Alison33 wrote:
Yes, Bart...
Loving the 8 bodies "splained" in Geneseeeee!
Really cool and feels very perfect to arrive "now'

iON's whole hijacking of Bob's Five Bodied site recently was, at least for
many of us, a foreshadowing of what iON already knew was in the works -
Genesis revealed.
Not sure if Bob knew they were doing Genesis at that point, but clearly
this was iON's forecast. If no one had mentioned it to iON, it's pretty cool
(but not a surprise) that iON saw it coming and made statements to that
The schedule is always perfect. Of course, iON can't be late when there is no
We might want to have him clock in, anyway...I hear he's been taking long

We started with The Book of Revelation (what we originally saw as the final
chapter) and conclude (at least for the moment) with Genesis (what we
originally saw as the beginning). The, sort of, Alpha and Omega flip / reversal
there is a nice illustration of no time.
My favorite part of the bible is the coronation. That and what follows - the
fun of "knewing" we are rewriting it.
We're not creating a new text, or adding to it, but creating and expanding
our own kingdom / God-being-ness.
The bible seems to be a snapshot for this period of our existence; a snapshot
that only extends to our immediate future, and which only makes limited reference
to life after the conditions outlined within are met / fulfilled.
Basically, that we live...

We are now departing from that story in our own creations, and beginning, in
a manner of speaking, anew.
I'm excited for the wonders that lie ahead. I / we may have a tendency to get
ahead of ourselves, as this is an unfolding (natural) process, but that eagerness
can also be seen as a stimulus for creation.
iON, please feel free to correct me on any point above.
Bob has said that Finnegans Wake is the only printed work that can apply from
here on out.
It can be used as a reference point for any condition, above and beyond the bible,
or any related work (An aside: iON playfully applies Finnegans Wake to a passage
in this audio exegesis that will bring a big smile to your face).
That is, if you require such a work as a reference point.
iON and Bob have both stated that even though Joyce may not have fully grasped
what he was undertaking, the words themselves knew and became the perfect, and
final reference of its kind.
Back to the bible. There are still biblical, planetary "events" that have yet to come
to pass, and the exegeses Bob, Carolyn, J.W. and iON continue to provide offer
a fascinating background / backstory (not to mention forecast) to these events (as
well as our own personal experiences).
I eagerly await the next installment in the Genesis series. I know Bob has expressed
a curiosity about Abraham (and his son, Isaac), which I'm also curious about. And
I'm equally curious about the naked, drunken, Noah.
So let the party begin!