulation be oneself?

07/28/2010 11:31
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Are you speaking of the awareness that your reality IS?


07/28/2010 11:31
Name: Carolann
Location: Fl
Message: Hi All
Love your show
Can Ion change his accent? How did he come to choose the accent he speaks with?
Have a great week :)

07/28/2010 11:36
Name: kb
Location: tx
Message: Ion: Can the body operate and be in "consciousness" in the reptilian, and limbic and cortex parts of brain. The cortex seems to be the so called "thinking" part. Limbic feeling, and the reptilian just reactionary. and there-fore non-physical not need any of it, and do it's thing

07/28/2010 11:36
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Attention may be a better word.

07/28/2010 11:36
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Caroline:
Try AWareness

07/28/2010 11:39
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: if there is no consciousness, then what is this shift of consciousness taking place, nine dimensions of consciousness? The Pleidian Agenda. James, please ask Ion about this. Many Thanks

07/28/2010 11:46
Name: Anicca
Location: CA
Message: Consciousness (mind)is the mental medium through which Spirit, Energy, God, or whatever other name floats your boat, expresses itself. It is awareness of being.

07/28/2010 11:46
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Okay, last question, I promise! Would Ion please describe what a psychopomp is and are there psychopomps doing work on Earth at this time?

07/28/2010 11:51
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Dear Cashflow, with Concious creative non physical, Hi James Hi Bob hi Carolyn Hi Bill, hi everybody from Tailgate. MY friend Uzy is here and she listening for first time and has a question. Here it is transcribed " is one able to contact the spirit world if one possesses physique abilities if you are not here"? And is hocus pocus true?

Robert Tottenham Central.

07/28/2010 12:09
Name: Cheryl
Message: Why is side show bob wasting valuable show time by correcting James on when to come back from a break and when to cut the break music?! Its not BOBs show! Its James show! If bob has feedback he should tell james after the show.

07/28/2010 12:13
Name: Anicca
Location: CA
Message: Obama is perfect for the View, he's used to people 'feading him lines'.

07/28/2010 12:14
Name: lisa
Location: New Orleans
Message: Is my cat time traveling? She's 20-years old and she looks as if she's been dead for 5 (!)

My friend says she's sticking around to watch me ascend. Even in this decrepit-old kitty body.

We keep finding her in bizarre places. Once, her back toe didn't make it with her. ??

07/28/2010 12:17
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Hi guys,
This question is about your talk on consciousness. iON, is it a possibilty that trying to validate consciousness as a thing makes consciousness into an object and all objects point to an end. Your saying there is no end just an always Isness. Would this mean any reference to consciousness from anyone outside yourself points to making you..'feel'..less than instead of powerful and in joy.

07/28/2010 12:30
Name: Angela
Location: ireland
Message: hows it going:)

ion, was n count germains for dinner is he a gud advisor for understanding all dynamics in relation to management of parrell finance , i used to call this the commonwealth


07/28/2010 12:36
Name: mj
Location: North PST.
Message: They slip into their knowing which is close to that place iON exists in. Parallel Lives Bob! Not past!

07/28/2010 12:48
Name: mj
Location: North PST.
Message: Are there those of us in this realm that are banished from the Guff and continue to become walk-ins to close versions of experience(parallel worlds(close)).

07/28/2010 12:48
Name: Louisa
Location: CA
Message: I am a hypnotherapist, (not a rapist) it helps people to go beyond their mind chattering, mental blocks and see the bigger picture of what is going on. Also, I know that the majority of people does not realize that right now we are all and yet we are nothing at all, meaning we are the accumulation of past lives, the present and future and yet energy temporarily in, Ion's expression, the meatsack.

07/28/2010 12:48
Name: Pam
Location: (small town CT)
Message: Don't know if you covered this already but a story discussed last week was in the news all week. The latest report is mold in the house was the cause of death and people are so confused as to why the husband died in the exact same way as Brittany. So once again, ION, you are well ahead of the curve with your breaking news stories. Keep up the awesome work!

07/28/2010 12:51
Name: Jane
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Message: Hi Ion,

Why is it that you say that there is no reincarnation (no past or future lives) yet so many other channeled non-physical beings say otherwise. Can you explain please?

ps I don't know any Canadians that say "aboot". Maybe those Canucks hang out on the East coast..but certainly not in Western Canada. :)

Thank you.

07/28/2010 13:05
Name: Max
Location: Santa Barbara
Message: Is Barbara Marciniak actually experiencing a group of beings from the Pleiades speak through her?

07/28/2010 13:08
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: I LOVE iON's accent. Which came first, I heard someone say "wordy words" on the radio here in Georgia a couple days ago. Is that a southern phrase or has iON penetrated popular culture?

Thank you!

07/28/2010 13:14
Name: Jane
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Message: Your answer about the cold and tight lips had me chuckling out loud. I am always entertained with conversation although I admit sometimes I am completely discombobulated by what is said. oi

Jane :)
Sunny & Warm in Vancouver

07/28/2010 13:19
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Bob shut rhe fusk up!!! People do not come to here you!!!!

07/28/2010 13:27
Name: mj
Location: North PST.
Message: iON; Tell me of the two crows obsessed with my marvelousness

07/28/2010 13:27
Name: lisa
Location: New Orleans
Message: what does Ion think of Dick Cheney?

07/28/2010 13:31
Name: lisa
Location: New Orleans
Message: Hi sorry, how did we get from Cheney to Rebney? Seriously, I'm new here.

07/28/2010 13:32
Name: lisa
Location: New Orleans
Message: Ok, I get the swearing thing now. But otherwise, what does Ion think of Dick Cheney? You know, other than swearing . . .

07/28/2010 13:35
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: Didn't Orsnon Welles rant like that?

07/28/2010 13:36
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: KO OK OK OK OK point made!!! Never again will I talk as such!!!!!!!!!

07/28/2010 13:38
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!!

07/28/2010 13:41
Name: mj
Location: North PST.
Message: Nice deflection non physical

07/28/2010 13:41
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: To follow MJ's comment: My 2 Eagles soar and land on My beach to marvel with ME!

07/28/2010 13:43
Name: Matthew
Location: Jersey
Message: I called a company to discuss the wiretapping of my ion session. Can you ask ion if I called the right company?

07/28/2010 13:45
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Sren't they the same JW"S 1 2 >5

07/28/2010 13:46
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Thanks iON

07/28/2010 13:47
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Ion: Please share with Me about Bob's unsaid,so far, about that which he(Bob) really would like to talk about.
Bob is busting at the seams to get it all out and on the table.

07/28/2010 13:47
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: So Picasso have 2 meat sacks????

07/28/2010 13:48
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: 10????

07/28/2010 13:48
Name: mj
Location: North PST.
Message: The JW's have been brought in through portals.

07/28/2010 13:48
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: Fractal Geometry

07/28/2010 13:49
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Is worth looking/learning about McCluullen?

07/28/2010 13:50
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Thanks NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07/28/2010 13:51
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: Like Sponge Bod Sqaure Pants?

07/28/2010 13:52
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Question in not each question or comment I state represents 10,00 thinkers and listeners

07/28/2010 13:52
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Earl come ahead

07/28/2010 13:53
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: James come to tailgate today, please.....

07/28/2010 13:55
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: How many are listening today

07/28/2010 13:56
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: 666

07/28/2010 13:57
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: I asked iON

07/28/2010 13:58
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: Thanks James

08/04/2010 11:03
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: iON,

On July 10, Bob & iON recorded an analysis at Information Farm of NESARA & Christopher Story. Bob read from Story's July 10th report and iON commented on it.

The analysis was posted on July 11 and 2 days later, July 14, Story died.

continued in next message

08/04/2010 11:04
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: continued from previous message

Story's last report, July 10, has been removed from his World Reports website and this notice has been posted:

"Christopher Story died peacefully at home on 14th July 2010 after a short illness."

Did Story go to the guf? Was he assisted in his death by the iON & Bob analysis?

08/04/2010 11:04
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: iON,

#1�Did Kurt Cobain fake his death & go to a parallel world?

#2�Was his wife, Courtney Love aware of the true nature of her husband's death?

08/04/2010 11:05
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA

08/04/2010 11:14
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Could iON comment on this article?

(Reuters) - Yoko Ono will again oppose the release of the man who nearly 30 years ago killed her husband, former Beatle John Lennon, and who comes up for parole next month, her lawyer said.


08/04/2010 11:15
Name: brandon
Message: discussion on melting away reminds me of a great track by The Flaming Lips -- "Feeling Yourself Disintegrate."

08/04/2010 11:18
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: http://ca.reuters.com/article/entertain ... MP20100802

Lady Gaga fears having sex with a partner could deplete her artistic energy.

"I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they're going to take my creativity through my vagina," the performer said in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine that was released on Monday.

08/04/2010 11:24
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: They understand the show but they don't know that they know that they know.

08/04/2010 11:29
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: All Hail Bob, the Preparation H of the World. lol! Question for Ion: What is the difference between being an eternal vs. being immortal? Is an eternal, immortal? Is an immortal, eternal?

08/04/2010 11:30
Name: brandon
Message: @1:30 bob's crap is confusing. :)

08/04/2010 11:32
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: Bob
Ion said you can get all CashFlow listeners Black Card applications.

08/04/2010 11:44
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: iON
In nonphysical are there orgasms? You use this word often. It has been stated by some, orgasm is a very physical term, please explain. Thank you

08/04/2010 12:06
Name: TayZay
Location: World 1180
Message: I would like to know of which world a.k.a Bob Dylan came from, when he arrived, how he came to be here now, does he possess this awareness in his present Now.

iON: please explain to Me the where abouts of the missing boat trailer plate that disappeared from Manasseh's sailboat trailer.

forever lovingly,

08/04/2010 12:09
Name: Steve
Location: Texas
Message: Howdy y'all. Ion, what is the difference between sex and coitious? Thank you.

08/04/2010 12:11
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: Ion
Are we going to start having fun with the 34 billionaires pledging to give away 50 percent of wealth?
Our new friends-Warren Buffett, Bill Gate, Michael Bloomberg, Barry Diller,Larry Ellison, T. Boone Pickens, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Ronald Perelman etc.

08/04/2010 12:14
Name: Califia
Location: los angeles
Message: Bob and iON what do you think of my analysis of you both concerning Erikson Timeline Theory?

As we discuss both of you know that the queen and the president of the United States have access to my words of wisdom concerning you and iON per our discussion on my reading?

08/04/2010 12:23
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Not only does Pres. Obama smokes, so does Michelle.

08/04/2010 12:25
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Joy loves Obama and is always trashing Bush.

08/04/2010 12:37
Name: mj
Location: PST-North
Message: Common gents, let the meatsack master clean it up; iON was watching, listening, etc! As he knew this conversation(cashflow) would be as it was today. iON more likely just looked into his own future events... much easier and just as accurate.

08/04/2010 12:49
Name: TayZay
Location: World 1180
Message: Bob, Thank you for the bio. The flow IS.
Yes, well done.


08/04/2010 12:50
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: WakoDemic
Tommy Can Hear Me?

08/04/2010 12:51
Name: Lisa
Location: Idaho
Message: Its said that The Course in Miracles came from Jesus. Is this true? And does Ion find "The Course" useful?

08/04/2010 12:54
Message: Yoko Ono is still operating and exhibiting her work as a artist in New York. I saw her in the last five years making a public appearance at Deitch Projects in Soho.

08/04/2010 13:05
Name: Richard
Location: NC
Message: Bob --

if you did a little McLuhanesque marketing research (i.e., ask people, not just your friends what they thought of the Bob/Marshall McLuhan Wednesday Show), you may well get answers that that you probably don't want to hear.

For me, I'm going back to listening to the Space Jews and the Approaching Fornicators ... Please, it's not entertaining. Tedium has become the medium.

All the best --

08/04/2010 13:09
Name: mj
Location: PST-North
Message: That's it!!! I can't leave!

08/04/2010 13:12
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: S'mores

08/04/2010 13:16
Name: matt
Message: can immortal become mortal?

08/04/2010 13:22
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: When we become light beings will be so obsessed?

08/04/2010 13:25
Name: alison
Location: woodinville
Message: hi you'al!
Since "rock stars' seem to be a theme today...is Jerry Garcia still here as well?

08/04/2010 13:32
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys!

iON: Isn't Lady Gaga's belief about the benefits from abstaining from sex that enhances her creative output? Could it be equally true that partaking in coitus would add to my creativity?

Thank you!

08/04/2010 13:38
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: Is the US bank offline?

08/04/2010 13:39
Name: Margarita
Location: Texas
Message: Greetings iON, Thanks for the song . . . Questions: Are there parallel world that are unpleaeant or even scary? How a person knows it will not get stranded in a negative alternative reality? How a person will know if is not going to a scary place? Please describe in detail an exapmle. This is something that bothers me. Thank you

08/04/2010 13:43
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: PHD's - wako- demics
Quadrophenia by The Who- tommy

08/04/2010 13:45
Name: Lisa
Location: Idaho
Message: ion, so where did the Course in Miracles come from????

08/04/2010 13:46
Name: matthew
Location: florida
Message: hi, how do i get a money refund on airplane tickets (southwest)?

08/04/2010 13:46
Name: LisaJo
Location: Boise
Message: Do our pets choose to "commit suicide" like Human creators do?

08/04/2010 13:48
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Maybe Gaga was responding to iON's remark that the problem with marriage is that there is too much vagina.

08/04/2010 13:50
Name: mj
Location: PST-North
Message: An immortal would send a surrogate(friend) for a reading. How did you know what i was iON? I know you did. Please do not think that I believe I'm some ascended master, because I'm enjoying the contrast learning to know what I already knew I was gonna know.

08/04/2010 13:51
Name: Maria
Location: spain
Message: Hi .so Ion what s the sacret of the eternal youth?

08/04/2010 13:52
Name: Steve
Message: Is there a trigger for "the wave"? If so, what is the trigger? Love y'all

08/04/2010 13:55
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: We all know.

Is Glenn Beck Gay?

08/04/2010 13:58
Name: Deb
Location: Boston
Message: Thanks Guys

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART FOUR
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 6:35 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
08/11/2010 11:17
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: In the Bible, Jesus would resurrected the dead, such as Lazarus. Could Ion go into detail about Lazarus' experience of being temporarily in the Guf.

08/11/2010 11:17
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Bob, iON, JW,
Jake and I LOVE Fudge brownies and Bacon. JW is always most welcome here with us.

:) :) :)

08/11/2010 11:18
Name: Matthew
Location: Jersey
Message: Just because you can; can you find out what happened to the lindberg baby?

08/11/2010 11:31
Name: union
Location: hollywood
Message: would ion say that karl pilkington is a good example
of how to manifest the best into one's reality and not
have to worry about the cultural zeitgeist ?

08/11/2010 11:32
Name: Akito
Location: Japan

08/11/2010 11:57
Name: Angela Nolan
Location: ireland
Message: hows it going:)

meteor show tonight

whats beyond the void original and artifical
thanks a million

08/11/2010 12:05
Name: Ed
Location: The Farm
Message: Was Alexander McQueen a parallel world traveler?

08/11/2010 12:07
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON,
I was given magazines in pristine
Time 9-11-72 & 9-18-72.
Look 4-4-67,6-25-68,11-12-68,3-4-69.
AZ Highway 12-55,12-57,5-70,10-70....
and others. Do any of these hold
significants for ME? and would they
be of $$ value when sold?

HAP-ON!! (ask Bob)

08/11/2010 12:16
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Our dog Buddy is still missing. Does someone have him if so can you tell me where he is right now? An address?

Thanks, B.

08/11/2010 12:17
Name: Isabel
Location: spain
Message: Hello to you all. what s the meaning of the giant clock being buildt on mecca.?

08/11/2010 12:18
Name: jenifer
Location: louisiana
Message: Hi all!

Ion could you please explain what you termed "little man" meant, and what is next? "Big man???" (Ha!ha!)
Thanks to all!

08/11/2010 12:25
Name: Margarita
Location: Texas
Message: I would like to know the significance of Harvest Moon on the Autumn Equinox on September 22 ,the Kauai location at Latitude 22, and the meaning of been/being there.
Thank you.

08/11/2010 12:28
Name: Michel
Location: Nogales AZ
Message: Ion can one change the Labrinth of their mind - or is pre set and determined - Thank you

08/11/2010 12:28
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise
Message: Ion: Is there a snowball's chance in Hell that I will be considered for the V.A. job I applied for in Tennessee? I worte an appeal letter and submitted it with my resume because I'm totally qualified for the job but do meet the Federal "Time in Grade" Rule

08/11/2010 12:36
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: James, it's boooooooring. It means nothing. Somebody got their toe stepped on and so they sued.

08/11/2010 12:39
Name: Isabel
Location: spain
Message: where is Sid vicious?,is he in a parallel world?

08/11/2010 12:48
Name: Eternity
Message: Hi ion... Was there any reason that dragonfly hung out with me for so long?

08/11/2010 12:51
Name: the interstitialist
Location: stately wayne manor
Message: bob , would you say that the phatic is haptic ?

08/11/2010 13:06
Name: Ed
Location: The Farm
Message: iON, you have mentioned that the story of human creators creating a veil to hide their power from themselves�or separating themselves from the power of God�is mentioned in the Bible but not the King James Version.

Which versions and where is this mentioned?

08/11/2010 13:10
Name: Angela Nolan
Location: Ireland
Message: Hiya
ion, if the nonphysical is real and everything else is not would non physical be grand central and everything else projections thanks:)

08/11/2010 13:11
Name: jenifer
Location: louisiana
Message: cool answer! Thanks!

Now, why are these vortexs still here? Why do they stay and not leave???

08/11/2010 13:16
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys, I still love Wednesdays because of y'all! (I've gone native). For iON: Last night and previously I have had an odd sensation of heat on just one of my hands or feet. Is that a communication from someone? And if so then who? Thank you!

08/11/2010 13:17
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Carolyn,
Ask iON for more details of this Kauai Harvest Moon in Sept.

08/11/2010 13:18
Name: Lisa
Location: Boise
Message: Thanks Ion for the career info. I'm really good at appealing medical insurance denials and it makes me "joyful" to make them follow their own rules and pay medical claims. I just hope the VA in TN realizes that and hires me. I'm tired of doing boring data entry here at the Boise VA for pennies.

08/11/2010 13:18
Name: Linda
Location: Cincinnati
Message: Kinda off topic but? Anything I can do to help Betty get any better, Thank You for any input you may have I was thinking maybe
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. Thank You Linda

08/11/2010 13:34
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: James go here. Cut and paste. It good fun

http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/fa ... er_jo.html

08/11/2010 13:36
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Is the 2nd Jesus eternal or immortal?

08/11/2010 13:47
Name: kelly
Location: kihei
Message: ok...well then i have a question. Hi everybody. some essential items keep disappearing from my sphere.... ipods, finger shoes, sun hat, work skirt? Where are they? will they return or should i replace them?
love ya~ kelly

08/11/2010 13:53
Name: mj
Location: PST-North
Message: Speak to 4G connection and how they interact between worlds.

08/18/2010 11:01
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: This story from the Washington Post & the Discovery Channel.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 06567.html
http://news.discovery.com/history/myste ... mains.html

On July 12 the remains of an 18th-century ship were found buried 20 feet below street level by workers excavating the WTC site in NYC.

Continued in next message.

08/18/2010 11:01
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Even though there are timbers from the front half of the ship, nobody can identify the type of ship it is because, among other mysteries, it�s not a design we�ve seen before.

Can iON describe the type of ship and it's last voyage that caused the vessel to end up in the WTC site?

(It's curious that this site is associated with planes & trains and now boats.)

08/18/2010 11:04
Name: Robert and Uzy in Lo
Location: Tottenham
Message: Just a penpal message to all on Cashflow me and Uzy are listening for a little bit this evening live and just want to send some appreciation on this exclusive channel, have a nice chat we be listening a little bit. Hopefully the messages will increase again and apologies for the previous promotion of other things. Can you introduce the topic of the day like usual, bless all, Rob and Uzy kitchen.

08/18/2010 11:06
Location: PHX

08/18/2010 11:09
Name: Matthew
Location: Jersey
Message: What happened to Amelia Earheart?

Do I decend from Mary Magdalene?

08/18/2010 11:11
Name: t.j.
Location: la.
Message: ion,
what's up with the genetic variation of species
that man has cultivated for ages , apple trees, dogs,
cats ,etc....

08/18/2010 11:13
Name: Robert and Uzy in Lo
Location: Tottenham
Message: Can we put a face to Ion now please?

08/18/2010 11:27
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Hi James, Carol, Bob, and my heart throb Ion. I am hooked on your show and directing a choice few to tune in as well. What Ion is talking about, I am putting into place in my life, leaving husband, taking my power back and creating a fantastic life. I find writing it out helps tremendously. I have been told I am selfish and narcisstic and all those wonderful adjectives.

08/18/2010 11:45
Name: Isabel
Location: Spain
Message: Hi guys,what s all the hype about aliens on the news,flying saucers all over means, thank you ,love to you all.

08/18/2010 11:45
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Being eternal, do we occupy many meat sacks?

Thanks, B.

08/18/2010 11:46
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Question for Ion: In September of 1952, two weeks before I was born, there were many UFO sightings,reports say over 200 sightings within a 24 hour period along the Eastern Seaboard, including Maine where I was born. Is there any significance to these UFO sightings and my birth? Many Thanks!

08/18/2010 11:49
Name: Shinning Star
Location: from The Faith of the Heart
Message: Is it relevant or essential to take the "appointed flight" at the "appointed timing" so as to, be or experience Kauai's East coast Harvest moon "Meeting Event"?

08/18/2010 11:49
Name: Tiny
Location: Michigan
Message: Since the conversation is about lineage, Who are my parents of world 1180 and my lineage from 1180?


08/18/2010 11:50
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: iON you tell us there is no time, so it seems that there would be no distance either.

Is time-travel really mind-travel or can a physical body/object transport?

Please tell me what I am wanting to have awareness of as I cannot seem to word my question to my satisfaction.

Going to pick blueberries... will listen via itunes later.

Thanks a bunch, Love you all!

08/18/2010 11:56
Name: Robert and Uzy in Lo
Location: Tottenham
Message: I just writing a book and on the portals chapter can Ion explain the portals a little: the information portals, the covert previous understanding of portals and travelling portals people.

08/18/2010 12:06
Name: Richard
Location: NC
Message: Someone(s) named ION interrupted my dowsing this morning. Asked me to contact you about the "Upper Chamber" work. Does this have any relevance to you?

Keep on, Baby.

08/18/2010 12:11
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.
Message: frank zappa and his enormous ego hated the allmans
brothers ,(as he hated all successful bands) he even made fun of them on "gachungas revenge", it was only in retrospect that he realized what a great guitarist duane
allman really was and that is a tribute to him .

08/18/2010 12:17
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: RE: 911 event - WTC Gate

Where did the people go? Did they transition to the GUF or did they go to a parallel world?

Thanks B.

08/18/2010 12:28
Name: Anuyai Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Ion, my name was given to me in a very unique way. May I ask what is the meaning to this name? Does it contain certain codes and what is the pool of forever? Thank you. First time listener and finding this all quite fascinating.

08/18/2010 12:31
Name: John
Location: OR
Message: Ion, do the words health, stealth and wealth contain certain powers, energies

08/18/2010 12:41
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: laughing here, yes... I am focusing on taking many trips to the LOVE zone. Ion, you will always have an open invitation! no need for the disclaimer, laughing.

08/18/2010 12:44
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Hi James
Thanks for the show!
Would ION please discuss the mass deaths of fish,
in New Jersey, the river of S. America, where everything is floating dead.
Are the animals mass exiting to another dimension?

08/18/2010 12:48
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, great show. iON, were the creators of the old TV series "Land of the Lost" trying to tell us something? In the 70's the show was based on a family trapped in an alternate universe inhabited by dinosaurs, a primate-type people called Pakuni, and aggressive humanoid/lizard creatures called Sleestak. Interesting!
Also, Lady Gaga, LA loves you! Don�t judge us based on the Kardashians.

08/18/2010 12:56
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Re: Dopplegangers

Why are there duplicates of our meat sacks in other worlds? What is the connection between them and us? Can we access their thoughts etc?

08/18/2010 13:06
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Buudy is still missing. If someone has him, who are they and where do they live? street address would be much appricaited.


08/18/2010 13:10
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: OK--Upper/Inner/Middle chambers. Please ask iON to explain in full so we can access(or tell us what date to check your archives if he's gone over this in the past.)

I am working my way through the archives, but am not fully up to speed. New listeners will appreciate this,I'm sure!

Great fun,every week. Thanks to all 5 of you...

08/18/2010 13:17
Name: Jennifer
Location: UK
Message: very interesting show. would Ion explain to we morons what exactly is DNA and whether one understands this, would setting an intention to focus on changing one's DNA would change it and what does it change to?

08/18/2010 13:22
Name: Dr. Paul
Location: So Cal
Message: iON just referred as an aside to the biggest android-meme story of the year: the GROUND ZERO MOSQUE.

Will it be built, and if so, will it become the target of so-called "homegrown terrorism"?

08/18/2010 13:23
Name: samanda
Location: us
Message: doesn't american apperal have pornstars for clothes models? faye reagen

08/18/2010 13:28
Name: Isabel
Location: Spain
Message: what s the best way to deprogram yourself from this reality, make it easy please

08/18/2010 13:32
Name: Ed
Location: The Farm
Message: YaHOOOOOOO!

Loved Germain. More. More.

Love the September Issue especially Leon Talley.

08/18/2010 13:37
Name: jenifer
Location: louisiana
Message: Hi all- back to that love force field.... what is the purpose of it? can you make it larger or smaller? would there be any reason to?

08/18/2010 13:38
Name: Anuyai Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: did Ion describe the pool of forever? I was shown this with two beings coming up from the bottom. I felt the message was regarding DNA? yes, this is esoteric

08/18/2010 13:38
Name: a friend
Message: hi guys,
If Bob is lemurian, is JW and Atlantian. This seems to be a good fit. Is it true. Just a thought.

08/18/2010 13:52
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: Thank you!

08/25/2010 11:04
Name: Ed
Location: Garden Isle
Message: Hi James, Bob, Carolyn and iON.

My timing was off & I sent & James and Bob an email yesterday (thinking it was today) with a story & questions about the tunnel discovery in Mexico�s Teotihuacan earlier this month.

Thanks, Ed

http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2010 ... z0vnX07eEH

08/25/2010 11:14
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Good Wednesday Doc Carol, James, Bob, JW and Ion! Just little ole disconnected me tuning in once again! Love the show and please keep up the talking over each other...it reminds me of past family conversations standing around the kitchen. You all ROCK!

08/25/2010 11:30
Name: Matthew
Location: Jersey
Message: Chad said he met Natalie Portman in a Parallel world? I have met her; Did I go to a parallel world to see her? I have also met Jerry O Connell, the star of sliders sliders. Were these or any other of my celebrity encounters in other worlds?

Good job guys
can't wait to hear Germaine

08/25/2010 11:35
Name: t.j.
Location: L.A.
Message: ion: which theory of petroleum genesis is correct ?
the one that says that the earth is continually
generating oil in the mantle or that all the carbon is locked in the exterior crust and is part of the the total
biological life cycle ?

08/25/2010 11:36
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Ion, what is the significance of power animals and is there a "formula" to playing with them? I have seen many and wondering why they showed up? Thank you Ion!

08/25/2010 11:41
Name: Shari ^i^
Location: San Francisco
Message: Loved the excerpt on Carlos Castaneda on Ed's "iON" Farm. Recall that Casteneda's alleged death was shrouded in mystery.

Did Casteneda eventually succeed in going to the parallel universe?

Also, I have a book by Martin Goodman, "I Was Carlos Casteneda, The Afterlife Dialogues." Did Casteneda return from the parallel reality to teach Goodman, as Goodman claims (calls it post-death, but..?


08/25/2010 11:42
Name: Sunshine
Location: Southern Oregon
Message: just tuned in, sounds like you guys are having way too much fun! smiling! Wondering if Ion could tell me why my husband has been such an "ass" to me and does he give a damn about me leaving him? He doesn't communicate, that's why I am asking Ion. many thanks and will listen to this show often, you guys feel real. Hugs

08/25/2010 11:47
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: what I smoke makes everyone look heavenly... they all become Pearls..

