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comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? https://dupesofnonphysical.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=700 |
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Author: | frater222 [ July 9th, 2011, 9:49 am ] |
Post subject: | comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread725477/pg1 also google comet elenin 2011 for more info. what say yall? is doom around the corner? sometimes it appears ion says doom is on the way (bob has said that ion says many will die) and sometimes ion appears to say everything will be just fine... (grinning) what say u ion? is doom around the corner? thanks...ill hang up and listen to your responses... sincerely, frater 222 (alex holden) brother of the very funny youngblood holden |
Author: | frater222 [ July 10th, 2011, 5:16 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
frater222 wrote: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread725477/pg1 also google comet elenin 2011 for more info. what say yall? is doom around the corner? sometimes it appears ion says doom is on the way (bob has said that ion says many will die) and sometimes ion appears to say everything will be just fine... (grinning) what say u ion? is doom around the corner? thanks...ill hang up and listen to your responses... sincerely, frater 222 (alex holden) brother of the very funny youngblood holden ![]() this issue is addressed in the latest cash flow in the 2nd hour http://www.achieveradio.com/archplayer. ... h_Flow.mp3 it starts at 32:08 and ends at : 38:05 at 35:30 bob says...::: "u see that carylon it osculates between concern and practical application and being indifferent.... this fits in with exactly what ive been thinking is the 'right' way to deal with 'the shift'/elenin/2012/ earth changes/ 'the great rift' coming up soon. leave it to bob and ion and connie to sum up the 'right way' to deal with 'the end'... at 36:11 bob says that last week ion said the elenin comet was not up to the human creator, that it was predetermined. at 36:19 bob says: its (new madrid earthquakes, etc) coming ry-ion.... get your insurance and ignore it.....get your insurance today.....ignore what we are talking about...just engage us...i dont know, carylon, can you resolve this paradox that ion brings up.... [connie goes on to say her approach is to just ignore it....and not get 'insurance', the holden bros disagree, but whatev] after much research and contemplation, this sums up what i think and feel is the best way to deal with the upcoming earth changes/ shift/ 'the great rift'....ie: to prepare for it and ignore it. ...the cliched notion of hoping for the best...preparing for the worst. for example, tonight i organized my survival supplies and made copies of my band's first album: sitting in a box with your friends and making weird noises and helped my brother put out the 9th BOB show podcast.... |
Author: | Bart [ July 10th, 2011, 6:46 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
frater222 wrote: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread725477/pg1 also google comet elenin 2011 for more info. what say yall? is doom around the corner? sometimes it appears ion says doom is on the way (bob has said that ion says many will die) and sometimes ion appears to say everything will be just fine... (grinning) what say u ion? is doom around the corner? thanks...ill hang up and listen to your responses... sincerely, frater 222 (alex holden) brother of the very funny youngblood holden frater, many will die. iON's number was between 1 to 1.5 million to 2 to 2.5 billion. iON wasn't specific, because he said he could have given us a number and if we didn't hit that number he would be less than, or a charlatan, or something to that effect (can't remember where he said this...Perhaps a Cash Flow). iON said it would be like a Haiti event, where an unprecedented number of folks would just check out. It hasn't been said (as far as I know) whether or not Elenin is related, or if it is the cause of this mass exodus. Elenin could easily be to blame, but we'll have to wait and see. The catch here is, the "sky can fall, but it doesn't have to fall on you / me." Sometime in the last few months, iON shared something about a storm, or heavy rainfall Bob experienced in Hawaii. What Bob saw as, perhaps, a heavy rain, was actually a tsunami that wiped out Hawaii in a parallel world. iON said Bob and Carolyn were safe from that experience, but that it did happen. Reflecting on iON's statement, Bob said that people were moving off of the island. Residents were leaving Bob's area / environment. The way Bob interpreted that in the context of what iON shared was that it may have been a way for Bob to process that larger event. Instead of experiencing the tsunami in all its force, and the destruction that entailed - as Bob and Carolyn wish to continue to enjoy their home there, Bob instead experienced residents simply diminishing. It was a way for him to process / experience this event in a manner of his choosing. A similar event has been mentioned on Cash Flow a couple of times, regarding Akido in Japan. In Akido's case, he was on a train (listening to Cash Flow) when, he later learned, an earthquake had struck. Typically, in such a case, the conductor, or authorities would have advised the passengers of this, and the train would stop. Not only did this not happen, but Akido had