Legend wrote:
Wow - good to hear Bart I better re-up - ...
haha "Good to hear" - which part, the "pressure in my head" part, or
the "I'm extremely thirsty" part?
Legend wrote:
I thought the last batch (couple months ago) was weak compared to the first couple go arounds
The last few batches were manageable. Like I said, I was doing 120
drops for a bit, no problem. There's no telling. You just don't know
what to expect...And that's great.
There are no weak batches, though. haha If we only saw what those
little drops molecules were doing down there...working day and night...

(a little android / chip body reference here, too)
Legend wrote:
I've been dabbing the lotion on the crows feet (around the eyes) lately it's doing a good job,
I've used a bottle of Re-New. Actually, ordered another one. Was putting
a drop here and there as directed. I haven't heard anything from anyone,
but the Re-New definitely opened up my nightlife.
My dreams, every night, just went off the hook. I immediately started
having clear and exciting ufo and other world dreams. My explorations
and encounters were amazing.
To me, in a sense, the Re-New may have aided in these experiences,
but part of me thinks it just allowed me to engage these experiences
further - and remember more of them.
Who knows how many times we've gone traveling and just hadn't
Will see how the next bottle goes.
Legend wrote:
...true story I bump into the bar with my brother occassionaly for a cold one (beer) and the last three times people have mentioned they thought I was the younger one (I am 4 years older) that was funny (fucking awesome) to me, you should of seem him cringe (he has no idea I am on the drops) -also was in a restaurant/bar last Saturday night watching the USC vs Notre Dame football game and the World Series Simultaneously enjoying the evening solo and was hit on by this gal (bubbling attitude drinking coffee- so she was sober) sitting next to me - She blurts out a guess at my age of 32, I just smiled (thinking right on honey), I told my wife about this gal hitting on me and she guessing my age at 32, she (my wife) became a little nervously jealous (it was awesome, which led to some great sex that night, she doesn't know either the drops putting a little pep in my pecker and peeling back the wrinkles, great fun)...
haah That's great to hear (about your pecker). I'm joking. True, though,
the pecker seems to be a great beneficiary here (and by extension, us).
If I may say so. hahaha
It's funny. We're all taking these drops, most of us not telling anyone,
and folks are getting responses like this so soon.
I will say that I haven't seen my brother since before I started the
drops back in March(?). I just saw him yesterday and he said I looked
really happy...
I'm sure what he meant to say was that I look years younger, I
have a glow, my physique is better and my handsomeness has
increased exponentially. Probably jealousy talking.
*tossing my head back, shaking my long trestles and laughing
Maybe I'm born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline!
Legend wrote:
...eating is a new experience - I agree somedays not so hungry - others days can eat and eat, shoveling the food down - or is that just the munchies from good herb - or both !
Selecting the right herbs for the right dishes can make all the difference. hehe
Honestly, though, it's been a while for me, but anything that would detract
from the drops experience isn't of interest to me. I'm trying to get the most
out of this stuff every moment of the day.
On a side note, I've actually had a disinclination to eat.
Until these recent hunger spurts, I was indifferent to eating. At the moment,
I not only don't have a preference for food types, I'm actually experiencing
what it might be like not to need to eat.
This is an interesting development in itself. I see the drops completely
obviating the need to eat anything else.
I do see a point where the drops are all we need...And beyond that, perhaps
not even the drops, but we will see...
I want to reiterate that I've been drinking a lot of water (more than usual,
and I already drink a lot) to no avail. I just keep drinking and drinking
and drinking...
All of these more recent, intense experiences have lasted about a week.
Basically, pressure in the head, hot and cold spells (the hot spells more
confined to my head), dehydration, periods of extreme hunger, flashes
of blue light (small flashes in my direct line of site, or just to my peripheral,
which are clearly related to the pressure), and one day of just feeling
It feels like back in the beginning, when I was having these extreme, novel
experiences. These are variations on the earlier shifting, but the experience
is, again, new. It feels different.
This must be what Bruce Banner feels like as he's turning into the hulk. haha
I'll let you know, when I'm changing my tire in the rain and my lug wrench
slips...I'm such a hair trigger...

As I write this (Tuesday morning), however, it seems the sensations are diminished.
Will see how things go...