08/25/2010 11:53
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: I really do love you guys! Thanks for all that you offer to Humanity ..

08/25/2010 11:55
Name: Robert
Location: Alaska
Message: great show. Ion, what is the morontia mind

08/25/2010 11:57
Name: matthew
Location: jersey
Message: Thank You guys...
which of these were in other world?
sneaking into adams family party?
sitting next to jon stewart?
meeting jerry o connel?

08/25/2010 12:06
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Bob,iON:
What say You about your recent talk w/Andrew C. when he produced a letter from HM written yrs ago,coming to light now?
Written in a past Now,Placed in a future Now, And retrieved in this Now.
This Now offers the extended dynamic of which the context is relevant in the Now that Is.
The above interplay is being evoked by many these days.
Bread baking is on the rise. yummy!


08/25/2010 12:10
Name: Dr Paul
Location: So Cal
Message: tell them its HERE:


08/25/2010 12:24
Name: jenifer
Location: lousisana
Message: If what we can't see is real (which I totally believe!!!), then what is real (and don't say what we can't see....)? and why are we still here playing with what is not real?????

08/25/2010 12:25
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: The last Stone Mason which you lightly touched on last week, failed to really answer the question. To be specific. Did the stone mason use any type of tool, such as shmire(vibrational stone) originating from Solomon's Temple? If so was this type of stone also used in building the Pyramids of Egypt or any other places.

08/25/2010 12:28
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: I do believe Ion will confirm that I had an experience once where I could see through a stack of papers and magazines to the bottom of the pile and also through it. True story..

08/25/2010 12:33
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON: About animals as non physical: Is the showing up of the many dragonflies; 40-50+ around Jake(the dog) and I a manifestation of my Non-physical in my 3 kingdoms?
Is this the same with the butterflies showing up for US?


08/25/2010 12:33
Name: no-1
Location: pellucidor
Message: since ion seems to have a main line on matters financial ,
can he expand on the research, various people have put out ,on comprehensive annual financial reports, that every city ,county, state and federal agency is obliged
to publish, and which seem to prove that assets clearly out weigh any deficit in just about all areas of governments.

08/25/2010 12:38
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Hey Ion,Bob,Carolyn,James

iON could you please talk about a persons actual body versus their meat-sack body. I don't really have a question but am very interested in actual things versus our perceived reality that we think is real and I am trying to 'SENSE 'the actual. Could you make this 'Sensible' from the clean-up aisle for me in regards to differneces between actual and illusory. Thanks

08/25/2010 12:38
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Well done Achieve Radio, just saying hello very comprehensive today, as ever.

08/25/2010 12:45
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Second Question for iON.

I am also studying apperception. How is apperception connected to the Actual and could you please get into the difference bewteen apperception versus perception.

After this I'm retiring from iON......this time for real........but 'in actual' only until next week.
Great show guys.

08/25/2010 12:46
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON: When sailing at sunset on 8/21, We watched the sun become black as ink. It appeared to start at the bottom and move up thru the center of the sun.
Is this what is told about in Revelations?
Forever Lovingly,

08/25/2010 12:46
Name: Shari ^i^
Location: San Francisco
Message: If one writes something (the Word) -- does it have as much creative power as the SPOKEN Word?

08/25/2010 12:57
Name: Sunshine
Location: Southern Oregon
Message: Bob, I was enjoying you guys having too much fun... just a stupid phrase Bob... my fun meter right now isn't as high as yours.. that's all... your having too much fun brings me joy... ya know Bob, the love force field... Kisses

08/25/2010 13:04
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Just wanted to say thanks for providing this most interesting show. No topics needed as this show goes where no show has gone before....EVERYWHERE!

08/25/2010 13:09
Name: Robert
Location: Alaska
Message: got it, okay will specify. my understanding is the morontia mind has seven aspects. I can list them but wanted to know what Ion has to say about it.

08/25/2010 13:10
Name: Isabel
Location: Asturias
Message: Hi if there is no time,we born and die and live ,all at the same time?

08/25/2010 13:11
Name: Deb
Location: boston
Message: Ion
Are crop circles created by human creators with boards on their feet?
But what is the deal with the plethora of crop circles coming into our now?

08/25/2010 13:41
Name: Lynnette
Location: LA Region
Message: Seeing through a stack of papers --- humans are becoming like "Superman"?

09/01/2010 11:07
Name: Max
Location: Santa Barbara
Message: Did Paul McCartney of the original Beatles transition and go to the guf in the 60's and become replaced by a human creator who went through plastic surgery to assume the role of the Paul McCartney we experience today. And did Theodore Adorno write some of the Beatles compositions?

09/01/2010 11:09
Name: Martha
Location: formally Tucson
Message: Ion in a tailgate once mentioned about we could achieve when we got our chi going.
Can Ion suggest an exercise we can do to develop our chi?

09/01/2010 11:11
Name: Brandon
Message: Great job on getting Dr. Metzner. Looking fwd: to tomorrow's show.

09/01/2010 11:12
Name: Steve
Location: Oakland, CA
Message: I�ve been listening to interviews with Ben Abba on the Internet. One of those interviews was posted on Information Farm. He claims to have tracked down a man who is 2800 years old.

He mentioned a couple interesting things. I�d like to here Ion�s comments about some of what he said.

He said that the man had known Jesus and later had been Templar Knight. He didn�t know anything about the Holy Grail but instead said that there is a �staff of King David� which has power similar to the Ark of the Covenant. I think he said that the staff of King David was in Jesus� possession.

He also said that were more aircraft flying around in his first 500 years than now. They were silver discs and were known as chariots of the Gods. He knew nothing about the pilots of such craft. He said during the last 2300 years until recently he did not see many.

He said that the Egyptian pyramids were built long before he was born and were used as hospitals, birthing rooms, libraries and refrigerators.


Steve, Oakland, CA

P.S. I attended a fa-so-la singing event and it really felt good. I will start attending weekly. Thanks for letting me know about it.

09/01/2010 11:13
Name: Brandon
Message: iON: I'm having trouble sleeping. What should I do / eat? No drink sewage please. :)

09/01/2010 11:24
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: speaking of lycanthropians and vampires ,what is the significance of garlic {a blood purifier} and silver
{a antibiotic, antiviral} as traditional weapons against said creatures ?

09/01/2010 11:29
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Everything that happens is our collective WILL?. Subconsciously.........

09/01/2010 11:33
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: In Budhism or Hinduism its like GOD is pretending to be all other people, playing with themselves. Is GOD hypnotized by HIMSELF?, by pretending to be human beings?......

09/01/2010 11:36
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I talked to Bob on Eben Ray's show at KPFK called Radio Alchyme, a few months ago.

09/01/2010 11:38
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: How is it that Bob and Ion are conflicting in thier views of some things?.......it's frustrating sometimes........to try to un-wind it all!

09/01/2010 11:39
Name: Brandon
Message: Bob & iON going on about exchange reminds me of the koan of the duck in the bottle.

I hope Bob gets out.

09/01/2010 11:41
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I lean towards Ions views, more than Bobs Views but, it's fun to listen to Bob try to clear up his mis-understandings of Ion

09/01/2010 11:43
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Hi Everyone! Got the 11:11 prompt so decided to try and tune in. Is anyone else having problems with the sound coming in and out? Anyway, kisses to Ion! I am formulating a question from the heart.. will ask later. Love the show, love the activations, believe it or not, listening is changing my world as well in a good way.

09/01/2010 11:44
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ashley has tapped into the love force field! Isn't it amazing to just accept everyone for who they are.

09/01/2010 11:45
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: singing the song the "Love Boat" ...

09/01/2010 11:47
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wonder what the world would look like, if, we would all "Relax and Allow"..........

09/01/2010 11:48
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON, Carlos Castaneda talked about different ways of decoding reality. For example, he once saw a praying mantis or something like that about the size of a man. Can you talk about the different ways of decoding reality?

thanks, b.

09/01/2010 11:57
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: james, this applies to an exchange:
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over,shall men give into your bosom. For the same measure that ye mete with,. it shall be measured to you again.
Luke 6:38


09/01/2010 11:58
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: I love Bob's questions!

09/01/2010 12:04
Name: Anuayai Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Hello Again! I resonate with what Ion is sharing with all of us. Ion, recently I discovered an ability, a gift, and it has to do with assisting in the passage of souls and soul retrieval. This is all new to me and not sure how to present this to others? Heartfelt thanks! Great Show, Valuable Information for Everyone!

09/01/2010 12:06
Name: Anuayai Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: I guess I am asking what is the politically correct term for a deathwalker? Death is such a tough topic for most.

09/01/2010 12:07
Name: Mike
Location: NOCAL You Know
Message: Do you have actual broadcast distribution or just net?

09/01/2010 12:11
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "Nothing is real.......and, Everything is Permitted". This is a quote from a Robert Anton Wilson Book called The Aluminutus Trilogy. A really crazy experience for reading a "Book"!.

09/01/2010 12:12
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A Reality Book and/or a Reality Music experience?, It's always "Me....Me.....Me....Me......" A MeMe? or a Meem?.

09/01/2010 12:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Consciousness is Conscious of it's own Consciousness?.........to some degree, to some level.....

09/01/2010 12:15
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: ie;start of Hour 2
Better yet; Listen to "Bach Organ Blaster" Only if You desire to "Move to YOU!"


09/01/2010 12:16
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys!
Loved the first hour, thank you as always for aiding me to the fastest path to my joy.
For iON: Would it add to my joy to have tea with Andrew this weekend? Also, what was happening when my phone was one hour behind for about 15 minutes last week?

09/01/2010 12:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I can't wait for Eben Rays show tomorrow early morning........to hear Bob and Ion there......

09/01/2010 12:18
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: following your fascination is your trance...

09/01/2010 12:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: How can GOD be un-happy? or be Hypnotized? and we are all GOD?............is GOD slow?...........to finding the happiest path to HIS joy?........hahahahaaa

09/01/2010 12:19
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: who has a dictionary, what is the definition of "trance".

09/01/2010 12:22
Name: richard
Location: nc
Message: I just want to thank you, Ion, mostly for all the fish, but also to ask your comment on an interesting phenomena -- if all of us out here -- as if by osmosis -- have acquired our own realm of power, is it the vibration inherent in your "message" that is doing it?

09/01/2010 12:22
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Jesus Saves!.............Good Save Jesus!.........Save the trashmen in this world........who are un-happy.......

09/01/2010 12:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wish that I was a happy Garbage Man!....................hahahahahaaha

09/01/2010 12:40
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I like drinking a few drops of Food Grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide, in a glass of water each day, to Oxygonate the human body. Does Caroline know anything about this kind of Oxygenating the human body?.

09/01/2010 12:41
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Deep breathing excercisng is good too........

09/01/2010 12:43
Name: Max
Location: Santa Barbara
Message: Bob,
Author John Coleman (former MI6) was the first to claim that Adorno penned many of the Beatles work. And if I'm to believe my lying ears, Ion did say that Adorno did contribute, so it sounds like Coleman did get it part right. And to something relevant to your proclivities, Zappa supposedly studied under Adorno in Europe for a period of time.

09/01/2010 12:51
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: this is why we love Bob's questions, it triggers Ion's flow... love it!

09/01/2010 12:52
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Could Ion please comment on THE URANTIA BOOK?. Ion commented about THE URANTIA BOOK a few weeks ago, but, there was no follow-up comment about what THE URANTIA BOOK really represents.

09/01/2010 12:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: BEEP!..............BEEP!...............

09/01/2010 12:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Even Fairies get married to Garbage Men?............hahahaha

09/01/2010 12:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is it true as an axiom, that we only get what we give?.........

09/01/2010 12:58
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: BEEP!......Music suddenly!............BEEP!.......

09/01/2010 13:00
Name: Linda
Location: CT
Message: Hi and 1st time listener. Just heard something about an Angel Box? May I ask Ion what is an Angel Box and what is it for? Thanks!

09/01/2010 13:19
Name: ionite
Location: ionland
Message: in relaxing and alow ,what is the main problem,that we cannot get there?

09/01/2010 13:20
Name: ionite
Location: ionland
Message: and i am doing it

09/01/2010 13:34
Name: Anuayi Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: which bible Ion? a metaphysical interpretation bible or King James? many many thanks. Love and Light

09/01/2010 13:35
Name: Anuayi Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: sorry, referring to Revelations 23, which interpretation?

09/01/2010 13:37
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: so cal
Message: Q for iON:
What's wrong with my knees? Will they ever feel better?

09/01/2010 13:39
Name: ionite
Location: ionland
Message: cider is good hahahahhahahah

09/01/2010 13:41
Name: DEB
Location: idaho
Message: Using a pendulum, am I getting correct answers from my non-physical.


09/01/2010 13:44
Name: Marian
Location: london
Message: Can flowers of bach help you in any way?,in recognising your state of eternal happiness?

09/01/2010 13:45
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Bob, My son's grandfather put out the Village Voice in NYC in the late 60's thru the 70's. What do you know about the publicaton?


09/01/2010 13:47
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: What did Mozart die from? Other than suicide, haha...what caused his meat suit to lie down?

09/01/2010 13:47
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: I ain't TEllin' Nothin' No way no how!!! about angel boxes or any thang'


09/01/2010 13:48
Name: Anuayi Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: thank you and if I did a reading with Ion, would I still need to find this non-existent Chapter?

09/01/2010 13:56
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: Dr Dean -- re: magnesium as knee relief -- do I use pills or ...? THANKS GANG!!!

09/08/2010 11:06
Name: Shining Star
Location: Faith of the Heart
Message: I originally missed the explanation on the Trilogy. I know one part or aspect is the Soul, and this was fully and extensively explained by iON. Can you please named the other two aspects of the Trilogy, and will you give us a brief description of those two? Thank you.

09/08/2010 11:07
Name: Anuyai Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Greetings to all! Yep, back again for another ION experience, love you Ion. I have another esoteric question for Ion. I would like to know who I played in my most recent past life and what part am I continuing to play out in this illusion? Love to all

09/08/2010 11:11
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is Sarah Palin going to be the next President of The United States, in 2012?. Or, Mit Romny the Republican Senator?.

09/08/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Why do people want to burn the Koran?, isn't that as in-effective as burning the Bible? or any other book?.

09/08/2010 11:15
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: James, would you ask Ion about Drunvalo Melchizedek and the Mayan elders as well as Cliff web bot predicting a big event in Nov of this year-Mayan elders say it will be a pole shift-and when the magnetics drop to zero-all memory will be erased-all physical matter will disintegrate and we will move into a higher dimension...
thanks Dennis

09/08/2010 11:17
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Thanks for the shows. please ask ION
Are the dates 9/9 10/9 10/10 10/19 11/9 11/11 going to be significant. some astrologers are saying 10/19 the stock market will crash.

09/08/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I rescently saw the movie called "Machete" with Robert Deniro playing a rightwing Republican named John McLaughlin (not from The McLaughlin Group) who wanted to install an electrified fence along the boarder along Mexico and The U.S. to stop the "terrosts" from entering the country.......it was like a bad Terrintino movie, but, it made a point too.

09/08/2010 11:18
Name: Katie
Location: Seattle WA
Message: Very interesting show... how are you all today? Wondering if Ion could describe the energy field of a person I am currently sharing space with. At times this person's energy towards me feels rather weird and malicious. Ion, can you help me understand? Thanks

09/08/2010 11:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I am NOT causing the phone line problems, it's probably just the NSA!.........just kidding.

09/08/2010 11:21
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: I went to James Gilliland's ranch 4 years ago so I enjoyed hearing him again.
Does ION have comments on James contacts with the aliens.

09/08/2010 11:22
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: They say the 3 days of darkness will be time moving through the void. They say you should go to someplace in nature because anything not of the natural world will simply dis-integrate around you. They say that if you stay in your heart and not succomb to fear, it will be a beautiful experience

09/08/2010 11:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello Caroline, I visited your website and saw the Arthritis suppliments. Do they really work for Arthritis pain?, because, I will buy some products from you, if they really work!. The Joint relief spray, etc.

09/08/2010 11:28
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Hi Everyone and Hugs! Ion, would the term "mystical" traveller better describe what we do instead of "time" travel and does the World Tree have a geographical location? Bob, thanks for turning me on to TIESTO, love it!

09/08/2010 11:33
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is it true that we only see the Sun up in the sky, 8 minutes later?, so that we never really actually see the Sun in its present actual location, but, only the "memory" of the Sun, where it was 8 minutes ago. It's weird to think that mankind has never actually seen the Sun, but only the 8 minute delayed recording of it........hahahaaaaa

09/08/2010 11:34
Name: eternity
Message: Hi iON.
could you please explain a little further what the difference is between being in your power in certain situations & pushing against it.

Much Light!

09/08/2010 11:35
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Talk about "Time" not being "Real"......the Suns not even "Real"!........it's only a delayed "virtual reality" experience which we think, that we are seeing.

09/08/2010 11:37
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The First Tool of Tolerance is Recognition, then Empathy, then Ron.........hahahaaaa

09/08/2010 11:39
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: a gizzgazzim... what I keep under my pillow... hehe

09/08/2010 11:40
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I think there are too many Gods on the playing field, shouldn't there be some kind of "Rules of Engangement"?. The Guff is players Dug-out. Waiting thier turn to Bat.........in the "real" world.

09/08/2010 11:40
Name: Shining Star
Location: Faith of the Heart
Message: Is the soul the one that choses to incarnate in the physical? How important is the soul? So the soul exists before coming forward? Is the Soul the one that is eternal?

09/08/2010 11:42
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Do the players in the Guff, have any sort of "Body"?, in relatiopnship to all of Bobs "Bodies"?.

09/08/2010 11:43
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "To be, or not to be" is a question they ask themselves, all the "Time" in The Guff.......

09/08/2010 11:47
Name: Rob & Uzy
Location: Tottenham
Message: Hi Bill, James, Ion, Caroline, and Bob Neveritt just listening to non physical and the inner Kingdom. Q. In the pararell worlds and in the physical how does happiness differ or is it all the same? Can you establish happiness between the two? :)

09/08/2010 11:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is there a human "death" Gene, within the human body that signals the human body, to tell the body to start aging and then die?. I remember Phillip K.Dick speaking about this years ago, about how Samone fish go back up stream to spawn, and then the fish body is flooded with choloesteral, to cause the fish to die, where it was born....I am NOT going back to where I was born!.....thats for sure!

09/08/2010 11:50
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I love IONS laugh........it's a total crack up!..........keep it up Bob.

09/08/2010 11:52
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Graduate in 2 years..........a place where you can succeed!.

09/08/2010 11:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is a birth control patch safe?.......hahahaha

09/08/2010 11:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Ron is one of the Doctors here.......training is available.

09/08/2010 11:55
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: In what way is the Guff, related to the birth canal?, of a female human being.

09/08/2010 11:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I swallow fish sometimes, but, not whole........I don't like fish bones and fins.

09/08/2010 12:04
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi everyone, Ion i would love to ask to non physical about things that are dissapearing off at my room ,first was my driving license now a pair of trousers .. can you tell me why is this happening?thanks .this is the best show ever.bye

09/08/2010 12:07
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Love it! Tiesto download! Big Brother should play this through their ear tubes...

09/08/2010 12:12
Name: Curious
Location: Earth
Message: Hi all,
"Orgone energy is an idea which was proposed and promoted in the 1930s by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who originated the term to describe a universal life force." What effects/affects does orgone generators have on the human body? on the clouds?

09/08/2010 12:16
Name: Rob & Uzy
Location: Tottenham
Message: Carolyn (sorry about spelling mistake) :)

09/08/2010 12:18
Name: Anuyai Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Ion, many thanks, I understood your answer. Ion, in choosing one of Bob's Chapters of Revelation, which Chapter would help me the most at this time? Love and Light. Namaste

09/08/2010 12:20
Name: T.J.
Location: L.A.
Message: all electro magnetic radiation travels at the same
speed . yes?

09/08/2010 12:22
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Just found out there is a Fema camp near our home. Is the NSA planning for a disaster of some kind? If so can you expound on it?

09/08/2010 12:33
Name: David
Location: San Diego

09/08/2010 12:36
Name: David
Location: San Diego

09/08/2010 12:38
Name: Katie
Location: Seattle WA
Message: Bob, thanks for the dramatics...

09/08/2010 12:41
Name: Erin
Location: Seattle
Message: Also a group of us went to Area 51 a fews years ago an when we got out of the rental car we took a few steps away from the car an turned back around to retrieve something out of the car but the car was not there .In the process of trying to figure out what to do an deciding on whether to call the police or what ? we looked back where the car use to be an it was back . Why did it disappear Ion?

09/08/2010 12:41
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello......is anybody there?.

09/08/2010 12:42
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Oh....now my texting is working now.....O.K.

09/08/2010 12:44
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Have any of you ever heard of the world ending on 2011 may 21st?, according to a guy named Harold Capming at Family Radio 1280am dial mon thru fri 5:30pm - 7pm He is a christian teacher who is wacked out!.

09/08/2010 12:46
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I am an Homoginized person, or as Phillip K.Dick once said, after someone asked him what religion he was, he said "I'm a Pedestrian".......hahahaha

09/08/2010 12:48
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What is the "God Particle"?....in The Devinci Code Movie?....is that like Cold Fusion?.

09/08/2010 12:50
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Wouldn't that be cool to make love, as an Yoga excercise?........stretching and pulling!........

09/08/2010 12:51
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is Poverty a Prison of the many "Gods" who exist, on this planet?........each "God" pretending to be imprisoned by Poverty?.

09/08/2010 12:52
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: eternity = timeless, endlessness

09/08/2010 12:52
Name: David
Location: San Diego

09/08/2010 12:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Promeathius Rising..........Fire stolen from heaven?, or from hell?......with mankind to play with, and help destroy itself with technologies that are over-ruling mankind..

09/08/2010 12:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: When is "enough", enough?.........

09/08/2010 12:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Justice is blind......but, somebody needs to un-fold her!.....to become more "transparent".

09/08/2010 12:57
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: my black lace bra has no beginning and ending either... Lady GaGa.. I can relate .. my life is on the radio as well, let's hook up...

09/08/2010 12:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can ION comment on what the numbers 666 really represent........to us.

09/08/2010 12:58
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Who wants to be a millionair?.........

09/08/2010 13:01
Name: Mike
Location: ventura
Message: Are we often in parallel worlds mistakenly thinking we are in this world? Is the mirror exercise given by ion sometime ago a good beginner exercise for me to begin to recognize the entry points to parallel worlds?

09/08/2010 13:04
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Thanks for all the fish........

09/08/2010 13:05
Name: T.J.
Location: L.A.
Message: in the commercial spot, is james saying "ion ways" or
"ion waves"? i can't distinguish . clarification appreciated

09/08/2010 13:06
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Is it true that if we go to the GUF we will lose our identity? Thereby rendering us not eternal...only our unrealised intentions will live on in a Being soup called non physical and a recording of all our thoughts and actions in the package known as our soul, stays around. Yes or No?

If we don't go the GUF and we own our power does this mean we stay alive in our current meat sack for eternity?

09/08/2010 13:07
Name: David
Location: San Diego
Message: Dr. Dean,

Are there any natural remedies for the treatment of thyroids

09/08/2010 13:07
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Borrow power from Promethius.............for awhile.

09/08/2010 13:09
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What was RAMTHA all about?........

09/08/2010 13:10
Name: Mike
Location: ventura
Message: This is the first show to actually live up to its promo, rock on Bob!

09/08/2010 13:11
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Human beings are always searching for POWER.....that they already have?.

09/08/2010 13:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Asteroid passing by earth today.............that was close!.

09/08/2010 13:14
Name: Keith
Location: Arizona
Message: Ion, I recently read that the Pyramids were used as hospitals and places of activity. This area is actually a design that replicates a City on the other side of the Veil, is this true? Thanks

09/08/2010 13:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Cloud Busting or Bursting.......

09/08/2010 13:14

09/08/2010 13:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Truth advisory in the high deserts.............

09/08/2010 13:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Slaught hues fif.........Sluaght hues fif.......

09/08/2010 13:16

09/08/2010 13:18
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, you keep mentioning the bathroom mirror. Is this why I keep looking into a certain mirror in my bathroom, am I starting to realize that is one of my portals, and when I move soon, will the next bathroom mirror be one of my portals?

09/08/2010 13:19
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is there anything that is not "O.K."?........on this show, and in life.

09/08/2010 13:19
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Yes Bob THIS is the best show all times hahahahah

09/08/2010 13:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is there anything that is not a "problem"......on this show, and in life.

09/08/2010 13:21
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is there anything that is not "good"?.........on this show and in life.

09/08/2010 13:25
Location: NEW JERSEY

09/08/2010 13:27
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Will there ever be a clothing that will be more practical for mankind, in the future?.

09/08/2010 13:28
Name: eternity
Message: Lady Gaga's meat bikini
http://www.dippedincream.com/lady-gaga- ... meat-suit/

09/08/2010 13:29
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Something that no one, has ever invented yet, in the clothing dept. of mankind..........something more Extra-Terrestrial........the Aliens seem to have thier clothing in hand......

09/08/2010 13:33
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: ION is loosing me with this fashion talk. and meat cuts to wear,

09/08/2010 13:33
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Praying Mantis' never have thier prayers answered.......

09/08/2010 13:35
Name: J. W. Mitchell
Location: Now
Message: perfect words, perfect words, oh the bliss, oh the bliss...

09/08/2010 13:37
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Problem Solving Process.......

09/08/2010 13:39
Name: Maria
Location: Spain

09/08/2010 13:43
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: This is the best radiow show in the Universe. How's that Bob...

09/08/2010 13:43
Name: Rob & Uzy
Location: Tottenham
Message: Thank you very show we did well.

09/08/2010 13:43
Location: NEW JERSEY
Message: THANK YOU

09/08/2010 13:44
Name: Brandon
Message: ta dah!

09/08/2010 13:44
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: James Martinez Cash Flow show every Wednesday is the Best SHow ever!!!

09/08/2010 13:44
Name: Rob & Uzy
Location: Tottenham
Message: good show

09/08/2010 13:47
Name: Pam
Location: New York city
Message: Listening to the show from tompkins square park in the east village. All the freaky people here are no match for us freaky ion-ettes. Agree with Sandra/ it's an excellent show today.

09/08/2010 13:47
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: This IS the very best show EVER!! Thank you! Can iON comment on Solar Cycle 24 and/or offer any advice for us regarding it

09/08/2010 13:52
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: ever ever ever !!

09/08/2010 13:52
Name: asaScott
Message: James, The machine is a regenerator for all things, made for humans to extend life in youngness

09/08/2010 13:53
Name: Tayzay
Location: Michigan
Message: Best Show ever and for all ways

09/08/2010 13:54
Name: Jessica
Message: Hi Skye, Hi Brenda :)
Thank you for your show.
If possible let me know when I am going to get a really good job opportunity. I have a University degree. Right now I just have a job to pay the bills.
Dec.24/1979 at 12:46a.m. Surrey, B.C. Canada.
(please don't mention my birthday on-air).
Thank you once again.
Best regards.

09/08/2010 13:55
Name: Jessica
Message: Oh yes I graduated with a degree in 2004 if that matters. :)

09/08/2010 13:57
Name: David
Location: San Diego
Message: Can't wait for the misery and my interview with ion

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART FIVE
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 6:43 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
09/15/2010 11:10
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: awwww Bob, I got it! Good Morning Universal Family, Ion, you make my heart sing! Ain't that the truth? Smiles

09/15/2010 11:11
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, what is the 11:11 prompt? I have been seeing this for a long time now, and right now, again, 11:11 am.

09/15/2010 11:22
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Ion
in your version of the lord's prayer you say,
"Allow me the power
to not push against,
or even notice,
those who trespass on me."
At what point do you call the angels in to smote those who are trespassing on you?

09/15/2010 11:24
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: Hi there gang!
I have a thousand questions for ion, but will start with this one: The aboriginal people of australia maintain that they have always been here, since the beginning of 'time'. They reject the "out of africa" theory. What is your response ion? Secondly, are there portals/gates in the Flinders Ranges of Sth Australia, if so, where?

09/15/2010 11:25
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: yes, everywhere

09/15/2010 11:34
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, will you confirm that I have discovered through "travel" the reason I am now experiencing leaving this man? Hugs

09/15/2010 11:35
Name: Jen
Location: Los Angeles
Message: Hello, can you tell me why I am being bothered by spirits? They're sending stupid messages in an attempt to scare me and try to manipulate me. Any insight would be helpful.