no idea anything had occurred until after he'd reached his destination. Akido learned that other trains did, in fact, stop. iON said that this was a parallel world experience. Akido slipped out during the quake, and enjoyed an uninterrupted ride to his destination. A third example of this parallel worlding is given in a thread on this page entitled, "The Original Steve vector/angle" (http://bit.ly/oTK8ZS), where iON talks about a young girl who "slipped into the future", or, in iON's terms, "slipped into a parallel world." iON says this parallel world traveling happens all day long - we do this everyday, but don't realize it, yet. This is one way things take care of themselves. The sky can fall, but it doesn't have to fall on you. frater222 wrote: this issue is addressed in the latest cash flow in the 2nd hour http://www.achieveradio.com/archplayer. ... h_Flow.mp3 it starts at 32:08 and ends at : 38:05 at 35:30 bob says...::: "u see that carylon it osculates between concern and practical application and being indifferent.... this fits in with exactly what ive been thinking is the 'right' way to deal with 'the shift'/elenin/2012/ earth changes/ 'the great rift' coming up soon. leave it to bob and ion and connie to sum up the 'right way' to deal with 'the end'... at 36:11 bob says that last week ion said the elenin comet was not up to the human creator, that it was predetermined. at 36:19 bob says: its (new madrid earthquakes, etc) coming ry-ion.... get your insurance and ignore it.....get your insurance today.....ignore what we are talking about...just engage us...i dont know, carylon, can you resolve this paradox that ion brings up.... [connie goes on to say her approach is to just ignore it....and not get 'insurance', the holden bros disagree, but whatev] after much research and contemplation, this sums up what i think and feel is the best way to deal with the upcoming earth changes/ shift/ 'the great rift'....ie: to prepare for it and ignore it. ...the cliched notion of hoping for the best...preparing for the worst. for example, tonight i organized my survival supplies and made copies of my band's first album: sitting in a box with your friends and making weird noises and helped my brother put out the 9th BOB show podcast.... Doom may always be around the corner, but it invariably seems to get lost on its way to my house. Get into your power and the rest will sort itself out. In practical terms, this means to go easy with everything, because it will all work itself out. The only challenge in preparation is you aren't able to prepare for every eventuality. This is where our power as creators, non-physical, and the angels, etc., come into play. The folks on this (the iON) train have already stepped onto a path where things will be "sorted out". If anyone will have smooth sailing through this period, it's us - this group. Part of what has come out of my own engagement with the iON situation is that the solutions arise at the same time a problem presents itself, so there is no problem. In the final analysis, it isn't important to even consider these things (i.e., problems and solutions). Everything takes care of itself. Bob's said on Cash Flow that seeking some sort of "solution" is predicated on the fact that you have a problem, when in reality there is no problem. When we get out of our own way, the whole thing runs a lot smoother. If you would like to pray, I suggests iON's, "Creator's Prayer" (also from Matthew 6:9), iON wrote: My nonphysical, which is ever present in ME, hallowed be your space. MY Kingdom come, MY will be done on Earth as it already is in Heaven. Allow me this day to create my daily Bliss. Allow forgive-ness of my trespasses as this is only contrast that I purpose to help me choose the fastest path to my joy. Allow me the power to not push against, or even notice those who trespass on ME. Lead me through all temptations that separate me from my whole, complete, Ascended power of beingness. Relieve me from the false premises of evil. For mine is the power and the glory eternally. Selah iON Also in Matthew (6:19 - 34), Quote: 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! 24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? 27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Toil not. Let the world take care of itself. All things shall be provided to you. Matthew 6:8, Quote: Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. The point is, we're supposed to have fun. Let all of the big stuff sort itself out. That's not our job. We have people for that. hehe |
Author: | frater222 [ July 23rd, 2011, 1:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
