09/15/2010 11:10
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: awwww Bob, I got it! Good Morning Universal Family, Ion, you make my heart sing! Ain't that the truth? Smiles
09/15/2010 11:11
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, what is the 11:11 prompt? I have been seeing this for a long time now, and right now, again, 11:11 am.
09/15/2010 11:22
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Ion
in your version of the lord's prayer you say,
"Allow me the power
to not push against,
or even notice,
those who trespass on me."
At what point do you call the angels in to smote those who are trespassing on you?
09/15/2010 11:24
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: Hi there gang!
I have a thousand questions for ion, but will start with this one: The aboriginal people of australia maintain that they have always been here, since the beginning of 'time'. They reject the "out of africa" theory. What is your response ion? Secondly, are there portals/gates in the Flinders Ranges of Sth Australia, if so, where?
09/15/2010 11:25
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: yes, everywhere
09/15/2010 11:34
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, will you confirm that I have discovered through "travel" the reason I am now experiencing leaving this man? Hugs
09/15/2010 11:35
Name: Jen
Location: Los Angeles
Message: Hello, can you tell me why I am being bothered by spirits? They're sending stupid messages in an attempt to scare me and try to manipulate me. Any insight would be helpful.
09/15/2010 11:37
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Ion
Am I off track in assuming that the US Govt., was involved in the planning and actual bombing of the Murrah Building, and in assuming that there were documents in the building someone wanted destroyed to protect themselves from scrutiny.
Is the reason Vince Foster suicided because he couldn't handle the contrast he created between himself and Hillary Clinton, if not what was the reason?
09/15/2010 11:48
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: dear non-physical,
is the universe a holographic fractal based upon a mathematical construct?
Why does the alphabet as reverse ordered pairs,i.e. (a=1,z=26) =27, etc, etc, all reduce to the number 9?
Very curious, thanks
09/15/2010 11:50
Name: Ashley BatHouse lady
Location: Las Vegas
Message: Hi guys! Enjoying your show as always!
I do not yet understand "power vs. authority"
and I have been listening to every show, but I still feel like there is something I'm not getting.
Is there a metaphor iON, that you could use
that would help me to "get it"?
Ashley from LaughingBat.com
09/15/2010 11:53
Name: Dru
Location: ChipBody
Message: Long ago, I relaxed & allowed myself to fall through some kind of inner wormhole. Reality spiral-tunneled away, until I arrived someplace where I could create a physical reality with my thoughts. I created a place which contained some kind of light-beings(?), who were very surprised to see me & telepathically conveyed "He wont know what to do". Can Ion talk about where I was & other the beings?
09/15/2010 11:56
Name: Shining Star
Location: Faith of the Heart
Message: iON, can you please tell us about determinism or destiny, Do they exist or are false premises? All of this in relation to free will. Thank you.
09/15/2010 11:56
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
If you were a human creator, whatquestion would you ask non-physical?
Is there a message you would like to give us human creators that you have not already conveyed?
Any message you want to repeat?
Last question come from my 7 year old. How did we (humans) get here (planet earth)? Who made us?
Thanks, B.
09/15/2010 11:57
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Bob, last week, there was a question someone posed Ion about the pyramids that did not get answered, remember? The gentleman who asked said he had heard something about the pyramids being used for hospitals, living quarters, and daily activities. Ion, is this true and what else can you tell us why they are positioned as they are? I use the symbol for many things..ain't that the truth. Kisses
09/15/2010 12:15
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: Dear ion,
is there a end-by date for ascension, or have we got as long as it takes? some of us are slow-learners, lol! In other words am i gonna make it?
09/15/2010 12:21
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Drum Roll... Okay, you guys have said anything goes, so here goes. Ion, I need directions to the realm where I can experience a sacred sexual experience? Woohoo!!
09/15/2010 12:25
Name: Jen
Location: Los Angeles
Message: This is my first time listening to ION. Who is he?
09/15/2010 12:27
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: In the last lucid dream I had I was going through door after door until I got to the last one when the fear of going through it woke me up and I haven't had a lucid dream since. I have discovered on a few vision quests that I had been afraid of accepting my power is that what was behind the door or was it that I just didn't know how to triangulate my return?
09/15/2010 12:29
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Christians and Dante created a Hell for all those fun loving meatsacks who want to play with the experience of the contrast of dark and light energy. It is all fascinating to observe each meatsacks play time.
09/15/2010 12:36
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi everybody,to take your power is the same as to pull your non physical into your physical body?
09/15/2010 12:36
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: In another lucid dream a beautiful women dressed in white walked toward me with 2 Egyptian like men walking on either side of her. As she came closer i knew that she was me and wasn't me, she was a high priestess and that she was the vision that appeared to me on the canyon wall during a vision quest and is now a drawing on my shield. who was she & why did she come to me? Thank you all!
09/15/2010 12:37
Name: Peter
Location: Kansas
Message: Can you define the emergency exit behing you, the one that iON mentioned to asaScott?
09/15/2010 12:43
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Hi My Sweets, another fantastic show, always a pleasure to listen to you all. Ion, is the three stages of what we call dying identical to the three stages of what we call being birthed? Again, love the show! One Vibration!
09/15/2010 12:46
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hi All, Happy to listen live for a change.
iON are the Men in Black that people say they have seen � from this world that we think is our world? or from a parallel world? from another planet or skywardly body? some alphabet agency? or somewhere I have not mentioned?
Thank You!
09/15/2010 12:50
Name: James
Location: California
Message: ION, There are some non-physicals (they say they're walk-ins) trying to take possession of me. How can I thwart them? I keep telling them to go to Hell, but they haven't listened yet.
09/15/2010 12:52
Name: Karen
Location: Santa Monica
Message: Are all spirits considered immortal?
