~Foo Fighter~ wrote:
I could never express this on 5B, but I had experienced interconnections there but on a very personal, family level. I acknowledge the idea that media issue fragment us and seperate us...but I KNEW there was something there that was not expressed by Bob.
What I experienced over the last decade was a gathering of husbands, wives, family members, close friends and neighbors, all thrown into the "drama" of copulation, conception, and child rearing. Over and in-between this group is some form of non-physical conneciton that manifests itself in dreams, ESP, and pre-cognition.
I didn't notice or experience this prior to being settled, married, and having kids.
So when I was half-jokingly telling Kiggy "The two things we know for sure is we copulate, and we die", I was trying to express something I have no words to express...that there is something powerful that outshines academic discussion.
All talk about media is puny next to this biological non-physical energy...or whatever it is. For all Bob's talk about the effects of media landscapes on humans I KNOW that if I had a wife and kids when the printing press came out I would still be in the SAME non-physical biologic soup that I could not express on 5B.
Prior to Ion I couldn't really express that feeling at all.
But if we humans created the Guf/NP, as iON claims, then would the Guf/NP not also be a 'media landscape' in the sense of this McLuhan quote?
"Every human artifact can be seen as a medium of communication whose message can be said to be the totality of satisfactions and dissatisfactions they engender".
And would not the 'ESP' concept that New Age thinking reveres be simply the phatic aspect of 'yeah, yeah, yeah' type responses to others when we go along with what they say (ie. assume that we 'get it'), rather than constantly performing one's own due diligence with regard to apprehending precisely what is meant by the exchange? (For example, when we ask another person for directions and then kind of half-listen with an implied sense that we 'get it', only to find that our 'hunch' or imagination actually left us making a wrong turn because we didn't make absolutely sure that the guy meant 'turn right after the 1st MAJOR intersection'). Doesn't every new technology imply that it will once-and-for-all solve the question of 'do we actually communicate' by proposing a real connection to others so we can know that they know what we mean and vice-versa?
BOB: Not so much, since every technology enhances simultaneously the centralizing (matching, homogeneous) and decentralizing (making, heterogeneous) applications of communication - there's your 2 conversations!! - as a matter of fact, this means every technology and its resulting medium/environmental effects contains 2 conversations (at least) or what McLuhan means when he says "services and disservices".
And, the question I'm posing is, how can one truly know if iON/NP is going to be the medium/landscape/answer to the type of questions Bob explores in his essay "Cloning ESP"? Because, as far as I can see, there is always a 'meta' lens to anything, and why would iON be an exception.
BOB: Correct. Hence, the truism "we never get it done".
And hallelujah!! Because that guarantees "there will be so much more".
As McLuhan argued, "any medium has the power of imposing its own assumption on the unwary". So, I am asking what assumptions are being made by the iON/NP medium.
BOB: We are the "iON/NP medium" because the "medium" is always the previous technologies/environments that are affected by the new technology. With that definition in mind, then the most common assumption made by the iON/NP medium is that there is a "get" to be gotten... verbally. iON exploits this gap (or tactile interval therein) to entertain and delight our non-physical. And that's never been explicit before!!
Which brings me to this quote from Roland Barthes regarding myth:
"Everything, then, can be a myth? Yes, I believe this, for the universe is infinitely fertile in suggestions. Every object in the world can pass from a closed, silent existence to an oral state open to appropriation by society, for there is no law, whether natural or not, which forbids talking about things."
BOB: Barthes is referring to the "verbally" part of my argument.
and then...
"Myth can be defined neither by its object nor by its material, for any material can arbitrarily be endowed with meaning."
BOB: Barthes is here referring to the "non-physical" part of my argument by actually PERFORMING the creation of meaning as a non-verbal, silent pleasuring.
If everything can indeed be myth in a universe "infinitely fertile in suggestions", then why should iON/NP be exempt from meta-questions through the kind of lenses offered by Bob, McLuhan, Barthes, or any other lens crafter examining human creations, granted humans can endow any material with meaning? And, wouldn't humans' meta-lens-crafting ability (wrought from very persistent questioning of EVERYTHING) trump even a physical/non-physical paradigm?
BOB: Yes, but the massage of the non-physical by iON releases us from our incessant meta-lens-crafting ability until the excessive massage flips us into the newly surprising but retrieved pleasure of our meta-lens-crafting ability... and so it goes...