tullah wrote:
uno: "iON for Dummies" (aka "the complete iDiots guide to iON")
(bIlInguAL edition by Margarita! ay yi yo yi YI yippie ki AYE iA!)
tullah wrote:
Margarita, I'm glad that the flying monkeys are your friends!
and that ABBIE normal is your new moniker
CEASE AND DESIST with your personal attacks towards ME Once and For All.
BOB! JWE aka iON!......
STOP! your postings directed at ME under the pseudonym “tullah”,
which only reveals or exposes your cryptic, aberrant and dark source.
Your hate towards ME is immense and unfounded.
BTW to all the other Dupes:
No external bullCRAP is needed like,
Revelations Revealed series
Paid workshops
D-Cell Axion living water
For a person to come into their POWER.
Mr. Neveritt or Dobbs,
cancel my subscription to this insane asylum called the iON forum;
I’m out of this fundamentalist CULT.