09/15/2010 11:37
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Ion
Am I off track in assuming that the US Govt., was involved in the planning and actual bombing of the Murrah Building, and in assuming that there were documents in the building someone wanted destroyed to protect themselves from scrutiny.
Is the reason Vince Foster suicided because he couldn't handle the contrast he created between himself and Hillary Clinton, if not what was the reason?

09/15/2010 11:48
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: dear non-physical,
is the universe a holographic fractal based upon a mathematical construct?
Why does the alphabet as reverse ordered pairs,i.e. (a=1,z=26) =27, etc, etc, all reduce to the number 9?
Very curious, thanks

09/15/2010 11:50
Name: Ashley BatHouse lady
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Hi guys! Enjoying your show as always!
I do not yet understand "power vs. authority"
and I have been listening to every show, but I still feel like there is something I'm not getting.
Is there a metaphor iON, that you could use
that would help me to "get it"?

Ashley from LaughingBat.com

09/15/2010 11:53
Name: Dru
Location: ChipBody
Message: Long ago, I relaxed & allowed myself to fall through some kind of inner wormhole. Reality spiral-tunneled away, until I arrived someplace where I could create a physical reality with my thoughts. I created a place which contained some kind of light-beings(?), who were very surprised to see me & telepathically conveyed "He wont know what to do". Can Ion talk about where I was & other the beings?

09/15/2010 11:56
Name: Shining Star
Location: Faith of the Heart
Message: iON, can you please tell us about determinism or destiny, Do they exist or are false premises? All of this in relation to free will. Thank you.

09/15/2010 11:56
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
If you were a human creator, whatquestion would you ask non-physical?

Is there a message you would like to give us human creators that you have not already conveyed?

Any message you want to repeat?

Last question come from my 7 year old. How did we (humans) get here (planet earth)? Who made us?

Thanks, B.

09/15/2010 11:57
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Bob, last week, there was a question someone posed Ion about the pyramids that did not get answered, remember? The gentleman who asked said he had heard something about the pyramids being used for hospitals, living quarters, and daily activities. Ion, is this true and what else can you tell us why they are positioned as they are? I use the symbol for many things..ain't that the truth. Kisses

09/15/2010 12:15
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: Dear ion,
is there a end-by date for ascension, or have we got as long as it takes? some of us are slow-learners, lol! In other words am i gonna make it?

09/15/2010 12:21
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Drum Roll... Okay, you guys have said anything goes, so here goes. Ion, I need directions to the realm where I can experience a sacred sexual experience? Woohoo!!

09/15/2010 12:25
Name: Jen
Location: Los Angeles
Message: This is my first time listening to ION. Who is he?

09/15/2010 12:27
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: In the last lucid dream I had I was going through door after door until I got to the last one when the fear of going through it woke me up and I haven't had a lucid dream since. I have discovered on a few vision quests that I had been afraid of accepting my power is that what was behind the door or was it that I just didn't know how to triangulate my return?

09/15/2010 12:29
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Christians and Dante created a Hell for all those fun loving meatsacks who want to play with the experience of the contrast of dark and light energy. It is all fascinating to observe each meatsacks play time.

09/15/2010 12:36
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi everybody,to take your power is the same as to pull your non physical into your physical body?

09/15/2010 12:36
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: In another lucid dream a beautiful women dressed in white walked toward me with 2 Egyptian like men walking on either side of her. As she came closer i knew that she was me and wasn't me, she was a high priestess and that she was the vision that appeared to me on the canyon wall during a vision quest and is now a drawing on my shield. who was she & why did she come to me? Thank you all!

09/15/2010 12:37
Name: Peter
Location: Kansas
Message: Can you define the emergency exit behing you, the one that iON mentioned to asaScott?

09/15/2010 12:43
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Hi My Sweets, another fantastic show, always a pleasure to listen to you all. Ion, is the three stages of what we call dying identical to the three stages of what we call being birthed? Again, love the show! One Vibration!

09/15/2010 12:46
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hi All, Happy to listen live for a change.

iON are the Men in Black that people say they have seen � from this world that we think is our world? or from a parallel world? from another planet or skywardly body? some alphabet agency? or somewhere I have not mentioned?

Thank You!

09/15/2010 12:50
Name: James
Location: California
Message: ION, There are some non-physicals (they say they're walk-ins) trying to take possession of me. How can I thwart them? I keep telling them to go to Hell, but they haven't listened yet.

09/15/2010 12:52
Name: Karen
Location: Santa Monica
Message: Are all spirits considered immortal?

09/15/2010 12:53
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Ion, eternal love to you for the response to the woman who asked what is the best question a human could ask a non-physical...just beautiful...

09/15/2010 13:00
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: If my 7 yr old is ever home from school on a Wed. I'll get him on the air.

09/15/2010 13:06
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Ion, The SS Hurona that was converted to a house has the address as 56 29=11 11 = 22 which is also 3 deductions to arrive at the #22. I've been to this property many times.....what is going on there/here?

Much Luv

09/15/2010 13:09
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello.........Im back!. But, I found my Ritalin.......hahahaha. Sorry about last weeks too many messages.

09/15/2010 13:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Phillip K. Dick said in an ineterview years ago, that, the "Pink Light" that he saw told him that his baby son, was going to die soon, if, the son was not taken to the hospital immediately. So, Phillip takes the kid to the hospital, and the Doctor chicks the kids and says nothing wrong with him, But, Phillip K. Dick says, "No, I was just informed that my son has a hernia and will die if you dont

09/15/2010 13:15
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON, Angeles song on the Forum,
What is the messege therein?
Angels, answer me,
are you near if rain should fall?
Am I to believe
you will rise to calm the storm?
For so great a treasure words will never do.
Surely, if this is, promises are mine to give you.
mine to give...
Here, all too soon the day!
Wish the moon to fall and alter tomorrow.
I should know
heaven has her way
- each one given

09/15/2010 13:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: If, you don't save him. So, they check the kid again and find the hernia, and immediately opererate and save the kid. All because Phillip saw a "Pink Light" which told him, about his sons emergency.

09/15/2010 13:17
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: So, Phillip K. Dick was transformed by that "experience" about how a "Pink Light" could save his childs life.

09/15/2010 13:19
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Does Lady Gaga know Senetors?. They seem to be e-mailing each other currently.

09/15/2010 13:19
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: In the story I listened to earlier today, was the MIB that the woman saw in the Albany cemetary when the SUV disappeared through a chain link fence and then reappeared later, a parallel worlder messing with them?

It does seem like there are 2 or 3 of myself. Maybe for a private session but would love to engage the 8!

Thanks to you all!

09/15/2010 13:20
Name: denns
Location: Missouri
Message: JAMES, ask iOn about Prince Poppycock!

Talk about an "other worlder"

Sharon Osbourne calls Poppycock the MALE GAGA!! lol

09/15/2010 13:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Lady Gaga reminds me of a combination of a young Madona and Brittney Spears .

09/15/2010 13:21
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: Gaga's meat dress vs. 80s pop-punkers The Undertones' "All Wrapped Up" album cover:


09/15/2010 13:22
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wonder what Lady Gaga represents to the public?......what is Lady Gaga's Image, as a message to the public.

09/15/2010 13:27
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: please repeat Jermaine's blogspot URL???

09/15/2010 13:28
Name: Lisa
Location: San Bernardino
Message: Is the God of the Bible the same as the Universal Creator?

09/15/2010 13:29
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: The Undertones did the meat dress thing
google "All Wrapped Up"

09/15/2010 13:30
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is Time Travel possible?.....I guess not if, Time does not really exist......right?.

09/15/2010 13:32
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: No Bob!...Retilin is a medication Doctors give someone who is hyper-active......I had hyper-active messages last week!....hahahaaa

09/15/2010 13:32
Name: Carolann
Location: FL
Message: Hi Ion
One of my sun catchers occasionally falls off my sliding glass door, I feel it is my dad who has crossed over, my family thinks it just a coincidence.
Which is it Ion?

09/15/2010 13:34
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Blue Oyster Cult has songs about The "MEN IN BLACK".

09/15/2010 13:35
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
You tell us that time does not exist or that it is our creatiion. What is your definition of time?
Thanks, b.

09/15/2010 13:36
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What does ION think about James Von Progue the guy who sometimes talks to "dead people" who have "passed on".?

09/15/2010 13:38
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Time travel is not possible, because Time does not exist.

09/15/2010 13:40
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is there such a thing as a "problem"?, or is it like "Time"?, it really doesn't exist?.

09/15/2010 13:41
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What is The Vatican P2 "group"?, and do they still exist today?.

09/15/2010 13:42
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What does ION think about the idea of EVOLUTION?.

09/15/2010 13:43
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: hi again,
are the 33 degrees of freemasonry related to the 33 vertebrae and activating the chakras?
do we need to detox the pineal gland from flouride in order to become bodily aware of portals?

09/15/2010 13:44
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Mad Hat......ers!. Will they ever legalize Marajuana in this country?.

09/15/2010 13:46
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: There are Senators who e-mail Lady Gaga sometimes.

09/15/2010 13:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Monsters do not exist!..........

09/15/2010 13:50
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: See?.....I knew it!...........P2 still exists!.

09/15/2010 13:52
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wrote The Trillion Dollar check!........at my bank, as ION advised me to do, a few months ago!......hahahaha

09/15/2010 13:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: They are still looking for my check, and what happened to it........

09/15/2010 13:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: O.K......I will......Im not sure how to, but, I will try to not make so many messages, next time. Sorry Bob!.

09/15/2010 13:57
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont

09/22/2010 11:00
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri

09/22/2010 11:05
Name: matthew
Location: jerzee
Message: James: great guest yesterday.

Ion: Do I have an rfid implant?

09/22/2010 11:16
Name: Ana
Message: Hi everyone
Sheila said this was the best show ever back in March.

09/22/2010 11:20
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Compliment:
Resplendenc-iON! (rinse~n~repeat)


09/22/2010 11:22
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: James, If the JW's go to "Gee-gasm-land" when iON comes in, and thus supposedly don't know what iON says while they are "gone", how is it that JW still seems to know-almost line for line-most of what iON has said?

09/22/2010 11:22
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

If you were on earth right now as a Human Creator what would you be creating? What would be some of your preferences? Ok I know I used "what", Bob can you rephrase these questions so we may get an answer.

Thanks, Barbara

09/22/2010 11:25
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: An old Lebanese proverb cannot be bettered: "The one who is not dead, still has a chance".

09/22/2010 11:27
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Could Ion explain how Lady Gaga and Khia ThugMisses differ in how they express coming one's own power?

09/22/2010 11:27
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I just went out and bought a giant poster of Lady Gaga yesterday, and put it up in my bedroom, to remind me to "Come into my own Power" too.

09/22/2010 11:30
Location: nc
The kids came into a "proper" nutritious" diet all on the OWN!

09/22/2010 11:32
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A new class of carbon molecule (C60) shaped exactly like a geodesic sphere. It is the 3rd known form of pure carbon in nature, after diamond and graphite. (A "Bucky Ball") Tetrahedra Universe.

09/22/2010 11:34
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: If iON is a conglomeration of a gazillion entities in the guf, how do they/he/it differ from say the "evergreens", Abraham, RA, Ramtha, Seth and other "channeled" entities? If all is ONE, are these "others" also part of iON?

09/22/2010 11:38
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: I'm so cool! Because I knew back in March!
Here's a compliment for YOU guys and the best show ever:
YE walk in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meets in your aspect and your eyes

09/22/2010 11:38
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: At the end of his life, reclusive Howard Hughes would only eat Hersheys almond chocolate bars and milk!.

09/22/2010 11:41
Name: Peter
Location: Kansas
Message: Bob, will you touch on the new season premiere of Finge that stars tomorrow. Also, this show, Cash Flow on Wednesdays is without a doubt, the best show ever in all the multi-universes. Very Glad Dr. Dean is back in the show.

09/22/2010 11:47
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Epicurus : Tetrapharmakon "Don't Fear God, Don't worry about Death, What is good is easy to get, What is terrible is easy to endure."

09/22/2010 11:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Salvador Dali said, "There is one difference between The Surrealists and me. I am A Surrealist".

09/22/2010 11:51
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: There's nothing like hanging out with The Dead, to point up the sheer improbability of being alive.

09/22/2010 11:51
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: I have a question about "service to self" vs "service to others"(as laid out in the RA material.In my reading with iOn, he (iON)poo-pooed the idea of helping others...asking me "and how'd THAT work out for you?" (every time I've tried to "help" others it always came back to bite me in the ass)
Does our "graduation/harvest" depend upon our "good works"?

09/22/2010 11:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "One may see the small value that God has for riches, by the people He gives them to". Alexander Pope

09/22/2010 11:54
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri

09/22/2010 11:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "Do what thou wilt" Aleister Crowley claimed to be the reincarnation of John Dee.

09/22/2010 11:55
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Waving hi and blowing kisses to you all... How's my heart throb Ion today? Ion, tomorrow is 58th birthday on Planet Earth, would love to hear if there is a message from the Universe for me other than stay away from men from Planet 5519. Love to you all! I am blessed to have connected with James show and all of you... Namaste

09/22/2010 11:58
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: will ion give an explanation for the "phantom limb" syndrome?

09/22/2010 12:03
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Contemplating suicide, Buckminster Fuller found himself suspended several feet above the ground, surrounded by sparkling lights, a "Voice" said, "You do not have a right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to yourself, but, to The Universe".

09/22/2010 12:04
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Always trying to do more, with less.

09/22/2010 12:05
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: Would you ask iON what happened to Johnny Gosch (the paperboy that disappeared in W Des Moines Iowa in the 80's)? Is Jeff Gannon Johnny Gosch?

09/22/2010 12:05
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm done!.....Thank God......hahahahahahaa Sorry Bob!

09/22/2010 12:13
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Good Day Everyone! Love the show as you already know. I am now addicted to Ion, and what a lovely ET to be addicted to. Ion, would you please describe the term soul retrival? I do believe that I will be engaging in this activity, along with other activities in the spiritual realm. One Vibration!

09/22/2010 12:16
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: Is Sai BaBa in his power? Are his manifestations of watches and jewelry etc that he gives to his devotees, for real or is he a fraud ?

09/22/2010 12:18
Name: anon
Location: guess?
Message: Did the Rooster pluck the Hen?
Or did they both wind up in a feather pillow?
So, are they plucked now?

09/22/2010 12:24
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: is there sex in the guff?

09/22/2010 12:25
Name: WJ
Location: Now
Message: Asking questions simply affirms ones' not knowing. Let the NP clean it up before it spills. Works for Moi... Perfect words will BE and heard, when needed. Still advise private readings for fine tuning and advice on topics, especially career moves.

09/22/2010 12:28
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: Do animals have souls?
Is Rupert Sheldrake correct in his Morphogenic Field (group soul) theory regarding animals? Are we reunited with our transitioned pets when we cross over?

09/22/2010 12:29
Name: nastia danyou
Location: new Orleans
Message: I'm so tired of being here, I'm ready to throw in the towel. my friends and I keep gettin attacked. i really cant take it anymore. can ion tell me who i am and why im here?

BTW: nastia danyou is really not my name!

09/22/2010 12:32
Name: WJ
Location: Now
Message: *correction : Asking questions simply affirms ones' not knowing. Let the NP clean it up before it spills. Works for Moi... Perfect words will BE and heard when *desired with perfect timing. Still advise private readings for fine tuning and advice on topics, especially career moves.

09/22/2010 12:53
Name: Martha
Location: Texas
Message: Will be be talking about the "bread of life"? I'd really like ion to talk about this! I heard ion mention it on Eben's show. Sounds like a good Wednesday show topic!

09/22/2010 13:00
Name: WJ
Location: Now
Message: Scientists explain parting of the Red Sea:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/39307417#39307417

09/22/2010 13:01
Name: Guru
Message: Hi Bob, Ion, Carolyn and James. I have a question for iON from my 16 year old son.
We have a MAC book Pro, 15 inch, 300gigabyte, 2.33 Gigahertz Intel Core 2 laptop running Mac OS 10.5.8 it also runs Windows Parallel.
He wants to know which is the best way he can get his videogame Superstar Wars for the PC running on DOSBox to accept and use his USB controller? He's tried a lot of solutions.

09/22/2010 13:05
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello everyone. This IS the best show anywere. I can't even find a close second. Keep it up! I can see the "Cash Flow Show" billboards now.

09/22/2010 13:09
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello Bob,
Being that today is the 22nd and my birthday, what is your significance of this number? I ask because you mention it occasionally.

09/22/2010 13:11
Name: michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: Can iOn comment on the truth of the Urantia Book? Who wrote it? How does the story of Jesus and the angels compare to iOn's veiw?

09/22/2010 13:19
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Laughing, sleep with them all, Ion? Okay, I will tell them all Ion said it is so.. Question: Ion, in practicing interactive imagery and feelings, is it possible to give oneself a boob job without the illusion of surgery? Can I get a Happy Birthday from you all? Thanks for the smiles...

09/22/2010 13:21
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: I love and appreciate iON and everyone on this very best show ever! Henry II locked up Eleanor of Aquitaine for not only inciting her sons to rebel against their father but for her ladies to insist on respect from their husbands in her courts of love. Were there other reasons he locked her up that we are not aware of and why do I resonate with her so much?

09/22/2010 13:28
Name: Robert
Location: London
Message: Well done nice show, Peace to all, I quit smoking for peace day.

09/22/2010 13:32
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: For clarity what I am referring to is assisting other Souls with retrieving parts unmanifested.. yes, Ion?

09/22/2010 13:39
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Contemplating suicide, Buckminster Fuller found himself suspended several feet above the ground, surrounded by sparkling lights, a "Voice" said, "You do not have a right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to yourself, but, to The Universe".

09/22/2010 13:42
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: My computer keeps locking up, ION would you please
correct this for me?

09/22/2010 13:47
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: so cal
Message: iON should have his own show solely for computer tech support

09/22/2010 13:48
Name: Snake charmer
Location: Missouri
Message: sounds like a "catch 22" to me!

09/22/2010 13:50
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Are the Tailgaiters group in Hawaii?

09/22/2010 13:52
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: ION tell me a fun thing to do for the Full harvest Moon ritual, drink.

09/22/2010 13:52
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Taking a bow... it's Princess Day! Really, from the heart, this is and you all are the most fantastic group of Meatsacks and our very own ET, Ion...

09/22/2010 13:57
Name: Sessy
Location: Arizona
Message: Tell me to get a better connection with higher conscious self to improve the things around me.

09/22/2010 13:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob Never-it?..........

09/22/2010 13:59
Name: Snake charmer
Location: Missouri
Message: great show guys...thanks to all!

09/29/2010 11:03
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: having lived the experience of knowing everything, but what some monkeys have devised and named it,

I would ask iOn,
if I asked bob what she thought you would say,
if i asked you what is the first and last letter or number on the back of my social security card, and what is the full name of my primate father?.

if bob wont let himself answer, or botches it, what would you (ion) say?

09/29/2010 11:06
Name: Brandon
Message: here comes everybody.

09/29/2010 11:07
Name: Benjamin
Location: Oregon
Message: Hey meat sacks are we still making toast today? Um, I have a desire to know about a a certain person of interest, name isn't important. What energy is this one bringing into this equation, what planet is she/me from, is she a positive blend with mine etc. Thank you God bless you. Im keeping my vibration as positive as I can possibly keep it in this time and just allowing. Peace

09/29/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm back again!.....

09/29/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: It's 11:11 right now!........

09/29/2010 11:09
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: When will it be 22:22?.......

09/29/2010 11:10
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: I just had a dream last night that I am watching television and on the news is a major media conference revealing of ION! I am a bit upset that I will no longer be one of the few "in the know", as all will be revealed now. Is there any significance to this dream?

09/29/2010 11:10
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Lady Gaga is on the front cover of Glamour Magazine today........

09/29/2010 11:11
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: hes wrong about his own apprehensions of his creative potential

09/29/2010 11:12
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Greetings to all you Lovelies today! Ion, can you scan my energy field and tell me if I need to make any adjustments as these past two weeks for whatever friggin reason, has been a bit brutal with the moving out and away from the freak from planet 5519. Love and Hugs to all you guys..

09/29/2010 11:12
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: 1.Was the "fall" in Eden, or the loss of the Edenic State, also accompanied by a cataclysm? If so what was the nature of the cataclysm?
2. We are told that time is illusion. Did it come into being at the time of the "fall" in Eden, and if so, were there other illusions put into place at that time...

09/29/2010 11:12
Name: Brandon
Message: because he's a douche.

09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A question for ION, When will they finally get rid of Currency and Cash in our society?

09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Benjamin
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion. Maybe you could also help me with contacting certain local celebrities that have certain same interests in life as I do, say culturally! Lol Peace and God bless you!

09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm waiting !.........

09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hahahahaaaaaa

09/29/2010 11:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im from the "RON" quadrants!...... I AM RON!

09/29/2010 11:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I am HAPPY!

09/29/2010 11:15
Name: Matthew
Location: Jerzee
Message: What is up with the alleged delusional parasitosis called Morgellons? Does that have to do with the alleged bed bug epidemic?

09/29/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: NO!.......Im a nice person!.........

09/29/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: You bastard Bob!..........hahahahahaha

09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: on last thursday's cash flow Dr alfred webre said that through some remote viewers a 2012 positive or non catastrophic timeline is emerging. Is this true? Are we changing our future to a positive timeline and if so would typing and tweeting assist it to happen?

09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im on ION's Team!~.......Bob just doesn't "get it"!.......MAN!.

09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: a) do we have twin flames? b) if so what is iON's wordoligy for them? c) if they do exist could you explain how they integrate with our trinity d) is there a process to bring them into our reality to be our companions

09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: Hi everyone,
iON, can you please describe for me the process to follow to dispel my fear and to enable me to not give a fig what anyone thinks of me?

09/29/2010 11:17
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: Am I communnicating with my non-physical when I consult the iChing?

On the archives I have heard people mentioning something about candida and frequency would you please explain their relationship?

Would you please explain deja vu and lucid dreaming

09/29/2010 11:17
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: Hello everyone!I Is it true that drinking fluids during a meal cause the intestinal juices to be diluted and may over work one's live?
What causes gallstones? What problems can come about with having gallstones? Please explain the purpose of the liver and how it works?

09/29/2010 11:17
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob!,....just go with the "Flow"!.....you don't need to even answer my questions, just keep me on!...I need you!.........MAN!.......God Damn it!.....hahahahaa

09/29/2010 11:18
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: so is ion saying, that bob would say, that there are no numbers or letters? and what does ion say about that.

09/29/2010 11:18
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: a few years ago in a weekend workshop we were told it was the time of the 2nd coming or Christ Consciousness coming to earth. As we drove home along the i90 i watched the sunrise on my right and an incredibly huge formation in the sky emerged as the crown of thorns a buddha an angel and a huge feathered serpent I discovered was Quetzicoatal. would you please explain what I saw thank you

09/29/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: My meat sack is "taosted"!......and it tastes so good!......

09/29/2010 11:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: My place of power is my meat sack.........wow!......my environmental suit.... keeps me alive here on planet earth!.

09/29/2010 11:21
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Here is a question, When is "BOB" going to "Transition"?..............hahahahaaaaaaa

09/29/2010 11:21
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: for the last 30 years my astrology chart showed pluto in the 7th house of relationships..as of a couple of years ago no matter what site i input my birth information, pluto is now in the 8th house. Did i shift permanently to a parallel world where i am no longer at war with my relationships but now working through money issues?

09/29/2010 11:22
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I have to go now, unfortunately, I have to go see my Doctor, my stupid back is killing me!......I'm sure that Bob will be "Happy" now!......Damn it!.

09/29/2010 11:23
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bye.........But, I will be back next week, don't worry "BOB"!.......hahahahaa

09/29/2010 11:24
Name: Lisa
Location: new Orleans
Message: My name is Lisa, what planet am I from and why did I come here?

James said yesterday that you guys had a big announcement today, was he joking?

09/29/2010 11:25
Name: Jim
Location: California
Message: iON,
Is there something special about World 12? If so can you expand upon it? Is there a significant difference between our world and World 12? Am I from World 12?

Have I gone through portals without knowing it?

Thanks, Jim

09/29/2010 11:26
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Earth?
Message: Hi Everyone! Another delightful day with all you brilliant folk. Ion, can you describe the quickest way for me to create money and the activities to engage in to accomplish this? And Ion, last week you said that soul retrival of others was not my job and I will honor that but can you explain the reason it is not my job? Namaste

09/29/2010 11:26
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: Since ion confirmed that I was only afraid of not being able to return from portalling I am allowing it into my reality. the other morning i awakened because i heard and saw a big spark off an antique desk and i jumped back off the edge of my bed and had to bring myself back. I almost dismissed it but caught myself and acknowledged it. Can ion please explain what i did thank you

09/29/2010 11:27
Name: Ben
Location: Oregon
Message: Hey guys sorry about that, I was actually going to tell you her name at first, shoulda listened to my conscious ( kinda of a touchy subject is all ) her name is Anne.

09/29/2010 11:27
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Just jumped on... darn I forgot about the show again, now I have to go for a bike ride... too much pent up energy!

No question, but just bought Dr. Deans Magnesium book. Thank you dear Dr. Dean. :) Think this may help my daughter with headaches and cramps.

Love the energy of this radio show as always! Thank you James, et al!

Cheryl, Vermont

09/29/2010 11:34
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: I'm still not clear about this dream. Does it just mean that there may be some type of announcement regarding humans coming into their power?

09/29/2010 11:37
Name: tullah
Message: Ta-LOOOO-lah?!? gimme a break but that's ok you can call me anything you like :-) I LIKE LEGEND!
question for James
I've heard mention of you guys calling for Martial Law...what's the poop on that? Would you discuss what's coming down the pike for this country? Are we looking at financial collapse anytime soon?

09/29/2010 11:37
Name: tullah

09/29/2010 11:39
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys!!!
Could you please ask iON what he means when he says that we are "salt and light?" Thank you!

09/29/2010 11:42
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Earth?
Message: Ion, is Mother Teresa an ascended master and is she around me at times? Is Joan of Arc an ascended master and is she around me at times as well? Can you tell me the names of the ArchAngels and Ascended Masters with whom I communicate with? Love the Show, I am learning a great deal and please keep this going ... Love to all

09/29/2010 11:44
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: to ion and james, and i guess bob too. ( love ya bob )
what do you think the united states corp officers are going to do when that 100th monkey divests their-self as surety of the fantasy construct we have been calling the american system? ala fiat world currency system?

09/29/2010 11:44
Name: Eukonidor
Location: 1st galaxy
Message: Ion,
I know what you really are.
Am I correct?

09/29/2010 11:46
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: hickley? i am not sure if he was born yet? in this astrological frame or interval. i think ion meant oswald, lol

09/29/2010 11:46
Name: T.J.
Message: would or could ion /j.w. do this same show for a Chinese
audience ,or would ion need a native chinese speaker to work through ?

09/29/2010 11:54
Name: Matthew
Location: Jerzee
Message: James- Another great show yesterday.
Did he know about ion? I think his interaction with iON would be classic.

09/29/2010 11:54
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: i think ion was saying before that astrology is a measure for our meatsuit manifest interval.
and i would say from last week
i think a meatsuit should go with the grain for the top and against the grain for the bottom. horizonal on top and vertical on the bottom, if lady gaga was wearing it.

09/29/2010 11:55
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Do all my multiselves in other middle kingdoms look like me or are they completely different i.e. race, sex, etc.?
Also, question from my 7yr old - Does God exist? (I told him we is God but he's not buying it) He wants a better answer, (keep in mind he attended Catholic school last year).

Thans, b.
Thanks, Barbara

09/29/2010 11:56
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Earth?
Message: Ion, yesterday would have been my mother's 82nd earth birthday. Did she visit me yesterday, and will I see her as a younger version of herself soon? Once again, thank you Ion and everyone.

09/29/2010 12:08
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: James I heard that you guys are advocating martial law as a means of reform? Can you give us the poop on that aa well as what future you see for this country...does ion see financial collapse coming anytime soon?

09/29/2010 12:09
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: clap clap clap

09/29/2010 12:16
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: The plane was on there way to Brazil wasn't it?

