frater222 wrote:
About the disapearance of bob... U posted a van.
U were saying bob is the new ground... Look behind ur back u said.
Oh, oh, oh...I'm just having fun with Bob's (and Carolyn's and
J.W.'s) vanishing story, which became more intriguing with Bob's
cryptic email auto-reply, "gone stealth".
tayzay finally posted here that Bob was traveling, including to Europe, so
I joked that she had blown Bob's cover and would be surveilled by Bob's
security forces. haha tayzay has become a "person of interest".
I'm sorry. We can't protect her now. Might as well say your goodbyes.
The Bob becoming ground stuff was figure / ground talk. All just good fun.
I will say that the "timing" of the major one-two punch Washington, DC / Virginia
received with the 5.9 earthquake, and now hurricane Irene, which will be
a cat. 2 in DC / VA, is mighty peculiar.
Bob and Carolyn (not sure about J.W.) going on this venture, only to have
these major events strike DC is just interesting; especially, considering all
Bob has to do is chat on the phone with Dave Worcester to evoke an
The structures (the Washington Monument and the National Cathedral) that
sustained damage in DC could be considered symbolic...Not interested enough
to research. I did see the National Cathedral is the sixth largest in the world,
and the second largest in the U.S.
Perhaps Bob struck a blow to the political and religious foundations, right in
seat of the nation's capital. I also like the "shaking things up" metaphor...
Go Bob!