Dupes of Non-Physical

Buzz Coastin's latest Dobbstown vidz
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Author:  rhyee [ March 4th, 2011, 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Buzz Coastin's latest Dobbstown vidz




Bob Dobbs

Author:  rhyee [ March 11th, 2011, 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buzz Coastin's latest Dobbstown vidz

rhyee wrote:

Word in from Buzz:

[Begin forwarded message:
From: Budd Poston
Date: March 11, 2011 4:56:54 AM HST
To: Bob Dobbs <pur...@fivebodied.com>
Subject: more vidz, gerd enters stage left

eye finally made it to the end of the george & gerd section
the vidz are getting a surprisingly high number if hits
most of MoM 1 has over 200 views per vid
and MoM 2 is approaching those numbers too
pretty high number of views for this kinda stuff
here a couple more:

McLuhan On Maui 2i
McLuhan On Maui 2j


Bob Dobbs

Author:  rhyee [ March 12th, 2011, 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Buzz Coastin's latest Dobbstown vidz

rhyee wrote:
Word in from Buzz:

[Begin forwarded message:
From: Budd Poston
Date: March 11, 2011 4:56:54 AM HST
To: Bob Dobbs <pur...@fivebodied.com>
Subject: more vidz, gerd enters stage left

eye finally made it to the end of the george & gerd section
the vidz are getting a surprisingly high number if hits
most of MoM 1 has over 200 views per vid
and MoM 2 is approaching those numbers too
pretty high number of views for this kinda stuff
here a couple more:

McLuhan On Maui 2i
McLuhan On Maui 2j


Bob Dobbs

BOB: More Word from Buzz:

[the response to these videos is kinda surprising
these two already have 20 views and they have only been up a few minutes

McLuhan On Maui 2k
McLuhan On Maui 2l

eye was gonna post two vidz a day
butt the views keep increasing
so eye am putting them up as fast as eye can make them
have all the audio edited, now have to turn that audio into vidz]

Bob Dobbs

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