09/15/2010 12:53
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Ion, eternal love to you for the response to the woman who asked what is the best question a human could ask a non-physical...just beautiful...
09/15/2010 13:00
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: If my 7 yr old is ever home from school on a Wed. I'll get him on the air.
09/15/2010 13:06
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Ion, The SS Hurona that was converted to a house has the address as 56 29=11 11 = 22 which is also 3 deductions to arrive at the #22. I've been to this property many times.....what is going on there/here?
Much Luv
09/15/2010 13:09
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hello.........Im back!. But, I found my Ritalin.......hahahaha. Sorry about last weeks too many messages.
09/15/2010 13:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Phillip K. Dick said in an ineterview years ago, that, the "Pink Light" that he saw told him that his baby son, was going to die soon, if, the son was not taken to the hospital immediately. So, Phillip takes the kid to the hospital, and the Doctor chicks the kids and says nothing wrong with him, But, Phillip K. Dick says, "No, I was just informed that my son has a hernia and will die if you dont
09/15/2010 13:15
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: iON, Angeles song on the Forum,
What is the messege therein?
Angels, answer me,
are you near if rain should fall?
Am I to believe
you will rise to calm the storm?
For so great a treasure words will never do.
Surely, if this is, promises are mine to give you.
mine to give...
Here, all too soon the day!
Wish the moon to fall and alter tomorrow.
I should know
heaven has her way
- each one given
09/15/2010 13:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: If, you don't save him. So, they check the kid again and find the hernia, and immediately opererate and save the kid. All because Phillip saw a "Pink Light" which told him, about his sons emergency.
09/15/2010 13:17
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: So, Phillip K. Dick was transformed by that "experience" about how a "Pink Light" could save his childs life.
09/15/2010 13:19
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Does Lady Gaga know Senetors?. They seem to be e-mailing each other currently.
09/15/2010 13:19
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: In the story I listened to earlier today, was the MIB that the woman saw in the Albany cemetary when the SUV disappeared through a chain link fence and then reappeared later, a parallel worlder messing with them?
It does seem like there are 2 or 3 of myself. Maybe for a private session but would love to engage the 8!
Thanks to you all!
09/15/2010 13:20
Name: denns
Location: Missouri
Message: JAMES, ask iOn about Prince Poppycock!
Talk about an "other worlder"
Sharon Osbourne calls Poppycock the MALE GAGA!! lol
09/15/2010 13:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Lady Gaga reminds me of a combination of a young Madona and Brittney Spears .
09/15/2010 13:21
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: Gaga's meat dress vs. 80s pop-punkers The Undertones' "All Wrapped Up" album cover:
http://www.pergunnareriksson.se/cover5.htm09/15/2010 13:22
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wonder what Lady Gaga represents to the public?......what is Lady Gaga's Image, as a message to the public.
09/15/2010 13:27
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: please repeat Jermaine's blogspot URL???
09/15/2010 13:28
Name: Lisa
Location: San Bernardino
Message: Is the God of the Bible the same as the Universal Creator?
09/15/2010 13:29
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: The Undertones did the meat dress thing
google "All Wrapped Up"
09/15/2010 13:30
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is Time Travel possible?.....I guess not if, Time does not really exist......right?.
09/15/2010 13:32
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: No Bob!...Retilin is a medication Doctors give someone who is hyper-active......I had hyper-active messages last week!....hahahaaa
09/15/2010 13:32
Name: Carolann
Location: FL
Message: Hi Ion
One of my sun catchers occasionally falls off my sliding glass door, I feel it is my dad who has crossed over, my family thinks it just a coincidence.
Which is it Ion?
09/15/2010 13:34
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Blue Oyster Cult has songs about The "MEN IN BLACK".
09/15/2010 13:35
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
You tell us that time does not exist or that it is our creatiion. What is your definition of time?
Thanks, b.
09/15/2010 13:36
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What does ION think about James Von Progue the guy who sometimes talks to "dead people" who have "passed on".?
09/15/2010 13:38
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Time travel is not possible, because Time does not exist.
09/15/2010 13:40
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is there such a thing as a "problem"?, or is it like "Time"?, it really doesn't exist?.
09/15/2010 13:41
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What is The Vatican P2 "group"?, and do they still exist today?.
09/15/2010 13:42
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: What does ION think about the idea of EVOLUTION?.
09/15/2010 13:43
Name: pamela
Location: adelaide, sth australia
Message: hi again,
are the 33 degrees of freemasonry related to the 33 vertebrae and activating the chakras?
do we need to detox the pineal gland from flouride in order to become bodily aware of portals?
09/15/2010 13:44
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Mad Hat......ers!. Will they ever legalize Marajuana in this country?.
09/15/2010 13:46
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: There are Senators who e-mail Lady Gaga sometimes.
09/15/2010 13:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Monsters do not exist!..........
09/15/2010 13:50
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: See?.....I knew it!...........P2 still exists!.
09/15/2010 13:52
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wrote The Trillion Dollar check!........at my bank, as ION advised me to do, a few months ago!......hahahaha
09/15/2010 13:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: They are still looking for my check, and what happened to it........
09/15/2010 13:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: O.K......I will......Im not sure how to, but, I will try to not make so many messages, next time. Sorry Bob!.
09/15/2010 13:57
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
09/22/2010 11:00
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
09/22/2010 11:05
Name: matthew
Location: jerzee
Message: James: great guest yesterday.
Ion: Do I have an rfid implant?
09/22/2010 11:16
Name: Ana
Message: Hi everyone
Sheila said this was the best show ever back in March.
09/22/2010 11:20
Name: TayZay
Location: Michigan
Message: Compliment:
Resplendenc-iON! (rinse~n~repeat)
09/22/2010 11:22
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: James, If the JW's go to "Gee-gasm-land" when iON comes in, and thus supposedly don't know what iON says while they are "gone", how is it that JW still seems to know-almost line for line-most of what iON has said?
