Dupes of Non-Physical

Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?
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Author:  1mansquest [ April 29th, 2010, 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

So which comes first; energy, thought or pre-thought?

Author:  sistercecelia [ April 29th, 2010, 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

Hey iON!
Can you tell me what you said on cash flow about Tina (my office mate) being cold only while in the office. Cash Flow has not posted the 3rd hour and we really want to know what is going on. :idea:

Author:  iON [ April 29th, 2010, 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

Hey Baby, Short version Vibrations are easy to experience, however once a connection with Source is applied then a heighted sence of awareness is noticed. Hot is hotter, cold is colder and the variations thereof.

Author:  iON [ April 29th, 2010, 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

1mansquest wrote:
So which comes first; energy, thought or pre-thought?

Thought, pre-thought is deja va vue', energy flows to the applied thought
Does that help?

Dr Spock

Author:  1mansquest [ April 29th, 2010, 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

Thanks Dr Spock, that's clear as mud. I guess I'll have to give your answer some, err...thought?

Author:  iON [ April 29th, 2010, 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

Better than snuff and not half as dusty!

Bruton (scotch brand)

Author:  Bart [ February 20th, 2011, 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

iON wrote:
1mansquest wrote:
So which comes first; energy, thought or pre-thought?

Thought, pre-thought is deja va vue', energy flows to the applied thought
Does that help?

Dr Spock

It's a year after the question was posed, but what the heck. This is my first post.

I wanted to respond that iON has explained on a recent Cash Flow show that we currently engage in parallel
world travel, and often return (in timing) to the moment before we left.

Because our mind / the labyrinth of our mind can't process the experience, what we get instead is this slight
overlap that we perceive as deja vu.

The thoughts we have arise in this same mind / labyrinth. Deja vu, in this sense, would be an experience,
pre-thought, where our reflections / thoughts about deja vu would be the thought (afterthought?).

Hope I'm getting close there...

I'm sure that once we come into full remembrance and experience of our whole self, deja vu won't
be an issue any longer...

I would think (hehe) that energy simply "is", and that it is the substance from which thought arises...

Author:  tayzay [ February 20th, 2011, 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

R~N~A (relaxandallow) will move you to a vibrational frequency of experiencing the merging of your worlds.
And knowing will be known.


Author:  rhyee [ February 21st, 2011, 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

Bart wrote:
iON wrote:
1mansquest wrote:
So which comes first; energy, thought or pre-thought?

Thought, pre-thought is deja va vue', energy flows to the applied thought
Does that help?

Dr Spock

It's a year after the question was posed, but what the heck. This is my first post.

I wanted to respond that iON has explained on a recent Cash Flow show that we currently engage in parallel
world travel, and often return (in timing) to the moment before we left.

Because our mind / the labyrinth of our mind can't process the experience, what we get instead is this slight
overlap that we perceive as deja vu.

The thoughts we have arise in this same mind / labyrinth. Deja vu, in this sense, would be an experience,
pre-thought, where our reflections / thoughts about deja vu would be the thought (afterthought?).

Hope I'm getting close there...

I'm sure that once we come into full remembrance and experience of our whole self, deja vu won't
be an issue any longer...

I would think (hehe) that energy simply "is", and that it is the substance from which thought arises...

BOB: iON told a client today: "Thought does not create words."

Does this help, Bart?

Bob Neveritt

Author:  Bart [ February 22nd, 2011, 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Energy, Thought or Pre-Thought?

Thought, pre-thought is deja va vue', energy flows to the applied thought
Does that help?

Dr Spock

It's a year after the question was posed, but what the heck. This is my first post.

I wanted to respond that iON has explained on a recent Cash Flow show that we currently engage in parallel
world travel, and often return (in timing) to the moment before we left.

Because our mind / the labyrinth of our mind can't process the experience, what we get instead is this slight
overlap that we perceive as deja vu.

The thoughts we have arise in this same mind / labyrinth. Deja vu, in this sense, would be an experience,
pre-thought, where our reflections / thoughts about deja vu would be the thought (afterthought?).

Hope I'm getting close there...

I'm sure that once we come into full remembrance and experience of our whole self, deja vu won't
be an issue any longer...

I would think (hehe) that energy simply "is", and that it is the substance from which thought arises...

BOB: iON told a client today: "Thought does not create words."

Does this help, Bart?

Bob Neveritt

That's actually very interesting...I'll have to "think" about that...

It might better be said that the thinker (awareness / God) creates the words / speaks.

I may be going too far into Zen here, but I'll continue and see if I'm corrected.

It sounds like iON may be speaking Zen Buddhism here, where awareness - us -
the thinker, precedes the thought. First there is awareness, and this awareness
then witnesses energy arise as thought.

It might further be said that the only connection thought has to words is if
this awareness favors or prefers certain thoughts / concepts and opts to speak
based on this preference.

If this is the case, if it's what iON was implying, I can see how thought would be
considered independent of words and not their "creator", per se.


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