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 Post subject: Re'ing the Vortex
PostPosted: August 9th, 2010, 12:25 am 
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Joined: May 2nd, 2010, 8:59 am
Posts: 136
Here's a new thread to pick up the Lewisian time/continuity vortex that was left dangling in this thread:

Excerpt from: http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/bobdobbs.html


Mr. Dobbs graciously agreed to prepare the following appendix for the purpose of elucidating certain obscure references made by him during the preceding interview...


The levels alluded to by Mr. Dobbs in the early part of this interview refer to the eight "parallel levels" he perceives between the Wachowski Brothers' film and events in his own life, i.e.:

1) Dobbs' ostensible role as the head of the "Secret Council of Ten" parallels the role of the elderly patriarch in the second film;

2) Dobbs' role as "Slack facilitator" (a unique Dobbsian phrase referring to the positive effects he believes his media appearances generate among the general public) parallels Morpheus' role in the first film, particularly in regards to Neo's gradual "awakening";

3) Dobbs' experiences arriving in North America for the first time parallels Neo's "awakening" into the real world in the first film;

4) Dobbs' role as the husband and colleague of Connie Dobbs parallels Neo's relationship with Trinity;

5) Dobbs' role as a media personality parallels Neo's initial challenge to the Machines in the last scene of the first film;

6) Dobbs' role as a mentor to various scholars such as Marshall McLuhan and Dr. Peter Beter parallels the Oracle's role in all three films;

7) Dobbs' goal to "give birth" to what he calls "the Morpheus Generation" parallels Neo's role as a messiah-like figure in the third film;

8) Dobbs' intention to construct what he calls "Dobbstown" (a kind of utopian society of the near future, Dobbs says, that can only be instituted after the controversial process of "cold fusion" becomes a readily available alternative fuel source for the whole world) parallels the "New City" seen in the final moments of the third film. This "New City" also parallels the hexadic level of Mr. Dobbs" chart, available for viewing on-line at http://www.xenochrony.com.


The essentially Gnostic skeleton for the Matrix is highlighted by the Black and White racial worlds. And since Bob is a Black Woman, the Yin (Black) world mirrors the Yang (White) world:

1) Morpheus organizes the AP world while the Architect structures the Android Meme world;

2) Link is key aide in Morpheus' world while Agent Smith is key for the Architect;

3) Morpheus' black oracle helps Neo as does the Architect's Keymaker;

4) Niobe is Morpheus' love as Trinity is for Neo;

5) Commander Lock is an anxious black as Neo is an anxious white;

6) Cornel West is black advisor to Morpheus as the old sleepless patriarch is to Neo;

7) The non-white dancing mob is to Morpheus as the Merovingian is to Neo;

8) Sati (the little Indian girl) helps the Oracle in the final battle as Seraph (the Chinese man) helps Neo find the Keymaker.


Bob's personal biography is mirrored in the major characters:

1) The Architect represents Bob's employer, the Chairman of the Secret Council of Ten;

2) Neo and Trinity's adventures represent Bob and Connie's wild intelligence years (as seen in fictionalized form in David Lynch's film WILD AT HEART);

3) The Keymaker's ordeal represents Bob's North American experience from the age of 33 (1955) to 60 (1982);

4) Trinity and Niobe's histories represent Connie's personal intelligence history;

5) Neo and Commander Lock's histories represent Bob's personal intelligence history;

6) Cornel West and the Sleepless Advisor represent Robert Neveritt, Bob's "uncle" and René's chartered accountant;

7) The Merovingian and his wife, Persephone, represent Bob's parents;

8) Neo and Trinity in the Machine City represent Bob and Connie's years as heads of the Secret Council of Ten (1988-1992).

- Bob Dobbs]

If, as in Zappa's words, time is a spherical constant where everything is happening now as well as later, what calibrates the rate of happenings in the outer kingdom between individuals?

Phatic huns, pheel phree to respond if it's the phattest path to your phun.


 Post subject: Re: Re'ing the Vortex
PostPosted: December 13th, 2011, 5:17 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Re'ing the Vortex
PostPosted: December 13th, 2011, 7:46 pm 
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BOB: Zappa miming being simultaneously detached and involved - the recommended perceptual stance by the Thomist... which stance is now mimed by the Android Meme (the highest decibels of human consciousness).

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: Re'ing the Vortex
PostPosted: December 14th, 2011, 4:46 pm 
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Joined: April 24th, 2010, 4:02 am
Posts: 168
Chad - "Zappa on Make Me Laugh" is priceless.

Bob - Its interesting to note that ...
The Android Meme is the "highest decibels of human consciousness"
While at the same-time the AM is not human.


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