09/22/2010 11:22
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
If you were on earth right now as a Human Creator what would you be creating? What would be some of your preferences? Ok I know I used "what", Bob can you rephrase these questions so we may get an answer.
Thanks, Barbara
09/22/2010 11:25
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: An old Lebanese proverb cannot be bettered: "The one who is not dead, still has a chance".
09/22/2010 11:27
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Could Ion explain how Lady Gaga and Khia ThugMisses differ in how they express coming one's own power?
09/22/2010 11:27
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I just went out and bought a giant poster of Lady Gaga yesterday, and put it up in my bedroom, to remind me to "Come into my own Power" too.
09/22/2010 11:30
Location: nc
The kids came into a "proper" nutritious" diet all on the OWN!
09/22/2010 11:32
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A new class of carbon molecule (C60) shaped exactly like a geodesic sphere. It is the 3rd known form of pure carbon in nature, after diamond and graphite. (A "Bucky Ball") Tetrahedra Universe.
09/22/2010 11:34
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: If iON is a conglomeration of a gazillion entities in the guf, how do they/he/it differ from say the "evergreens", Abraham, RA, Ramtha, Seth and other "channeled" entities? If all is ONE, are these "others" also part of iON?
09/22/2010 11:38
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: I'm so cool! Because I knew back in March!
Here's a compliment for YOU guys and the best show ever:
YE walk in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meets in your aspect and your eyes
09/22/2010 11:38
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: At the end of his life, reclusive Howard Hughes would only eat Hersheys almond chocolate bars and milk!.
09/22/2010 11:41
Name: Peter
Location: Kansas
Message: Bob, will you touch on the new season premiere of Finge that stars tomorrow. Also, this show, Cash Flow on Wednesdays is without a doubt, the best show ever in all the multi-universes. Very Glad Dr. Dean is back in the show.
09/22/2010 11:47
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Epicurus : Tetrapharmakon "Don't Fear God, Don't worry about Death, What is good is easy to get, What is terrible is easy to endure."
09/22/2010 11:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Salvador Dali said, "There is one difference between The Surrealists and me. I am A Surrealist".
09/22/2010 11:51
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: There's nothing like hanging out with The Dead, to point up the sheer improbability of being alive.
09/22/2010 11:51
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: I have a question about "service to self" vs "service to others"(as laid out in the RA material.In my reading with iOn, he (iON)poo-pooed the idea of helping others...asking me "and how'd THAT work out for you?" (every time I've tried to "help" others it always came back to bite me in the ass)
Does our "graduation/harvest" depend upon our "good works"?
09/22/2010 11:53
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "One may see the small value that God has for riches, by the people He gives them to". Alexander Pope
09/22/2010 11:54
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
09/22/2010 11:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: "Do what thou wilt" Aleister Crowley claimed to be the reincarnation of John Dee.
09/22/2010 11:55
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Waving hi and blowing kisses to you all... How's my heart throb Ion today? Ion, tomorrow is 58th birthday on Planet Earth, would love to hear if there is a message from the Universe for me other than stay away from men from Planet 5519. Love to you all! I am blessed to have connected with James show and all of you... Namaste
09/22/2010 11:58
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: will ion give an explanation for the "phantom limb" syndrome?
09/22/2010 12:03
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Contemplating suicide, Buckminster Fuller found himself suspended several feet above the ground, surrounded by sparkling lights, a "Voice" said, "You do not have a right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to yourself, but, to The Universe".
09/22/2010 12:04
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Always trying to do more, with less.
09/22/2010 12:05
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: Would you ask iON what happened to Johnny Gosch (the paperboy that disappeared in W Des Moines Iowa in the 80's)? Is Jeff Gannon Johnny Gosch?
09/22/2010 12:05
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm done!.....Thank God......hahahahahahaa Sorry Bob!
09/22/2010 12:13
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: Good Day Everyone! Love the show as you already know. I am now addicted to Ion, and what a lovely ET to be addicted to. Ion, would you please describe the term soul retrival? I do believe that I will be engaging in this activity, along with other activities in the spiritual realm. One Vibration!
09/22/2010 12:16
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: Is Sai BaBa in his power? Are his manifestations of watches and jewelry etc that he gives to his devotees, for real or is he a fraud ?
09/22/2010 12:18
Name: anon
Location: guess?
Message: Did the Rooster pluck the Hen?
Or did they both wind up in a feather pillow?
So, are they plucked now?
09/22/2010 12:24
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: is there sex in the guff?
09/22/2010 12:25
Name: WJ
Location: Now
Message: Asking questions simply affirms ones' not knowing. Let the NP clean it up before it spills. Works for Moi... Perfect words will BE and heard, when needed. Still advise private readings for fine tuning and advice on topics, especially career moves.
09/22/2010 12:28
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: Do animals have souls?
Is Rupert Sheldrake correct in his Morphogenic Field (group soul) theory regarding animals? Are we reunited with our transitioned pets when we cross over?
09/22/2010 12:29
Name: nastia danyou
Location: new Orleans
Message: I'm so tired of being here, I'm ready to throw in the towel. my friends and I keep gettin attacked. i really cant take it anymore. can ion tell me who i am and why im here?
BTW: nastia danyou is really not my name!
09/22/2010 12:32
Name: WJ
Location: Now
Message: *correction : Asking questions simply affirms ones' not knowing. Let the NP clean it up before it spills. Works for Moi... Perfect words will BE and heard when *desired with perfect timing. Still advise private readings for fine tuning and advice on topics, especially career moves.
