Dupes of Non-Physical

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 Post subject: Update on manifestation and creation....
PostPosted: July 15th, 2010, 1:35 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 9:21 pm
Posts: 242
Had a revelation tonight while watering the garden....I was pondering the idea of creating a garden that grew without the knead for watering...
kind of Findhornesque....when it suddenly came to me that...

a). we have already created plants that grow without water (cactus, drought tolerant varietiesof various species etc...)...and in recognizing what iON is telling us that we "can't un-create anything", the key to our empowered position is not to un-create anything, but to always come from the place of creating exactly what we want in the now moment.

Create a garden of all the vegetables, flowers, etc that I would like to see/experience that can flourish in the absence of water. In other words creation is a constant flow of what it is that is the fastest path to my joy. No rules apply, no paramiters from the "past". Just pure and simple creation of what I want to experience.

This translates (for me) into observing/altering anything...

...reversal of the oil spil in the Gulf...NO, creating a way to clean it up with complete renewal, YES.

... adding to the public transportation system in Seattle (or lack of one :) NO, creating a solution that springs from a completely new paradigm YES.

...taking a business from floundering to flourishing, not deconstructing what isn't working, but deciphering what will work now...

does this make sense/cents to anyone else???...

love this format to "share" our thoughts/insights...thanks again Bob

xooxoxoxoox everyone!...

 Post subject: Re: Update on manifestation and creation....
PostPosted: July 15th, 2010, 3:00 pm 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
Posts: 548
Location: So Cal
yes - I hear ya - aeroponics is a new system to grow without soil - I just planted some tomatoes in my garden - may drop in some cucumbers too- got some radical rasberries and just reseeded the front lawn - simply delicious !


 Post subject: Re: Update on manifestation and creation....
PostPosted: July 15th, 2010, 4:36 pm 
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Joined: June 27th, 2010, 6:05 pm
Posts: 44
Hi...Alison what I hear you saying is to create through appreciation - appreciate what is - nothing needs to be fix, modified or amended because it IS my CREATION (puts me crossways with me-self)...then, just allow non-physical to line up new creations through my knowing and constant appreciation....sounds wonderful...I am in that space space with you! Exciting...

Hey do you live in Seattle? I was on Alki Beach and in Issaquah last year making an album with some fellow musicians / performers...ALKI BEACH rocks...love your space...I am a California native (san francisco) but for some reason Seattle felt like home to me last year...so beautiful :)


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