Dupes of Non-Physical

Backbone of the New American Economy after Aug.15/11
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Author:  rhyee [ July 29th, 2011, 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Backbone of the New American Economy after Aug.15/11

Ca$h Flow Archives

Days after Barack Obama was declared winner in the United States 2008 election, Paramedia Ecologist Bob Neveritt spoke with James Martinez, declaring: "The Barack Obama Image is the Mystery-Body pre-figuring of cold fusion."
--November 5, 2008 Ca$h Flow (@16:00).

" 'Using equipment stolen from the plant where he was laid-off, he mixed it with some recipes for mystical potions from an old book.' Now that's exactly how you make cold fusion: you take some old equipment and you mix it with some mystical potions from a book..."
--Bob Neveritt on Frank Zappa's "Uncle Meat" album intuiting cold fusion in 1969.
June 22, 2011, 3rd hour Ca$h Flow (@27:30)

"Are you going to tell Ruby to take the site down?", Bob asked James. "Cold fusion is a done deal. All we have to do is wait to receive it."
-- Bob Neveritt on the reality of cold fusion.
June 22, 2011, 3rd hour Ca$h Flow (@52:35)

NOTE: "Ruby" is the creator of the


site where the above "very STEALTH" cold fusion announcement from our June 22/11 radio show was posted. (Scroll down about 2 thirds on the left side to see the color)

Bob Neveritt

Author:  light is my muse [ July 29th, 2011, 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Backbone of the New American Economy after Aug.15/11

rhyee wrote:
Ca$h Flow Archives

Days after Barack Obama was declared winner in the United States 2008 election, Paramedia Ecologist Bob Neveritt spoke with James Martinez, declaring: "The Barack Obama Image is the Mystery-Body pre-figuring of cold fusion."
--November 5, 2008 Ca$h Flow (@16:00).

" 'Using equipment stolen from the plant where he was laid-off, he mixed it with some recipes for mystical potions from an old book.' Now that's exactly how you make cold fusion: you take some old equipment and you mix it with some mystical potions from a book..."
--Bob Neveritt on Frank Zappa's "Uncle Meat" album intuiting cold fusion in 1969.
June 22, 2011, 3rd hour Ca$h Flow (@27:30)

"Are you going to tell Ruby to take the site down?", Bob asked James. "Cold fusion is a done deal. All we have to do is wait to receive it."
-- Bob Neveritt on the reality of cold fusion.
June 22, 2011, 3rd hour Ca$h Flow (@52:35)

NOTE: "Ruby" is the creator of the


site where the above "very STEALTH" cold fusion announcement from our June 22/11 radio show was posted. (Scroll down about 2 thirds on the left side to see the color)

Bob Neveritt

And to that I say:


On the road with no beginning or end
I juxtapose cold fusion
With no in or out
my mind creates confusion

It is but a dance
of high frequencies
vibrating, tingling
to the one place there is

And as I am caught by surprise
my creation coming to life
you looking into my eyes
I find myself standing
in the centre of my universe

You are not what you seem
far more beautiful than I could dream
disarming my biggest lock
opening the vault to my inner god

The mirror that reflects so bright
I am startled by the sight
How overwhelming the essence can be
of my own power

Light Is My Muse :-)

Author:  Bart [ July 29th, 2011, 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Backbone of the New American Economy after Aug.15/11

rhyee wrote:
"Cold fusion is a done deal. All we have to do is wait to receive it."
-- Bob Neveritt on the reality of cold fusion.
June 22, 2011, 3rd hour Ca$h Flow (@52:35)

Bob Neveritt

This is a perfect example of creation. Insert any other word or phrase for
"cold fusion", speak it and wait to receive it.

Since you've (Bob) brought attention to a date (and only a mere two weeks
away), I may have to start "noticing" my calendar more...Maybe not...

frater's ears may have perked at that (Bob's heads up).

I'm taking iON's advice, stopping by my local Walmart, getting one of those
canvas foldy chairs and "watching the fucker burn."

I found a really good canopy chair. Keeps the sun (and the searing flames)


I'll get an extra four pack of Bud Chelada tall boys, just in case frater shows up.



Author:  iON [ November 26th, 2011, 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Backbone of the New American Economy after Aug.15/11


Cum on shake OUR hand

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