Your have now shown some humor Chad - very well then - I love it
(just wondering iON) Awhile ago (maybe 6-8 months) while on the computer late night something nudged me from behind twice (my right shoulder) as in a confirmation nudge of something I was researching online (I wasn't scared or startled, more amused)- then again on another night this same presence tapped me from behind while I was laying down on the couch- (I snapped around- no visible signs of anyone tapping me ! lol
a) is it my Non-Physical messing around (as in playful interraction-letting me know the non-physical is as real as anything else ?)
b) a ghost ?
c) another presence of something I have not seen-perhaps from a parallel world - there are strange things noticed at night here sometimes- are they coming and going through the portals around here ?
d) my spirit ?
My inclination is its my non-physical noticing (playing with me) me as the merging (lifting of the veil) proceeds -my inquiring mind would like to know -
is there a spell check here ?
has anyone else had similar episodes with nocturnal events ?