good post matthew.... i hear what your saying about doom not coming to my door. recently i got a form letter form the vice prez of my power company. he said that severe weather is up 60% this year and appologized for any outages of power. we have had no outages here at my house. interesting we missed all the outages but it has increased so much. also, what about the earth changes being 'fun' and preparing for said earth changes as being 'fun'?? there doesnt seem anything fun about the current 'system'...it does seem fun that it would 'fall away.' just sayin'. in this regard i'm reminded of the following: http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexholden ... hotostream[/img] his is a graphic representation of frater 222's mission in general and how it relates to 2012 in particular. it was done by a member ("glow") of bob dobb's message board fivebodied.com sometime in late 2009 or early 2010. the artist got the images from the spirits of marshall mcluhan, frank zappa and james joyce. the process of getting this graphic was as follows...glow asked if anybody had any questions for the above named spirits. the question i asked was in regards to my 'mission' in general and in regards to 2012 in particular. the question was not given to the artist/medium. she the answered in the form of the above graphic...i then gave her the original question so we could verify the accuracy. but i also am down with the notion of envisioning a smooth transition from 2012 onwards...but can it be totally smooth...i wonder...sure it doesnt have to fall on my head, i get that...but is it a fact it will fall on some people's heads? http://www.farsight.org/demo/demo2008/RV_Demo_2008_Page1.html check out the above link. fascinating. does show that envisioning a better 'timeline' mitigates earth changes some but not completely. with ion can we mitigate them 100%? do we want to mitigate them 100%? two pay rolls ago ion said that the effects of comet elenin were 'welcomed'. |
Author: | frater222 [ July 23rd, 2011, 5:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
http://endgametime.wordpress.com/comet-elenin-let-their-be-light/ just some more info on elenin... |
Author: | Bart [ July 24th, 2011, 7:23 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
frater222 wrote: good post matthew.... i hear what your saying about doom not coming to my door. recently i got a form letter form the vice prez of my power company. he said that severe weather is up 60% this year and appologized for any outages of power. we have had no outages here at my hous. frater, you said "good post", but you seem, perhaps, to have missed the point. You also said, frater222 wrote: i hear what your saying about doom not coming to my door. recently i got a form letter form the vice prez of my power company. he said that severe weather is up 60% this year and appologized for any outages of power. we have had no outages here at my hous. frater, what you said above is all you need to say. That's it. Do you get what you said there? Think about it. That is the primary principle working here. Shit happens. It does not have to happen to you. All you have to do is get that point and stop right there. That is the magic you're working with from here on out. Stop tangling it all up with the 2012 crap, the Elenin crap, etc. It's all the same. There's no difference between getting wrapped up in that or Solar flares, EMPs, Martial Law, etc. It's important to release all of those old thinking habits. As iON says, "never mind". Get out of your own way. This is no joke. When one really starts to "never mind" (i.e., stop thinking / being concerned about everything; stop turning it all over in one's mind), the more one does that, the more one allows the greater part of oneself - one's Godself / non-physical - more freedom to act in one's life. Until you do that, you're not being single-minded with your creations, and the result can be a hodgepodge of experiences (contrasty and not). You've just been given the secret to everything. You have this power now. It's yours by birthright (although, you were never born and you never die). This (e.g., never-minding, speaking as creation, etc.) is what we've been given as the method to engage this power. It's as simple as that. I would gather that you'd prefer desirable experiences. This is more apt to be your experience with a change in perspective as regards your thoughts, an awareness that what you speak you create, and using that power to create / manifest what you want. It's at that point that what we call miraculous simply "is". This cannot be overstated. When you get out of your own way and simply let things be, like never before, your life will change miraculously. Nothing, absolutely nothing can touch you anymore if you don't desire it. But if you read articles and charts, watch videos and speak with people about all of that stuff, there's a good chance you'll bring the show to your front door. Considering the infinite number of parallel (Earth) worlds, there may be an Earth where folks created some sort of comet-tastrophy, where you have a nice, devastating shower of comets, but that may not be your preference; therefore, you may be sunning it up at the beach while this other Earth experiences those events - just a hair's breadth away, in a manner of speaking. You may not desire that experience, and therefore it won't be your experience. It's that simple. We are talking, literally, about stepping between parallel worlds (if you want to use an imprecise and incorrect term, between "timelines") effortlessly, and in a way that we may not be totally aware of at the moment, but which removes us from harm's way. You do this right now and aren't even aware of it. As you move forward, hindsight will show you just how effective you've been at this (as evidenced by the power outage scenario). You're creating anew from this point forward. And you have the power to remain totally out of harm's way - not only that, you have the power to enjoy the fucking ride from here on out! I can't say yet how things will play out - whether or not things will get more messy "out there" (globally), but that's not our fucking concern. It's not our job. As iON has stated, the