09/22/2010 12:53
Name: Martha
Location: Texas
Message: Will be be talking about the "bread of life"? I'd really like ion to talk about this! I heard ion mention it on Eben's show. Sounds like a good Wednesday show topic!
09/22/2010 13:00
Name: WJ
Location: Now
Message: Scientists explain parting of the Red Sea:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/39307417#39307417
09/22/2010 13:01
Name: Guru
Message: Hi Bob, Ion, Carolyn and James. I have a question for iON from my 16 year old son.
We have a MAC book Pro, 15 inch, 300gigabyte, 2.33 Gigahertz Intel Core 2 laptop running Mac OS 10.5.8 it also runs Windows Parallel.
He wants to know which is the best way he can get his videogame Superstar Wars for the PC running on DOSBox to accept and use his USB controller? He's tried a lot of solutions.
09/22/2010 13:05
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello everyone. This IS the best show anywere. I can't even find a close second. Keep it up! I can see the "Cash Flow Show" billboards now.
09/22/2010 13:09
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello Bob,
Being that today is the 22nd and my birthday, what is your significance of this number? I ask because you mention it occasionally.
09/22/2010 13:11
Name: michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: Can iOn comment on the truth of the Urantia Book? Who wrote it? How does the story of Jesus and the angels compare to iOn's veiw?
09/22/2010 13:19
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Laughing, sleep with them all, Ion? Okay, I will tell them all Ion said it is so.. Question: Ion, in practicing interactive imagery and feelings, is it possible to give oneself a boob job without the illusion of surgery? Can I get a Happy Birthday from you all? Thanks for the smiles...
09/22/2010 13:21
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: I love and appreciate iON and everyone on this very best show ever! Henry II locked up Eleanor of Aquitaine for not only inciting her sons to rebel against their father but for her ladies to insist on respect from their husbands in her courts of love. Were there other reasons he locked her up that we are not aware of and why do I resonate with her so much?
09/22/2010 13:28
Name: Robert
Location: London
Message: Well done nice show, Peace to all, I quit smoking for peace day.
09/22/2010 13:32
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Maine
Message: For clarity what I am referring to is assisting other Souls with retrieving parts unmanifested.. yes, Ion?
09/22/2010 13:39
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Contemplating suicide, Buckminster Fuller found himself suspended several feet above the ground, surrounded by sparkling lights, a "Voice" said, "You do not have a right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to yourself, but, to The Universe".
09/22/2010 13:42
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: My computer keeps locking up, ION would you please
correct this for me?
09/22/2010 13:47
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: so cal
Message: iON should have his own show solely for computer tech support
09/22/2010 13:48
Name: Snake charmer
Location: Missouri
Message: sounds like a "catch 22" to me!
09/22/2010 13:50
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: Are the Tailgaiters group in Hawaii?
09/22/2010 13:52
Name: DEB
Location: Idaho
Message: ION tell me a fun thing to do for the Full harvest Moon ritual, drink.
09/22/2010 13:52
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Taking a bow... it's Princess Day! Really, from the heart, this is and you all are the most fantastic group of Meatsacks and our very own ET, Ion...
09/22/2010 13:57
Name: Sessy
Location: Arizona
Message: Tell me to get a better connection with higher conscious self to improve the things around me.
09/22/2010 13:57
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob Never-it?..........
09/22/2010 13:59
Name: Snake charmer
Location: Missouri
Message: great show guys...thanks to all!
09/29/2010 11:03
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: having lived the experience of knowing everything, but what some monkeys have devised and named it,
I would ask iOn,
if I asked bob what she thought you would say,
if i asked you what is the first and last letter or number on the back of my social security card, and what is the full name of my primate father?.
if bob wont let himself answer, or botches it, what would you (ion) say?
09/29/2010 11:06
Name: Brandon
Message: here comes everybody.
09/29/2010 11:07
Name: Benjamin
Location: Oregon
Message: Hey meat sacks are we still making toast today? Um, I have a desire to know about a a certain person of interest, name isn't important. What energy is this one bringing into this equation, what planet is she/me from, is she a positive blend with mine etc. Thank you God bless you. Im keeping my vibration as positive as I can possibly keep it in this time and just allowing. Peace
09/29/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm back again!.....
09/29/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: It's 11:11 right now!........
09/29/2010 11:09
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: When will it be 22:22?.......
09/29/2010 11:10
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: I just had a dream last night that I am watching television and on the news is a major media conference revealing of ION! I am a bit upset that I will no longer be one of the few "in the know", as all will be revealed now. Is there any significance to this dream?
09/29/2010 11:10
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Lady Gaga is on the front cover of Glamour Magazine today........
09/29/2010 11:11
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: hes wrong about his own apprehensions of his creative potential
09/29/2010 11:12
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Greetings to all you Lovelies today! Ion, can you scan my energy field and tell me if I need to make any adjustments as these past two weeks for whatever friggin reason, has been a bit brutal with the moving out and away from the freak from planet 5519. Love and Hugs to all you guys..
09/29/2010 11:12
Name: David
Location: Las Vegas
Message: 1.Was the "fall" in Eden, or the loss of the Edenic State, also accompanied by a cataclysm? If so what was the nature of the cataclysm?
2. We are told that time is illusion. Did it come into being at the time of the "fall" in Eden, and if so, were there other illusions put into place at that time...
09/29/2010 11:12
Name: Brandon
Message: because he's a douche.
09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: A question for ION, When will they finally get rid of Currency and Cash in our society?
09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Benjamin
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion. Maybe you could also help me with contacting certain local celebrities that have certain same interests in life as I do, say culturally! Lol Peace and God bless you!
09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm waiting !.........
09/29/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hahahahaaaaaa
09/29/2010 11:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im from the "RON" quadrants!...... I AM RON!
09/29/2010 11:14
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I am HAPPY!