09/29/2010 12:17
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, can you describe this planet 5519 for me and can you tell me what "camp" my ex is playing with? I want to applaud our sister Dr.D on this show, she is adds a beautiful blend to this experience.

09/29/2010 12:23
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: ThHow does iOn make the mistake of the flight going to Buenos Aires when it was really San Paolo?

09/29/2010 12:24
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: clap clap clap

09/29/2010 12:28
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: media hygiene

09/29/2010 12:31
Name: kb
Location: tx
Message: ion; i would like to know what world my dog Jake is from? what is going on with him urinating on himself when I use different tones of voices and when excited, and his obsessive desire to lick on me. His behavior doesn't seem like "normal" dog behavior. He was found on the street by a girl, and then gave to me. thanks guys.

09/29/2010 12:36
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: organo-nanotechnological manefestion of the android meme, the fibers decompose at 1800 degrees, its like fiber optic material

09/29/2010 12:37
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Question to caroline. Do you give much credence to the research and findings of Hulda Clark? Could Ion also comment?

09/29/2010 12:39
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: ion says to use the mind that how it is suppose to work. get out of the lambrinth of the mind. How then do animals get sick?

09/29/2010 12:41
Name: Ben
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, is Anne from Pleides? God bless

09/29/2010 12:47
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: good day gentle folks

09/29/2010 12:48
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: to clarify, alannah and i are friends, we call ourselves alana squared for fun. the other alannah is indeed lovely, wonderful and sultry!

thanks for answering my question iON, cheers.

09/29/2010 12:55
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: What is the cause of gall stones? What is the actual chemical or physical make up of the stones? What problems or benefits to the body is created by they. Don't be cheeky.

09/29/2010 12:55
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Just back from a quick, exhilarating bike ride, and I had numerous epiphanys which were delayed reactions from my last session with iON. I felt a wonderful blast of knowing!

iON, are there any peoples on earth that have a language that does not speak in tenses? In other words, they do not speak of past, present or future, only the now?


09/29/2010 12:56
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: i just saw a little burn mark on my hand i hadn't noticed! Thank you

09/29/2010 13:02
Name: alison and teri
Location: woodinville :)
Message: Hi Kids, so excited we were able to tune into some of the show today...
spurts and spews and all the coolest news, tee hee

iON, Teri is printing her first personal affirmation wear per your suggestion in her recent reading saying "iAM with iON".
How kewl is that!

love ya all...

ps James, the check is in the mail ;)

09/29/2010 13:15
Name: corrina
Location: texas
Message: ion: 1) i want to know the number of world i am

from? 2) have i experienced any portal/portals that i don't remember?
3) can you tell me if the contrast i have been creating is going to end soon, so I can just be grateful, and stop complaining. It is difficult for me to see how I create my own discouragement/frustration/and lack of consistently healthly behavior what is joy for me

09/29/2010 13:15
Name: Ben
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, it is my understanding that there is no past present or future,in regards to Anne, can you describe the experience ,experienced with Anne and the outcome of the experience, experienced with her? Thats all Peace and One Love

09/29/2010 13:15
Name: Lisa
Location: new Orleans
Message: Some guy came to my door for banana trees, for like 5 seconds. Did you answer my question in that time?:

Your Last Message ...
My name is Lisa, what planet am I from and why did I come here? James said yesterday that you guys had a big announcement today, was he joking?

09/29/2010 13:17
Name: Martha
Location: Texas
Message: Am I the only one not hearing the show anymore? Hello where did you guys go??

09/29/2010 13:19
Name: Jb
Location: California
Message: I literally just found out my stepdaughter who is 18 is pregnant.
She has a 9th grade education and no job, no prospects. Her boyfriend is in similar positon. They say they want to keep the baby. Please tell me how to handle this situation. Please!!!

09/29/2010 13:21
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: Perfect words , perfect words...

09/29/2010 13:22
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: Which version #J.W. is this?(talking to Germaine)

09/29/2010 13:27
Name: melissa
Location: MAUI
Message: i need a cheap ticket to india. can ya help with local travel? i don't know how to get to other universes yet and will learn if only i can get to india. help!

09/29/2010 13:30
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: Note to your brilliant Corespondent; I did not 'know' I will design garments until I truly cared less of what I wanted to wear, and more on what I wanted to see.

09/29/2010 13:34
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Love hearing from Germaine!

09/29/2010 13:49
Name: melissa
Location: MAUI

09/29/2010 13:53
Name: Pami
Location: Ct
Message: You know ion just told my story at foreclosure court! - I begged judge to take a house & he refused! Case has now been completely dismissed.

09/29/2010 13:53
Name: melissa
Location: MAUI

09/29/2010 13:57
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: what would ion call the language of the right brain, that doesnt have names for things?

10/06/2010 11:04
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Hi everyone,
iON, is there a process which simply allows easily, a merging of my physical, non physical, into an assended, in an assension process, to rule and reign with all power and authority in this realm of my kingdom and give me unlimited access to all the worlds, universes and strata? If yes, can you please tell me the process? Much gratitude, Barbara

10/06/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hi Bob...I'm back, and ready to answer any questions that you might have, for me!.....hahahahaa

10/06/2010 11:13
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Will you please tell us human creators the message you have not already conveyed to us?

Question, from my 7 yr old son (Max), "How did the earth get created?"

Thanks, Barbara

10/06/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm just sitting here, enjoying my Hersheys Chocolate Almond Bar, like your Snickers Bars Bob. I am "I-RON".

10/06/2010 11:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob, "You mean my whole Falisy is wrong", as Marshall McCluen once said......hahahahaa

"All things are Possible", as ION likes to say sometimes!.

10/06/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Here is a question for ION, Will there ever surface or appear in the future, a "UFO Pentagon Papers" whistle blower, to change the whole course of human history?.

10/06/2010 11:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can ION comment on what The Bhagavad Gita really is for mankind, or, how helpful it can be for understanding the human condition.

10/06/2010 11:23
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: It's interesting to think that, no questions really need to answered. since, each person already knows the answer to thier questions, before they are even asked.....they just don't know it yet. It's the cat and mouse sybdrome, of questions and answers.

10/06/2010 11:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Importance of "Questions"....right Bob?. There really are no "Problems", only Solutions per ION.

10/06/2010 11:28
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: O.K.,.....I'm done for today.......thanks man!. Bye.....

10/06/2010 11:34
Name: David
Location: San Diego


10/06/2010 11:37
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles
Message: As we choose to stay in the physical, what would Ion suggest to as the best thing to use instead of language?

10/06/2010 11:37
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: Hahaha, that's what everyone says when we are together: uh oh! Exactly right!

10/06/2010 11:54
Name: missy
Location: maui
Message: aloha, is the gate that lucy, the dog, showed me a portal? if so, can she come with me?

10/06/2010 11:55
Name: Guru
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Guru,
Hey iON, Bob, Carolyn, James. Question for iON I lost my main cell phone. In which area would I find it in? Could you give me the details of it's location?

10/06/2010 11:58
Name: Anonymus
Message: Hi everyone
Bob please ask which world has the best selection of smokable grass and which world has the best red wine??

10/06/2010 12:01
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, just wanted to say that this show is dope. It gives me a happy high while I work. Thanks

10/06/2010 12:05
Name: Matthew
Location: ny
Message: Can you describe the circumstances in which bill gates first learned about parallel worlds. i.e the first p-worlder to discuss his firm before it started.

10/06/2010 12:06
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: Love to all.

Ion, what technologies will be introduced by the transitional governments? Will most have Ion in or after their names?

10/06/2010 12:09
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hello Everyone!

iON would you please explain the difference between your expression to us � versus a medium such as John Edwards that claims to communicate with transitioned people, or Doreen Virtue that claims to communicate with the angels? And some mediums or channels claim to express from a certain number of entities.

Thank You!

Cheryl, Vermont

10/06/2010 12:12
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi everyone!! if all of us humans creators are creating our own worlds,are we living in different universes?

10/06/2010 12:12
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: what part of the talmud is coming?

10/06/2010 12:18
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: Is the increased interest in ion (jw) from the msm due to the planned fake "alien invasion"?

10/06/2010 12:20
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: Does currency from other worlds look the same? Is there way to tell if a bill is from another world?

10/06/2010 12:20
Name: Teri
Location: PSG
Message: Can iON comment on Cliff High's forcast for Nov. 8-10 tipping piont of a unnatural natural event greater than 9/11 disaster?

10/06/2010 12:24
Name: Anonymous
Location: UK
Message: Greetings all,

Thanks so much for the best radio show on the planet.

A few questions for iON if you could fit them in:

Is David Shayler THE messiah/Christ, as he claims to be, who has activated Christ consciousness on earth?

Are chemtrails real, if so are they harmful to the meatsack/chemical body?

Did HAARP have anything to do with the Tsunami, Haiti and Pakistan floods?

10/06/2010 12:27
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Please clarify iON. 'I AM' is seemed to be used and blended with iON/Non Physical. Will you please explain this relationship of the Iam and iON, in a way I understand your full meaning. Thank you asaScott

10/06/2010 12:30
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: Bob, you are all wrong and Carolyn is right, I am not disgusting nor have I ever been, I am as wonderful as my friend Alannah. If you read my note properly you would have seen that I said that when Alannah and I get together, everyone says "uh oh" because we are a force to be reckoned with! I have no idea where you came up with this idea that I am disgusting, that is just plain mean spirited.

10/06/2010 12:30
Name: Anonymous
Location: UK
Message: Hello again,

A few more questions for iON thanks.

I was anonymous in my last message also because I've met David Shayler.

Have the Bilderbergers orchestrated the environmental campaigning movement?

Is global warming caused by CO2 or the sun?

Is there more than one earth?

Many thanks

10/06/2010 12:31
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Just out of curiousity, iON what is the reason you mix (some may consider foul language) satire when discussing Biblical subjects?

10/06/2010 12:32
Name: David
Location: San Diego

10/06/2010 12:32
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is "The Big Band Theory" discribing a sex party, at TMZ?..........hahahaaaaaaa........I'm back, as the reincarnation of I-RON!.

10/06/2010 12:33
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: Is there a parallel world number 2288?
What number is this world?

10/06/2010 12:34
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Bob. Been reading some of your writings. Love them. Ion, what number world is this one. when everyone comes into their power will people lose their meatsacks when someone cuts their head off. Also is there a portal in my house?

10/06/2010 12:35
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I have always liked "Skunk Bud" myself....but, The U.S. Navy produces this "stuff" called "Blue Grade" something or other, highest quality "Kick"!.....P2 still exists......

10/06/2010 12:37
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: iON said 2020? that is the real contact year?

10/06/2010 12:39
Name: ADHD
Location: Midwest
Message: Hi guys

Would you ask iON to comment on the number of people and kids in this country that are on prescription anti-depressant medication?
Almost everybody I know is on some type or another and doctors pass the stuff out like candy.

10/06/2010 12:40
Name: David
Location: San Diego
Message: ION,


10/06/2010 12:46
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: main stream media

10/06/2010 12:46
Name: RJ
Message: MSM Main Stream Media

10/06/2010 12:47
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: MSG.....MonoSodiumGlutamate. MSN is my hotmail.

10/06/2010 12:48
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: msm = main stream media (silly billies)!!!!!!!!!!

10/06/2010 12:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Past and The Present and Future doesn't exist!......There is NO TIME!.....even though we are "out of time" normally, usually, in general.

10/06/2010 12:50
Name: eternity
Location: 57528
Message: Hi iON!

Am wondering why Mount Baker had snow on it one minute & not the next when we looked at it last night. Any insight on what happened?

Love you all

10/06/2010 12:51
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I think something "terrible" is going to happen on "411"........in order to gain "information" for humanity......huy?.

10/06/2010 12:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wish that The Defense Dept. would start coloring the "Chem-Trails" with "Pink", so that, everyone that see's them up in the sky, would have the same experience as Phillip K.Dick.......seeing his "Pink Light" up in the sky!......Damn it!.

10/06/2010 12:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Earth is a 7hz frequency wave......and, the human mind is.........a frequency too.

10/06/2010 13:03
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: BinLaden transitionedto the guf?

10/06/2010 13:04
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: What is the purpose of chemtrails?

10/06/2010 13:04
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello again! The subject of alien life is being talked about in the popular media all over the world. iON, are the people of Earth being prepared for some type of alien disclosure? If so, I can't wait!

10/06/2010 13:06
Name: Jb
Location: California
Message: iON,
re: pregnant teen
When you say stay out of it, do you mean that because she is a marvelous creator she will be fully responsible for her creation and we will not have any responsibility for it?

10/06/2010 13:07
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hey Bob and gang.
Bob your still sqeezing lemons...... you mother pucker you. Anyway I would just like to reintroduce myself. I'm back better than ever and MY world is fantastic. In fact in My new world I have Zakri my son sitting here and enjoying the program with me. By the way....... did i tell you guys. I love you mother puckers...all of ya! Hi iON do you have anything to say to Zak.

10/06/2010 13:11
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: If there is no time, then i presume time travel is not possible either? If so,is what is being investigated more akin to parallel world travel?

10/06/2010 13:13
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: iON would you please suggest something creative that could be done with Japanese Knotweed other than observing it? This is becoming an overly prolific shrub along our waterways and some say is causing a negative affect on the symbiotic relationship between the current vegetation and fishlife?

Thank You Everyone!

10/06/2010 13:21
Name: Melody
Location: Ontario
Message: Just recently started listening to ION and am learning your terminology. I have been refering to the past couple years as a period of 'definining my preferences', which I think is what ION refers to as contrast. Now that I definitely know that it is my preference to have an income sufficient to live a comfortable life and do some travelling, how do I go about taking back the power I've given awa

10/06/2010 13:22
Name: Melody
Location: Ontario
Message: ...I've given away the past couple years and get back to work? I have been stuck, am I getting unstuck now? What suggestions do you have for me? And any other messages that wish to come through for me?

10/06/2010 13:42
Name: Matthew
Location: Madison, WI
Message: Thanks for the plug for my tea company!
the BAd MotherFukker Tea


10/06/2010 13:49
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: that way, it can hit you in the face or t
he ass

10/06/2010 13:50
Name: David
Location: San Diego

10/06/2010 13:56
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: one last question, is there a parallel world number 12:21?

10/06/2010 13:56
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: You are all the best ever

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART SIX
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 6:54 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
10/13/2010 11:06
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Southern Oregon
Message: Here we are again, ain't that the truth? Ion, last week you confirmed I am communicating with those invisible to most and you asked me why I wanted to know. I would like to know the identities and the reason why is I feel it is very important to my joy of service and assisting those who are choosing to wake up, take their power back. Thank you for asking the question Ion. Many Blessings to all..

10/13/2010 11:07
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Are we having fun yet?.......hahahaaa
Isn't that the "Ultimate" question?. What does ION think of ECKENKAR?. I personally like ECKENKAR as an "outlook".......or whatever!.

10/13/2010 11:08
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: iON
I am allowing you to overlay information on fake planes that transform into orbs and then vanish.
This is not my weekend; this is my life.

10/13/2010 11:09
Name: Brandon
Message: bob was muted. already a great show. :)

10/13/2010 11:10
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: It's good to have an intuitive evaluation about any situation, and about any show and any program and any fun we might have today!......hahahaa

10/13/2010 11:10
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: BOB!....you should give a "BIG" announcement each week!.........hahahahahaha

10/13/2010 11:12
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Good Day Universal Family! Ion, just wondering if it is natural to hear your voice in my head at times...the Ion humor in ranting. Ion, have you ever entertained the idea of coming through a female meatsack?

10/13/2010 11:13
Name: Brandon
Message: "Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi.

10/13/2010 11:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Lady Gaga is up for Artist of the Year and Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist at the 2010 American Music Awards! Click below to vote now!..........

10/13/2010 11:14
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: magikal

10/13/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Lady Gaga has added 12 dates to the 2011 North American Monster Ball with new shows from Ottawa, ON to San Diego, CA! Tickets for these performances go on sale as early as Friday, October 1st. Go to LadyGaga.com for all of the details and ticket information!

10/13/2010 11:17
Name: Brandon
Message: "everything is code" - McKenna

10/13/2010 11:17
Name: Brandon
Message: "and therefore it can be hacked."

10/13/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wish that I could "Feel" my non-physical, within my body and mind, but then, woudn't it then be "physical"?...by "Feeling" it!........huy?.

10/13/2010 11:18
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: hi there,
is there anything then beyond the wall?

10/13/2010 11:19
Name: Green Bra
Location: Georgia
Message: I get it! You're talking about the action humans take as being part of the creation process.

10/13/2010 11:19
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Unfortunately, I have to go to the doctors again, for my stupid back problems, but, I will be back next week, etc, etc...........later BOB! and friends.......hahahahahaaa.

10/13/2010 11:21
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, if we played with numbers, say 1 - 10 on taking your power back, can you tell me the number I represent? Just curious as I am now setting my intention to create magic with the sculpturing of my new bra size. What delicious fun we can have... Love is an invisible blush. Love you all!

10/13/2010 11:24
Name: Brandon
Message: iON is reminding me of McKenna's experience with the DMT tykes. They speak things into existence, and our telling us to do it. [QUESTION] Who/What are the DMT tykes that are accessible via smoking DMT?

10/13/2010 11:24
Name: listener # 11
Location: Missouri
Message: Hi guys, love you all and love the show.
Before iON arrived on the scene, I heard Bob say that JW was seeing dead people in his living room.
Who did he see?
Was he the only one who could see them?
Could he talk to them also?
Were they there all the time or would they come and go?
Has anyone ever seen iON? If not, what would he/she/them/they look like if they did decide to take physical form?

10/13/2010 11:35
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, since time does not exist, is this why we are subject to "time codes" and can one set their own "time code" to create new experiences? I have this vision of the movie the Wizard of Oz with the Professor behind the huge curtain.. the master controller.. hope this makes sense..

10/13/2010 11:36
Name: Green Bra
Location: Georgia
Message: Hello Everyone! iON, could you please confirm or deny there are mega crystals intentionally buried on Earth? If so, is the activiation of these crystals happening part of our ascension?

10/13/2010 11:41
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Southern Oregon
Message: Ion, would you please explain the difference between "transitioning", "transforming", and "acension"..or is there a difference? Are we just playing with words again? Enjoying the show tremendously and grateful for you all.

10/13/2010 11:45
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Wow!! This is brilliant!!!

10/13/2010 11:45
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Bob, you are awesome today!

10/13/2010 11:46
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: if there is no beginning and no end, then have we done all this b4 and we are now just remembering?

10/13/2010 11:51
Name: asaScott
Message: transmission has been interupted

10/13/2010 11:51
Name: Linda
Message: For people who are in debt and working at jobs that just pays the bills -- what "words" should they speak to live a life they dream of. We dream everyday and express with "words" how we would love to have big homes near the beach and lots of money, etc -- it doesn't happen for most people no matter how many times they speak it -- why?

10/13/2010 11:53
Name: Keith
Location: Arizona
Message: ion, what can you tell us about H.A.A.R.P. and the world controllers plotting with introducing the anti-christ?

10/13/2010 11:54
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hey All,

Jumping in 3/4 way through first hour so this question may side-track the ongoing topic so far.

iON would you please explain what took place at the Tower of Babel referred to in the Genesis Book of the Bible?

Thank You! Love you all!

10/13/2010 11:56
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: And secondary to that question, would you clarify the creation of non-spoken languages such as the Whistling Language or say languages with clicks in Africa, etc.?

10/13/2010 11:56
Name: michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: How does desire interact with the word?

10/13/2010 11:58
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: OMG!! The BEST hour ever!

10/13/2010 12:01
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: James,


This woman would inspire you! An 88 year old mayor of a city in Canada. She has been the mayor for 31 years! And it is a debt-free city!

Out and about in the City of Mississauga with Mayor Hazel McCallion.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY79KbCp ... r_embedded

10/13/2010 12:16
Name: T.J.

10/13/2010 12:19
Name: asaScott
Message: Is not magikal, really just a higher science

10/13/2010 12:24
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hey guys,
I have an insight. This is the best one i ever had.

This about diarea of the mouth. Istead of rhyeeeeeeee...... it should be diarrhyeee........ah!

Thank-you my friends........Your getting awesomer.
Earl of b.c............(B)efore (C)hrist

10/13/2010 12:31
Name: anonymous
Location: nj
Message: did i see bernie madoff?

10/13/2010 12:32
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

When JW or anyone else sees dead people, what are they seeing, a person's soul, their essence, a ghost?

Thans, Barbara

10/13/2010 12:37
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: JW mentioned a black car to me after Our first session that I had already seen parked outside the waldorf astoria's secret door to the roosevelt extension hidden under the waldorf? who was in the car? what are these "pictures" "jw" "sees"?

10/13/2010 12:39
Name: listener # 11
Location: Missouri
Message: I'm confused about the idea of doppelgangers (JW's jesus etc) can you elaborate please?

10/13/2010 12:40
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Is Ion's picture on the Blogspot IOn promoting Bat Boxes to promote vermins I mean prevent vermin from coming around the bins, if so great niche and nice Google Cashcart.

10/13/2010 12:44
Name: asaScott
Message: Just saw a movie called 'Short Curcuit' is this a realiry that we will see widespread regarding manmade, artificial feeling intelligence

10/13/2010 12:45
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Good night,everyone, i would like to know if ion can answer me,what exactly is contrast ,is like make choices? or what,thanks ,great show allways,love to all.

10/13/2010 12:49
Name: Storm
Location: Colorado
Message: Ion, in your response to someone's question on here about desiring to assist others, then are you saying that it doesn't matter whether you spend all day in a bar or causing harm to others, one can still ascend in this life time? I am confused, I thought we were suppose to move into the love force field..

10/13/2010 12:50
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: WTF?

10/13/2010 12:53
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: Did any of the signers of the declaration of indepence stay in the physical to the present?

10/13/2010 12:53
Name: Keith
Location: Arizona
Message: Ion, who is Thoth?

10/13/2010 12:56
Name: michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: Is desire necessary to create? Please use more than 1 sentence answer.

10/13/2010 13:00
Name: Jennifer
Location: Windsor
Message: Darn there is no chat!

10/13/2010 13:06
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: is there any truth to the hollow earth theory and the subterranean city of shamballah or the agarthans?

10/13/2010 13:28
Name: Judy
Location: California
Message: Ion, if a person is sending you very negative vibes, is there anything one can do to transmute this or send it back to the person sending? Thank you

10/13/2010 13:31
Name: asaScott
Message: You wish to make shoes? That is a business I know. Ion thanks for a reminder of keys that fit, balance!

Truthfully have nuilt serevral shoe/w fatories. Germain....

10/13/2010 13:33
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: zambia's coat of arms has a wavy shield on it. is this a drawing of a wavy-wavy gate? (is there a gate outside the consul)

Peru has a coat of arms w/ a cornucopia of money coming out.Is this a representation of an interdimensional portal used to aquire gold?

10/13/2010 13:35
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Southern Oregon
Message: Ion, is there a fine line between spirituality and being insane?

10/13/2010 13:38
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: You have probably answered this before iON, would you please explain the difference between a GOD and a non-god? And were we the gods that created the dinosaurs, or were they created by gods from elsewhere?

10/13/2010 13:40
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Given everyone commits suicide, can you explain the type of thinking which gets one in this position?

10/13/2010 13:41
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: so is, 1221 a merging of matter and antimatter?

10/13/2010 13:50
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: are our multi-dimensional selves a reality due to the function of our rna?

10/13/2010 13:56
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: bats eat mosquitoes, couldnt they then be used to eliminate malaria?

10/13/2010 14:06
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: 1. Was the story of Noah's flood the story of the breaking up of Atlantis? If so, how many people were on the planet at that time?
2. Was Noah's flood caused by the close passage of another celestial body? and if so was it Mars?

10/20/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hi this is Ron...Im back BOB!....hahaha My question "Is everything in life, exactly as each of us, wants it to be?, or are there some things in life, that we don't "want"?

10/20/2010 11:09
Name: Shari ^i^
Location: San Francisco
Message: Saw this online from yesterday:

Cook County (Chicago) Sheriff Refuses to Execute Foreclosures on Behalf of Banks That Suspended Foreclosure

http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2010/10/ ... italism%29

10/20/2010 11:11
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hi this is Ron!......I am I-Ron.....hahahaha Is there such a thing as a "Collective Will" of mankind?, or are there only indivivual wills, within humanity?.

10/20/2010 11:12
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A Collective GOD?, or only individual GODS?.

10/20/2010 11:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Matt Damon movie called "Hereafter" starts this friday, along with "Paranormal 2". What is the origin of the day "Holloween"?.

10/20/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Either "Everything" has always existed in a different way, or else, "Everything" came into existance from "Nothing", and from "Nowhere".

10/20/2010 11:17
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Human Beings are independant "Agencies". Free Agents able to "Turn Left or Right" physically and morally.

10/20/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can we ever avoid the "Enevitable" in Life?, ...Birth....Life....Death....etc, etc.

10/20/2010 11:18
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest

10/20/2010 11:21
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: If human creators created "Seperation", then, why would we want to make the "Seperation" disappear?. If, we want "Seperation", then why try to end "Seperation"?......I don't get it!.

10/20/2010 11:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: OK....those are my questions today. See you next week BOB!.........hahahahahaha.......I believe that we are ALL being "Broadcasted" from somewhere else, and our human bodies are the "Antennas" picking up the "Broadcast"...........called Human Beings!.

10/20/2010 11:27
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Could ION explain how the great teachings by the person(s) who came to be known as "Jesus" either 1, 2 or 3 arise and become the basis of an orthodox, dogmatic religion, that relies on indoctrination, fear and guilt to retain its adherents under their control?

10/20/2010 11:32
Name: asaScott
Message: Livng Water?????

10/20/2010 11:45
Name: MJ
Location: Vancouver
Message: Would love to hear some conversations between Chad/Bob/iON in any form. Chad seems to be quite the 'power' practitioner. On another note, iON are you aware of my fluid knowing and manifestations that have been serving me so well since I/iON spanked myself in my crossed up creations. Thanx btw, the way you handled me has served me very well. Perfect words as usual Gents. It just gets better and...

10/20/2010 11:47
Name: t,j,
Location: los angeles
Message: what is consciousness ? to have consciousness
is to partake in, and envoke infinity.

10/20/2010 11:50
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: In Revelations chapter 18 verse 4 states: "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities" . Is this the Catholic church or orgainized religion coming to end as we see it happening now?

10/20/2010 11:50
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: omg! Are you kidding me? .... everyone's debt has been cancelled, all across the world"?
does that mean personal mortgages?
When can i tell my huband?
The entire planet will rejoice!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/20/2010 12:06
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: How about personal income tax, is that going to be cancelled too?

10/20/2010 12:11
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: I heard iON and Bob in a previous interview talking about a major event on earth which causes a mass exodus of souls into the guff which is already full-hence the overflow gets kicked back to earth. This supposedly has something to do with iONs arrival at this time. Did I understand correctly?
Will you elaborate please and clarify.
What is the major event? When is it to occur? Why IS iON here now?

10/20/2010 12:14
Name: Lynn
Location: British Columbia
Message: If a person takes synthetic thyroid hormone, does this inhibit the ability of the thyroid, the pituitary and the pineal glands to work together to bring about the awakening of spiritual abilities. In other words, does this make it more difficult to advance a person's spiritual evolution? I know ION does not like the word "evolution" but I didn't know how else to word the question.

10/20/2010 12:19
Name: Matthew
Location: Jerzee
Message: One day I walked in between a black Benz and the entrance to track 61. I knew the man was influential and I circled back to the front of the car. I stared into the eyes of the man in the backseat. He most certainly was affiliated with the war in Iraq. I knew to absorb all the traits of that now. I knew that through a laplacean future that I would further discuss that moment. What more can you say?

10/20/2010 12:22
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: Hello EVERY-I-ON!

iON please give me a message that serves me today. Gratitude & Love!

10/20/2010 12:28
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Once the Guf emptys, will it be closed forever?

Once we Human creators realize we are eternal and we don't have to drop the meat sack, what happens if one doesn't want to create anymore or they want a different meat sack?

10/20/2010 12:32
Name: maria
Location: spain
Message: how can i find my locky box? this is madness,great,unspeakable....

