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Preparatory to enjoying iON's Book of Revelation series https://dupesofnonphysical.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=859 |
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Author: | rhyee [ December 13th, 2011, 12:40 am ] |
Post subject: | Preparatory to enjoying iON's Book of Revelation series |
In the first episode (4/19/11) of iON's solo productions titled "MOI", iON features 104 minutes of talk by Marshall McLuhan (from 24:45 to 2:09:05), then translates "MOI" as "Marshall on iON": http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/ca ... 9--MOi.mp3 Beginning at approximately 42:14 of the recording (a little before the section quoted below): 1. McLuhan/iON said during a talk to the American Booksellers Association convention in Washington, D.C., June, 1969: "... Anything that undermines the phonetic alphabet and its dominance and its power of releasing the eye as the dominant organ, ends civilization. There are lots of things better than civilization but if you like civilization, that's the end of it. 'Civilization' is a technical term based upon the dominance of the eye over the other senses. We live in an electric age which is non-visual and non-visualizable, and the chemical bond as taught to us by Linus Pauling, Heisenberg, and others is interval, resonance. The quantum mechanics boys have been telling us for 50 years that the bond of being - the thing that holds the world together - is sound, resonance. There are no connections in matter - nothing that can be called a 'connection' - only resonance... Our DNA boys and our NASA boys still try to visualize space - meaning they have no relation whatever to the science they talk about...." Continuing at 47:05: 1. Illustrating iON's maxim, "Every death is a suicide" - a violent quest for identity ("who am I?") 2. Why iON picked Canadians to promote iON Continuing at 49:50 of the recording: 1. Predicted spiritual feminism and the World of the Witch, book of the future ("New Age" literature) 2. Predicted the rise of the Japanese in electronics manufacture 3. Jazz in the 1920s was the new Tower of Babel (unified all the cultures of the world) - via a universal language of gesture, not of words. 4. Predicted the U.S.A. as the Beast, the misfit, in the Global Theater Bob Neveritt |
Author: | Bart [ December 13th, 2011, 8:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Preparatory to enjoying iON's Book of Revelation series |
rhyee wrote: In the first episode (4/19/11) of iON's solo productions titled "MOI", iON features 104 minutes of talk by Marshall McLuhan (from 24:45 to 2:09:05), then translates "MOI" as "Marshall on iON": ... 3. Jazz in the 1920s was the new Tower of Babel (unified all the cultures of the world) - via a universal language of gesture, not of words. ... Bob Neveritt Bob, McLuhan speaks of Jazz in the first minute of this unofficial trailer for Picnic in Space. iON seems to contradict McLuhan here, but I also see this as perspective... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSKKZGlerEw |
Author: | rhyee [ December 13th, 2011, 7:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Preparatory to enjoying iON's Book of Revelation series |
Indralady wrote: I use this site to view the pictures as I am doing the revelations series This picture goes along with their last chapter when we reach the garden of Eden when time will be no more Do you like my ( I mean our) house, it is the first one on the left Indra BOB: Are you looking at the Bible text as you listen to the audio, Indra? Bob Neveritt |
Author: | Indralady [ December 14th, 2011, 3:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Preparatory to enjoying iON's Book of Revelation series |
Yes. I think it is essential. Indra. |
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