Dupes of Non-Physical

the BOB show #7 - BEST episode so far
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Author:  frater222 [ April 25th, 2011, 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  the BOB show #7 - BEST episode so far

the BOB show
- episode 7-


the BOB show:
download it on itunes:
http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the- ... d413152391

download it directly:

bob dobbs


youngblood holden (youngbloodholden@gmail.com)
-facebook.com: Fan page of Alex and Youngblood Holden-

know one

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Author:  Bart [ April 26th, 2011, 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: the BOB show #7 - BEST episode so far

I’m listening to this now. Halfway through. I’ve been laughing out loud.

Excellent show!

If I can comment a little on it (spoilers). Bob asking Youngblood to explain
the jokes is hilarious. Bob doesn’t get them. haha

Youngblood will tell a joke, and then resign himself to just fading into
the background and listening to Bob go off on a tangent for about 20
minutes about the subject matter of the joke (which actually becomes
quite enlightening in unexpected ways).

Youngblood’s jokes are funny. And he does a great job articulating
what he’s doing.

But the segments of Bob going off just bring the show to a whole new
level. I'm sort of marveling at it...

And Bob tells a joke about his own mom. Didn’t even need a punch line.
I was laughing at the setup.

Great stuff!


Author:  frater222 [ April 26th, 2011, 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the BOB show #7 - BEST episode so far

Hey thanks for the positive feedback Bart

I'll tell Youngblood

Author:  Bart [ April 26th, 2011, 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the BOB show #7 - BEST episode so far

frater222 wrote:
Hey thanks for the positive feedback Bart

I'll tell Youngblood

Actually, frater222, I downloaded Youngblood's stand-up when it was first
posted here.

I emailed Bob right after I listened to it to ask him to pass on to Youngblood
I thought it was funny.

Even after hearing the jokes two and three times I was still laughing at them.

I was surprised, because he took a totally stale joke and flipped it around.

His delivery is spot on. So, yeah, pass this on. He's got a keen sense of humor
(and timing).


Author:  frater222 [ April 26th, 2011, 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the BOB show #7 - BEST episode so far

youngblood was much appreciative .... he said the positive feedback is very helpful and appreciated ...since , as he says... half the battle of getting on stage is working up the ego strenght and courage...

praise bob (and connie)

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