rhyee wrote:
Bart wrote:
rhyee wrote:
What you really mean is you're attempting not to COMPLETE your thinking. Until then you ARE thinking AND listening to it in order to come to a conclusion (a state of not thinking?).
Bob Neveritt
I gather you're suggesting that there may be an effort on the thinker's part, in this
example, to reach, or obtain "the last thought, ever". A thought that offers a conclusion,
or end to the process of thought itself.
Am I "reading" this correctly?
BOB: No, that's not what I meant at all.
Bob Neveritt
Always two conversations...
I'm going to leave it at thought being autonomic.
I've probed iON a little on thought, but frankly, I'm just not interested
enough in the subject to pursue it.
What if we regarded thought like media - it subtly influences you in
ways you aren't always aware, and sometimes the best approach is just
to disconnect from it?
Of course, you can turn off your TV, but thought...