What a GREAT, great, great first hour of CF....just flowing thru it now....
...everytime I heard what was being "said", then the response I was having in my labby without fail Bob, Carolyn or James stated it!!!!
I love the definition of "words" (that's kind of a MF?!?), and their position in creation, and what part they play in our current/flow of magnetism....hmmmmm
letting go of the false premise of separation, and re-membering our postion of magnetism is IT. Thank you for the prompt iON baby!
We are the magnet, brilliant.
And onto our words creating everything with our command (meaning not by default...) , I am now rampant with excitement to entertain and dance with all the words that have never been yet!!!!! (you went here Bob!) ....and Google was a great example!!!!!
QuestiON, creating the word then giving it meaning, creating the meaning then giving it a word, same thing just different approach?
This opportunity for us to create with the assistance of our NP, just as juicy as it comes!!!!!!!!
Gianormous..one of my FAVORITE recent inclusions!
Lovely, healthy, peaceful me!