10/20/2010 12:34
Name: nick
Location: brooklyn ny
Message: why all mankind of the world agree to separate from their power. How did moses convince us all and why did we allow him even those who did not know him

10/20/2010 12:35
Name: nick
Location: brooklyn ny

10/20/2010 12:36
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: iON said the Grid is going bye bye....what will happen to cause it to collapse and what happens after the collapse? Please elaborate. Thanks.

10/20/2010 12:38
Name: nick
Location: brooklyn ny
Message: i want to make love to ion

10/20/2010 12:41
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: These grid lines that ION talks about that are fading - are these the lines or magnetic fields that have been keeping humans from coming into their power for millenia...keeping us dumbed downed if you will?

10/20/2010 12:45
Name: Catherine
Location: Arizona
Message: First time listener and wondering if Ion can tell me how many women my husband has been with in the Biblical sense since we were married. A friend told me about this show and I just tuned in...very interesting. Many Thanks

10/20/2010 12:56
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: Sometimes I feel like some of my questions cause iON to get a giant knot in his metaphorical knickers :-)...is free thinking or difference of opinion not allowed here? Just because you are dead does that automatically make you a know-it-all-ski?

10/20/2010 13:09
Name: phillip
Location: oxford, UK
Message: What happened to Tony Hayward's double? I haven't seen him in a while.

10/20/2010 13:09
Name: asaScott
Message: iON 'at the Masters'hamd/work' please explain

10/20/2010 13:11
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: if every word that comes out of your mouth is creation...do you guys have to wear hip boots-given all the "SHHHHHHHHHHHHiiiiiiiiiiit" that comes out of you guy's mouths!?! :-)

10/20/2010 13:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can you guys see this e-mail?............Im here!....I am I-RON.

10/20/2010 13:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: There was a glitch at the beginning of todays show. I noticed some "hick-up" today, as far as the show started today.

10/20/2010 13:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: MAN!........you guys!......

10/20/2010 13:20
Name: nick
Location: ny
Message: did the human creator create the angels

10/20/2010 13:23
Name: Shari ^i^
Location: San Francisco
Message: khaki's and polo SHIRTS! (type of shirt...now confused with the brand, POLO, which is also being discussed.


10/20/2010 13:30
Name: Shari ^i^
Location: San Francisco
Message: Hedda Hopper was the mother of actor, William Hopper, who played "Paul Drake" on the old Perry Mason show...!!!

10/20/2010 13:35
Name: Matthew
Location: InJoyZ
Message: is d cell water the same as living water?

10/20/2010 13:35
Name: Matthew
Location: InJoyZ
Message: how many people total when the guf empties?

10/20/2010 13:38
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Hi Guys and Doll! Listening in today, but not feeling well.. Ion, am I experiencing ascension symptons or something else and if something else, can you describe what it is... Great Show as always..

10/20/2010 13:46
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: iON says that we can stay in our meat-sack "rent a wreck" bodies forever.... my question is who would want to and WHY? He also said that those who have had plastic surgery will be in for a big surprise when they leave this world as all was done, will be Undone??
please elaborate

10/20/2010 13:48
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: When is iON going on Oprah?

10/20/2010 13:54
Name: iON
Location: the Guf
Message: BOB dropped US

10/20/2010 13:55
Name: iON
Location: the Guf
Message: BOB should call back if WE are to play

10/27/2010 11:07
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: Hi everyone! Have a question: iON: the Hubby seems to have a pattern of attracting contrast where he works. Could you please tell me where this stems from & give a suggestion of a process to get relief from this?

10/27/2010 11:12
Name: T.J.
Location: l.a.,ca
Message: to possess consciousness, is to evoke and partake
in, infinity.
comments ?

10/27/2010 11:24
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: what is up with 42?

10/27/2010 11:36
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Hello everyone great show.ION has said that the spoken word is far more powerful than thought, but what about visualization? Isn�t it true when a human mind clearly and continually visualizes an end result, with deep emotion and concentrated intent, then the formatted energy generated is converted into its mass equivalent-i.e the result desired? Wouldn't that be equally powerful as the spoken word

10/27/2010 11:41
Name: shadowpeep-EL
Location: CARACAS
Message: Is the "Bob Dobbs" on this show the same as the "Dobbs" in Dickens' work?

10/27/2010 11:46
Name: James
Location: Australia
Message: LOL HARD - that question wasn't from me!
MY girlfriend would not be happy hearing that I am after a male soul mate.

10/27/2010 11:49
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: hello ion, bob, james
I am wondering ion, is 528 hz of the solfeggio frequencies associated with dna repair and/or more general healing? Would it help to listen to or tone any of these frequencies?

10/27/2010 11:51
Name: Jutima
Location: London
Message: Hi,

I am from England, London. I have a question to ask; I would like to know if thing will get better for me by next year; like career wise? I am in a stuck stage right now and would like to know if i will get back to the US soon and do what i do best? i have a VISA problems and just want to know if this will go smoothly...

Thank you


10/27/2010 11:55
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all and big ups to Akito for last week�s revelation.
iON, can you please tell us a little more about those transparent microbe-like things that are swimming in the air. I see them as well, and when I focus on one, it begins to sparkle in a round shape and then return to a filament in a bubble.

10/27/2010 11:57
Name: Listener #8
Location: Inbetween worlds
Message: Now everyone can know where they are with Google Latitude (uses triangulation). And they can know where their friends are. It's not only for 24's Counter Terrorist Unit anymore.

10/27/2010 11:57
Name: Carol
Location: FL
Message: Ion, what do you think about the New World Order.
Is it evil?????

10/27/2010 11:58
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: what number is this planet/world and who named it?

10/27/2010 11:59
Name: Steve
Message: Hello ION, Bob and James!
There is a Charlie Chaplin movie that has a supposed cell phone talker in it. Is she a time traveler? Also, Ion said last week that the NYC UFO decloakings happened; Stanley Fulham predicted this and also states this is just the beginning and that they are here to help clean up our ecology. Could you, ION, expand on this.
Love you guys for the fantastic Wednesdays!

10/27/2010 12:04
Name: Drew
Location: Chipbody
Message: James: Cash flow has been particularly good lately.

Ion: Are any stars populated? How many planets in our solar system are populated?

All you: Thank you and keep up the great work.

10/27/2010 12:05
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi James and Bob,

A spooky question for iON. Savannah is supposedly the most haunted city in the US and I will be there for Halloween and All Saints Day. Can iON please direct me to where my most delicious and fun experiences may be on Sunday and Monday? Thank you!

10/27/2010 12:06
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "There is nothing wrong with being a "shallow" person, because, eventually we all become "Deep", by being burried 6 feet below the ground".

HAPPY HOLLOWEEN!.......hahahaha

Ron Cochran

10/27/2010 12:06
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Is the earth expanding? If so, is this what is causing the earthquakes, and volcanoes erupting?
Re: Sunspot 1117 - Will it soon emit a solar flare toward earth? In what way could it affect our eartth?
Thanks, Barbara

10/27/2010 12:06
Name: Maria
Location: Sapin
Message: Hi guys,is Ion just one entity,or is something else,like a bunch of them?

10/27/2010 12:09
Name: Trevor
Location: Manchester UK
Message: James

As usual Bob is slacking. iON cleaned up the NP and the immortal question for me on Sunday.

Gurus always let you down. I hoped for so much more.

Joy, Peace and POwER



10/27/2010 12:11
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: james or bob,
would it possible or have you ever considered setting up a chat room for your 11 listeners(lol) to interact in during the show? it would add an extra dimension of inter activity? just a thought.

10/27/2010 12:14
Name: Steve
Message: Do, do, do! I love this show!
Ion, about a week ago I had a fun ceiling fan encounter. Upon going to sleep there was sounds coming from the ceiling fan as if someone had there fingers making contact with the blades while the ceilinig fan was on. Could you tell me a course of action I can take next time it happens, if there is a course of action for interactION. Love Y'all.

10/27/2010 12:21
Name: chris
Location: new york
Message: I was in california walking with a friend through a park and we saw a very tall tree bend over from the top of its branches to the midway part of the tree trunk as if something invisible fell from the sky and hit the branches . The tree quickly sprang back to its original position as if nothing happened .What was there that our minds would not allow us to see.

10/27/2010 12:21
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: We are told that time was an illusion that came into being at the time of the "Fall" in Eden, were there any other illusions put into place at that time? Thank you.

10/27/2010 12:30
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Would ION agree that we are not "attracting" anything from anywhere.
That we are Already Whole. We Include the entire Universe and all in Creation Within us and that Nothing exists �apart� from us - we are already �All Inclusive� and that we are simply selecting that which we wish to Experience, which is then Expressed in to our Sphere of Consciousness through Source, Creative, God Principle?

10/27/2010 12:34
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Does the number 22 represent ascension? There may be a connection here... Does 12:21 represent 2 earths? Dolores Cannon descibes the Ascension process as the earth dividing into two as a cell does. One earth ascending, the other earth experiencing great contrast. Is there any significance to this?

10/27/2010 12:37
Name: anon
Location: not sure
Message: hi there,
ion ive been trying to manifest a million dollars for several weeks now, using words as you advise, but its not working, so far. What's going wrong? alternatively should i just wait til bob n james manifest the global forgiveness of all debt!

10/27/2010 12:42
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: All Questions have been answered. 'Why' would I acknowledge a degree of separation between what I have/will/do know...

10/27/2010 12:50
Name: Lisa
Location: New Orleans
Message: you guys are SO Right about Debbie, she KNOWS already!!

tee hee

10/27/2010 12:54
Name: strangeBrew
Location: Calif
Message: Are the origins of halloween based in the mischief of Druid blood lusters? If not can and will you tell me the orgins?

10/27/2010 12:58
Name: shadowpeep-EL
Location: Caracas
Message: I thought that the dobbs mentioned by Dickens was actually YOU and not Renee Dobbs' great grandfather. (iON seemed to confirm that it was actually a relative.) DO

10/27/2010 12:59
Name: Linda
Message: Is there a solution to reverse vertigo and imbalances in the inner ear that cause my mother to stagger when she walks and sometimes fall? She would love to have her balance back again.

10/27/2010 13:04
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello again!
With the elections near and the banking system on the edge, can iON give us a play-by-play scenario of the most likly outcome.
Love you guys!

10/27/2010 13:09
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Hi everyone,

I've been doing the glass of water experiment that you suggested that I do Ion, and instead of seeing the glass move, I have more so been noticing other anomolies in my environment now. The biggest anomoly I've noticed are time differentials between my house and several locations within a block of my house. Could you explain this phemenon?

Question two, before even learning about Ion, I had read about portals in a book a couple of years ago. Anyway, there are some apartments near my house, where at the convergence of many paths I interpreted as a nice portal to work with and perceptibly and intentionally went through it to get some knowledge I was seeking. Is that convergence of paths a portal, or if not, what is it?

Many thank yous to you all,

10/27/2010 13:27
Name: brandon
Message: wow that's trippy.

10/27/2010 13:35
Name: mattew
Location: nj
Message: Am I a parallel version of janis joplin?
edgar allen poe?

10/27/2010 13:39
Name: manitou
Location: garden
Message: Hello you crazy, lovable bunch of folks!

Is it too voluminous to go over the inner, middle, and outer kingdoms. I am not clear on this.

10/27/2010 13:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im HERE!.......damn it


10/27/2010 13:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: You just have to look at the messeages that I have left you!....damn it!

hahahah RON!.......Ill BE BACK!

10/27/2010 13:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: There is nothing wrong with being a "shallow" person, because, eventually we all become "Deep", by being burried 6 feet below the ground". HAPPY HOLLOWEEN!.......hahahaha Ron Cochran

11/03/2010 11:08
Name: rob
Location: nj
Message: Hi all. Last 3 shows really ARE! Ion we all have RNA in us and you say it will be soon activated in some way. Can you please go in to some detail as to the changes that will come upon us Also when I am going to win the Powerball jackpot is a quicpick better or should I fill out the play ticket to get my Non Physical to align the winning numbers for me.

11/03/2010 11:09
Name: rob
Location: nj
Message: PS. What will be the circumstance for the electrical grid to go down?
Thanks Rob

11/03/2010 11:10
Name: richard
Location: nc
Is the Sun's energy component thermal (heat), or is the model for "cold fusion" something other than friction?

When we talk about the Sun it's always in the context of heat. If it's fusion is only heat-related, why is "space" cold? And, why hasn't Mercury or Venus burned to a cinder? Curious.

11/03/2010 11:17
Name: alice
Location: wonderland
Message: Hello all!
james and Bob have mentioned in past shows the global cancellation of all debt. Can you put a rough date on this please? kinda curious, i'd like to plan for a big party!

11/03/2010 11:19
Name: Brandon
Message: They have gold vending machines in the malls.

11/03/2010 11:26
Name: Robert B
Location: Tottenham
Message: Hi guys just getting a flash message in early before the que. Q. Ion how are you so precise about the weekly future before it happens? What can one learn from this and how can this be used to change this happening or is or was it all to late and there is nothing that can be changed its just nice to hear it before it even happens and how can this knowledge be known if it is not in your own knowing?

11/03/2010 11:35
Name: anonymus
Location: U S
Message: How are the beaches in Dubai??

11/03/2010 11:39
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: Hi Everyone!

iON, would you please tell me which book of Revelations would benefit me the most? Gratitude!

11/03/2010 11:48
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Ask Ion where I can find my Sunstone pendant that fell off my necklace 3 weeks ago between the bathroom, bedroom and closet. I have looked & looked.
tell me how I can get it back if I left it in another world. Thanks

11/03/2010 11:48
Name: Matthew
Location: NJ
Message: Neil Armstrong and his controllers wanted the double that played him on the staged apollo 11 mission to actually say "one small step for "A" man, one giant leap for mankind"?

11/03/2010 11:57
Name: alice
Location: wonderland
Message: Ion,
Is there any truth to the hollow earth theory with an internal sun, the Agarthans or Shamballah?

11/03/2010 11:57
Name: Matthew
Location: NJ
Message: Is abu-dhabi's Money and influence temporarily propping up Dubai's Real esate prices until a major correction?

11/03/2010 12:08
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Yes, Fabulous words in the song. Thanks Bob


11/03/2010 12:09
Name: E
Location: You know where
Message: iON, Am seeking my symbols. Can you direct me?

11/03/2010 12:13
Name: Ashley
Message: I would love to hear iONs analysis of the election results. Prop 19, whats up with that?!

Love you guys!

11/03/2010 12:15
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Good news, you were right, we got Buddy back, just like you said. He came back to our old neighborhood last Thursday. Thanks, b.

11/03/2010 12:15
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Bob,James,Carolyn and iON,
The song by Duffy: Stay with Me Baby" offers up The lover who loves! A-gain, FABULOUS!!!
A-gain thanks.

11/03/2010 12:18
Name: Spencer
Location: Victoria, BC
Message: When I dream lately I have been dreaming of music that is completely new to me. Is this my non-physical that is creating this or is this someone else's creation that I am tapping into. If this is something my non-physical has created how can I bring this into my middle kingdom.

11/03/2010 12:22
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest

11/03/2010 12:22
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Which part of a human creator is eternal?

If we stay in physical is it like the movie "Death Becomes Her". Do we need to take really good care of our bodies?

11/03/2010 12:23
Name: Alannah R
Location: Canada
Message: Hi everyone! I now understand why you all say there is a shift that happens after a reading with iON that is more than just changing your mind. Subtle changes have now affected every aspect of my life moving it into less contrast, more harmony and an increasingly consistent feeling of joy. I now have a completely different approach to everything I do while implementing iONs suggestions. thank U!

11/03/2010 12:24
Name: Cheryl
Location: VT
Message: Welcome back Caroline!! Love your perspectives always!

A question for iON. While you are talking to a particular group of listeners, are you responding from the non-physical of only those particular gods? or all gods that are � possibly eliciting different responses?

Thank You All!

11/03/2010 12:24
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Sony is going to release a Michael Jackson album, his kids say it is not Daddy's voice. What Does ION say about this? Story is on TMZ

11/03/2010 12:25
Name: listener # 11
Location: Midwest
Message: Eight Jw's nOW?
Guess when somebody told him to go ahh "reproduce himself", he took it literally??

hOW come he's multiplying? What's the most number of multiples that any physical entity has?

How many Bob's are there?

11/03/2010 12:32
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Is there any significance that Marshall Mcluhan grew up in Winnipeg Canada the centre of the universe?

11/03/2010 12:32
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Clif High's Web bot predicts a tipping point coming Nov 8th - 11th. Is there anything we should be concerned about regarding this?

11/03/2010 12:37
Name: Big Tim
Location: New York
Message: how does one re grow male pattern baldness hair?

11/03/2010 12:45
Name: Cheryl
Location: VT
Message: I love it. I don't even have to ask questions, they just get answered anyway. Thank you iON!

11/03/2010 13:11
Name: kb
Location: austin
Message: Ion, can u explain apparitions..such as "Mary" showing up in many lands/ways, ie.buffalo Calf woman..is this just for the indivuals that see it. Something of a message? was the Jesus on the walk to emmaus apparition? (a- parting- of- titions) thanks 2 u all

11/03/2010 13:19
Name: rob
Location: nj
Message: ar there any portal hotels in nyc area?

11/03/2010 13:22
Name: Pami
Location: Connecticut
Message: I forgot to ask...with the new I DO business talked about last week to replace saying YES.

What is the negative? Is NO still good or is it more appropriate to say I DON'T?

11/03/2010 13:27
Name: Lynne
Location: Canada
Message: Would the lack of sensitivity on the skin be the front runner to bliss as well?

11/03/2010 13:35
Name: Lynne
Location: Canada
Message: Will we need to find another form of communication like Ham Radio when the internet fails globally?

11/03/2010 13:53
Name: MJ
Location: Van
Message: Thanks iON so much, Just gets better and better. Evoc't a personal meeting with a perfect person from the chip/ android meme.

11/03/2010 13:55
Name: Jeff
Location: Whidbey
Message: How many creator humans are on our earth now?

11/03/2010 13:56
Name: Ron
Message: Hi you guys...........hahahah


11/03/2010 13:57
Name: Cheryl
Location: VT
Message: Thank you Thank you

11/10/2010 11:02
Name: Rob
Location: nj
Message: Where in NYC area can I go and experience anomalies or portaging like the Le Meritge hotel that was mentioned last week
It will be great to go there, observe and in-joy

11/10/2010 11:06
Name: Big Tim
Location: NYC
Message: What am I supposed to do with Karma?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does she have something to do with the Little Man

11/10/2010 11:09
Name: Greggie
Location: Mooresville NC
Message: There was a mystery vapor trail over the coast of southern California Tuesday. Pentagon denies any rockets going off. What was it iOn?

11/10/2010 11:10
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello...why is this not working?.....I-RON

11/10/2010 11:11
Name: Spencer
Location: Victoria
Message: Are there archetypal body types that share personality traits? Can you explain "as above and so below"

11/10/2010 11:12
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello..........Its I-Ron......what the hell, was that UFO Missle Launch, yesterday, from Edwards Airforce Base, that wasnt from Edwards Air force Base!........what?.

11/10/2010 11:12
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Rong?..........I'm not Rong.........I am I-Ron!.

11/10/2010 11:14
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Thank God Caroline is BACK!...............hahahahahaa

11/10/2010 11:19
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Ebon Ray's show Radio Alchymy on KPFK (90.7 FM Radio) had a guy on last week, who said The Watergate break in was a "set-up", in order to kick President NIXON out of office, by the maniacs who run The Alphabet People......I'm like......what?.

11/10/2010 11:19
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: HEY! 31422 is a zip code for Savannah! Wow!

11/10/2010 11:19
Name: Listener #8
Location: World 2030
Message: iON, can you give some insight on the GM IPO?

The U.S. govt doesn't normally sell shares on the stock market.

GM's prospectus filed with the SEC says:

1. The U.S. government is going to sell at a loss.

2. Having the U.S. government as part owner might be bad for business.

3. GM has no confidence in its own financial reports.

11/10/2010 11:21
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Just like The "Tea party" was a set-up distraction, to what they are really doing, behind the scenes..........The "THEY"! behind the scenes.

11/10/2010 11:24
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Rince and Repeat!...........Rince and Repeat!........

11/10/2010 11:27
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I love answers, that answered by saying "YES/NO"!..........Not YES! or NO!..... But......"YES/NO"!.........The simultaneous answer of RIGHT/WRONG!...and..."YES/NO"!.

11/10/2010 11:29
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A Higher Intelligence does NOT come from a Lower Intelligence..........an backwards "Entropy of Mind"?.......within The Entropy of The Universe.

11/10/2010 11:30
Name: Stephen
Location: Oakland, CA
Message: Congratulations James! I think you have reached a milestone. I typed cashflow in Google and James� show came up on the first page of the search.

In the past I always had to google �cashflow martinez� to get the link. I think this show must have added listeners. I figure you are up to 13 or 14 now.

I have been working on speaking out loud only what I want in my life.

I just am getting over a bad cold. If I tell other people that I had a bad cold over the weekend does that keep manifesting the cold in my now?

How do we share past experience with others if this is the case?

Is it better not to relate past bad experiences to others?

We have been taught that we need to talk about negative past experiences as a catharsis.

11/10/2010 11:31
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What other news does Caroline have from Dubie?, that was interesting last week, about the culture of that WORLD.

11/10/2010 11:34
Name: Linda
Message: Many times over the past few years, I have noticed some street lights go out as I pass by. Is there a message for me in that or is it just a freak thing.

11/10/2010 11:36
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Anne Rice told me last week, (in an e-mail of FaceBook) that she has read THE URANTIA BOOK, awhile back........when she was wondering about the false idea of "The Original Sin", and the "Fall of Man".

11/10/2010 11:37
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Tomorrow is 11 11 any significance with this date since me are talking about 11

11/10/2010 11:38
Name: Alison
Location: Woodinville :)
Message: Missile launch in LA??? Hey iON, what was it? :) ..looks like a wormhole to me...(I am using my "hall pass" Bob, I actually used the word WHAT!!!, thanks!)

11/10/2010 11:39
Name: david
Location: san diego
Message: a missile was launched off of the California coast near Catalina islands, please explain the cause, effect, and the origin, i.e. the exact location and responsible party for causing the launch.

11/10/2010 11:39
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The World is always "Ending" and, The World is always "Beginning"..........We human creators are always Creating and Destroying, just like Nature does itself.

11/10/2010 11:41
Name: Alison
Location: Woodinville :)
Message: Also, listening to you mentioning last weeks show...can we hear more from iON about "words are the only physical"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAATTT!? Yeah!!!

11/10/2010 11:41
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Hi all,

RE: Fringe
I feel I am connected to the show. In the second to the last show, the senator's name was Jim and his anniversary with his wife was Nov. 10th. My boyfriend's name is Jim and our anniversary is today Nov. 10th. I've noticed other coinsidences and messages from the show for me. No question just wanted to share.

11/10/2010 11:41
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im here...Ive been posting My Million questions as usual, but.....you guys are not getting them, somehow!.............HELLO!.......HELLO!......HELLO!

11/10/2010 11:42
Name: Maria
Location: Spain again
Message: I have noticed something quite rare,i happen to have a compass,and i know where the nord is ,because the sea is there,but my compass says the nord is on another place different ,than the usual nord,im wandering what may be happening here. thanks guys .lov

11/10/2010 11:45
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wish that there was some kind of continuity to this damn electrical "problems" you guys keep having with the phone lines, and "Quick Message" postings........damn it!
OK...what the hell was that UFO Un-Authorized Missle Launch from Edwards AirForce Base yesterday...that did NOT come from Edwards AirForce Base!........ION.....what was THAT THING?........up in the sky?

11/10/2010 11:47
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'am so glad that Caroline is back, and can she say more about the Culture of Dubie, that was so interesting last week.

11/10/2010 11:50
Name: david
Location: san diego
Message: clif high revised the tipping point date to November 14

11/10/2010 11:52
Name: Benny
Location: and The Jets
Message: Does anyone see this Quick Message!........for some fucking reason, I'm not being Let Thru!..........

11/10/2010 11:54
Name: Boo Boo
Location: Koo Koo
Message: What The Hell Man!...........Why isn't anyone seeing My Messages anymore?............Damn it!.

11/10/2010 11:54
Name: Cheryl
Location: VT
Message: Greetings all!

iON, I have a couple wonderments.

Would you please explain the dowsing phenomena that is used to discover water or other things? Is this our uh_uuhh guiding one�s intuition?

And please share with us whether an earthly god manifested the mystery missile off the southern coast of California which took place this past Monday? The Pentagon could not initially explain.

11/10/2010 11:55
Name: Boo Boo
Location: Koo Koo
Message: I GIVE UP!..........

11/10/2010 12:00
Name: nick
Location: new jersey
Message: sometimes i do not feel human what i am Ion.
also today while listening to you i been hearing a vibration in my inner ear which i often hear while relaxed but today a lot more intense it is so relaxing

11/10/2010 12:00
Name: nick
Location: new jersey

11/10/2010 12:02
Name: Trevor
Location: Manchester UK
Message: No problem Bob, I was just making a bad joke. All is well my guru.

iON thank U for the interaction last nite & 2nites show is hot just like Lilith and her daughters.



11/10/2010 12:08
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON,

A while back you said Prop 19 would pass in Ca. It didn't, will you comment on this?


11/10/2010 12:12
Name: GOD
Message: Does anyone see me anymore God damn it!..........whats wrong with your system Man!........I've been posting messages last week and now......about a million of them, and NOT one gets through to you guys!..........what the fuck!,,,,is this a conspracy, or what?...........hahahahaha.....RON!.....................................RON!

11/10/2010 12:14
Name: GOD
Message: What the fuck was that Un-Authorized UFO yesterday, when a missle was launched from Edwards AirForce Base, but, it didnt come from there!...ION......what was that thing up in the sky yesterday!


11/10/2010 12:14
Name: GOD
Message: FUCK!..........


11/10/2010 12:15
Name: GOD
Message: Does anyone see my messages anymore?........


11/10/2010 12:16
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello?......what the FUCK!.........


11/10/2010 12:16
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON,

Will you please comment on current events, i.e. Obama's trip to Indonesia, Mt. Merapi erupting and the montization of the dollar.

Thanks, b.

11/10/2010 12:18
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Bob, That was the most incredidle piece of music I have heard un a very long time, Thank You James and Bill for allowing.

iON Is Valery Uvarov correct in his theorem tegarding the pyramids and background information he provides.

In Apprecation Scorr

11/10/2010 12:18
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, great show last week!

Can iON give us an inside scoop about current events.
1. The G-20 meeting outcome regarding the US dollar.
2. The mystery missile near Los Angeles.
3. The discovery of the gamma ray bubbles in the center of the Milky Way.

Lots of love, Thanks!

11/10/2010 12:18
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: ION.....what the hell, was that Un-Authorized UFO yesterday.......when an un-authorized missle was launched, from Edwards AirForce Base that didn't come from there?......what was that THING?


11/10/2010 12:18
Name: Hettie
Location: where I AM
Message: Bob, I think you mean Jenny's comment about the physical and physical (as opposed to non-physical)

11/10/2010 12:19
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm not Ron.....I'm WronG!,.........hahahaah


11/10/2010 12:20
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Thank God Caroline is back again, can she comment again on the Culture of Dubie?, that was so interesting last week.


11/10/2010 12:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Tea Party is a distraction from the actual shit, that is going on behind the scenes,.....Eben Ray had a guy that said The Watergate break in, was a set-up, to kick NIXON out of office, by The Alphabet People!..............MAN!


11/10/2010 12:26
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I voted YES on EVERYTHING!.just to make sure, everything went RIGHT!....hahahahah


11/10/2010 12:26
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: Bob,
Why did you participate in the Council of 10?
Why were you involved in the assasination of JFK?
Thanks, B.

11/10/2010 12:50
Name: Matthew
Location: NJ
Message: It was said that the watcher/nazi spy was actually someone else closer to ontario, were you referring to me?

11/10/2010 12:58
Name: Alannah R
Location: Canada
Message: I agree with that caller about calling in to hear James's message because that is where I started "taking back my power" or rather remembering that I have power!It was right after that when I found iON

11/10/2010 13:02
Name: DEB
Location: IDAHO
Message: HI James Thanks for the shows!!! LOVE YA!!!
What does ION say about Jonas Elrod, your guest Thursday? Is his experience what we will be like when we finally "get it"?

