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 Post subject: pics from my trip to ancient ionia
PostPosted: July 24th, 2011, 2:56 am 

Joined: May 9th, 2010, 6:53 pm
Posts: 137
the following pics were taken aprox. one year ago...

i spoke about my journey to turkey, a year ago, at the following thread:

i was prodded to post this after listening to the first part of ion and bob's exegesis on revelation, see:
http://informationfarm.blogspot.com/201 ... -john.html

one reason i was prodded to do so was b/c of the fact that the book of revelation mentions smyrna....one of the spots i visited on this journey.

these pics are from my adventure and vacation to ancient ionia.

one pic was taken right before i left for ancient ionia. if you notice the pic looks similar to the cloud formation in the back of the painting at the above informationfarm url. also, i note that bob sent out similar ufo/cloud pics a little while before i left for this exploration adventure.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexholden ... hotostream
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexholden ... hotostream

i note that the last night i was in ancient ionia i listened to a mp3 of a convo. i facilitated between bob, my wife, and two of my friends on jan 1, 2011. in said convo. bob mentioned ion's thoughts on ionia. bob says s.thing about us returning to iondom...

the following are the places i explored and vacationed in:


which is ancient...

(where a church mentioned in revelation was located)

while visiting the ruins of an amphitheater at, Erythrae, (the site of one of the 12 ionian cities of asia minor in the present day town of Ildiri

me and my wife (Berra), 'performed' for the dead who once used this amphitheater. Berra spoke with one of the past sibyl's...

...who said i 'talked too much'.

the performance by (frater 222 and bera), the first in thousands of years, was well received by the dead residing there.
for evidence see:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexholden ... hotostream

*god is a black woman*
the black goddess

*the sibyl utters a gush of...*
"Vacant the scholar's brain / under his great hat, drug as she may the Sibyl utters / a gush of table-chat." -under sirius, 1949, W.H. Auden

*what is a Sibyl?*

"The Erythraean Sibyl was sited at Erythrae, a town in Ionia opposite Chios.
Apollodorus of Erythrae affirms the Erythraean Sibyl to have been his own countrywoman and to have predicted the Trojan War and prophesised to the Greeks who were moving against Ilium both that Troy would be destroyed and that Homer would write falsehoods.
The word acrostic was first applied to the prophecies of the Erythraean Sibyl, which were written on leaves and arranged so that the initial letters of the leaves always formed a word."

art that i started when i got back from this trip. i also note that i saw a ufo the day after i got back.

*two out of place people*
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexholden ... hotostream
ion speaks of these out of place individuals on a cash flow sometime after frater 222 (alex holden) came back from this trip...(late summer most probably)

*pic of ion*
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexholden ... hotostream
at least this is what i have been claiming since i got back...

*did i slip into another world on the plane?*
ion spoke to me about this event on a cash flow sometime after i got back

 Post subject: Re: pics from my trip to ancient ionia
PostPosted: July 24th, 2011, 3:07 am 

Joined: May 9th, 2010, 6:53 pm
Posts: 137
::notes c'tnd::
*the new old fashioned way of performing*
-our performance and the sibyl's ancient performances remind me of the new 'old time' performing that will come to the fore in the post 2012 landscape.
-see ion and bob's revelation tape, part 2
-see masked and anoyn. starring bob dylan "i gotta get back to the stage"
-see we dont need no stinking mic
-see jesus was a stand up comic

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