09/29/2010 11:15
Name: Matthew
Location: Jerzee
Message: What is up with the alleged delusional parasitosis called Morgellons? Does that have to do with the alleged bed bug epidemic?
09/29/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: NO!.......Im a nice person!.........
09/29/2010 11:15
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: You bastard Bob!..........hahahahahaha
09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: on last thursday's cash flow Dr alfred webre said that through some remote viewers a 2012 positive or non catastrophic timeline is emerging. Is this true? Are we changing our future to a positive timeline and if so would typing and tweeting assist it to happen?
09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Im on ION's Team!~.......Bob just doesn't "get it"!.......MAN!.
09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: a) do we have twin flames? b) if so what is iON's wordoligy for them? c) if they do exist could you explain how they integrate with our trinity d) is there a process to bring them into our reality to be our companions
09/29/2010 11:16
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: Hi everyone,
iON, can you please describe for me the process to follow to dispel my fear and to enable me to not give a fig what anyone thinks of me?
09/29/2010 11:17
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: Am I communnicating with my non-physical when I consult the iChing?
On the archives I have heard people mentioning something about candida and frequency would you please explain their relationship?
Would you please explain deja vu and lucid dreaming
09/29/2010 11:17
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: Hello everyone!I Is it true that drinking fluids during a meal cause the intestinal juices to be diluted and may over work one's live?
What causes gallstones? What problems can come about with having gallstones? Please explain the purpose of the liver and how it works?
09/29/2010 11:17
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob!,....just go with the "Flow"!.....you don't need to even answer my questions, just keep me on!...I need you!.........MAN!.......God Damn it!.....hahahahaa
09/29/2010 11:18
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: so is ion saying, that bob would say, that there are no numbers or letters? and what does ion say about that.
09/29/2010 11:18
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: a few years ago in a weekend workshop we were told it was the time of the 2nd coming or Christ Consciousness coming to earth. As we drove home along the i90 i watched the sunrise on my right and an incredibly huge formation in the sky emerged as the crown of thorns a buddha an angel and a huge feathered serpent I discovered was Quetzicoatal. would you please explain what I saw thank you
09/29/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: My meat sack is "taosted"!......and it tastes so good!......
09/29/2010 11:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: My place of power is my meat sack.........wow!......my environmental suit.... keeps me alive here on planet earth!.
09/29/2010 11:21
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Here is a question, When is "BOB" going to "Transition"?..............hahahahaaaaaaa
09/29/2010 11:21
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: for the last 30 years my astrology chart showed pluto in the 7th house of relationships..as of a couple of years ago no matter what site i input my birth information, pluto is now in the 8th house. Did i shift permanently to a parallel world where i am no longer at war with my relationships but now working through money issues?
09/29/2010 11:22
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I have to go now, unfortunately, I have to go see my Doctor, my stupid back is killing me!......I'm sure that Bob will be "Happy" now!......Damn it!.
09/29/2010 11:23
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bye.........But, I will be back next week, don't worry "BOB"!.......hahahahaa
09/29/2010 11:24
Name: Lisa
Location: new Orleans
Message: My name is Lisa, what planet am I from and why did I come here?
James said yesterday that you guys had a big announcement today, was he joking?
09/29/2010 11:25
Name: Jim
Location: California
Message: iON,
Is there something special about World 12? If so can you expand upon it? Is there a significant difference between our world and World 12? Am I from World 12?
Have I gone through portals without knowing it?
Thanks, Jim
09/29/2010 11:26
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Earth?
Message: Hi Everyone! Another delightful day with all you brilliant folk. Ion, can you describe the quickest way for me to create money and the activities to engage in to accomplish this? And Ion, last week you said that soul retrival of others was not my job and I will honor that but can you explain the reason it is not my job? Namaste
09/29/2010 11:26
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: Since ion confirmed that I was only afraid of not being able to return from portalling I am allowing it into my reality. the other morning i awakened because i heard and saw a big spark off an antique desk and i jumped back off the edge of my bed and had to bring myself back. I almost dismissed it but caught myself and acknowledged it. Can ion please explain what i did thank you
09/29/2010 11:27
Name: Ben
Location: Oregon
Message: Hey guys sorry about that, I was actually going to tell you her name at first, shoulda listened to my conscious ( kinda of a touchy subject is all ) her name is Anne.
09/29/2010 11:27
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Just jumped on... darn I forgot about the show again, now I have to go for a bike ride... too much pent up energy!
No question, but just bought Dr. Deans Magnesium book. Thank you dear Dr. Dean.

Think this may help my daughter with headaches and cramps.
Love the energy of this radio show as always! Thank you James, et al!
Cheryl, Vermont
09/29/2010 11:34
Name: Laura
Location: North Carolina
Message: I'm still not clear about this dream. Does it just mean that there may be some type of announcement regarding humans coming into their power?
09/29/2010 11:37
Name: tullah
Message: Ta-LOOOO-lah?!? gimme a break but that's ok you can call me anything you like

question for James
I've heard mention of you guys calling for Martial Law...what's the poop on that? Would you discuss what's coming down the pike for this country? Are we looking at financial collapse anytime soon?
09/29/2010 11:37
Name: tullah
09/29/2010 11:39
Name: Sheila
Location: GA
Message: Hi Guys!!!
Could you please ask iON what he means when he says that we are "salt and light?" Thank you!
09/29/2010 11:42
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Earth?
Message: Ion, is Mother Teresa an ascended master and is she around me at times? Is Joan of Arc an ascended master and is she around me at times as well? Can you tell me the names of the ArchAngels and Ascended Masters with whom I communicate with? Love the Show, I am learning a great deal and please keep this going ... Love to all
09/29/2010 11:44
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: to ion and james, and i guess bob too. ( love ya bob )
what do you think the united states corp officers are going to do when that 100th monkey divests their-self as surety of the fantasy construct we have been calling the american system? ala fiat world currency system?
