Dupes of Non-Physical

Progress Report for Revelations ReWrite Symposium
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Author:  rhyee [ February 5th, 2011, 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Progress Report for Revelations ReWrite Symposium

"booked" typed:

[[Feb.2 session was fun, good format!

I like to discuss the Rev. interactions as a band of musicians; improvising, playing from a chart, soloists, rhythm sections, time and key changes, pitch/tone resonance and dissonance, tight pockets of silence and flowing melodic narratives. All frequencies interacting, trough and peaks towards rabbit holes, revaluations or new songs. Too many bad notes and Bob will make you play until you get it pitch perfect, he also doesn't like too many beats over a measure unless he is beating or you're extremely tight. He gets all the players to practice and perform better than they knew was possible. HE is Zappa but with better continuity and is in the running for the best comedian you've never heard! Ever!

The Band Line-up:

Bobby is our front man and shares the microphone duties to play some guitar and dance. Brian plays bass and harmonica, Gregg plays keyboards, French horn, and is learning Haarp. Chad does acoustic guitar mixed with digital samples, iON plays drums (a big kit), I like drums too, but like Zappa can't keep the foot on the beat (bass pedal) so I play percussion and guitar. We all have microphones, of course, Virginia's volume is getting a bit low but she has belted out some classics, Deb is backing vocals and solos using woodwind, Margarita plays flamenco guitar, Carolyn secretly conducts while playing the important bass root notes and there is a turntable and some vinyl to mix and scratch - hmm - in the corner.

Even though we are probably the best bar band on Earth, people forget their instruments occasionally, and start beating on their chest.

WE dont care about time, our Audience, and at the end of the day - keep the beat and don't get upset, just play on the 1 ala Prince or James Brown if you don't know the song.

SO I don't foresee major labels signing us, all this new/old material and no care for a pop song. Instead of "ahead of its time", it is shall and will be after time, where we have eternal fans and blowing winds.]]

Bob Neveritt

Author:  Chad [ February 5th, 2011, 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Progress Report for Revelations ReWrite Symposium

rhyee wrote:
"booked" typed:

[[Feb.2 session was fun, good format!

I like to discuss the Rev. interactions as a band of musicians; improvising, playing from a chart, soloists, rhythm sections, time and key changes, pitch/tone resonance and dissonance, tight pockets of silence and flowing melodic narratives. All frequencies interacting, trough and peaks towards rabbit holes, revaluations or new songs. Too many bad notes and Bob will make you play until you get it pitch perfect, he also doesn't like too many beats over a measure unless he is beating or you're extremely tight. He gets all the players to practice and perform better than they knew was possible. HE is Zappa but with better continuity and is in the running for the best comedian you've never heard! Ever!

The Band Line-up:

Bobby is our front man and shares the microphone duties to play some guitar and dance. Brian plays bass and harmonica, Gregg plays keyboards, French horn, and is learning Haarp. Chad does acoustic guitar mixed with digital samples, iON plays drums (a big kit), I like drums too, but like Zappa can't keep the foot on the beat (bass pedal) so I play percussion and guitar. We all have microphones, of course, Virginia's volume is getting a bit low but she has belted out some classics, Deb is backing vocals and solos using woodwind, Margarita plays flamenco guitar, Carolyn secretly conducts while playing the important bass root notes and there is a turntable and some vinyl to mix and scratch - hmm - in the corner.

Even though we are probably the best bar band on Earth, people forget their instruments occasionally, and start beating on their chest.

WE dont care about time, our Audience, and at the end of the day - keep the beat and don't get upset, just play on the 1 ala Prince or James Brown if you don't know the song.

SO I don't foresee major labels signing us, all this new/old material and no care for a pop song. Instead of "ahead of its time", it is shall and will be after time, where we have eternal fans and blowing winds.]]

Bob Neveritt


To be specific, I run a 12-string electric acoustic guitar through a digital signal processor into a MB Triple Rectifier amp. Rectificayshum.


Author:  sistercecelia [ February 8th, 2011, 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Progress Report for Revelations ReWrite Symposium

Has Revelation's 'Pale Rider' Shown up in Egypt?

I just started purchasing the Revelations series. Hope to join the group one day soon. Found these vids interesting.
@ 1:19


Author:  Legend [ February 8th, 2011, 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Progress Report for Revelations ReWrite Symposium

I just started on Revelations too Sister C - those videos are freakin awesome - lets ask iON tomorrow what his take is

Author:  sistercecelia [ February 8th, 2011, 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Progress Report for Revelations ReWrite Symposium

Legend wrote:
I just started on Revelations too Sister C - those videos are freakin awesome - lets ask iON tomorrow what his take is

Yes, very cool vids Legend. Did you notice the orbs as he road off? They are in the middle of the pictures and I think there are three...the other 3 horsemen maybe?

I am at work when cash flow airs on Wednesdays so no holding on the phone for long...maybe you can call in and ask the questions or maybe Bob will do it for us.

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