train has left the station. We're in it now, so "shit or get off the pot - engage your power as a creator and get on with it, or end it and get out of the fucking way!" Our personal situations can be desirable (if we choose / create that), because we create everything we experience, without fail or exception. As regards the outside world, however, I think Bob has said (and iON concurs) it will be like watching a movie. This is how far removed we are, and will be from these things. I get that it seems too facile and, possibly, difficult to apply that perspective given our previous (misguided) notions about how things work, but the point is to be taken literally and seriously. And worrying about all of that is not our job. I get the gravity of everything that is happening. The whole world's turned upside down. Our world will not - if we so decide (with our words). This is precisely the moment that we step into our role with the same vigor, awareness and care with which one would approach circumstances of this magnitude, and get on with it. Bob and James (Martinez) collapsed the world's financial system(s). And Bob has dealt the death blow and completed that whole process for good by bringing forth cold fusion. In the grand scheme of things, to have the Book of Revelation "revealed", to bring forth the RnA Drops, to collapse the world's financial system(s), and to bring forth cold fusion in a matter of months - something tantamount to a flash of lightning - should give one pause, and an appreciation for what the fuck is really happening. What has already happened has changed our world forever. Our world will never be the same again. And this is just the beginning. Limitlessness, infinity and eternity / forever represent the creative palette at your disposal. In my sessions, the hardest question I've had to answer is what I want to create (as framed in this new, larger context). When the field has been opened beyond measure - as has been shown to be our creative power - what do you choose / desire to create? One's mind, which exists in the past, may read these words and consider these concepts, but offer evidence against them (e.g., I can't, that's impossible, or that shouldn't be, etc.). Until you get past these closed doors, you're only depriving yourself of engaging, deliberately - with full intent and awareness, your full capabilities. We've been limited up to this point (our own doing). Why not drop it all and engage as though all things can and will be? What's happening in the world is of no consequence; especially, as regards our engagement of our birthright - our creative power. One needs to get serious and get on the fucking stick now. As iON says, "Joy (or bliss) is the fastest path to what is", and also, "get happy!" Why choose anything less? What is the purpose of pondering the events of the world when we could be ordering up the greatest experiences we've ever had? The comets and financial collapses are playthings in relation to the power we yield as God. Loverwholoves |
Author: | frater222 [ July 24th, 2011, 1:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
Once again, great post But I'm afraid u missed my point...being that I find 2012 earth changes doom FUN. I do not find the current social structure, system (which u rightly point out bob and his team is dismantling) FUN Sure, I could change my place in it and all that ion jazz, I dig it BUT I also think the old world must crumble and new world must be formed out of those ashes. I think the world needs a good old fashioned old testament reckoning These events would be the fastest path to my joy Do u see what I'm trying to reconcile? Nothing happening in 2012 is not a future I'm wanting, I seriously want the whole shit house to go up in flames BUT I want me and mine to be safe through the shift AND Is this shellfish for people who will die in the shake up? |
Author: | Bart [ July 25th, 2011, 7:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
frater222 wrote: Once again, great post But I'm afraid u missed my point...being that I find 2012 earth changes doom FUN. I do not find the current social structure, system (which u rightly point out bob and his team is dismantling) FUN Sure, I could change my place in it and all that ion jazz, I dig it BUT I also think the old world must crumble and new world must be formed out of those ashes. I think the world needs a good old fashioned old testament reckoning These events would be the fastest path to my joy Do u see what I'm trying to reconcile? Nothing happening in 2012 is not a future I'm wanting, I seriously want the whole shit house to go up in flames BUT I want me and mine to be safe through the shift AND Is this shellfish for people who will die in the shake up? This is a query for iON. I see what you're saying. You want Outer Kingdom changes. You want stuff "out there" (on the news) to shift before your eyes. What you want is, in fact, happening. The short answer would be not to wait for 2012, or to base your enjoyment of this shift on a visual bias (the "form"), hoping our social structures - what we see on the news - are going to shift overnight. Unless you desire something visual as a validation of what is happening, in which case, again, perhaps iON can offer his insights. There is a great shifting and rocking going on, and that turmoil is manifesting in the crashes and crises we're seeing everyone on the news panic about. We also have the gulf