Dupes of Non-Physical

Tiesto Update: Miming Every Wednesday's PAYDAY
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Author:  rhyee [ December 15th, 2011, 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Tiesto Update: Miming Every Wednesday's PAYDAY


Bob Neveritt

Author:  Bart [ December 15th, 2011, 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiesto Update: Miming Every Wednesday's PAYDAY

rhyee wrote:

Bob Neveritt

He looks like the hardest working guy in show business.

Good example though. Just meander around, occasionally throw your
hands up in the air, hand out a couple of records and you're the center
of the universe.

For PayDay, it's Bob giggling, poking at iON, playing music and occasionally
hoiking as he obsolesces everything...Another day at the theme park...

Side note: Carolyn doesn't put half that much effort into it and it works
just as well for her. You'll get there, Bob. hehe

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