11/10/2010 13:07
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: ANYONE HOME?..........


11/10/2010 13:08
Name: Rong
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: For Gods sake!..........


11/10/2010 13:24
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: i ON Point!!!
Is numerology a part of timing and acurate?

11/10/2010 13:36
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: Re; Fringe

Noticed David Wilcock was an executive producer or consultant for last week's show. David is a regular contributer to Project Camelot. Another coinsident, since Project Camelot is where I first heard James Martinez and thus found iON.

11/10/2010 13:47
Name: lisa
Location: sea level
Message: What was standing in my living room on or around the 29th of oct? My dogs could see it, I couldn't.

11/10/2010 13:47
Name: Jeff
Location: Whidbey
Message: If the republicans are in power now, will the mass media aknowledge that soon?

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART SEVEN
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 7:00 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
11/17/2010 11:03
Name: rob
Location: nj
Message: Question for Bob What was the purpose for creating all the things you mentioned past 2 weeks like Aids and the Jackals mayhem etc. and what has changed since then if any thing. I think this show has pushed the boundaries so far that any thing can be said @ this point. All is in the open now.

11/17/2010 11:08
Name: listener # 11
Location: somewhere out there

11/17/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: IM HERE!..........ITS RON!.

11/17/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Specific Gravity's Rainbow.........Gravity's Angel..........The higher you fly, the harder you fall?.

11/17/2010 11:17
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob knows how to make Lemonade, from a Lemon.........

11/17/2010 11:19
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Distilled Spirits...........I prefer Whiskey myself!. Where-ever We go, there We are!.......

11/17/2010 11:22
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Umumm and the Thumumm...of Melkisedeck. Whats your Vector Victor?..........Surely you can't be serious!.........I am serious, and don't call me "Sherly"!.

11/17/2010 11:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Tactful Tactility!......Don't touch men there!....Unless you are prepared to take me home!....hahahaaaa

11/17/2010 11:27
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Have you seen the daytime soap ophara.."AS THE TWO WORLDS TURN"?......Mercury is Risng!.....like Prometheus.

11/17/2010 11:29
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What does ION think about "Stone Henge"...I don't think about it very much either!..its more ancient than The Egyption Pyramids.

11/17/2010 11:31
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Does ION really believe that "Degrees of Seperation" really exist?...........When there really is "NO SEPERATION"................at all!.

11/17/2010 11:32
Name: Rayna
Location: los angeles
Message: HI!
please tell me if, you see my internet business getting better? do you see money come in for me...

11/17/2010 11:33
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I don't believe in the "pull of gravity"........nothing is being "pulled"!.....We are all "falling"!...........into and thru INFINITY!.

11/17/2010 11:34
Name: Rayna
Location: los angeles
Message: i think i just answerd my question! when i sent the instant message the number ended on 111
so i beleive that new beginings are on my way! with money! :) am i right?

11/17/2010 11:34
Name: lucille
Location: staten island
Message: I am a new listener lol

11/17/2010 11:36
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Questions are very important!........as if we don't already "know" EVERYTHING!........."Rinse, Repeat, and Dry Off!".

11/17/2010 11:37
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Humor is the re-concilliation of The "Yes/No" in a comment, or in Life.

11/17/2010 11:40
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Why dont animals laugh at humans?....maybe the Hyhenas laugh at humans, but, thats about it.

11/17/2010 11:42
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I want to do comedy as a "Sit Down" comedian!....on a chair,.......not as a "Stand Up" comedian!..I hate standing!.

11/17/2010 11:43
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm listener #11.........11-11-11.....an interesting "DATE"! to remember.

11/17/2010 11:44
Name: ionette 9
Location: spain
Message: Hi Bob,when you talk about the last fringe show,are you suggesting that we,the listeners,are a sort of experiment or very unusual event,actually happening here?thanks .love.

11/17/2010 11:45
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The FDA has not approved of any product this program is producing, in the inner ear "kingdom"..........of any listener!.

11/17/2010 11:46
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I think that I thunked!......

11/17/2010 11:48
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A warm Black-Hole........or, a Wurm?.....a Worm?.

11/17/2010 11:50
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: We have "Contrast" and "Vertigo" and "V-Hold" and "Color" and "Hue"........

11/17/2010 11:51
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Power to be "Weak"!........is a trip!.

11/17/2010 11:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The alignment of the human creators, with thier "Jupitor Effects"!..........the rain in Spain lies mainly on the main........

11/17/2010 11:55
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can we human creators both simultaneously laugh and cry?........while we are eating our dinners?.

11/17/2010 11:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Art of Navigation, by Intuition.

11/17/2010 11:58
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im Here damn it!.....my thousand messages are not getting thru!....what the hell!.........man!.

11/17/2010 12:01
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can you please look into why my messages are not getting thru to the show?..I dont know what the hell is going on!..I have posted atleast 50 messages today!.and not one of them has gotten thru!............except.maybe this one! Ron!

11/17/2010 12:03
Name: Eleven
Location: Eleven
Message: Im here!.........I am RON!....why are none of my past 100 messages today getting thru?..........this is sad!. RON!

11/17/2010 12:05
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
If people listening to this show are portalling somewhere, what frequency are we engaging?

Is there a difference between portals and wormholes?

11/17/2010 12:05
Name: MAN
Location: RON
Message: Hello!...Hello!..........

11/17/2010 12:06
Name: Big Tim
Location: NYC
Message: Are my hunches accurate today?

11/17/2010 12:07
Name: MAN
Location: RON
Message: I have been here for the past 4 weeks, but, some gad damn conspiracy is going on, against me!...........you guys have missed out on alteast 99 messages of my insane mind!..........for the past 4 weeks!.........I-RON

11/17/2010 12:08
Name: MAN
Location: RON
Message: I guess this is my "Contrast"!......Damn it!.


11/17/2010 12:08
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Re: Fear
I find myelf feeling afraid whenever someone I love engages in what I consider risky behavior, i.e. driving while intoxicated, going 140mph on a motorcycle, not having health or life insurance, rock climbing etc.
Do I have any reason to worry? If one makes preparions i.e. having life or health insurance or take precautions are they inviting in the very thing they are afraid of?

11/17/2010 12:10
Name: Woo
Location: Woo
Message: I am RON!.........and, Im NOT getting thru for about 4 weeks now!.

11/17/2010 12:12
Name: Boo Boo
Location: Phillipines
Message: I am I-Ron.and, none of my messages have gotten thru for 4 weeks.....now!...........oh well!


11/17/2010 12:14
Name: PooPoo
Location: WooWoo
Message: I am Ron...and, I am not here!.......not for 4 weeks.....your system is not allowing me thru....do you have an "Engineer"?.


11/17/2010 12:15
Name: Frostbite
Location: Japan
Message: Ron!.....Ron!......Ron!.........

I am not here!.....no messages are being allowed thru...for about 4 weeks......I-Ron.

11/17/2010 12:17
Name: Betty
Location: Russia
Message: I am Ron.........and, I am not being allowed thru to post my messages.....HERE AND NOW!


11/17/2010 12:19
Name: Frank
Location: Mexico
Message: I am Ron.....and, I am not being allowed thru, to post my comments.HERE AND NOW.for the past 4 weeks now!....great guys!.........dont you have an "Engineer"?....Ron!.Ron!.....Ron!

11/17/2010 12:20
Name: Frank
Location: Mexico
Message: What the fuck .....Man!......now, I cant even here you audio on the air now!..............PERFECT!


11/17/2010 12:22
Name: Bastard
Location: Vietname
Message: God Damn it!........I'm not here now!.......no messages are being allowed by me, anymore!.......for the last 4 weeks!


11/17/2010 12:23
Name: Susan
Location: Arizona
Message: RON..........RON......RON.......RON.........Im not here and now!.


11/17/2010 12:24
Name: ionette 9
Location: spain
Message: Any idea of what those energy bubbles,at the center of the galaxie can be?thanks ion.

11/17/2010 12:25
Location: HELL
Message: I have not been allowed to post here, for the last 4 weeks...........thanks guys......and your "Engineer" too!..........RON........RON........RON!


11/17/2010 12:26
Name: Dennis
Location: Florida
Message: RON.............RON.........RON......

11/17/2010 12:28
Name: fdggwrg
Location: qewr
Message: eturykjrhery

11/17/2010 12:29
Name: tethgfsd
Location: gjryjtjd
Message: yjrxgfjxfyxnh

11/17/2010 12:32
Name: GOD
Location: DAMN



11/17/2010 12:33
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: hi again,
if ion can create in the physical now... could you please put a 1 and 6 zeros into my bank account please? My wish is your command right?

11/17/2010 12:34
Name: scoobeedoobeedoo
Location: My Name is Mud
Message: Im NOT HERE!


11/17/2010 12:35
Name: J. W. Mitchell
Location: now
Message: 6 degrees of connection: is, was, will, do, did, done.

11/17/2010 12:36
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Infused tools already as spoken about, poof happens if/when you lose them with the power within. My question is, the human creator in thier power with NP is the most powerful tool of all, on this earthly level, even surpassing the pyramids, etc...??? regeneration, astro-travel, ......

11/17/2010 12:48
Name: Carol
Location: FL
Message: Ion - you once referred to chapter 24 in Revelations
which had to do with angels. There is not chapter 24 of Revelations in the bible. Please explain.

11/17/2010 12:57
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Will you give some examples of experiences we human creators may have once we activate our chromosone 14.

Thanks, B.

11/17/2010 13:07
Name: eternity
Message: iON.. I saw an Angel in the clouds the other day just before the beginning of a storm. Can you tell me it's name?

Then of course... the next day I was listening to Revs. & heard you talking about that. How cool is THAT!!!

11/17/2010 13:08
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON<

Are all Human Creators equal?

Will you tell us why there are different races and different languages?

11/17/2010 13:15
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
If we go to the GUF like we go on a vacation, does that mean we can come back?

11/17/2010 13:19
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: iON Do you state we as human creators when knowingly, in full intercourse with Non Physical, are complete with all attributes available of Original Source/God/??? Are their any limitations?

Thanks, All...for assisting 'Squeezing the Lemon of Non Physical' :-)))

11/17/2010 13:24
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Hiya

11/17/2010 13:27
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Lifes exciting when you in the loop and outside of this you can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

11/17/2010 13:28
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: Bob

sutton place is 10022

lots of long mauve coats there for sure

11/17/2010 13:29
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: Carolyn/ion: is there anything that you can suggest to help reduce bothersome eye floaters?

11/17/2010 13:31
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: ion ive tried that, not pushing against it, but theyre getting worse, dark like ink spots.

11/17/2010 13:42
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: lol ion! thanks

11/17/2010 13:47
Name: Mel
Location: Toronto
Message: Would Ion comment on Ho'oponopono - if it works, why?

11/17/2010 13:48
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Are all human creators equal to each other?

11/17/2010 13:51
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: How do we activate the rna?

11/17/2010 13:58
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: specifically which words, for next week then?

11/17/2010 13:58
Name: humpty
Location: the wall
Message: fab show, thanks bob, carol ted and alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/24/2010 11:06
Name: Spencer
Message: Can I Ion tell me the #'s that came to me in a dream last night and what significance they have.

11/24/2010 11:06
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Two questions: 1, What is the enormous Scientific Instrument 8 stories tall and 17 miles around, placed deep underground. What is it created to do and will it be successful. 2 What is US President Obama's real purpose and destiny, that the public of large is not aware of. Note reference from Will Loy, Lakeside, CA

11/24/2010 11:15
Name: Brandon
Message: next time have a massive boner ;)

11/24/2010 11:15
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Happy 24 (42) in the 11 (Nov) check out:

http://rundonotwalk.blogspot.com/2010/1 ... -ring.html

Just 1 of the 11 listening

11/24/2010 11:24
Name: Drew
Location: Chipbody
Message: Hey all, Howsyermommanem? Question for Ion: Can you give us your explanation of the Merkabah, and if applicable, how one can learn to utilize it? Peace!

11/24/2010 11:26
Name: fran
Location: swampscott
Message: Dear IOn, is the false alien invasion coming soon? when?

11/24/2010 11:36
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Blackheath?

11/24/2010 11:38
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Is this a fabulous example of James as A Human Creation?

11/24/2010 11:40
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: The "X Factor" of the title refers to the undefinable "something" that makes for star quality.

11/24/2010 11:40
Name: Mimmy
Location: Marblehead
Message: I understand you say that "speaking" something will manifest it. Can you give me some more detail? Does one whisper? yell? chant?

If I speak it to an audience, is it better than mumbling to myself? What kind of emotion do i need to back it up?

11/24/2010 11:48
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: It is time James contact me please with the form letter for morgtage holders, or human creators persons in faced with or in foreclosure What about Credit card debt too??? Let's clean this up! I would be privileged and appreciative to be your first, print.... asaScott Thanky Ya'll, Again!!! A. Scott Asbill creationalways@gmail.com

11/24/2010 11:55
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Interesting!!!

11/24/2010 11:56
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: I hear You

11/24/2010 11:56
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Else

11/24/2010 11:57
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: See Believe.........

11/24/2010 12:00
Name: Hettie
Location: Is
Message: Hey Ya'll! Bob...I sent a question just before the show....did you see it? read it...it's a good one :-)


11/24/2010 12:07
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Have we gone Dada with the music Bob?

11/24/2010 12:21
Name: Matthew
Location: New Jersey
Message: why are there so many twins in Candido Godoi, Brazil?

article: "Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele created a twin town in Brazil"

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... razil.html

11/24/2010 12:23
Name: Brandon
Message: It's kinda like when you are at a strip club. It gets boring after a while and then you see down the shot girls top and you are aroused again.

11/24/2010 12:28
Name: Mel
Location: Toronto
Message: Sarah Palin's North Korea Slip: 'We've Gotta Stand With Our North Korean Allies' (AUDIO)

11/24/2010 12:34
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: OMG, you guys are being hysterical!!! I love it!

11/24/2010 12:42
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Immediately after sending the believe, What music played next.

11/24/2010 12:45
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: Brazilian twins is a known story, see the film "The Boys of Brazil"

11/24/2010 12:53
Name: anonymus
Message: Is Captain Jack the Face of Boe?

11/24/2010 12:59
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Hi guys,
How ya'll doin. When Max came on the show I think it was spectacular. What if Max became a regular correspondant for new youge listeners. It was really refreshing for an already great show.
Also, am I that person that inserted that voice some how..........cause I hope not. If so then I guess I am just finding my bearings. If not.....then........ JUST KIDDING! Earl

11/24/2010 13:04
Name: Sacha
Message: Hi Guys.
iON - can you please define what Selah means/is in your words.

Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving to the 3 listeners in the US of A.

11/24/2010 13:09
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: iON, with that "Ark" song, that's the third sychronicity for me with the word Ark. What does that mean for me?
Thank you?

11/24/2010 13:15
Name: anonymus
Message: Are there consequences to coming in to power in greater amounts than you can handle?

11/24/2010 13:19
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Concerning colors recomendes to Germain, is it applicable to men too?

11/24/2010 13:30
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: You guys are really good. I know I keep looking for validity and response and/or reaction. This need I am trying to let go of. You guys don't stroke anyone's pride. This is all so subtle. I appreciate your help in this regard. My pride is on alert. On the other side of this I also enjoyed pushing the limits of unlimitness even where pride is alive and well and having fun too.

11/24/2010 13:31
Name: Alana G
Location: Ontario, Canada
Message: Hi guys, I'm the OTHER Alana. Great show, as always! Just to correct you: the Trillium is the flower of the province of Ontario. The Mayflower is the flower of Nova Scotia.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

11/24/2010 13:48
Name: martha
Location: texas
Message: Bob is really funny today!
Hey you guys still working on the book "Till Kingdom Come"? I think that was the name. And what about the word-ology guide? I keep a tangolen my words.

11/24/2010 13:49
Name: anonymus
Message: Did Van Gogh see the world as he painted it?

11/24/2010 13:52
Name: Alana G
Location: Ontario, Canada
Message: Alana here again...the didgereedoo is played via circular breathing. My brother in law is a didge player. Circular breathing is tricky but can be done! Practice practice practice.

11/24/2010 13:55
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Diggerdoo is played by keeping air in cheeks and breath throu nose

11/24/2010 13:57
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif
Message: iON,

My son Max is very excited about watching Firebreathers tonight, it's about a boy who is 1/2 dragon 1/2 human, is there a message for kids in this?

12/01/2010 11:02
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: Ion, I have been seeing almost on a nightly basis light ships in the sky of different types. These seem to respond to me, as I've been desiring to have contact for several months. Is this my galactic family and do they have good intentions?

12/01/2010 11:14
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: Hi Everyone! Keep up the Super Show! Have a question:iON: recently I had a dream that Bob called me & I was explaining the wonderful things happening to me and iON got on the line & asked would I like to know when a certain even would happen, I said "Yes" iON said "when the 2 items of food disappear from my kitchen." iON: could you please tell me the items you were speaking of & the event?

12/01/2010 11:16
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles
Message: Could Bob explain on the meaning of "menippean phatic communion." Also, are ALL of our interactions with each other menippean phatic communion? And if so, could you explain this?

12/01/2010 11:17
Name: Sacha
Message: Did you guys here about Interpol's interest in Assange?!

12/01/2010 11:20
Name: anonymus
Message: Once you identify language as mortar and you make your conversations phatic, do your conversations lose power except for the words you use as stone??

12/01/2010 11:21
Name: Spencer
Message: If Ion is all knowing why does Ion in response to some questions say "probably".. ie. Bob has had "probably" around 3100 hours time with Ion..

12/01/2010 11:22
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Is a Human Creator influenced more by his environment or by his essense coming from the guf?

12/01/2010 11:22
Name: Drew
Location: Chipbody
Message: Hey everyone, what do y'all think NASA has in store for tomorrow?

"NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life"

http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2010/no ... ology.html

12/01/2010 11:29
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: And I forgot to mention that my 3 daughters can see those same ships.

12/01/2010 11:32
Name: Tayzay
Location: Michigan
Message: As my word is the essence of my creations, what are the spaces or gaps between words creating?
Are the space between words akin to the space within the physical?

Warmest Regards,

12/01/2010 11:35
Name: Pam
Location: Mn
Message: Happy Wednesday-I woke up this AM in a great mood. bI finally feel like I am gaining control of my life & destiny. It doesn't feel so hard & cumbersome & full of worry & fear. Tomorrow is another day, but today is as good as it gets because it's all we have! I hope that you're having a good day & keep your chin up & keep truckin thru the holidays. You inspire me everyday to keep going-THANK YOU

12/01/2010 11:40
Name: anonymus
Message: Can iON describe the fifth dimension and other dimensions beyond it??

12/01/2010 11:40
Name: Alannah R
Location: Canada
Message: Since I have been on the iON diet I am losing weight differently then ever before. Instead of a layer reduction my body is reshaping as if it was in shape already. My face is going back to being pretty like it used to be before the sagging and tiredness of age kicked in. Is my physical reshaping itself back to the way I designed it now that I have taken my mind out of it?

12/01/2010 11:44
Name: anonymus
Message: Bob, great interpretation of phatic communication!!

12/01/2010 11:48
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles
Message: But if you ask someone what you might add to your soup to make it better, and they tell you something they think would help and you decide that sounds great --- that doesn't sound like menippean phatic communion. So it's not 100%?

12/01/2010 11:52
Name: anonymus
Message: Let me make my statement clearer. Phatic conversation that you choose to engage and enjoy but not give it power.

12/01/2010 11:54
Name: richard
Location: nc
Message: no, no Bob. Blacks are ALWAYS looking for their own thang. If white guys wear their hats curved, bloods do it straight, etc.

it's not complicated

12/01/2010 11:55
Name: t.j.
Location: L.A.
Message: message for caroline,
world wide Lysistrata NOW !!!!
pass the word on sister!!

12/01/2010 11:57
Name: Skeeter
Location: sea level
Message: Several weeks ago, a woman named Debbie from Boston called in. I swear, up and down, that it was my friend Debbie from Boston who introduced me to this show. Until later she informed me it was not her. I SWEAR it was her voice! Ion, If both "debbies" call in at the same time, will they cancel each other out? if Deb #1 is listening. please call if interested . . .

12/01/2010 12:13
Name: listener # 11
Location: somewhere out there
Message: I just bought my neckid Sphynx a new sweater, can iON tell us what color it is?(yes, this is a test).
I also have a question about STARFIRE..Nicholas de Vere in the Dragon Legacy has a pretty bizarre story about Starfire....is it TRUE?

BTW Bob you WERE fantastic in the first 5 min of the show so caller #9 was correct...:-)

12/01/2010 12:13
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Its my birthday,could ion tell me something about my next year? is it gonna be any better in general? or what ?thanks a lot.

12/01/2010 12:19
Name: listener # 11
Location: somewhere out there
Message: what about the scoffing prick of the year award??

12/01/2010 12:19
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Re: Kennedy estate

Will you explain the significance of the Kennedy reference you made?

12/01/2010 12:23
Name: strangeBrew
Location: Calif
Message: Could ion give a succinct explanation of what he means by coming from your power as opposed to authority. Thanks

12/01/2010 12:34
Name: Earl
Location: B.C
Message: Gang, Hi and thx.
Your mix of insane geniuses is so completely different.This is like getting icing and cake in one mouthful at show time.
Bob,how are you completley different than iON.
What do like about iON the most? Why?
any non preferemces to iON?
iON, how are you different then Bob?Answering as non physical not included!
What do you like about Bob the most?
Name 1 Bob/iON incompatabilty

12/01/2010 12:34
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: WTF

12/01/2010 12:53
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Bob,

Check out AMC's "Rubicon". It's about a think tank group that looks at patterns in everything. They say every conspiracy theory is not always a theory.
iON, do you have any thoughts or comments regarding the show?

12/01/2010 12:54
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: Did we ever get an answer to which words to use to activate the RNA? (not the ma!) What is the white stone referred to in the revelations series?

12/01/2010 13:03
Name: angela
Location: vancouver
Message: hiya hows it going:)

my physical body disappears sometimes when i sleep - it happened again - ION is this the next step of physically portaling
Could you explain the process


12/01/2010 13:15
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Last night I dreamt of seeing a representation of a female angel blowing a trumpet. Does this have anything to do with your titnanium show last night?
Does it mean something great is coming?

12/01/2010 13:17
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles
Message: The living water flows OUT from our thrown!

12/01/2010 13:19
Name: listener # 11
Location: somewhere out there
Message: We all mis-under-estimate Bob=the evokeanator

12/01/2010 13:24
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: BOB: In respect to your discussion with Scott about your other dialogues with Kurt etc, any chance we can get more Bob Neveritt State of the Union addresses like we used to on Cash Flow? Maybe once a month or something? The iON + Bob + Caroyln shows are cool, but I miss the "State of the Unions" also.

12/01/2010 13:26
Name: listener # 11
Location: somewhere out there
Message: Bob at the nudist beach..now that's a kodak moment

12/01/2010 13:27
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal

12/01/2010 13:46
Name: William Stillings
Location: Temecula
Message: good god

12/01/2010 13:48
Name: listener # 11
Location: somewhere out there
Message: so what's the secret of getting off....of iON's shiiiiiiit list?

12/01/2010 13:51
Name: William Stillings
Location: Temecula
Message: Free Energy kills control. The Drive to energy is the Negative. energy comes from a time domain. Energy to mass is a WTC prank.

12/01/2010 13:53
Name: humpty dumpty
Location: the wall
Message: What is living water? Do you mean water of a certain vibration?

12/01/2010 13:58
Name: William Stillings
Location: Temecula
Message: Back to world WTC. No two things can occupy the same space. Energy to mass - Energy becoming mass, Lower Energy level WTC lose's battle 700 Ft WTC steel vanishes at three different camera angles. Someof steel gets Returned to time domain, some Reduced to constituates of atoms and some to 80 Microns Indicative of a Gravitational wave.. does this sound right?

12/08/2010 11:03
Name: Hettie
Location: Now
Message: Hello delightful adventurers!
Question for iON: 1.8 Avenue 8, these were directions that were given to me. Would you please illuminate on this for me? :-)

12/08/2010 11:06
Name: T.J.
Message: is the entity /entities known as ion, in danger of becoming ensnared in a human form ? does ion dwell
in the consciousness of j.t.? how exactly is the time sharing accomplished ? what are the rules being observed ?

12/08/2010 11:07
Name: Edison
Message: Nice

12/08/2010 11:08
Name: Edison
Message: HI ION :)

12/08/2010 11:09
Name: Edison
Message: ION.. would you have sex with Rosie O'donnel for $100,000

12/08/2010 11:11
Name: Edison
Message: How do you Tweet a Moose Knuckel

12/08/2010 11:11
Name: 3 hungry mice
Location: jack sprats place
Message: gay means stupid to kids in australia too

12/08/2010 11:11
Name: Edison
Message: That would be a sloopy twat :p

12/08/2010 11:13
Name: Edison
Message: Link Link..

12/08/2010 11:22
Name: Edison
Message: Did earth have a War 11,000 Years ago? 9500 BC resulting in Bermuda Triangle coming to be.

12/08/2010 11:23
Name: Lynnette the Ionette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Lady Gaga is rumored to be intersexed or hermaphrodite. In Genesis, where the rules and the blame-games begin, humans appear to be created into sexes or genders. Could Ion explain the reasoning behind the creation of male and female, and especially the purpose and meaning of "help meet"? Even before the tree of knowledge of good end evil was introduced egging on states of being lessor...

12/08/2010 11:23
Name: Lynnette the Ionette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: was this status of "help meet" also introduced to help rally up the blame games and lessornesses? And if not, what was it for?

12/08/2010 11:23
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: 15 mins into hour one: Dr. Dean comments how Bob goes over,over and over....Bob, are you creating 'pearls' in your world?

12/08/2010 11:28
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Bob is Santa Claus! How great is that! I don't have a fucking car either!

12/08/2010 11:29
Name: Edison
Message: ION Who am I? what am i good at? How does 57 apply to me??

12/08/2010 11:29
Name: Hettie
Location: Now
Message: in my dream! it came in my dream last night

12/08/2010 11:30
Name: Melody
Location: Toronto
Message: Last week I think it was, Bob said something about him getting to a point that resulted in ION coming through. Can Ion elaborate on Bob and Ion's relationship/connection since it is J.T. who channels ION, and please excuse me if channelling is a banned word in IONdom.

12/08/2010 11:30
Name: Fema Cramp
Message: Bob is NOT Santa...

Santa says "Ho Ho Ho"
Bob IS a Ho....

12/08/2010 11:31
Name: Brett
Location: Chapter 7
Message: What has Happened to the Stars in the Night sky...

12/08/2010 11:32
Name: anonymus
Message: Santa,
I'v been really good. I want abosulety everything that I want.

12/08/2010 11:33
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: just one of the eleven this one or the other one. Bob is the big RED man?

12/08/2010 11:36
Name: Richard
Location: Wellesley , ontario
Message: When Ion talks about the 6 degrees of separation should I be trying not engaging in the 6 degrees of separation when I am
talking to people

12/08/2010 11:36
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Is the GUF empty or emptying?

If empty, where are the recently dead going?

12/08/2010 11:38
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Can iON please explain how taking an action toward a desired outcome can actually keep the outcome from manifesting?
Thank you!

12/08/2010 11:40
Name: Melody
Location: Toronto
Message: Okay, I really do understand that the larger part of me is the omnipotent, all powerful, all knowing, Benevolent Empress of the Sovereign Kingdom of Melody. But the smaller part of Melody who is trying to get along in the world has been substantially without an income in the last couple of years. Ion, is there any specific advice you can give me to help the little me live more as the big me (cont

12/08/2010 11:40
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, happy �Immaculate Conception� day!

I thought the �House Gaga�s� were insightful. It�s good to know that others are also experiencing the wired sleep patterns and fatigue when they wake up in the morning. Sometimes I feel as if I�m plugged into the electrical wall socket.

No question, just praise! All hale the power of the Cash Flow Show may angel castrate balls. Hehehe!

12/08/2010 11:42
Name: listener #11
Message: iON is time sharing meat-sacks now?

12/08/2010 11:46
Name: skeeter
Location: sea level
Message: there's some presence, which I can't see, creeping around my house and yard. It's driving my dogs crazy. What is it? why is it here.