oil leak, and meltdowns at nuclear reactors in Japan and the United States to whet your whistle. These are as tumultuous as one can expect, given the scope / magnitude of what is happening - what is being overturned here. Of course, I also get that you'd like to see a meteor hit, great earthquake, a volcano erupt, or some other more immediate destructive event, so great, observable change is wrought. I think iON would say, you ain't seen nothin' yet...But you can ask. haha As far as our social structures, we humans have a knack for carrying images forward, even when the things they represent are dead and gone. An example of this is the printed word - it's a dead medium, in all its manifestations. We resurrected it. We have this desire to carry the "form" forward. The same thing with currency. The financial systems, worldwide, have collapsed, but we're still working with a variation on the same forms of exchange. We must (for the moment). When Bob introduced cold fusion, he also introduced, as he's stated, something that will shift our focus from the basic conditions of survival (food, shelter, warmth, etc.) and at the same time completely obliterate and obviate the need for our current method of exchange. Here (below) are two short Youtube videos of Bob speaking to this: http://bit.ly/qWcAkg http://bit.ly/nD3YSt It's actually pretty interesting (as mentioned in the second video above), Bob's assessment of what happened. Bob asserts (just after the 2 min. mark in the second video) that we first attempted to prop up the virtual economy with "software" (Silicon Valley, etc.), which burst. More recently, we attempted to prop up the failing economy with "virtual hardware" (fake hardware; not real game-changing hardware like cold fusion), by providing houses to as many as possible for no reason, but that this situation flipped / burst, and now they're dismantling the houses and we have the housing market crisis. The hardware we are now going to engage is cold fusion. And this is a game-changer. It will literally aid in moving our society into what one might call a utopia. It isn't difficult to imagine this occurring, as an endless supply of energy would obviate the need for utility bills, oil crises, transportation fuel costs, etc., as well as have other far-reaching implications that we haven't contemplated yet. How many of our bills are based on energy / electricity / fuel? As an aside, at the moment, we are needlessly paying for goods and services that are already paid for, but this is a different matter. Imagine splitting your monthly bills in half, or only paying a third of your current bills. This would mean you can work less (or more, if that is your desire), and everyone becomes rich. You want to have something - somewhere to spend your new-found riches (or maybe you don't haha). The way this shift can manifest is varied, and fascinating to contemplate. We'll know soon enough. Either way, we're going to have more people with more free time on their hands - and not because they're unemployed, but because they'll consider themselves over-employed. Now they can have fun. They will live on less, and have more time for leisure. It will be even more interesting to contemplate Bob's post-cold fusion utopia that has done away with money / currency / our current form of exchange. What's interesting is that Bob and Carolyn (and whomever else is involved) would, technically, be risking their lives to bring something like this forward. We know that similarly revolutionary inventions have seen their inventors (and their inventions) buried in the past. There is, however, some form of protection and assistance occurring here that doesn't need to be too dwelt upon, but can be said to exist. This assistance is, sort of, tending to these circumstances (nursing?), so they can bud and flourish. Not sure how all of this will play out on the surface, because, again, we have a knack for carrying the form forward. It's a pretty deep conversation, because, at the moment at least, the world at large (society) still requires rulers and a medium of exchange. I do see the form of government shifting and changing as this whole process unfolds...I would like to see government cease, but we'll have to wait and see. It's all a process. We also require uninterrupted services (food, gas, etc.,) and entertainment, etc., and these things will continue, in various forms, as long as they serve a purpose. And we need currency, for better or for worse, at the moment, to acquire these things. Any sort of natural disaster can only affect / interrupt means of distribution in an isolated region(s), and only temporarily. These things can't address or affect the foundation / source of these structures / forms, but cold fusion will. We can blow countries up all day. That doesn't change a thing. We want the foundation of what we perceive to change, and this has and is taking place. The form will follow, but don't base everything on the form. What you see isn't real. Cold fusion is like injecting the drops into society - it provides the DNA of society with new software (in the form of hardware, "drops"), allowing it to completely change form. It's like trying to destroy the body / human - you can't. You can shoot people and blow them up, but you can't destroy them. The drops can change a human creator, fundamentally, and cold fusion will do the same for society (just like iON did with the five bodies). I suggest