Ah yes fellow dupes
how interesting when I asked (on crash flow last week)
what iON would look like to us
if he/she/it were to don the guise of the physical
and he said 'YOUR DOG!"
(notice D O G ...G O D spelled backwards!)
now maybe "dog" means "cat" to some people or maybe salamander 0r iguanna to others (?)
I figured he (iON ) could slip into any form he desired
In Monroe's "Ultimate Journey" (I think it was) he spoke of visiting worlds (sans physical)
and being able to "drop in" for a test drive of ANY physical form that tickled his fancy...
interestingly enough I recall Drunvalo (MelchiZidec) talkinG about an exercise in the Blue School
where the male and female would switch bodies during ..ummm "relations"
and what a trippy experience THAT is....
experiencing what it's like for "the other"
Margarita i think you should try that with your cat and report back to us here
you might find it more phun catting around as a furry feline than it is being a 2 legged dupETTE
trying to talk to angels