12/08/2010 11:46
Name: 3 hungry mice
Location: jack sprats place
Message: hi there,
there are many ideas out there about what ascension represents. One idea ive heard recently is that this 3rd dimensional reality is deconstructing, that the earth itself is ascending, and becoming a star. iOn, is this accurate at all?

12/08/2010 11:48
Name: listener #11
Message: So Bob is pimping out iON now??

12/08/2010 11:51
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: This is the iON I remember.This must be the original.I feel home again.


12/08/2010 11:52
Name: eternity
Message: iON is HILARIOUS today!!

12/08/2010 11:56
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deeLDKcqBO8 or
your youtube info on ion

12/08/2010 11:56
Name: listener #11
Message: FYI Cher DOES have a son (besides Chaz)

Eliza Blue

iON should know that!!!

12/08/2010 12:00
Name: Hettie
Location: Now
Message: hahaha, I feel like I am squeezing the lemon! I asked "illuminate" on the direction I was given, because the obvious answer (geo location) doesn't make sense. After all "direction" can imply more than just geo location, no?

12/08/2010 12:00
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Can I get a retweet In be back in a bit well done folks http://twitter.com/#!/robbwindow/status ... 1968890880

12/08/2010 12:00
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Red from last weeks talk about this link:

12/08/2010 12:03
Name: Fema Cramp
Location: Edwards AFB
Message: They have Built Fema Camps Over Strategic under ground Facilities To use Humans as Shields to guard from Scalar weapons.. Nobody realized this.. Am I right?? Who am I

12/08/2010 12:04
Name: Matthew
Location: Madison, wi
Message: ion, you played the Metallica just for me... didn't you!

12/08/2010 12:04
Name: deb
Location: essex, ma
Message: Absolutely Bob there is no such thing as dying. life is eternal. Yay!
How many human's get that? 11


12/08/2010 12:05
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: O yea CashFlow brings the METAL \m/

12/08/2010 12:06
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: http://twitter.com/#!/Robert_Bridges fixed it please retweet the Twotters

12/08/2010 12:09
Name: Melody
Location: Toronto
Message: Thanks for pointing me to youtube for ION videos - lots of material there that should keep me busy for quite a while and from the look of the titles, will likely provide some suggestions in answer to my last question via InQuick message, which you needn't answer on air if it is a silly question that will touch off an Ion rant - which I am suspecting it is LOL

12/08/2010 12:09
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: a trend that i have observed in sci-fi and fantasy ,
is that when an author , who has created a "universe"
for his stories to occur in; is approaching death, he makes an effort to tidy up said universe . as if he has in in a way become become a god over that universe.
Heinlein ,Asimov , Pratchett, are examples of this.
the question is ,is this just sentimentality, or something deeper ?

12/08/2010 12:15
Name: Fema Cramp
Location: Edwards AFB
Message: http://www.ganoksin.com/borisat/nenam/noel-yovovich.htm

12/08/2010 12:16
Name: Fema Cramp
Location: Edwards AFB
Message: Titanium Jewelry
Philip Noel Jewelers has an excellent line of titanium jewelry. Prized for its durability and light weight, titanium jewelry has become quite popular in recent years ...

12/08/2010 12:23
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: At each point of breaching a point of thinking this iON thing (NP) may be a fantasy. Validation comes in proofs, such as, the new TV movie of Noah's Ark, Eye ON Health, iON television conglomerate, and much more is presenting itself daily...

Question, Since iON is Non Phyical complete, how is Bob (controller/invoker/etc.) any more/less than any of the rest of us, as human creators.

12/08/2010 12:27
Name: 3 hungry mice
Location: jack sprats place
Message: hey, what are the numbers for the next australian power ball draw?

12/08/2010 12:30
Name: Brett
Message: Bismuth is the main remains in the Bimini wall.. Oscillator.

12/08/2010 12:32
Name: Matthew
Location: New Ark
Message: iON has said the inflow of souls could not outnumber the outflow until recently?

12/08/2010 12:32
Name: Lindsey
Location: ga
Message: Who is responsible for John Lennon's death?

12/08/2010 12:34
Name: listener #11
Message: if I hit powerball w ion's numbers-I'll buy the whole revelations series and be a true believer! :-)

12/08/2010 12:36
Name: anonymus
Message: When the Guf empties and waves back at us after the mass exodus, does that non-physical distribute evenly to who and what's left here and other planes?

12/08/2010 12:36
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: Thanks Sheila! Perfect question... Thanks even more iON

12/08/2010 12:37
Name: listener #11
Message: the ultimate question:
when WILL the shift happen?

12/08/2010 12:37
Name: listener #11
Message: how many ET races are watching Earth right now?

12/08/2010 12:37
Name: 3 hungry mice
Location: jack sprats place
Message: If the guff is emptying, where will all those people of the "mass death" scenario transition to? other worlds?

12/08/2010 12:39
Name: listener #11
Message: Have you guys done any new interviews recently?
When will iON be on OPRAH??

12/08/2010 12:41
Name: Fema Cramp
Message: What Kind of Food do they serve in the Fema Camps

12/08/2010 12:42
Name: Melody
Location: Toronto
Message: Thank you Nick! Thank you Ion! Relax and allow, I know, it's tough but I will keep working on it.

12/08/2010 12:47
Name: Fema Cramp
Message: ION: should the pope wear a Condom?

12/08/2010 12:49
Name: Matthew
Location: nj
Message: It has been said by Mainstream Medicine that "worms in the eyes" are caused by excessive masturbation. Is there any truth to this?

12/08/2010 12:51
Name: anonymus
Message: Are angels' offsprings that are half human not supposed to be??

12/08/2010 12:52
Name: maria
Location: allways
Message: hi to all, Ion,can you tell me which bloodline of the tribes of the bible ,the actual inhabitants of spain are? thanks

12/08/2010 12:55
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: iON as I gazed with side view in a mirror the other day, to my left, suddenly I saw to the right also in another mirror, then both. Please explain this anomaly of a feeling as trinity joining

12/08/2010 12:55
Name: Alannah R
Location: Canada
Message: i didn't know how to access melting titanium until james told me today. around midnight last night I stated my journey intention & shut out the light. this morning my alarm went off for an hour until i awoke feeling very happy and it has stayed with me all day, then i got an email from a guy who had a dream about me last night. did i hook up with titanium and have shifted into a more joyful place

12/08/2010 12:56
Name: Drew
Location: Chipbody
Message: Hey all, howsyermommanimernum? Question of the week: Whats the real story on monoatomic gold?

12/08/2010 13:03
Name: listener # 11
Message: will you comment on our JUNK (dna) and claims of those who say that reconnection will open a whole new world of POWERS....?
supposedly many of the new kids (indigo/whatever)are already imbued with extraordinary talents of telepathy/teleportation/being able to walk thru walls/instantly manifest whatever they want yada yada

Is this part and parcel of humans coming into their power?

12/08/2010 13:07
Name: listener # 11
Message: don't forget the flowers of hell

12/08/2010 13:10
Name: listener # 11
Message: will the new iON "chia pet" be out in time for Xmas??

12/08/2010 13:16
Name: Fema Cramp
Message: Ion - was jesus not understanding how people are cause he wasnt Embodied.?? different type being ??

12/08/2010 13:17
Name: anonymus
Message: Is it beneficial to get rid of angles all together and make everything curved?

12/08/2010 13:19
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: iON = loves greatly

12/08/2010 13:20
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Back from Tesco again in fact i forgot to get what I wanted to get does Ion know what I forgot to get from Tesco I am sure he will.

12/08/2010 13:21
Name: anonymus
Message: Are all the anomolies and sychronisities clues that you left yourself to remind you that you are creating everything?

12/08/2010 13:31
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: FIRST RULE,
There are no rules

12/08/2010 13:35
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: Sorry first callls asking to accept with Goole yes 707 OcidentialCA I will accept nexr rime it recieves

Thank You Very Much To Alll :-)

12/08/2010 13:35
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: It was toilet paper.

12/08/2010 13:37
Name: gregg
Location: Mooville
Message: Tina, Ha ha ha ha Bull shit

12/08/2010 13:42
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: Cold Fusion.... 99 bucks then I will be able to crete the complete conversion to full use process>>> Fair question.. wordy words

12/08/2010 13:51
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hi All. Joining late so show nearly over.

iON is Aramu Muru a door to a parallel world? Is it possible that those attempting to go through will get stuck?

12/08/2010 13:54
Name: Fema Cramp
Message: ION - Mediation meaning The type of person going through??

12/08/2010 13:55
Name: martha
Location: Texas
Message: So if Bob has answer to cold fusion how come he doesn't
make it? Could a lack of money be the problem???
No can't be Ha ha ha

12/08/2010 13:56
Name: Fema Cramp
Message: ION.. I agree You have to Prep Mind Which in turns Preps Body for that type of travel as in Reflection Of Praying

12/08/2010 13:57
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Bye all! Thank you for a great show today!

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART EIGHT
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 7:05 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
12/15/2010 11:08
Name: Ana
Message: Hi everyone
Great webinar Dr. Dean. Can you describe the type A personality?
What are the other types and how are they different?

12/15/2010 11:22
Name: Angela
Location: Vancouver
Message: Morning:) Hope your all keeping well:)

Reincarnation is an illusion, As Eternals, is physically parallel travel how to get around from world to world, time to time whilst sitting in our thrones?
Could you talk about Life as an Eternal, the abilities and the meeting of other Eternals from other worlds
Thanks a million

12/15/2010 11:27
Name: anonymus
Message: Were any of the Jesus' offspring of angels?

12/15/2010 11:32
Name: Fema Camp
Location: Temecula
Message: ION - Is the earth Hollow.
Denver International Airport is 3,616 Miles from Hollow earth. @ 353.33 Degrees, or 6.66 Take the Wil Edison <--- me lol Tour and See the "Grand Central Teleport" Global Stargate which is 12,000 Km from Haarp (down to the Meter)

12/15/2010 11:32
Name: maria
Location: on the first day
Message: punks were right there is no future yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh,i use to be one of them

12/15/2010 11:34
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Has the ark been built yet for the coming flood?

If so is there one ark or many arks?

12/15/2010 11:38
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Ion - will the creatures of the earth -cats, dogs, etc., be impacted in anyway - be it positive or negative by the thinnning of the veil? If so, in what manner will they be affected?

12/15/2010 11:41
Name: Lisa
Location: new orleans
Message: Have you guys ever thought of operating a dating service thru the show?

I think some of your listeners may have trouble making conversation at their local bar.

12/15/2010 11:42
Name: Terry
Location: Florida
Message: Can Ion answer about the flood thats coming that he mentioned.

12/15/2010 11:53
Name: robert
Location: nj
Message: what are the rules of engagement

12/15/2010 11:57
Name: Fema Camp
Location: Temecula
Message: ION - Im starting to see more and More Round Vehicles in the sky. Will we see more and more Publicly.
Are they a Vacation gettaway while the Banks go Crazy?
Round Vehicles lands im getting on..

12/15/2010 12:02
Name: Lisa
Location: new orleans
Message: is the concept of "proof" the enemy?

12/15/2010 12:02
Name: Fema Camp
Location: Temecula
Message: ION - In this time that were in right now.. Is our DNA active. I myself am experiencing new talents and Empowerment.
What can we Expect

12/15/2010 12:03
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Has anyone activated their chromosone 14 yet? Besides envoking the desire to do so, is there something else necessary to activate it?

12/15/2010 12:05
Name: Lisa
Location: new orleans
Message: 1. is dic Cheney

a. a reptile, b. a clone, c. a light being, d. a human, e. other?

2. Is lady gaga . .

a. a reptile, b. a clone, c. a light being, d. a human, e. other?

12/15/2010 12:06
Name: T.J.
Location: L.A.

12/15/2010 12:16
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Question for Bob, could he tell us what happened between him with his former wife Connie. Did you get divorced, did she pass into non-physical, could you tell that story?

12/15/2010 12:19
Name: Diana
Location: arizona
Message: Is Noah's Ark really on mt, ararat still?

12/15/2010 12:22
Name: maria
Location: on the first day
Message: are the ETs aware of what the governements are doing to us keeping us in ignorance,about many things,and have they any intention of help us in any way?.thanks

12/15/2010 12:24
Name: Peter
Location: Kansas
Message: Will Prince Charles assume the throne of Britian?, It seems that the British don't like him or Camilla given the recent events of attacks. Does this has something to do with Prince William getting marry? Does Queen Elizabeth favors William?

12/15/2010 12:31
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: You are answering my question regarding the ark right now and it is 12:21. Ever since iON said that 12:21 was a message for me...that you can be in 2 worlds at the same time, I see 12:21 many times a day everyday. Even on Fringe, 2 weeks ago it was 12:21 when Olivia's message came through for Peter that she was trapped in the other universe. Ok so my question is am I living in 2 merged worlds?

12/15/2010 12:31
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Regarding Arks, please clarify discription of them, physical boat type or DNA/RNA activation and how do we recieve instruction of correct construction.

12/15/2010 12:32
Name: Robert
Location: Tottenham
Message: Hi guy's happy hannakAHA: q. you mentioned the printing press earlier, my question is about paper not fluffy quilted paper but newspapers on paper. Is papers still for the elite and is this why the printing press has increased in places like India, the question is in an ecological context is the awareness about saving tree's and saving paper mixed up and wrong in the context of oil being elec powr

12/15/2010 12:35
Name: angela
Location: vancouver
Message: missed it radio turned off just as you read question will listen later

how many eternal begins are on earth at the moment? could you describe a day in their life and their range of abilities

12/15/2010 12:36
Name: just wondering
Message: Thanks for a good show,

Please go back to your previous question. Are the Kardashians real life vampires?

12/15/2010 12:36
Name: Lisa
Location: new orleans
Message: you guys completely misunderstood me! RE: dating on your show.

I literally have single friends who listen, and have a hard time talking about these things to the general public. I thought FEMA was very smart, and sounded like a guy one of my friends would like.

12/15/2010 12:37
Name: robert
Location: nj
Message: That's clear

12/15/2010 12:53
Name: angela
Location: vancouver
Message: Ion , u said i had angel blood in me PLease Explain

12/15/2010 12:55
Name: angela
Location: vancouver
Message: i thought thats why poeple keep calling me indigo - i deactivated it anyhow - Thanks for the Fish

12/15/2010 13:03
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Never Before Subject Matter here on CASH FLOW. iON, is it true as mj stated you will tell me additional training information for our mascot Dr. McLuan, the wolf puppy that is listening now with me. How am I to allow him to fully manifest to his highest power? Thank You asaScott PS You may state the background info if you wish....:-))) James does not know... announcement is on 'dupes', Your call

12/15/2010 13:35
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hi wonderful people,
iON, would you give a comment on the 10,000 year clock and how this will effect humanities perception of time.


12/15/2010 13:56
Name: Fema Cramp
Location: Temecula
Message: hhahhahahahahaha Vacuuming. ION - Im informed that everyone leaves earth the year 3113. And Does Nasa Acknowledge life on MARS

12/15/2010 13:57
Name: Fema Cramp
Location: Temecula
Message: ION RIGHT..you rule.. Im an Ape A+ blood type

12/15/2010 13:57
Name: Fema Cramp
Location: Temecula
Message: HAHAHahahaaaaaa omg Love you ION

12/22/2010 11:03
Name: matthew
Message: Is there gold in the oak island money pit? was the treasure placed there by parallel worlders in hopes of returning it? did francis bacon pen hamlet? is the third jesus the offspring of gabriel and mary? did the nazis bring gold back from a ww2 train wreck to long island in the 80s using quantum manipulation. the teleportation of the uss eldridge in 1944 was due to actions taken at montawk in 83?

12/22/2010 11:05
Name: matthew
Location: not the guf
Message: that was jw without a shirt on at coyote ugly?

12/22/2010 11:10
Name: Hettie
Location: Now
Message: Nice words, Earl...hear, hear!

12/22/2010 11:15
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Hi Ion, Bob, Carolyn, and James,

The word "slack" was used off-hand in last week's show. Will you all define the word "Slack" and then compare and contrast it from the meaning of "Relax and Allow."


12/22/2010 11:16
Name: T.J.
Location: L.A.

12/22/2010 11:18
Name: matthew
Location: the ghetto
Message: I am trying to find out what happened to my bathing suit that you said i left at coney island. the memories are coming back and i think that i removed them on the beach to engage in coitus. did i leave the bathing suit as a marker to remeber that this happened?

12/22/2010 11:23
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: is there some info of the unseen director's cut of eyes wide shut that would help the movie make sense? what was so important to hide that kubrick's final cut has never been seen by the public?

12/22/2010 11:24
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: I can't stop rolling fattys and listening to ion

12/22/2010 11:26
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: is the talmud jmmanuel an accurate depiction of the teachings of the third jesus?

12/22/2010 11:26
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Bob ask Ion how Terence Mckenna's Novelty theory relates to time and 2012

12/22/2010 11:29
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: what do my coworkers think about when they hear this show?

12/22/2010 11:30
Name: Hettie
Location: Now
Message: Caroline's on mute...sound's muffled

12/22/2010 11:33
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: was hitler the true author of mein kampf?

12/22/2010 11:36
Name: anonymus
Message: Is everyone in my life there to teach or remind me of something?
If so please describe.

12/22/2010 11:40
Name: anonymus
Message: Bob, just curious, what do you use in your green drinks?

12/22/2010 11:41
Name: SUE

12/22/2010 11:42
Name: Nick
Location: NJ via Greece
Message: Hey BOB ION DR DEAN JAMES my skype is not working for some reason so i am writing. I was watching blooberg tv european version last week and they where all gloom and doom. Yesterday and today that tune changed they are now talking about 2011 as being great and that the markets the dow might even break it's all time record and pass 15000. Whats going on?

12/22/2010 11:48
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: is this james martinez number 2 today?

12/22/2010 11:57
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan for this Now
Message: Hearing Dave Wurster on 5/19 Gate of Tell also has much for the discerning ear to hear.

Much aDO!

12/22/2010 11:58
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: Can iON come through bob for a minute?

12/22/2010 12:08
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan for this Now
Message: Ion,
would You explain the 'pygmalion effect'.
Bob said, " Carolyn is my pygmalion"

12/22/2010 12:12
Name: Lola
Location: there
Message: Hi ,Ion,was Jesus really born a 25 of december?,what are we celebrating if not�thanks .

12/22/2010 12:13
Name: Brandon
Message: Yeah, I heard by to the girl (virginia)

12/22/2010 12:14
Name: Drew
Location: Chipbody
Message: Hey everyone.. What's to become of our Internet? Is the FCC's new Net Neutrality a power-grab of the net by the Plutocracy?

12/22/2010 12:14
Name: Brandon
Message: afterparty! 209-647-1000

12/22/2010 12:20
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Can we communicate with love ones who have transitioned to the GUF?

12/22/2010 12:22
Name: Robert (Trash Robot)
Location: Tottenham
Message: Happy Christmas to Cashflow from North London. Best wishes and thank you for providing great content throughout 2010. Best year ever. Missed the number but have a nice day. Busy validating on Twitter whilst listening to show.

12/22/2010 12:27
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Do we need time to have space?

12/22/2010 12:30
Name: a friend
Message: Hi,
ion could you please explain how the part of the brain labeled cingulate gyrus is significant with reality creating.

What is it's relation to the singularity.

12/22/2010 12:34
Name: nick
Location: nj via greece
Message: Hey guys regarding the moon and the grid there use to be a city and there buildings in ruins there. There some youtubes and images of this.

12/22/2010 12:43
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: How does time relate to people aging? Why do we get older not younger?

12/22/2010 12:44
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: ION - Has there been too much emphasis placed on diminishing the egoic mind? Don't we need a strong ego in order to survive in life?

12/22/2010 12:50
Name: eternity
Message: RE: what Sheila was discussing - iON is that how I signed on to dupes as lightismymuse?!

12/22/2010 12:53
Name: Bee52
Location: AZ
Message: Hey everyone - Ion please comment on Damanhur in Italy..

12/22/2010 12:58
Name: dianne
Location: cali
Message: how do i connect with my other self(s)

12/22/2010 13:00
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: Yesterday seismographs all over the world went off the charts. Can iON explain what caused that?

Follow-up: Benjamin Fulford reported that earthquakes in Japan were caused by GHWB using weapon stolen from Wilhelm Reich, as a kind of financial blackmail or connected somehow to supposed financial reforms that will end the (Illuminati?) control of global moneys. Any truth to this?

12/22/2010 13:01
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: Follow-up on seismographs ("earth ringing") -- was this connected to the planetary line-up?

12/22/2010 13:04
Name: Alana G
Location: Canada
Message: Hi everyone! Great show today, thank you...I have no questions, I am just wishing all my physical and non-physical peeps a very Merry Christmas!



12/22/2010 13:05
Name: martha
Location: texas
Message: The shows have been so much fun the last few weeks love it!! Well I'm moving back to Arizona, I miss the desert.
I'm excited to relocate to the old mining town of Bisbee.
Can ion give me any insights or advice on my move??
Thanks guys!!

12/22/2010 13:07
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: For clarity, last week you had said that doing a particular thing would bring "slack" upon you and that you considered that bad or not-favorable. I have tried looking into the meaning of slack through the subgenius community online who's definition I don't completely understand, but you're saying that your definition is different than theirs, given your understanding, maybe you could explain better the unfavorability of "slack"?

Thank you.

12/22/2010 13:23
Name: Alana G
Location: Canada
Message: ION baby, YOU are my peanut butter!!

12/22/2010 13:33
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Aloha Y�all!

iON does David Blaine understand how to use his power or is he just a darn good illusionist?

12/22/2010 13:45
Name: Bee52
Location: AZ
Message: Damanhur in Italy is a society that has carved out a temple by hand and created a beautiful space of light love and prayer - they do it all bucket by bucket to move the inside of the mountain its amazing - the leader seems to be a traveler or paraworld being? YES?

12/22/2010 13:46
Name: Pami
Location: Venice beach
Message: all this talk of storms in l.a. Not in my reality. Am walking on beach and gonna get a drink outside for the office party today. Love you all!

12/22/2010 13:47
Name: Hettie
Location: Now
Message: Nah, Eckhart offers a place to get better...just gotta sift through it ;-)

12/22/2010 13:47
Name: a friend
Message: Hi,
If Bob had over 4000 hours of time with ion how long would Bob have to squeeze lemons to get the same level of knowing without ion.....how many glasses would he get in relation to glasses to years?

12/22/2010 13:47
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Is the moon still the economic headquaters for the solar government and what political entity is currently in control of the moon?

12/22/2010 13:49
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Can you tell us what the Seismigraphs were measuring?

12/22/2010 13:50
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Okay, thanks for the clarity about slack.

12/22/2010 13:51
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Is Jesus juice like angel spunk?

12/22/2010 13:54
Name: Cheryl
Message: that was d a r n ... illusionist :)

12/22/2010 13:57
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Well since you're in charge at the top, of course you've got the moon. Thanks. lol :)

12/29/2010 11:13
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Bob ask Ion if there is any "is" in being?

12/29/2010 11:29
Name: phillip
Location: oxford
all three phone lines are busy?

12/29/2010 11:45
Name: anonymus
Message: When a person shifts internally, is that because their inner kingdom is still seperate from the other 2 kingdoms?

When your kingdoms are fused, do your emotional shifts become less profound?

12/29/2010 11:58
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Hey Bob where will you, me, and Ion go for a beer, let me know the place we can meet; he can explain "it is what it is"...no time just a place

12/29/2010 11:59
Name: brandon
Message: :) commercial break saved ya.

12/29/2010 11:59
Name: anonymus
Message: Sometimes my dreams are great. Sometimes my dreams are stupid and absurd and I feel that they're meaningless. How can I get the full meaning from the latter dreams?

12/29/2010 12:06
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Hey there Universal Family! Been missing you all and wanted to wish you and listeners a fabulous 2011. I have a question for our favorite ET Ion. Ion, wondering if you would entertain my curiousity about mermaids and the term modern day siren. Taking your advice and lining up the guys ... moving into the "Goddess" essence and loving it! Thank you for all your wisdom Ion, and heartfelt blessings!

12/29/2010 12:07
Name: Pami
Location: (sunny) Venice Beach
Message: If Matthew thinks the hot young guy sitting next to me at Coyote Ugly was a young Bob, then that poor boy had more pussy juice than he could handle. No level of truth within any dimension can penetrate his perception of reality.

12/29/2010 12:16
Name: brandon
Message: bob. did you ever try to communicate your rap on psychedelics? I'm wondering how that would work? I'd love to see you get your momentum and just be like, "ahh fuck it." :)

12/29/2010 12:23
Name: brandon
Message: sounds incredibly choppy over here.

12/29/2010 12:41
Name: Pita
Location: Alabama
Message: If words are the essence of creation, orally or verbally; Do the written words create? What we write in forums, etc.

12/29/2010 12:55
Name: anonymous
Location: dallas
Message: who shot jr?

12/29/2010 13:01
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: North London
Message: Happy New Year Bill, James, Carolyn, Bob, JW, Ion and all the callers from Robert Bridge in London. Its very warm here in doors.

12/29/2010 13:02
Name: lorraine
Location: chilliwack bc
Message: i am on disability benefits, i was nice enough to put 6 cell phones in my name, they all didn;t pay, now i owe 3.299.12 cents.the harder i try to get ahead the further behind i get.i was only allowed to get my son 3 xmas presents.will things get better financially, or worse, thanks.......

12/29/2010 13:07
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: thinking about what Ion just shared about acension and seeing it as a three part meal ... ahhh.. is that why Mom always said... "eat your dinner and THEN you can have DESSERT... Ion, I am now enjoying all desserts! Love you guys...

12/29/2010 13:11
Name: lorraine
Location: chilliwack bc
Message: ps i keep dreaming, i have or won alot of money, what does that mean???thanks

12/29/2010 13:14
Name: bruce
Message: sorry. the phone battery went out

12/29/2010 13:23
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Yummy! I got it Carolyn!

12/29/2010 13:27
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: What is iON inferring regarding "The silence of the lambs"?
Thank you!

12/29/2010 13:32
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: iON,
Is it true that as a human creator 'knowingly' blends with NonPhysical, recognizes NP's special attributes of essence more in song, music, fashion, electronic meme, religion and so much more... Please explain the knowing 'signal (???)', that stops one in their tracks, then bringing quiet smiles as it be normal greeting of NP.

Thank You All...

12/29/2010 13:39
Name: b
Message: How can one manifest a miraulous healing?

12/29/2010 13:46
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: Bob is a GOOD BOY???

12/29/2010 13:46
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Bob do you and Ion smoke weed?

12/29/2010 13:51
Name: asaScott
Location: California USA
Message: Straight is Great!!! I am gettin' it

12/29/2010 13:53
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Nice to see that Bob tells the truth...happy smoking Bob...relax and allow

01/05/2011 11:06
Name: Pauline
Location: UK
Message: Happy New Year
please can you tell me anything about my finances this year
many thanks x

01/05/2011 11:09
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: Happy 2011 Everyone! iON would you please tell us the cause for the massive red wing black bird death in Arkansas & Louisiana? Also, the loud booms reported? Gratitude!

01/05/2011 11:14
Name: no-1
Location: narnia
Message: ion : why don't pubes become dreadlocks ?
serious question for scientific research.

01/05/2011 11:15
Name: no-1
Location: narnia
Message: presidents of the continental congress

01/05/2011 11:15
Location: EUROPE
Message: Someting really strange happenend to me, today afternoon,i was at home at the computer and suddenly i felt in my head ,the most weird thing i have ever felt ,so weird i can not explain .please ion ,do you have ,the answer,i m sure, tell me what this thing i felt was.thank you .and happy new year to all of you.

01/05/2011 11:16
Name: joshua
Location: homer la
Message: john hanson was the first president of the congress.

01/05/2011 11:17
Name: Duff & Ash
Location: Seattle
Message: The other day I was on my cell phone with a very slow customer service rep and instead of telling her "You are wasting my time" I said, "YOU'RE WASTING MY UNLIMITED MINUTES!"

Since there is no time, my cell has unlimited minutes and so do I, that was the most accurate thing I could have said!

Glad to hear you have your bat house up! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

01/05/2011 11:22
Name: anonymus
Message: iON
What are those yellow dot lights on the pictures (frog, seahorse, handprint, etc.) between the Fringe chapters?

