rhyee wrote:
Chad: Like corporate advertising used to do, iON tells you what you want to hear. Bob says iON/NP is technology, the phantom limb effect of another amputated faculty (your forfeited 'power').
BOB: McLuhan covered the waterfront on the human being as Extendor (from
speech as extension of gesture to the satellite as extension of the
collective conscious).
Kroker and I demonstrated how the Android Meme was the next Extendor
(the machinic, not the human being, extending its machines).
Today I alone show how iON (the non-physical) is the present Extendor
(under the guise of "explaining" the previous 2 phases).
Only for a short while will iON be an invisible environment - then the
Guf empties.
We gonna do the Wave!!
From Nostradamus 3.6:
"Within the closed temple the lightning will enter,
The citizens within their fort injured:
Horses, cattle, men, the wave will touch the wall,
Through famine, drought, under the weakest armed."
Since the first two phases were extension by man, then machine, would iON represent the extension by fused man/machine?
And, given the content of iON is us and our total information, closed system, wouldn't that imply a flip from an entropic situation to a totally new negentropic situation "no longer based on the friction in crowds"? And, if so, can we even use the word 'extension' in this case? Could it not be another dynamic, say, 'withdrawal', 'fusion', or 'concrescence'? I'm really not convinced its another case of extension, so please enlighten.
rhyee wrote:
But, what is meant by 'technology' if the extended NP is now talking to us from within and without?
BOB: Two conversations: "technology" is a useful term for the "without" aspect, and "non-physical" is a useful term for the "within" aspect.
What is a body? Do we really even experience physicality or is this another red herring? Is the point of this iONic massage to familiarize ourselves with a new sense: the sense of physicality/non-physicality?
BOB: The body today is the processor of the question, "what is a body?" We have consciously been experiencing the four Bodies (Chemical, Astral, TV, and Chip Bodies) - that is our physicality. The iONic massage is the surfacing of the Mystery Body (the fifth Body) as an IFO (Identified Flying Object) - the stretching of the tactile interplay of iON's trinity (the "physical, non-physical, and the labyrinth of the mind").
I am not sure iON would agree that "the body today is the processor of the question, 'what is a body?'". Wouldn't that be the domain of the mind in iON's trinity? But if that processor IS the body, then it seems like iON would be trying to persuade me out of my body when iON states that "how, when, why, where, and who?" are degrees of separation. Agree?
rhyee wrote:
In my experience, the "drama of cognition" between Bob and iON seems to cancel itself out while annihilating any sense of knowing with regard to the shared language symbols (verbal and non-verbal) between myself and others, leaving more questions.
BOB: Yes, and that PROCESS of cancellation leading to more questions is what one, in the interim, KNOWS ("I think, I think, I know").
Bob, are you saying that before iON, there were only implied connections between people in the drama of cognition
BOB: Yes, especially during the literate/print phase.
and now iON is offering a bridge so there really is a connection?
BOB: More like iON is offering a float/raft while one learns to enjoy one's eternal disconnection from all others.
But don't all new technologies dupe humans into a new offer of true connection?
BOB: Yes, but iON is the most honest technology (and hence the most thrilling) as regards to that duping.
So, iON is showing up to give us the balm to numb ourselves while we ride out the emotional tempest of realizing that we're eternally disconnected. How do we know that honesty about eternal disconnection is not just a figure to distract us while we all get wired together by a new environment, linguistic, para-linguistic, or otherwise?