the form will remain for some time, as our basic needs are the same, and the process by which the planet will develop and distribute cold fusion is not instant. It comes down to a question of what we're looking for. We want to destroy everything, because it doesn't please us, but what is it, ultimately, that we want? What is the outcome we would like to see? It's not death and destruction. It's freedom, utopia - Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven. iON may say that we built all of this up, and it must be razed for and by those coming into their power. Perhaps, as we've been in a fallen state, we've left no other way out (the little man, that is). I would ask iON. And if you get an answer, maybe you'll share. haha As far as I see it, however, it's important not to wait another second; not to base one's engagement of one's power and joy on an as yet to occur event(s). You're only holding (Holden) yourself up. The process by which cold fusion is developed and distributed worldwide will not happen instantly. And I see it as a process that will need to unfold. Bob wasn't aided in bringing this forth to have it all dashed by the world going up in flames. That just won't happen. This means that the forms we see (our social institutions) will remain as they are for some time. If you'd like to have a small taste of the destruction, as that is about all that may be available to (allowed by) you, then you might see something like an earthquake or something to manifest that shake up to you. In a larger sense, however, I'm not sure the immediacy of the extreme changes of form will manifest as yet. That's not what I've chosen to engage, in any event. It is possible to enjoy one's own space on this Earth (one's Middle Kingdom). The Outer Kingdom, society at large, shouldn't be your concern; that is, unless you've chosen to engage and occupy yourself with that. Ultimately, however, one will see that those preoccupations can only be hindrances to engaging more fully one's life and power. Once you've engaged your own situation more fully, with this renewed sense of being, everything else becomes of little consequence. The world at large will recede into the distance, and your life will become a more complete and awesome experience. |
Author: | frater222 [ July 26th, 2011, 9:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
Hey Bart Bob has pointed out that cold fusion retrieves friction on the social level... Too much available energy Would collapse the system as we know it... Mad max style Perhaps a "broken down" post earth change society is the type that could handle cold fusion ... Perhaps it will "reboot" it |
Author: | Bart [ July 27th, 2011, 6:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: comet ELEnin/planet x, doom? |
frater222 wrote: Hey Bart Bob has pointed out that cold fusion retrieves friction on the social level... Too much available energy Would collapse the system as we know it... Mad max style Perhaps a "broken down" post earth change society is the type that could handle cold fusion ... Perhaps it will "reboot" it Oh shit - Bob's addressed the matter. I'm stepping out of the way. As Bob now apparently (with Carolyn) owns the planet (yes, I only just recently listened to that Cash Flow), and has said that they're "making some changes", perhaps your utopian collapse is possible. Meet your new gas station attendant. ![]() And the new mobile filling station. ![]() I did listen to the Cash Flow where you called in, frater. iON's response to your query was somewhat cryptic. iON said something to the effect that, in our current system, there must be those who work to support those who don't work. It is not possible for wealth to increase when it is divided (or something to this effect). To me, this was an allusion to the fact that the current system cannot hold in this new environment. I guess the question here is, With what degree of rapidity would this collapse occur? We are still dealing with processes. What is the point at which (and how will) this breakdown not only begins / occurs, but when will the layperson observe these effects to the degree you, frater, have requested or desire? I have trouble imagining walking out of my home, for example, tomorrow, to people running wild in the streets. However, I do see this introduction completely changing society as we know it. I more see the effects of this introduction as a process of unfolding (perhaps an orderly collapse? hahaha Like a controlled demolition?). What we're doing is speculating about something that we have no point of reference for. I freely admit that I'm projecting into the unknown, and what we're in now is unprecedented. I actually wonder if we'll see parallel worlders - out in the open and making themselves known concurrent with this process of collapse. Perhaps I can put in a request to Bob to extend an open door policy to our parallel world friends. haha I think we're quibbling over the speed of the process here, but we all know what the outcome is - party on planet Earth! You just want to get the party started now, and I'm all for that. We've dealt with the pace of politics, committees, bureaucracies and the like for long enough. I get that. We want to work on our schedule now. Our way. I'm more than happy to face any future with excitement and enthusiasm. That's what I signed on for. Whatever it is, bring it! |
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