01/05/2011 11:26
Name: david
Location: SoCal
Message: So an animal's perception is from a non-physical's perspective??

01/05/2011 11:33
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

If some Human Creators go back and some move forward toward ascension will they effect each other's positions i.e. egress or progress?

Thanks, Barb

01/05/2011 11:34
Name: CIndy
Location: Savannah
Message: I read a report that said we have had continuous earthquakes in many different areas since 12/21/10. What is Ion's take on this?

01/05/2011 11:47
Name: anonymus
Message: People don't know what they like, they like what they know.
What about those who are always looking for new things to like. Are they just not happy with anything they have?

01/05/2011 11:50
Name: anonymus
Location: digital space
Message: Is there something I can do to make my experiences in my dreams more vivid and rememorable?

01/05/2011 11:56
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Ion - were all three Jesus� mission while on earth exhorting the same thing - that is, attempting to induce humans to come into their place of power and/or acknowledge the power humans had given up - not all this savior nonsense?

01/05/2011 12:06
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Could Ion explain some of the story of Genesis 9:22, in which Ham saw Noah naked, so we can understand why it was that Noah was so angry that he cursed Ham's descendants? Many thanks, Lynnette

01/05/2011 12:14
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: My religous credo from a child.... John 3-17

01/05/2011 12:34
Name: Sacha
Message: GM foods are on the Trend List for 2011 too!!

01/05/2011 12:40
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
When you were responding to Nick, before Bob interjected, you said "The Process is coming, here is what happens if you don't....(Will you please finish your statement or rant? thanks.

01/05/2011 12:44
Name: Star
Location: Sky
Message: When ION says we are going to do the "wave", is this refering to an electro-magnetic, water(flood) or to something else?

01/05/2011 12:54
Name: Carlos
Location: California
Message: I heard iON mentioning several times of the importance of the 33 parallel, is this referring to the north only? or also applies to the south parallel. Please mentioned some details of the importance of this parallel. Thank you

01/05/2011 13:04
Name: Tina
Location: Soon Come
Message: Is there an permanent/invisible 'landscape' that underlies the world of change? Is this an affect of how time is experienced as a reality? Are we in the spance of time as in the Book Of Acts? (circa 50 A.D.)

Soon Come,

01/05/2011 13:13
Name: strangebrew
Location: california
Message: Succinct Clarification on "US is".
Because the original compact between the states became null and void as a result of the congress becoming unable to come together because of the succession of the southern states, the original compact was null and void. After the war �The Act of 1871″ established the "United States" as a foreign corporation the run the affairs of "The United States of America.

01/05/2011 13:14
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Rhanks Ms Dobbx, perfect tell regarding Bobby's affinity week musical wise.... Thanks iON caught the dial analogy. James desire your CYA & mine, in legalities of your specialty.....

Happy New Year!!!!

01/05/2011 13:43
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: iON: Will chickens be affected by the frequency shift as well?

01/05/2011 13:48
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Thank you for the excellent explanation Ion.

01/05/2011 13:49
Name: Alannah
Location: ionville
Message: iON you mentioned once in a response that neverminding will allow the mind (or brain i can't remember) to do what it was designed to do but it was not picked up on would you please elaborate on the real purpose of the mind? thank you always and Happy New Universe...(got that from Bob)

01/05/2011 13:49
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: We love us some Bob!

01/05/2011 13:51
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Happy New Year guys! Who is Cindy, the other iON-ette in Savannah! Can we get her info?

01/05/2011 13:53
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Does Roger Waters' interpretation of "The Wall" have anything to do with iON's?

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART NINE
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 7:09 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
01/12/2011 11:05
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: Please have Ion comment on the Project Camelot recent interview with Bill Ryan interviewing "Charles" on the 33

01/12/2011 11:07
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: When Ion comes through J.W., and Ion talks about certain science, mathematics or chemical formulas, does J.W. have to have a general knowledge of what is being discussed so as not to cause confusion in the translation or is J.W., completely oblivious to what is being said by Ion?

01/12/2011 11:09
Name: t.j.
Location: l.a.,ca
a question: is the recent insanity ,manifest in all the weirdness going on ; financial ,environmental ,
psychic , symptomatic of the breakthroughs into the zero
point energy paradigm . is whats going on, an attempt by the old powers that be, to hold onto what ever they
can grab now to solace themselves and their antiquated
sense of self ?

01/12/2011 11:10
Name: Claire
Location: New Mexico
Message: According to the latest news, the magnetic north pole is shifting or moving at a rate of 40 miles per year towards Russia, Is this going to have any ramifications for the human creators and the planet, and can you name some of those outcomes? Does this has any link with the 33 parallel, or is that a total separate issue?

01/12/2011 11:11
Name: Claire
Location: New Mexico
Message: If someone had received a blood transfusion in the past, can this affect negatively their DNA and interfere with ascension? Is there any blood type that is more in tune with ascension, or is it equal opportunity for everybody? If all the above is irrelevant, then, can you name some of the main key factors that promotes the ascension process?

01/12/2011 11:14
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Hey Bob you guys need to relax and allow, stop with all the fear based weather bullshit?

01/12/2011 11:18
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: FYI First time ever, getting spots of high pitch feedback on Cash Flow. It has stopped now. Good morning to all. :-)

01/12/2011 11:30
Name: anonymus
Message: The mark of the beast is Chromosome 14?

01/12/2011 11:33
Name: Virginia
Location: Happy and ready for Mooresville
Message: Rev 9:14 - It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates."

01/12/2011 11:34
Name: Virginia
Location: Happy and ready for Mooresville
Message: Bob - the blood moon was the eclipse in December, 2010...just a couple of weeks ago...


01/12/2011 11:42
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Hi guy's I been living of sticky toffee pudding for a day and a half with creme fresh. I have two questions for Ion, 1.who are the teabaggers and 2. where does Ion's remote viewing become incognito in the future windows is there places where focus becomes unfocused or certain times of the day or night where nothing is tunable. Or does a hair or a thread or button help to focus on individual lives?

01/12/2011 11:50
Name: richard
Location: nc
Message: Bob --

The show is becoming like "incidental music." It's background chatter. Fabricated, like taking the form of some social network meme. It's losing its documentary vibe, and is drifting into expected and formulaic entertainment. If that's the point, that's fine. If there is some other purpose for these Wednesday shows, please let us know.

All the best to everybody.

01/12/2011 11:55
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Points Bob!!! Girl talk carries much validation. Speak our desires, with those words of creation / manifestation... 'House Gaga' fabulous editing Bob.

01/12/2011 11:56
Name: anonymus
Message: A lot of things I've seen on Fringe I've already seen on Doctor Who. Are they using the same material? Or is it just the same clues I'm syncing up with?

01/12/2011 12:01
Name: Duff & Ash
Location: Seattle
Message: So here is the caller saying that NO, no one can effect his reality and then BILL interrupts him with the MUSIC!!! AHAAHAHAH!!! I bet Bill did that just to prove that we do and can effect each others reality (as long as we allow it)! What do you think?!

01/12/2011 12:07
Name: eternity
Location: Outer Mongolia
Message: Hey Bob,
Can you please ask iON what the thunder storms have to do with gamma rays. See the email I sent you last night.

01/12/2011 12:08
Name: youngblood holden
Location: atlanta
Message: ion
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


01/12/2011 12:24
Name: Jumpingdeer
Location: earth
Message: Hey guys: On recording .I think Allison was calling Ion, because she believed he would hear her. Then when it happened- she was excited (not shocked), Excited over her power, and excited it all lines up like this if we want it.I have had the same experience with Ion and I rarely call in to show, or go on dupes,.I listenevery wed..and experience many things I rarely share.Ijust enjoy,& experience.

01/12/2011 12:25
Name: Jumpingdeer
Location: earth
Message: Thanks to all of you!

01/12/2011 12:30
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: iON Please explain 'Bread of Water' and how to bring it into my world. Scott

01/12/2011 12:35
Name: DEB
Location: IDAHO
Message: Hi Bob Thanks for the great session with iON

01/12/2011 12:36
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Yesterday Jim's niece was born at 1:56am 1-11-11. We thought that was pretty amazing. Later, we went shopping and the bill came to 110.89, Jim paid $111.and received .11 change. So all these ones and elevens seem to be a sign. Can iON tell us the significance of them if any? Thanks, b.

01/12/2011 12:37
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: iON you provided a manners definition. Please define politeness, using equal and more than its cousin of a word, manners. asaScott

01/12/2011 12:42
Name: anonymus
Message: I've recently noticed a constant ringing in my head. Not in my ears, but close enough to be an accurate description. It changes in pitch. Has that always been there? Is there significance to this?

01/12/2011 12:46
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: hummmmmm... James once again, expanding pardigms by your acts of creation. Has your Mazerati arrived yet?

Scott Asbill

01/12/2011 12:58
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Carolyn!
I thought that question but physically didn't ask it. What's up with that?
What a show!

01/12/2011 13:00
Name: youngblood holden
Location: atlanta
Message: hey james
happy new year
hope all is well bro

01/12/2011 13:06
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Besides being in this world and having versions of me in other worlds, is there a portion or version of me in the GUF as well? I've wondered about this and earlier in the show Carolyn synchronistically mentioned that she was here and dead at the same time. Thanks, b.

01/12/2011 13:17
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Bob caught the misdirection from 30th to 31 & 32nd.

01/12/2011 13:22
Name: DEB
Location: IDAHO
Message: iON denim is mined backwards

01/12/2011 13:23
Name: Alannah R
Location: Canada
Message: I couldn't remember a knowing I got while dreaming & you told me to triangulate my dreams. I had no idea how to do that but a few weeks ago I had a long transitional period between sleep and waking where I was learning how to triangulate my dreams. longer transitional phases are happening now while my alarm is going off, sometimes 1 hour, in both worlds, is the alarm part of my dream triangulation

01/12/2011 13:28
Name: Carolann
Location: Vero Beach FL
Message: Hi Ion
First thing in the morning the sky was clear deep blue. then we see planes (large, military like jets) flying above leaving a trail of smoke like substance, some say chemtrails. We know it is not vapor trails. It does not dissipate like vapor trails, it makes the sky hazy, looks cloudy. At least 50 today criss-crossing the sky. Can you explain ? We are south of Cape Canaveral.

01/12/2011 13:35
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Is there an easy way to get the Bread of Life and living water? Can you tell us the way?

Thanks, b.

01/12/2011 13:35
Name: Tina
Location: Michigan
Message: Virginia and iON: Let us know of Revelations 6:12
IE: when the sun turns black.

01/12/2011 13:36
Name: anonymus
Message: Will Flashforward make it's way to season 2?

01/12/2011 13:39
Name: alison
Location: heaven on earth :)
Message: Thank you so much JumpingDeer(dear:) for the clarification on my enthusiasm...do :)

01/12/2011 13:51
Name: Carolann
Location: Vero Beach FL
Message: Ion - so you were agreeing that they were chemtrails?

01/19/2011 10:59
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: Greetings all and thanks for the most amazing radio show ever as always. Please could iON help me out with this question? Thanks

Could you please explain what you mean by physical? And, if physical is meant by that which can be explained by categories of understanding in physics, what category/ies of understanding/experience would you deploy to explain NON physical?

01/19/2011 11:01
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: Dear iON,

Is there a way to turn my icebox to a much much cooler setting? And please could you explain from scratch what a peanut butter sandwich is? Thanks

01/19/2011 11:01
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: Does parallel worlding, or portalling happen with the astral body or the meatsack?

01/19/2011 11:01
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: I looked out of my window at 4am, the week it was snowing, about a month ago. I noticed fresh footprints in the snow which I�m certain were about 3 feet apart and in a dead straight line. I haven�t tried to work out how tall one would have to be in order to make footprints that far apart. Was this an anomaly and does that mean I had gone to another world? It didn�t seem like another world to me, j

01/19/2011 11:02
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: I recently saw a black ghostly apparition in my room, the same one, on two occasions, but I can�t be sure I was completely awake when I saw it. Do you know what this was?

01/19/2011 11:03
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: What is toast and what is a toaster?

01/19/2011 11:03
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: For us non mathematicians out here, could iON please explain what relax means?

Could �let whatever happens be ok� mean relax?

01/19/2011 11:03
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: Is it necessary for humans to consume food in order to stay alive/survive?

01/19/2011 11:04
Name: anonymous
Location: london, uk
Message: Greetings Bob, Carolyn, James and iON,

Could Bob/James please comment on the new Zeitgeist film �Moving Forward�. There�s absolutely no mention of cold fusion. I find it hard to believe they�ve not heard of it. There seems to be a consistent failure to recognise CF in these films.


01/19/2011 11:05
Name: Spencer
Message: Can ION explain the significance of 111 and how everyone's birthday this year added with the year they were born will add up to 111.

01/19/2011 11:09
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

RE: The Coming Flood

Will it be like Noah's, the one written about in the Bible?
Is the Flood avoidable or inevitable? If inevitable, will you please describe the affects? Is the so called coming of California's Arkstorm part of the Flood scenario?

Thanks, Barb

01/19/2011 11:17
Name: Bluebonnet
Location: Along the highway
Message: Can iON talk a little bit about the significance of �Building an ark�, Does this refers to the construction of an outside structure like a ship or boat that floats on water, or does it means something else, like for example, developing your new vessel or your new temple, meaning a new and enhanced meat sack body, or does it simply implies both meanings? Thank you.

01/19/2011 11:17
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Regarding what we consider History do you refer to as other worlds?

01/19/2011 11:20
Name: DEB
Location: IDAHO
Message: Yesterday James had Rick Simpson on his show. Can iON
talk about the benefits of hemp oil and how we can advance the legalization of hemp. In what world can we go and get hemp oil?

01/19/2011 11:20
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: A light does not have content in the way that a newspaper has articles or a television has programs, yet it is a medium that has a social effect; that is, light enables people to create spaces during nighttime that would otherwise be enveloped by darkness. McLuhan states that "a light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence

01/19/2011 11:23
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Before being born, do Human Creators choose their race, their initial environment, their parents?

Thanks, Barb

01/19/2011 11:23
Name: drunken akito
Location: on the outer iONdom
Message: feeling like cardboard.

I do too wake up with cuts and bruises.
sometimes nasty.

how do I go to nicer worlds?

01/19/2011 11:27
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

For those who purchased the Relax and Allow recordings, like myself, is it possible for us to get the Formula that was referred to by iON today and in the Relax recording?

Thanks, Barb

01/19/2011 11:28
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: So you can make a peanut butter sandwich with toast. Ion, is getting yourself toasted on some mary jane and relaxing with the non-physical filling a good toast peanut butter sandwich?

01/19/2011 11:31
Name: Michael
Location: Savannah
Message: This is the first time I've listened to this show.
A question for ion: How can I be of service to Love's will?
Thank You

01/19/2011 11:36
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: OH YEAH! Does Bob need his whole chart re-evaluated due to the change in the zodiac signs???

01/19/2011 11:42
Name: humpty dumpty
Message: hello all, happy new year!
are the current floods in aust. a prelude to worse floods?

01/19/2011 11:42
Name: Green Bra
Location: GA
Message: Hi Everyone!! iON: the transition of 200 cows in WI....was that due to the frequency shift as well? Are the majority of the animals native to this World going to experience the same?

01/19/2011 11:43
Name: Michael
Location: Savannah
Message: How did I get this lucky?

01/19/2011 11:43
Name: maria
Location: same place
Message: Hi to all,i would like Ion tell us something about who is Jaweh,thanks.

01/19/2011 11:49
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: is there money?

01/19/2011 11:54
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Bob ask Ion what is a free market? Have we ever had a free market?

01/19/2011 12:02
Name: M?
Location: Now
Message: Who do I thank for the tour last night; J.W. or iON? What was the 'exchange'? The fish was great, lol.

Since there is no time I'll just wait till the questions that will serve me best present themselves. Perfect words, make perfect questions.

01/19/2011 12:04
Name: drunken akito
Location: don't know
Message: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef !

01/19/2011 12:06
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Thank you guys for squeezing the lemon with iON on my behave in search of Wonderworks paints!!! Love you all.

01/19/2011 12:14
Name: eileen
Location: PA
Message: Will Anne Marie be live today at 3pm pst (6pm est) ?

01/19/2011 12:28
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

If no one is born can you explain your statement "those newly coming from source"? Source infers a place other than when we are. Can you please clarify?

01/19/2011 12:36
Name: humpty dumpty
Message: aunty ion .....
are the 'illustrious eleven' listeners currently in the process of ascending?

01/19/2011 12:36
Name: TADA
Location: where the four wind blows
Message: planning a call.....:))))

01/19/2011 12:42
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: But stealing is impossible, according to the 10 commandments.

01/19/2011 13:00
Name: M
Location: Evening in Georgia
Message: J.W. was such great host and iON your words are not lost. Not gonna wait for the symptom to present itself. Bob, J.W.'s hospitality will serve you well in regards to me.

Hopin' for Vestal

Best wishes Kids

01/19/2011 13:12
Name: Cheryl
Location: I yam where I yam
Message: Hello All !

iON, would you please clarify the balance of creation using the following premise as an example given that the spoken word creates.

If 5 people stated that a particular plant is beneficial in healing a cut... 3 other people stated that same plant would cause a horrible rash... would the ultimate creation be a result of the number of spoken ideas, or a matter of emotions or frequency?

01/19/2011 13:23
Name: sheri
Location: chicago, illinois
Message: i help support 7 people on my pay. my son-in-law has parkinsons. i have 4 grandsons all under the age of 13.
i am in politics. the people i work with,some of them
are my friends, some aren't. do you see any evil spirits around me. everymorning i pray to the sumpreme being. and all the angels around me. i am always broke and going to fight a big election. do you see victory in my direction?

01/19/2011 13:23
Name: sheri
Location: chicago, illinois

01/19/2011 13:23
Name: sheri
Location: chicago, illinois

01/19/2011 13:33
Name: M
Location: Evening in Georgia
Message: Hope you know I AM serious about the visit. It was not intended, but extremely vivid. I had intentions, strong ones, but not a trip down south. Could my meeting with your adopted son(Chad) 2 nights ago have triggered it? I think Yes.
Would a half Angel human have an unquenchable appetite for sodium? Everything begins & ends with of course.

01/19/2011 14:00
Name: deb
Location: essex, ma
thanks james


01/26/2011 11:10
Name: Bill
Location: SD
Message: Bob, Maybe nobody wants to talk to you?

01/26/2011 11:12
Name: anonymus
Message: If you can see it, it's not real. if you can't see it, it is real.
iOn please explain this.
Are the people in our lives real?

01/26/2011 11:14
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Blank for 'your last message'???

01/26/2011 11:14
Name: Maria
Location: at home
Message: Hello everybody, im curious about this, is in the bible any reference to the internet and what was created for?and where.Thanks for all the fish.

01/26/2011 11:18
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Regarding tone,words trump ok... what about belief intertwined in tonealogy

01/26/2011 11:20
Hi James, and the rest of the TEAM. Question for iON

Is the word ARCHON & ARC derived from the same source?

01/26/2011 11:22
Name: anonymus
Message: Is higher frequency a happier tone?

01/26/2011 11:24
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: What about words that purposely lie, as our politions are lawfully allowed during campaining!!!

01/26/2011 11:27
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: bob ask ion how do you make a rainbow bridge

01/26/2011 11:30
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: so when spoken within authority place. It does not cause sreation???

01/26/2011 11:33
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: Do ya'll desire I call? If so, speak it.

Thanks for clarification, action or default.


01/26/2011 11:35
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent City, CA
Message: note: as suggested developimg radio voice. Thanks iON

01/26/2011 11:36
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: wiki leaks = boring bob

01/26/2011 11:41
Name: Steve
Location: Oakland
Message: Who are the biggest funders of Wiki-leaks? What is their agenda? Are all or most governments leaking to Wiki-leaks to try promote their agenda's.

01/26/2011 11:43
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: After Adam & Eve got thrown out of the garden, but before the Noah got drunk after the flood, could Ion tell the tale of human first experiencing alcohol as a beverage to consume down their throat holes?

Could Ion also share the tale of humans first experiencing the cooking of flesh or meat over a fire in order to consume down their throat holes?

01/26/2011 11:50
Name: Victoria STL
Message: Hubbard was murdered and we have proof. The technology he came up with was indeed workable.
So, it had to be destroyed, there were even mass book burnings demanded by the "church" itself. It's a long story.

01/26/2011 12:19
Name: listener
RE: Bob's question to the lady "What is Ion wrong about?"

the real answer ---
Almost everything.
he's either delusional, or
a 24:24, or
a rather lame disinformation agent.

01/26/2011 12:23
Name: listener
BTW, in your rant about scientology, you forgot Travolta - worse than cuttie pie Tom, IMHO.

01/26/2011 12:24
Name: Susie
Location: Dallas TX
Message: First time listener so I dont know if you all always bicker, and I think I understand the conceptual concept of the topic, but I am physically feeling tension growing in me not because of the words, but bcz of the tone of what I am hearing going back and forth between you, so it seems to me tone can and does manifest... did I miss something?

01/26/2011 12:31
Name: strangeBrew
Location: calif
Message: Did Jack Lalain go to the guf. Is the Federal Reserve going to collapse and along with it its collection agency the IRS.

01/26/2011 13:08
Name: Athena
Location: Greek Era
Message: Is 'hendiadis' akin to reciprocity? ie: as an expression so related to another that the mutual action becomes as one?


01/26/2011 13:09
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Is it possible to change one's past and thus affect one's present and/or future? If so can tel us the process?

Thanks, Barb

01/26/2011 13:20
Name: Alannah
Location: ionville
Message: Great show today!

I have heard a couple of other people comment on having digestive issues as they progress through this ascension process. Are the organs and digestive system being affected and is there anything we can do to assist our meatsacks during this process?

01/26/2011 13:28
Message: Hi again iON, ARC = Storage places for information as in Archives. Humans are ARC's/CAR's or vehicles for the Spirit Energy. CHON - Pronounced KHAN = All of these words are the same in etymology CAIN - KHAN - KING - CON. So in essence Archons are masters at removing energy from humans.


01/26/2011 13:29
Name: Lofti
Location: resonant node
Message: Does the language being used influence the creative power of words?

Are there languages that are best suited for certain manifestations?


01/26/2011 13:32
Message: Hi again is an ARCHON an Angel or a powerful human creator?

01/26/2011 13:34
Name: Number Six
Location: The Village
Message: Q: Last night I was watching the History Channel show "Pawn Stars". A man brought in a collection of documents from the investigation of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, and claimed the documents showed that Bruno Hauptmann was framed as the kidnapper and murderer of the baby. Is this true, and if so, who is the guilty party?

01/26/2011 13:45
Name: iON
Location: Guf
Message: BOB call back

01/26/2011 13:46
Name: iON
Location: Guf
Message: WE are here. WE are not scared of anything!

01/26/2011 13:46
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: Archons, continued...

She unexpectedly encountered an inorganic layer and these entities emerged. They were allowed to remain, providing "contrast" for the organic being that later emerged.

Gnostics describe 2 types: one looking like "fetus" (grays?) and the more powerful, looking reptilian. They are "astral" and non-physical in nature.

This was described as a premature birth..an abortion...

01/26/2011 13:48
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: Opponents of Scientology consider them masters of mind-control, and that the organization was taken over in the end....

01/26/2011 13:49
Name: iON
Location: Guf
Message: Splish splash WE were taking a bath

01/26/2011 13:55
Location: DALLAS TX
Message: I meant to tell you that I look forward to hearing the next show... can you give and spell ions website... he is fascinating :)

01/26/2011 13:56
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: That would be great!

I'll email you sometime!

01/26/2011 13:56
Name: Shari
Location: San Francisco
Message: Did you see my comments on Archons?

02/02/2011 11:02
Name: Lynn
Location: Invermere, British Columbia
Message: In last week's broadcast, you were speaking about hendiadys and how important it was going to be in the future. There was a lot of conversation around the topic and its meaning because it is not a familiar word to most of us. I don't think you discussed exactly what part hendiadys was actually going to play in our futures and I wonder if iOn could elaborate on this subject.

02/02/2011 11:05
Name: strangeBrew
Location: california
Message: Ion, if the mind is the guardian of our reality, the governor of limitations, can and will you recommend the most effective way to alter its guardianship to allow a new desired reality previously prohibited.

02/02/2011 11:11
Name: anonymus
Message: iON is my father still alive?

02/02/2011 11:12
Name: larry lava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Bob ask Ion how do you build an ark? ask him what is the colour of the ark

02/02/2011 11:22
Name: humpty
Message: Ion,
can we make 'living water' by altering the frequency of ordinary tapwater?

02/02/2011 11:24
Name: Spencer
Message: Are all dreams a form of parallel travelling?

02/02/2011 11:29
Name: s
Message: iON - you & JW were in my kitchen last night & after I asked for you "more" the sensation was AMAZING! Thanks!

02/02/2011 11:30
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Are the Egyptians coming into their power? Are they getting on with it?

Is Mabarak the "Mabus" character that was written about by Nostradamus?

Thanks, Barb

02/02/2011 11:33
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Is the massive storm that is hitting our Midwest a sign of a coming mini ice age?
If so will the ice age come before or after the great flood?

02/02/2011 12:04
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Happy birthday Bob.

02/02/2011 12:04
Name: angela
Location: vancouver
Message: what was said about the chip body and chemical body merging is really cool - ION does that tie in with the Elohim and the ability to go back and forth as described in the emerald tablets, or as i call the standing at the waterscreen_ in short the world outside of this one? Could you describe this process in detail



02/02/2011 12:06
Name: Jim
Location: USA
Message: Ion - is it true that if you have a weakness the universe will bring you more of the same? And if that is true what actions would you consider performing to eliminate such weaknesses?

02/02/2011 12:10
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Will precious metals and bartering replace cash? Will the housing prices in California continue to decline?
Will some americans come into their power as Egyptians are?

02/02/2011 12:13
Name: Chad
Location: Vancouver
Message: iON,

Explain the difference between duality and twinning.

02/02/2011 12:13
Name: Ana
Message: Happy birthday to my favorite Juicer. I'm glad I created you.

02/02/2011 12:16
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Can you please give some McLuhan tips for 2011 world conventions for people listening I just going in the kitchen but I be back I try and call in if that is cool.

02/02/2011 12:28
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON
Do the slices of bread in your peanut butter sandwich metaphor refer to the Bread of Life? If not, can it?

02/02/2011 12:30
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Texas butter niche

02/02/2011 12:43
Name: Ana
Message: Do you mean Acid as related to Negative? Being more acid now will serve you well later?

02/02/2011 12:52
Name: Mentor
Message: ROFL!!!
So glad I tuned in today. "Bob: Ion knows everything in our scientific terms... He's as good as the internet." LOL!
Really? Then why does he get two thirds of it wrong? His "scientific" rants are nothing more than a collection of technical sounding words used in the wrong way to describe the wrong things, with just enough layman level technology thrown in to make it sound real.

02/02/2011 12:53
Name: Mentor
Message: Of course ion IS like the internet in one way - they are both two thirds Bull Shit and delusion.

02/02/2011 13:06
Name: Duffy
Location: Seattle
Message: Hey Bob you sunk iON's Vestal! .... Good Man!

02/02/2011 13:10
Name: strangeBrew
Location: california
Message: Did George Harrison seperate from his meat sack and go to the guf?

02/02/2011 13:32
Name: lp
Message: Total Time Loop!

02/02/2011 13:44
Name: angela
Location: vancouver
Message: WHy?

02/02/2011 13:44
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: I've been to Fivebodied an see there are two Audio updates on McLuhan and enjoyed listening to the spiritual dialectic between Ron Hubbard the Gin Council and Texas Butter, o and the seven seven seven of Yaweh. Is water in the Costa rica a Magical place to be positive? And is Heffner a good advocate for the Angels, and what's Marshall's take on all these wafers.Twinnings is nice tea. Happy birthdy

02/02/2011 13:55
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON,

Are plants non physical?

02/02/2011 13:55
Name: Robert Bridge
Location: Tottenham
Message: Bucky is better now he was in a coma for two or three weeks now I may visit him tommorrow, he has infasema and his lungs filled up and put him in a coma he phoned me couple days ago to say he is ok, Bob.

02/02/2011 13:58
Name: mj
Location: Vancouver
Message: Watching the stride of thoroughbred is pure Bliss!!!

Bob Neveritt

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