Dupes of Non-Physical

Call in tonight as we begin our Monday night seminars...
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Author:  rhyee [ February 28th, 2011, 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Call in tonight as we begin our Monday night seminars...

... in the tradition of Marshall McLuhan's Coach House.

Either number

(605) 475-4000 or +1 760 569 7070

will do until we decide at the beginning (7:30pm EST) which number will stay for the night.

Whether the call (or Skype) is "free" depends on the plan for your particular phone.

The phone-in will go for 2 hours.

Any topics are permitted to be tabled.


The first conference date is: Feb. 28, 2011, 7pm EST.

Anyone in the Unites States can participate for FREE by dialing in the following numbers:

Free Conference Call #1:

Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000
Participant Access Code: 512961#

Anyone outside of the Unites States can participate (Skype accounts included) for FREE by dialing in the following numbers:

Free Conference Call #2:

Conference Dial-In number: +1 760 569 7070
Participant Access Code: 929710#

International Conference Call Numbers

Austria: +43 (0) 1 265 0590
Canada: +1 559 546 1500
Czech: +420 225 989 130
Germany: +49 (0) 234 543 9800
Portugal: +351 21005 1185
Romania: +40 317 807 100
Switzerland: +41 (0) 44 595 9020
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 784 843 2910
United States +1 760 569 7070

Bob Dobbs

Author:  light is my muse [ March 1st, 2011, 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call in tonight as we begin our Monday night seminars...

Oh, I missed it! Just saw the message today. It's in the middle of the night in Europe, but I'm gonna see if I can make it happen next time.

How was it?!

Author:  rhyee [ March 1st, 2011, 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call in tonight as we begin our Monday night seminars...

light is my muse wrote:
Oh, I missed it! Just saw the message today. It's in the middle of the night in Europe, but I'm gonna see if I can make it happen next time.

How was it?!

BOB: Inventory here:


Audio in a few days.

Bob Neveritt

Author:  rhyee [ March 8th, 2011, 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call in tonight as we begin our Monday night seminars...

rhyee wrote:
light is my muse wrote:
Oh, I missed it! Just saw the message today. It's in the middle of the night in Europe, but I'm gonna see if I can make it happen next time.

How was it?!

BOB: Inventory here:


Audio in a few days.

Bob Neveritt


MoM 2/28/11:

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/ca ... aui-01.mp3

MoM 3/7/11:

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/ca ... ui-02a.mp3

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/ca ... ui-02b.mp3

Bob Dobbs

Author:  rhyee [ March 11th, 2011, 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call in tonight as we begin our Monday night seminars...

rhyee wrote:

BOB: BuzzCoastin processes MoM's Monday Night Seminars immediately (20 vidz and still counting):


Bob Dobbs

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