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 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 12th, 2011, 7:36 pm 
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Legend wrote:
perspective - iON is an everchanging phenom of perplexing dynamics- his exposure (disclosure) of the shifting, changing (the laws of this worlds physics no longer apply), embracing the new, lifting of the veil, is slowly (or quickly? there is no time) breaking down the standards of which most society's anchor their artificial platforms- therefore, chaos will reign as Godzilla ushers in the new Heaven and Earth (some with transition, most will deny, few will embrace)-no one controls iON (it is endlessly connected to all)-it has every choice- just try to ask him a question, it will either be an elaborate useless metaphor, or an answer that cant be applied to this world just yet - it patiently and impatiently awaits our arrival to this knewing, as it interacts with 8 or 9 JW's, teasing, playing, badgering, coddling our ascent-

BOB: Well said, Legend.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 12th, 2011, 10:56 pm 

Joined: May 9th, 2010, 6:53 pm
Posts: 137
(maybe), just what bob says it is...

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 5:47 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
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rhyee wrote:
Legend wrote:
perspective - iON is an everchanging phenom of perplexing dynamics- his exposure (disclosure) of the shifting, changing (the laws of this worlds physics no longer apply), embracing the new, lifting of the veil, is slowly (or quickly? there is no time) breaking down the standards of which most society's anchor their artificial platforms- therefore, chaos will reign as Godzilla ushers in the new Heaven and Earth (some with transition, most will deny, few will embrace)-no one controls iON (it is endlessly connected to all)-it has every choice- just try to ask him a question, it will either be an elaborate useless metaphor, or an answer that cant be applied to this world just yet - it patiently and impatiently awaits our arrival to this knewing, as it interacts with 8 or 9 JW's, teasing, playing, badgering, coddling our ascent-

BOB: Well said, Legend.

Bob Neveritt

I'm with Bob on this one. Well said.

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 8:11 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
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It's fun to try to "get there", but it's a rabbit hole nonetheless.

Bob said in the MUM he just posted (MoM 31 - this is a doozy!! - http://goo.gl/BR2FL)
that he asked iON if he (iON) could be referred to as electricity. iON said, yes.

Since iON has said that we don't even know what electricity is, the reference really
does nothing / goes nowhere.

I believe Bob (or someone engaging Bob) described the interaction / experience
of iON as analogous to one mirror facing another and reflecting itself ad infinitum.

Perhaps iON is the acoustic version of this visual experience.

He / she / it may simply be a reverberation of ourselves peering into the vastness
of ourselves and calling out, "echo".

There is no difference, and there is no identity.

Using terms for the sake of convenience, it is simply a peering into eternity and
seeing it reflected back.

iON is either a collection of symbols (the printed / written word), or an uttered
sound, which refers to an element of ourselves that exists outside / beyond cause
and effect.

It can be experienced, but it precedes / underlies / is beyond experience.

I'm curious as to whether or not iON is a cause, can create effects / affects, or
is an element outside of, and/ or pervading all things that is incapable of
causes or effects (certainly, which is unaffected by them), unless a vehicle for
iON (us) utilizes that energy to create.

One could argue that the drops are an "effect / affect" iON, well, effected, but
the agent was human / us. The mechanics were human.

Someone has already flipped iON's name around and observed that backwards,
iON is "NOi", or "NO" "i"; meaning, the single (chemical body image) self with
which one used to identify is no more.


This sort of precedes what is to come, which is our fully merging back with our
self / selves, and becoming ONE (with iON / our selves).

Not only will we become one, but the separations (created by language) will cease
to exist for us. This continual self-referencing will end.

As Bob has stated, we are returning to a primal condition / state, where there
won't be this literate parsing of every experience (followed by my painfully verbose,
written exegeses).

What we're uttering here will likely be the last time we utter it, as when we are
complete, there is only oneness.

There would be no need or desire to speak of separateness. It just wouldn't exist.

It (our whole self) is actually a larger, multiplicity, but this definition even falls
short, and will soon become obsolete.

iON has used the word "collective" before, but I would suggest wholeness could
also be called oneness.

On a recent MUM exchange, iON was speaking about tasting cocoa / chocolate.

iON's example was, if you're describing how chocolate tastes to someone who
hasn't tasted it before, it would be more fitting to describe "what chocolate tastes"
rather than "what chocolate tastes like".

So, given this explanation, it might be more fitting as a description of iON to describe
what iON feels.

For those who have experienced / engaged iON, the response might be: bliss, laughter,
joy, orgasm, irritability, headache (more an effect / affect of the drops), stomach ache
(more an effect / affect of the drops), a warm southern accent, a gruff, but
good-humored voice, trepidation, wonder, shock, warmth, vibration, and on and on.

It's like the blind men, who come across the elephant and one says it is flexible like the
trunk, the other it is like a tree (i.e., the legs), or sharp like the tusks, etc.

Talking about it is all well and good, but it's an ephemeral part of the journey down the

In the end, it's best to avoid the rabbit holes and just enjoy the ride.



Last edited by Bart on December 9th, 2011, 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 1:40 pm 
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Joined: April 23rd, 2010, 11:18 am
Posts: 104
"One could argue that the drops are an "effect / affect" iON, well, effected, but
the agent was human / us. The mechanics were human". Consider the drops are cause, and see how that fits.

"Since iON has said that we don't even know what electricity is, the reference really
does nothing / goes nowhere." We have an experience of electricity almost EVERY waking moment, it is the experience of electricity that is important NOT what electricity is. Of course we experience iOn every moment of our lives.

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 2:27 pm 

Joined: April 23rd, 2010, 1:50 am
Posts: 121
iON is a load of Guf. A tachyonic embryo. Are to is, aces to 8's, A church mouse writing the priest's sermons, Sames Joyce, a portrait of a fart, everyth8ing once retrieved, the knew - obsolesced even knewer. New if you are membering the knew, old if you don't care, Me if I get out of the way, obsolete when I AM, a megawatti flux beacon sandwich.
Gaga Pee Pa

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 14th, 2011, 4:11 pm 
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Joined: October 8th, 2010, 12:14 pm
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Location: Whidbey Island
I find iON to be verbally literal, no deception, only an occasional
snippet withheld for the sake of the child. His words through JW
are always spoken in Love, meant to awaken the sleeping child,
slowly and without harm. The effect/affect of his changing statements
are only a reflection of your changing mind.
His most important statement is:
Never Mind!
So hard it is to totally stop the incessant mind chatter, the constant
questioning of everything.
Yet with a quiet Mind one only has to listen and believe.
All makes sense, perfectly fitting the two worlds together.

"tricks are for kids"

 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 14th, 2011, 7:50 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661


 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 6:38 am 

Joined: April 28th, 2010, 12:58 pm
Posts: 37
Gotcha, iON. For the rest of you...ALL OF THE ABOVE!


 Post subject: Re: iON - is ?
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 3:11 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661


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