Wolfbabe wrote:
...Since talking to iON on a one one phone meeting I have had these strange symbols show up on my porch outside my home...I heard people in the archives talking about symbols that show up but I don't know what to do with them. I was wondering if anyone else had these symbols.
Wolf, this (your whole post) is awesome! Thanks for sharing.
I've just excerpted the symbol part above.
First, stop talking to iON. That's only going to lead to a bunch of mischief and
you don't really want that.
I mean, iON says you could eat Jupiter, but do you really want that? It's a gaseous
planet. Is that what you want, gas? Really...
Best to just part with a, "Well, thanks for the advice...I guess...". hehe
OK, my apologies in advance if I go over material you're already familiar with (or
"with which you are already familiar", for the uppity pedants).
First, ufos are most likely real. That's right. I'll wait a moment while that realization
sets in...It might be scary. I'm here for you. hehe
All right, the symbols. First things first, forget about what you know, forget about
what you thought you knew, and then forget about that.
Our position on parallel world, or realm travel is based on a false premise that we
actually have to go somewhere. We don't.
We don't have to travel to Stonehenge, get naked, make a Wiccan circle and
chant to portal.

Of course, we can't be 100% sure until we try, so...
You may already know this, but no effort is or ever has been required.
What we do is sort of like a phase shift, or some other subtle shift that, and
quite naturally.
We do it every day, and are totally unaware of it, save for the occasional deja
vu experience, which iON says is us returning after a "trip" to a moment just
before we left.
Our mind can't process what has happened, so instead, we have the notion
that we've already experienced what we just experienced - because we
didexperience it.
We don't actually "travel" anywhere. It's that subtle. It's the same way creation
Everything comes to you, no attention or effort required, without fail or exception.
As regards this process, there are always many factors (iON gave an example of
what it takes to get a cup of coffee, starting with the bean pickers in South
America, etc.), but all of these factors conspire naturally and effortlessly at our
In any event, iON has said, the symbols come to you. They are drawn to you, just
like everything else in your reality as you desire.

We have a notion, based on a visual bias / visualization, that there is some effort,
energy expense, or force required to bring events, experiences, worlds, realms, or
manifestations to us, but this notion is based on the false premises of space and time.
If a notion of this sort arises, you should imagine the "image" (i.e., false representation)
below as completely meaningless as regards our access to all of it. There is no distance
here, despite what has been asserted by "science".

If you want to visualize something, visualize the image below (and then promptly forget
it and smack yourself, hard, for limiting your experiences to an image).

Now, back to the symbols.
iON has said that all of the portals on, around, inside, above and every which
way are now open.
He's said there are portals everywhere from someone's bathroom doorway, or
closet, to, if memory serves, a cheese shop in France. haha
iON advised one person that there was a portal in the bathroom doorway in
a bar that person had visited.
And Tayzay has said she's seen one open right in front of her about the size
and shape of a medium-sized oval mirror.
Bob posted a video somewhere, at iON's behest, of what a portal will look like
when we "allow" ourselves to see them.
I was unable to find the video for this post, but will post a couple of images below.

iON has described it as a sort of distortion.

