rhyee wrote:
frater222 wrote:
VERY interested to see what you, carylon and ion think about this new channel.
i think yall should take jw's channelled stuff to places like spirit web and sedona.... cuz maybe the ion collective is going to get its message where it wants it regardless... so apparently they wanted the message to be on spiritweb.com
lightworkers.org is great btw.
BOB: No, because JW's not a "channel" nor a "medium", and iON's not a group of entities.
iON's a non-physical EVENT.
Bob Neveritt
right. but i mean what do yall think about this ion/eon non physical event poping up trhough another 'large'....person.
ion, can you comment on why you would come through antoehr person?
side note bob: i told a famous comedian about you saturday night after his comedy show.. his podcast is the top five listeners on itunes (in the millions).... i told him about you and he said believed it would change his life....ill be sending him your websites and book later in the week.. his name is marc maron. he used to be on air america.