Dupes of Non-Physical

We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on June 22
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Author:  rhyee [ July 2nd, 2011, 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on June 22

... and the skies agree (with "fireworks") just a few hours before our broadcast:

http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/science ... 58496.html

Bob Neveritt

Author:  Bart [ July 2nd, 2011, 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

rhyee wrote:
... and the skies agree (with "fireworks") just a few hours before our broadcast:

http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/science ... 58496.html

Bob Neveritt

I saw that story, as well.

It's interesting, and it may just be me, but last week,
the week of your announcement, was a high tension
week for me, and those in my area.

I saw an increased agitation among other drivers
and people I encountered, most of whom seemed very
short-tempered. More than normal.

When I think of the shifting that occurs on the drops,
I couldn't help but wonder if a similar broader shifting
would occur at the introduction of such an "other-worldly"

I wonder if your speaking those words - the "announcement"
- forced some Outer Kingdom shifting...

I certainly have every reason to believe the phenomenon
in the video you shared was related.

Regarding cold fusion and the RnA Drops, I see us more
appreciating the profundity of the release of these technologies
further down the road (in hindsight).

Not that we don't see it now, but I liken it to striking a match.

You find you're able to create a small flame. You can burn
yourself, and certain materials. A little later, you learn you can
create weapons with it, cook food, warm your house, light dark
places, and so on...

Just these two items alone are game-changers.

When we look back, we might laugh at both the simplicity
and ease with which these technologies came into being
(relatively speaking), but also at our bold naivete at dabbling
in these things without really knowing what they were, or their
full capabilities.

Part of the reason they may have been allowed to come to
be is that the full scope of their effects / affects can't yet
be determined, forecast, or measured.

It's clear not many, apparently, take Bob or the iON situation

Maybe by the time anyone opposed to these inventions and
revelations catches on it will be too late. haha

Author:  rhyee [ July 2nd, 2011, 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

Bart wrote:
rhyee wrote:
... and the skies agree (with "fireworks") just a few hours before our broadcast:

http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/science ... 58496.html

Bob Neveritt

I saw that story, as well.

It's interesting, and it may just be me, but last week,
the week of your announcement, was a high tension
week for me, and those in my area.

I saw an increased agitation among other drivers
and people I encountered, most of whom seemed very
short-tempered. More than normal.

When I think of the shifting that occurs on the drops,
I couldn't help but wonder if a similar broader shifting
would occur at the introduction of such an "other-worldly"

I wonder if your speaking those words - the "announcement"
- forced some Outer Kingdom shifting...

I certainly have every reason to believe the phenomenon
in the video you shared was related.

Regarding cold fusion and the RnA Drops, I see us more
appreciating the profundity of the release of these technologies
further down the road (in hindsight).

Not that we don't see it now, but I liken it to striking a match.

You find you're able to create a small flame. You can burn
yourself, and certain materials. A little later, you learn you can
create weapons with it, cook food, warm your house, light dark
places, and so on...

Just these two items alone are game-changers.

When we look back, we might laugh at both the simplicity
and ease with which these technologies came into being
(relatively speaking), but also at our bold naivete at dabbling
in these things without really knowing what they were, or their
full capabilities.

Part of the reason they may have been allowed to come to
be is that the full scope of their effects / affects can't yet
be determined, forecast, or measured.

It's clear not many, apparently, take Bob or the iON situation

Maybe by the time anyone opposed to these inventions and
revelations catches on it will be too late. haha

BOB: I think you're on to something, big boy.

Bob Neveritt

Author:  iON [ July 4th, 2011, 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

Well there you go! :lol:


It's ON!

Author:  Legend [ July 5th, 2011, 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

So Bob your telling me that was the Angels displaying joy at your announcement of Cold Fusion ? (free energy to all) - is it an individual device ? portable ? easy to use by all ? Let me see it, touch it, feel it, play with it- come on Bob we are waiting :mrgreen:

Author:  rhyee [ July 5th, 2011, 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

Legend wrote:
So Bob your telling me that was the Angels displaying joy at your announcement of Cold Fusion ? (free energy to all) - is it an individual device ? portable ? easy to use by all ? Let me see it, touch it, feel it, play with it- come on Bob we are waiting :mrgreen:

BOB: The device will find your hands.

Bob Neveritt

Author:  Bart [ July 5th, 2011, 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

iON wrote:
Well there you go! :lol:


It's ON!

I've been traveling here in this life, with it's heartaches troubles and strife;
Sometimes Satan tries to tell me to turn aside.
I say, "Satan, get thee behind, no returning in me you'll find,
I'm too near my heavenly home where I'll abide".

I'm too near home with my Lord, Too near sweet heaven's reward,
I am not returning to sin, I've made my vow.
There's nothing to go back to, oh Praise God, heaven's in view.
I'm too near my heavenly home, I'll not turn back now.

There is joy in going this way, it gets sweeter everyday.
My dear Lord is leading the way to realms above.
He'll be with me until the end; Be my Savior, Guide and my Friend;
I'll arrive in heaven my home of perfect love.

Author:  martha [ July 6th, 2011, 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

I hope we hear more of this on Payroll tomorrow!!!!!!

Author:  Bart [ July 6th, 2011, 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun

martha wrote:
I hope we hear more of this on Payroll tomorrow!!!!!!


Author:  Lofti [ July 7th, 2011, 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We announce completion of our Cold Fusion Project on Jun


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