09/29/2010 11:44
Name: Eukonidor
Location: 1st galaxy
Message: Ion,
I know what you really are.
Am I correct?
09/29/2010 11:46
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: hickley? i am not sure if he was born yet? in this astrological frame or interval. i think ion meant oswald, lol
09/29/2010 11:46
Name: T.J.
Message: would or could ion /j.w. do this same show for a Chinese
audience ,or would ion need a native chinese speaker to work through ?
09/29/2010 11:54
Name: Matthew
Location: Jerzee
Message: James- Another great show yesterday.
Did he know about ion? I think his interaction with iON would be classic.
09/29/2010 11:54
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: i think ion was saying before that astrology is a measure for our meatsuit manifest interval.
and i would say from last week
i think a meatsuit should go with the grain for the top and against the grain for the bottom. horizonal on top and vertical on the bottom, if lady gaga was wearing it.
09/29/2010 11:55
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Do all my multiselves in other middle kingdoms look like me or are they completely different i.e. race, sex, etc.?
Also, question from my 7yr old - Does God exist? (I told him we is God but he's not buying it) He wants a better answer, (keep in mind he attended Catholic school last year).
Thans, b.
Thanks, Barbara
09/29/2010 11:56
Name: Ms. Lightfoot
Location: Earth?
Message: Ion, yesterday would have been my mother's 82nd earth birthday. Did she visit me yesterday, and will I see her as a younger version of herself soon? Once again, thank you Ion and everyone.
09/29/2010 12:08
Name: Dennis
Location: Missouri
Message: James I heard that you guys are advocating martial law as a means of reform? Can you give us the poop on that aa well as what future you see for this country...does ion see financial collapse coming anytime soon?
09/29/2010 12:09
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: clap clap clap
09/29/2010 12:16
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: The plane was on there way to Brazil wasn't it?
09/29/2010 12:17
Name: Beth
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, can you describe this planet 5519 for me and can you tell me what "camp" my ex is playing with? I want to applaud our sister Dr.D on this show, she is adds a beautiful blend to this experience.
09/29/2010 12:23
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: ThHow does iOn make the mistake of the flight going to Buenos Aires when it was really San Paolo?
09/29/2010 12:24
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: clap clap clap
09/29/2010 12:28
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: media hygiene
09/29/2010 12:31
Name: kb
Location: tx
Message: ion; i would like to know what world my dog Jake is from? what is going on with him urinating on himself when I use different tones of voices and when excited, and his obsessive desire to lick on me. His behavior doesn't seem like "normal" dog behavior. He was found on the street by a girl, and then gave to me. thanks guys.
09/29/2010 12:36
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: organo-nanotechnological manefestion of the android meme, the fibers decompose at 1800 degrees, its like fiber optic material
09/29/2010 12:37
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Question to caroline. Do you give much credence to the research and findings of Hulda Clark? Could Ion also comment?
09/29/2010 12:39
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: ion says to use the mind that how it is suppose to work. get out of the lambrinth of the mind. How then do animals get sick?
09/29/2010 12:41
Name: Ben
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, is Anne from Pleides? God bless
09/29/2010 12:47
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: good day gentle folks
09/29/2010 12:48
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: to clarify, alannah and i are friends, we call ourselves alana squared for fun. the other alannah is indeed lovely, wonderful and sultry!
thanks for answering my question iON, cheers.
09/29/2010 12:55
Name: Michael
Location: miAMI, Florida
Message: What is the cause of gall stones? What is the actual chemical or physical make up of the stones? What problems or benefits to the body is created by they. Don't be cheeky.
09/29/2010 12:55
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Just back from a quick, exhilarating bike ride, and I had numerous epiphanys which were delayed reactions from my last session with iON. I felt a wonderful blast of knowing!
iON, are there any peoples on earth that have a language that does not speak in tenses? In other words, they do not speak of past, present or future, only the now?
09/29/2010 12:56
Name: Alannah
Location: Canada
Message: i just saw a little burn mark on my hand i hadn't noticed! Thank you
09/29/2010 13:02
Name: alison and teri
Location: woodinville

Message: Hi Kids, so excited we were able to tune into some of the show today...
spurts and spews and all the coolest news, tee hee
iON, Teri is printing her first personal affirmation wear per your suggestion in her recent reading saying "iAM with iON".
How kewl is that!
love ya all...
ps James, the check is in the mail

09/29/2010 13:15
Name: corrina
Location: texas
Message: ion: 1) i want to know the number of world i am
from? 2) have i experienced any portal/portals that i don't remember?
3) can you tell me if the contrast i have been creating is going to end soon, so I can just be grateful, and stop complaining. It is difficult for me to see how I create my own discouragement/frustration/and lack of consistently healthly behavior what is joy for me
09/29/2010 13:15
Name: Ben
Location: Oregon
Message: Ion, it is my understanding that there is no past present or future,in regards to Anne, can you describe the experience ,experienced with Anne and the outcome of the experience, experienced with her? Thats all Peace and One Love
09/29/2010 13:15
Name: Lisa
Location: new Orleans
Message: Some guy came to my door for banana trees, for like 5 seconds. Did you answer my question in that time?:
Your Last Message ...
My name is Lisa, what planet am I from and why did I come here? James said yesterday that you guys had a big announcement today, was he joking?
09/29/2010 13:17
Name: Martha
Location: Texas
Message: Am I the only one not hearing the show anymore? Hello where did you guys go??
09/29/2010 13:19
Name: Jb
Location: California
Message: I literally just found out my stepdaughter who is 18 is pregnant.
