chad wrote:
tayzay wrote:
From my triangulated knowing, When one 'chases their tail' in a round and round you go circular motion, you may discover your tail again and again.
As has been said a-gain and a-gain, "Please yourself."
Would you be willing to articulate these iONisms in your own words, Tayzay? It may help bring more dimensions into seeing how iON affects peoples' inner kingdom.
[triangulated knowing]= tri; 3: Me knowing where I've been, 2:Where I NOW am seated in My Power, 1:Defining for ME,my preference as I determine My Existentialist Reality.
angulate; (drawn from the dots I laid for ME to connect) the point of view derived from MY 'tri'.
[Please yourself] = your journey is yours. Use what ever tools you like. I care-less where your journey leads you. Your "seeing" is your insight unto you. "Dimensions" of more and "how" may require some sort of teacher certificate;I care-less. "iON affects...." = triangulated knowing.
iON affects become MY own witnessing of my miracle working power as an ever loving Goddess.
The evolving beyond-ness is ME leading Me to My Know[ing]ledge.