frater222 wrote:
What happened? Sounds like I missed something
Is ion participating on the tail gates Again?
It was your typical slurry, potty mouthed banter around the tequila cooler at the AA xmas party-
ASA trying to dry hump anything/anyone willing to engage/
ASA trying desperately to get Tina under the mistletoe
ASA lifting his leg to pee on all the pretty ruby slippers whilst beating his chest ( at least I think it was his chest?!?) whilst yelling "ME alpha male!!!
ME me ME!
ME A L P H A !
aLFah, do you hear me MF?
oh yes, judging by the reviews, a good tyme was seemingly had by all
sadly, I had to leave before refreshments were served
(penis butter samnitches?)
or the party games began (Strip twister anybody??)
the cast off dainties were hung out to dry on the information farm for a spell, so as to give the entire world a chance to see behind the veil and prove what marvelous creators these "little (cult of iON) people" be
whoo hooo.....go team go.....
it may well now be the "cult of ASA"
(he be de ALPHA, bitch, and donchu forget it! He de MAN!)
who knows where iON was during all this?
(probably laughing his NP rear end off somewhere's over the rainbow??)
gee makes ya not wanna wait to see what happens at the NEW YEARS party huh?