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 Post subject: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 7th, 2010, 4:47 am 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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Location: So Cal
There is an extremely low level planet, ship, or star sparkling with blue, red, yellow, white, colors in a stationary position off the southwestern horizon of Southern California I've been seeing off and on for about 8 months- iON is this a planet ? mothership ? what is it ? Richard Hoagland says these are huge motherships docked off our planet and this is why they recently constructed a hugh telescope off the Antartica (South Pole) to monitor this or these motherships ? Which is it iON ? He also claims NASA is a corrupt and mendacious agency ? would you agree with that statement ?

spt.jpg [ 22.55 KiB | Viewed 343 times ]


 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 3:28 am 
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do you have an opinion, answer, or comment ?


 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 3:33 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661

 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 3:40 am 
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did you just erase the last comment I was ready to post on the "open the portal" topic ?

What is the sparkling flashing star-ship ?


 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 3:53 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661
Now, a question, the sparkling flashing star ship is a singularity, or the middle of a vortex, a "black hole" as some like to call it. It in itself is an "anomly" variation of the norm. What is great is that many humans can not SEE this, as you clearly have. This is an example of "things" lighting up brighter than other things in your individual environs. Great question!

legend of the Seeker

 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 5:04 am 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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singularity ? you've use this word often -

2.a singular, unusual, or unique quality; peculiarity.
3.Mathematics . singular point.
4.Astronomy . (in general relativity) the mathematical representation of a black hole.

hmmmm, your right everyone I've pointed this out to says they've never seen it before - its really bright with alternating flashing colors- don't know how you can miss it -

does this have something to do with the thinning of the veil ? why all of sudden can we visually see flashing black holes (lol :mrgreen: ) ?

why has the news not picked up on this ? is NASA a mendacious agency ? I've heard a lot of rumors to such ? what about JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) north of Pasadena - rumor has it all kinds of kinky wierd shit goes on out there, from the occult to space travel, to UFO's, to aliens, to wild sex parties, yes ? Come on iON you can spill the beans with me - no one believes me anyway except 2 out 3 of my children - lol :mrgreen: - ahhhhhh you didn't it again you made me laugh !!!


 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 9:03 am 
Legend....You are a singularity (#2 above) too.

 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 9:22 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661
Legend wrote:
singularity ? you've use this word often -

2.a singular, unusual, or unique quality; peculiarity.
3.Mathematics . singular point.
4.Astronomy . (in general relativity) the mathematical representation of a black hole.

hmmmm, your right everyone I've pointed this out to says they've never seen it before - its really bright with alternating flashing colors- don't know how you can miss it -

does this have something to do with the thinning of the veil ? why all of sudden can we visually see flashing black holes (lol :mrgreen: ) ?

why has the news not picked up on this ? is NASA a mendacious agency ? I've heard a lot of rumors to such ? what about JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) north of Pasadena - rumor has it all kinds of kinky wierd shit goes on out there, from the occult to space travel, to UFO's, to aliens, to wild sex parties, yes ? Come on iON you can spill the beans with me - no one believes me anyway except 2 out 3 of my children - lol :mrgreen: - ahhhhhh you didn't it again you made me laugh !!!

Goto or See the thread Open the Portal.

Hope for you it Helps

JJ Abrams

 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 11:51 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 9:21 pm
Posts: 242
Speaking of sparkling planets... while viewing from the Northern skies of the North American West Coast the other night, Venus (at least I think, I think, I know it was Venus?~I have yet to uncover my star navigational skills of afore:) was the brightest and largest appearing planet I have EVER seen with my naked eye (at least that I can re-member). JUST HUGE, and with a particularly elongated dash pattern surrounding her..just like a young child might draw the sun with a ball and long lines coming out from it. It was really beautiful...lots of colors seemed to show up within the "lines" as well.

Was/is this Venus?
Is she any closer to Earth than she usually is for this astronomical cycle?... or was it just my particular perception of this moment?
Do planets communicate with each other through harmonics and/or other means?
Did Source create the galaxies and the planets "within" them, and humans create what then shows up on the planets and within them?

*thanks for your patience everyone, so lovely to have a place to ask and receive, relax and allow...

still connecting the dots (thanks TZ),

 Post subject: Re: Sparkling Planet ?
PostPosted: May 8th, 2010, 12:51 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661
Creative perception YES
Not particulary, NO
NO, Source, with no contrast creates Jack SPIT, HUMAN Creators indeed Create it ALL.
Great Questions, fair answers, always moving the BALL>down the edge of the leading edge of creation.

Just Perfect

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