She has a 9th grade education and no job, no prospects. Her boyfriend is in similar positon. They say they want to keep the baby. Please tell me how to handle this situation. Please!!!
09/29/2010 13:21
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: Perfect words , perfect words...
09/29/2010 13:22
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: Which version #J.W. is this?(talking to Germaine)
09/29/2010 13:27
Name: melissa
Location: MAUI
Message: i need a cheap ticket to india. can ya help with local travel? i don't know how to get to other universes yet and will learn if only i can get to india. help!
09/29/2010 13:30
Name: mj
Location: now
Message: Note to your brilliant Corespondent; I did not 'know' I will design garments until I truly cared less of what I wanted to wear, and more on what I wanted to see.
09/29/2010 13:34
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Love hearing from Germaine!
09/29/2010 13:49
Name: melissa
Location: MAUI
09/29/2010 13:53
Name: Pami
Location: Ct
Message: You know ion just told my story at foreclosure court! - I begged judge to take a house & he refused! Case has now been completely dismissed.
09/29/2010 13:53
Name: melissa
Location: MAUI
09/29/2010 13:57
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: what would ion call the language of the right brain, that doesnt have names for things?
10/06/2010 11:04
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Hi everyone,
iON, is there a process which simply allows easily, a merging of my physical, non physical, into an assended, in an assension process, to rule and reign with all power and authority in this realm of my kingdom and give me unlimited access to all the worlds, universes and strata? If yes, can you please tell me the process? Much gratitude, Barbara
10/06/2010 11:08
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Hi Bob...I'm back, and ready to answer any questions that you might have, for me!.....hahahahaa
10/06/2010 11:13
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Will you please tell us human creators the message you have not already conveyed to us?
Question, from my 7 yr old son (Max), "How did the earth get created?"
Thanks, Barbara
10/06/2010 11:13
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I'm just sitting here, enjoying my Hersheys Chocolate Almond Bar, like your Snickers Bars Bob. I am "I-RON".
10/06/2010 11:16
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Bob, "You mean my whole Falisy is wrong", as Marshall McCluen once said......hahahahaa
"All things are Possible", as ION likes to say sometimes!.
10/06/2010 11:18
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Here is a question for ION, Will there ever surface or appear in the future, a "UFO Pentagon Papers" whistle blower, to change the whole course of human history?.
10/06/2010 11:20
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Can ION comment on what The Bhagavad Gita really is for mankind, or, how helpful it can be for understanding the human condition.
10/06/2010 11:23
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: It's interesting to think that, no questions really need to answered. since, each person already knows the answer to thier questions, before they are even asked.....they just don't know it yet. It's the cat and mouse sybdrome, of questions and answers.
10/06/2010 11:24
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Importance of "Questions"....right Bob?. There really are no "Problems", only Solutions per ION.
10/06/2010 11:28
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: O.K.,.....I'm done for today.......thanks man!. Bye.....
10/06/2010 11:34
Name: David
Location: San Diego
10/06/2010 11:37
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles
Message: As we choose to stay in the physical, what would Ion suggest to as the best thing to use instead of language?
10/06/2010 11:37
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: Hahaha, that's what everyone says when we are together: uh oh! Exactly right!
10/06/2010 11:54
Name: missy
Location: maui
Message: aloha, is the gate that lucy, the dog, showed me a portal? if so, can she come with me?
10/06/2010 11:55
Name: Guru
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Guru,
Hey iON, Bob, Carolyn, James. Question for iON I lost my main cell phone. In which area would I find it in? Could you give me the details of it's location?
10/06/2010 11:58
Name: Anonymus
Message: Hi everyone
Bob please ask which world has the best selection of smokable grass and which world has the best red wine??
10/06/2010 12:01
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, just wanted to say that this show is dope. It gives me a happy high while I work. Thanks
10/06/2010 12:05
Name: Matthew
Location: ny
Message: Can you describe the circumstances in which bill gates first learned about parallel worlds. i.e the first p-worlder to discuss his firm before it started.
10/06/2010 12:06
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: Love to all.
Ion, what technologies will be introduced by the transitional governments? Will most have Ion in or after their names?
10/06/2010 12:09
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hello Everyone!
iON would you please explain the difference between your expression to us � versus a medium such as John Edwards that claims to communicate with transitioned people, or Doreen Virtue that claims to communicate with the angels? And some mediums or channels claim to express from a certain number of entities.
Thank You!
Cheryl, Vermont
10/06/2010 12:12
Name: Maria
Location: Spain
Message: Hi everyone!! if all of us humans creators are creating our own worlds,are we living in different universes?
10/06/2010 12:12
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: what part of the talmud is coming?
10/06/2010 12:18
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: Is the increased interest in ion (jw) from the msm due to the planned fake "alien invasion"?
10/06/2010 12:20
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: Does currency from other worlds look the same? Is there way to tell if a bill is from another world?
10/06/2010 12:20
Name: Teri
Location: PSG
Message: Can iON comment on Cliff High's forcast for Nov. 8-10 tipping piont of a unnatural natural event greater than 9/11 disaster?
10/06/2010 12:24
Name: Anonymous
Location: UK
Message: Greetings all,
Thanks so much for the best radio show on the planet.
A few questions for iON if you could fit them in:
Is David Shayler THE messiah/Christ, as he claims to be, who has activated Christ consciousness on earth?
Are chemtrails real, if so are they harmful to the meatsack/chemical body?
Did HAARP have anything to do with the Tsunami, Haiti and Pakistan floods?
10/06/2010 12:27
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Please clarify iON. 'I AM' is seemed to be used and blended with iON/Non Physical. Will you please explain this relationship of the Iam and iON, in a way I understand your full meaning. Thank you asaScott
10/06/2010 12:30
Name: Alana
Location: Canada
Message: Bob, you are all wrong and Carolyn is right, I am not disgusting nor have I ever been, I am as wonderful as my friend Alannah. If you read my note properly you would have seen that I said that when Alannah and I get together, everyone says "uh oh" because we are a force to be reckoned with! I have no idea where you came up with this idea that I am disgusting, that is just plain mean spirited.