The symbols, according to iON, are a marker for us. They are a guide for us to
return to our starting point, once we've "traveled", should we wish to do so.
Now, it seems a little odd to me that we are leaving and returning already,
to add to that experience and potentially confuse the issue, but I don't make
the rules.
iON has also referred to the beautiful crop circle formations as "landing pads / ports".
They are locators, but, again, more so for the return trip.
An aside, when iON said that the designs were from future humans, adding that
they were symbols that might be used as return markers, I thought of ourselves.
iON has said that each of us will have our own personal vehicles. And we're not
talking conventional craft either. As I heard it, we would each, individually, be able
to travel where and when we wished, without restriction.
Are the crop circles our own points of return for our own travels? Makes you wonder...
Other iONettes have seen symbols, and although iON hasn't (publicly) given too much
instruction on using them, has offered some guidance on approaching the experience.
What I gather is that iON is treading lightly for folks starting to see these symbols (and
other anomalies), as they were always there, being used / experienced by us. This is
just the first time in a while that we were able to "see" these things.
So, the appropriate approach / acclimation is required.
All of this stuff is popping into view, but it's always been there. So, there shouldn't be
a notion, per se, that we must start pushing buttons and making an effort to "make things
It's sort of like saying, "Here's this experience. Just observe it, and let it go. More and
more will come."
I'm sure I'm not alone in asking iON for "appliers" (i.e., some activity or effort we can
engage in to speed this up, or make these things happen more frequently, etc.), but
this process should be observed from a different perspective; a different approach
taken (or not taken, as it were).
It's already happened. Has been for a long, long time. We're just now starting to see
the mechanics of it, but I wouldn't get crossways in trying to force an understanding, or
to make any effort here.
Now, this being said, Chad and Angela have discussed their portal experiences, which you
can find at InformationFarm here -
http://goo.gl/S2r6r (about halfway down
the page).
Chad describes his experiences of being in Europe (I believe) and talking to his friends
in Canada, who told him they had created music together that Chad had no knowledge of
(he would have had to leave Europe, travel to Canada, record the music and return
to Europe, which he maintains he had no recollection of).
Chad also said he's learned that he's visited J.W.'s house, which he doesn't recall, among
other things.
Chad says Angela prefers to see a portal and to engage it, while he just prefers to have
experiences and realize in hindsight about his travels.
This is interesting (not to mention synchronistic), because the very first thing Carolyn
says in the December 14, 2011 Cash Flow a couple of days ago is the exact same thing.
Carolyn shares a recent experience and her take on portaling / inter-world traveling, which
is noticing time anomalies (i.e., noticing the experience in hindsight, just like Chad).
Thank you, Carolyn, for contributing. haha
In his own experiences, Chad says the symbols are, as iON has stated, return markers,
but they can also be indicators of what world / realm you're about to visit.
Chad's made the analogy of being at a train station and seeing the symbols as an
indication of the "next stop", so to speak.
In Chad's description, he's had symbols sent to him in dreams from his other selves, in
other worlds.
I believe iON suggested to Chad that he envision a clock face, with 13 numbers instead
of 12, and to place each symbol on one of those 13 locations.
Each symbol, in this case, would represent a different world / realm, which Chad could
click over and experience.
I found an interesting representation of this in the Tomb Raider video game (below).

When Chad described this clock face, he mentioned the shape of the double helix, adding
that this clock face with the symbols would then be layered, so infinite combinations could
be accomplished.
Of course, this is the case, but with the image superimposed over the experience as a sort
of reference.
I like the idea of throwing away our conventional image of the clock (and its purported
usefulness) for Chad's imagery.
Imagine the numbers below as symbols...

In any event, ultimately, the symbols, as with the other anomalies we will experience more
and more, are more markers / signs that we can witness, enjoy and play with, but which
we were already using / activating.
Our eyes are just now opening to what we've been doing all along.
iON's advise is always to "notice" these things, but not to give too much import to them.
There is a massive process unfolding, and seeing the symbols is the tip of the iceberg.
As far as the imagery, it has its limited usefulness, but don't let it get in the way.
I like the Buddhist's example, shown below as they're making a mandala.

These guys will lay out this intricate, geometric design (which are symmetrical, by the
way, something which iON says he prefers), and then simply wipe it away.

This goes to show that, regardless how beautiful a construct we think we've created,
the nature of things is that it must be abandoned, obsolesced or overlayed.
It can be retrieved later, but we like new things.
Of course, I know Chad has gone into this with iON at length, and his input would really
add to this conversation.
I've already added enough. haha
On a side note, Bob, J.W., and iON have already said my posts are ponderous.
Well, here's me, hearing you, and still making long-winded posts. Oh yeah, I'm