iON wrote:
Damn, you can never get it WRONG and you can never get it DONE. Ascension is an on going process of KNEWing, journey or legacy, interesting, the very idea
If at first you don't suck seed, then keep on sucking until you do suck seed!
BOB you better intervene before it goes ugly!
Or another way to express it, SCIENCE, You Fool!
iOn, Bob & Renee - what WE'VE talked about

(she devils please)
WE BE done talking to YOU as Deborah cause HE IS taking over and DEBBIE has just begun getting out of the way! SHE keeps ME Soft & Tender but SHE knows HER place. BELIEVE HER as WE PLAY TOGETHER for SHE is KNEWing as THEIR clocks keep Tic Tocing (oh really guys, you didn't get the hints about the SHE Devils!! MOVE IT!) hehehe see, it's US, more and more and WE BE at the top of THIS WORLD baby...because WE CREATED IT!! WE keep HIM grounded but WE IS letting HIM compose in the RIGHT HERE AND NOW! she devil. (We tried to play last night but...she devil shrugging her shoulders
iON - Purr fect
Bob - legend is off the site, we're going to start talking more about the ascension process here and after a year and a half of posting nothing but's what's wrong with THE WORLD today, WE'LL hold on that there's hope but until he can quit being obnoxious and discusting on this site, he's out for awhile and that goes for EVERYONE, no more vulgarity or porn here, it really bothers the lady in US, be GENTLE MEN please. You're welcome, Deborah. man has missed it but WE can GUARANTEE YOU...A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH! they ain't seen nothing yet song she devil with a wink...WE IS the rights on that by the way.
sister - WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE - how about she devils high fiving here, wink - KNOW that WE weren't chastising today, go back to our conversations this year, talk later.
just little ol' US she devil with a heart