10/06/2010 12:30
Name: Anonymous
Location: UK
Message: Hello again,
A few more questions for iON thanks.
I was anonymous in my last message also because I've met David Shayler.
Have the Bilderbergers orchestrated the environmental campaigning movement?
Is global warming caused by CO2 or the sun?
Is there more than one earth?
Many thanks
10/06/2010 12:31
Name: asaScott
Location: Crescent Citry, CA
Message: Just out of curiousity, iON what is the reason you mix (some may consider foul language) satire when discussing Biblical subjects?
10/06/2010 12:32
Name: David
Location: San Diego
10/06/2010 12:32
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: Is "The Big Band Theory" discribing a sex party, at TMZ?..........hahahaaaaaaa........I'm back, as the reincarnation of I-RON!.
10/06/2010 12:33
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: Is there a parallel world number 2288?
What number is this world?
10/06/2010 12:34
Name: mike
Location: ventura
Message: Bob. Been reading some of your writings. Love them. Ion, what number world is this one. when everyone comes into their power will people lose their meatsacks when someone cuts their head off. Also is there a portal in my house?
10/06/2010 12:35
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I have always liked "Skunk Bud" myself....but, The U.S. Navy produces this "stuff" called "Blue Grade" something or other, highest quality "Kick"!.....P2 still exists......
10/06/2010 12:37
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: iON said 2020? that is the real contact year?
10/06/2010 12:39
Name: ADHD
Location: Midwest
Message: Hi guys
Would you ask iON to comment on the number of people and kids in this country that are on prescription anti-depressant medication?
Almost everybody I know is on some type or another and doctors pass the stuff out like candy.
10/06/2010 12:40
Name: David
Location: San Diego
Message: ION,
10/06/2010 12:46
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: main stream media
10/06/2010 12:46
Name: RJ
Message: MSM Main Stream Media
10/06/2010 12:47
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: MSG.....MonoSodiumGlutamate. MSN is my hotmail.
10/06/2010 12:48
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: msm = main stream media (silly billies)!!!!!!!!!!
10/06/2010 12:49
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Past and The Present and Future doesn't exist!......There is NO TIME!.....even though we are "out of time" normally, usually, in general.
10/06/2010 12:50
Name: eternity
Location: 57528
Message: Hi iON!
Am wondering why Mount Baker had snow on it one minute & not the next when we looked at it last night. Any insight on what happened?
Love you all
10/06/2010 12:51
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I think something "terrible" is going to happen on "411"........in order to gain "information" for humanity......huy?.
10/06/2010 12:54
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: I wish that The Defense Dept. would start coloring the "Chem-Trails" with "Pink", so that, everyone that see's them up in the sky, would have the same experience as Phillip K.Dick.......seeing his "Pink Light" up in the sky!......Damn it!.
10/06/2010 12:56
Name: Ron
Location: Garden Grove California
Message: The Earth is a 7hz frequency wave......and, the human mind is.........a frequency too.
10/06/2010 13:03
Name: matthew
Location: ny
Message: BinLaden transitionedto the guf?
10/06/2010 13:04
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: What is the purpose of chemtrails?
10/06/2010 13:04
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello again! The subject of alien life is being talked about in the popular media all over the world. iON, are the people of Earth being prepared for some type of alien disclosure? If so, I can't wait!
10/06/2010 13:06
Name: Jb
Location: California
Message: iON,
re: pregnant teen
When you say stay out of it, do you mean that because she is a marvelous creator she will be fully responsible for her creation and we will not have any responsibility for it?
10/06/2010 13:07
Name: Earl
Location: b.c
Message: Hey Bob and gang.
Bob your still sqeezing lemons...... you mother pucker you. Anyway I would just like to reintroduce myself. I'm back better than ever and MY world is fantastic. In fact in My new world I have Zakri my son sitting here and enjoying the program with me. By the way....... did i tell you guys. I love you mother puckers...all of ya! Hi iON do you have anything to say to Zak.
10/06/2010 13:11
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: If there is no time, then i presume time travel is not possible either? If so,is what is being investigated more akin to parallel world travel?
10/06/2010 13:13
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: iON would you please suggest something creative that could be done with Japanese Knotweed other than observing it? This is becoming an overly prolific shrub along our waterways and some say is causing a negative affect on the symbiotic relationship between the current vegetation and fishlife?
Thank You Everyone!
10/06/2010 13:21
Name: Melody
Location: Ontario
Message: Just recently started listening to ION and am learning your terminology. I have been refering to the past couple years as a period of 'definining my preferences', which I think is what ION refers to as contrast. Now that I definitely know that it is my preference to have an income sufficient to live a comfortable life and do some travelling, how do I go about taking back the power I've given awa
10/06/2010 13:22
Name: Melody
Location: Ontario
Message: ...I've given away the past couple years and get back to work? I have been stuck, am I getting unstuck now? What suggestions do you have for me? And any other messages that wish to come through for me?
10/06/2010 13:42
Name: Matthew
Location: Madison, WI
Message: Thanks for the plug for my tea company!
the BAd MotherFukker Tea
10/06/2010 13:49
Name: capricious
Location: terran-sphere
Message: that way, it can hit you in the face or t
he ass
10/06/2010 13:50
Name: David
Location: San Diego
10/06/2010 13:56
Name: melissa
Location: nz
Message: one last question, is there a parallel world number 12:21?
10/06/2010 13:56
Name: deb
Location: boston
Message: You are all the best ever
Bob Neveritt