Dupes of Non-Physical

a dash of trivia
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Author:  nid [ February 5th, 2012, 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  a dash of trivia

1 - 9
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OntlLTFk ... re=related

Author:  Legend [ February 7th, 2012, 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

interesting - electromagnetic fields, vectors, weightless travel - its here

Author:  rhyee [ February 8th, 2012, 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

Legend wrote:
interesting - electromagnetic fields, vectors, weightless travel - its here

BOB: I'd like to move the focus of this statement back to you.

iON said to, I think Guru, during a tailgate call, "Just wait until you see yourself as
the rain."

I've had this experience.

It is an experience without the self-imposed boundaries on what we identify as the self
(i.e., drawing some sort of literal border around this physical body).

I was sitting in my car, watching the rain hit my windshield and for whatever reason, I
identified myself as the rain.

In Zen Buddhism, they've offered examples of expanded, or different perspectives on
how we can view ourselves.

For example, when we engage in the act of jogging, or running, we are the running.

We are literally the act of running itself. I don't want to limit this discussion to this particular
perspective, but only offer it as an alternative to the conventional view of ourselves.

iON has also given examples of the different roles each of us take in our life to illustrate
similar limitations we place on ourselves and one another in this way.

We've all heard, or said, "I know I am not this body", but in doing so, we, typically, only
project an image of some other subtle or energy body that looks like the physical, chemical

Even if we project an image of a fog or mist, we're still simply only visually, superficially
circumventing our existing limited idea of ourselves.

Now, going back to iON's statement about identifying ourselves, or seeing ourselves,
literally, as the rain. This is just one example, and not to be glommed into.

It's just a glimpse at the vastness of what we are.

If iON went there too quickly, he'd likely either lose us, or we would be inclined to either
simply create an image of what he was suggesting, thinking we'd "gotten it", or we would
make an effort to "get there"; to try to achieve that realization.

Remember, what you can see is not real, and what you can't see is real.

We tend to identify strictly with this physical form we look down (or in a mirror) at and see
moving easily at our command.

I would suggest not seeing that moving form as a limitation, border / separation, or the end
of what we are.

So, back to what you said about electromagnetic fields, vectors and weightlessness - they're
not only here - they're you.

You are the field. You are the vectors. You are weightless travel. You are also the wormhole,
and you're certainly the singularity (something we're still coming to know).

The separations are superficial. We created them, but these things "were" before we separated
them with language; with the concepts of "this and that".

Whatever is allowed, is. No limitations, including as regards what we identify as ourselves.

Not only are our technologies extensions of our senses, as this body first originally provided,
but there are no limitations to what we are, including what we've called nature.

The expansion that is occurring with us is is our notion and experience of the vastness that
we are.

We didn't need these technological extensions until we limited ourselves.

What we are is already "out there", fully populating the vastness - we are the vastness, with
full sensory capability.

It is this realization that comes first as this all unfolds.

The idea of expansion is a limitation, because it implies room to expand. It implies an unfulfilled
condition, and there are no unfulfilled conditions.

There is no space. So, what would there be to expand into, or to?

Of course, the nature of our experience is paradox, so there can be both expansion, and no
possibility to expand.

For the moment, this expansion is only of our awareness and experience of what we are.

This unfolding being eternal and limitless, we can say this expansion goes on eternally.

Is there enough of us to keep us occupied, engaged and in wonder that long?

What do you think?

Bob Neveritt

Author:  nid [ February 8th, 2012, 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

I think you meant... "what do you think, Legend?"
but for what it's worth...

you lost me on...

Author:  BigDaddy [ February 8th, 2012, 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

Morpheus: "............another training program designed to teach you one thing: if you are not one of us, you are one of them........"

Author:  booked [ February 9th, 2012, 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia


Author:  tayzay [ February 9th, 2012, 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

Be Art = B ART

Author:  Legend [ February 9th, 2012, 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

versatile tactility

cut the crap Booby - endless written and verbal masturbation-back to the porn room-or do something epic - I am falling asleep - I am drifting away- drop, drop awaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy

how about another serving of Genesis starring iON- that's pretty phun

Author:  grannygoose [ February 9th, 2012, 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

rhyee wrote:
Legend wrote:
interesting - electromagnetic fields, vectors, weightless travel - its here

BOB: I'd like to move the focus of this statement back to you.

iON said to, I think Guru, during a tailgate call, "Just wait until you see yourself as
the rain."

I've had this experience.

It is an experience without the self-imposed boundaries on what we identify as the self
(i.e., drawing some sort of literal border around this physical body).

I was sitting in my car, watching the rain hit my windshield and for whatever reason, I
identified myself as the rain.

In Zen Buddhism, they've offered examples of expanded, or different perspectives on
how we can view ourselves.

For example, when we engage in the act of jogging, or running, we are the running.

We are literally the act of running itself. I don't want to limit this discussion to this particular
perspective, but only offer it as an alternative to the conventional view of ourselves.

iON has also given examples of the different roles each of us take in our life to illustrate
similar limitations we place on ourselves and one another in this way.

We've all heard, or said, "I know I am not this body", but in doing so, we, typically, only
project an image of some other subtle or energy body that looks like the physical, chemical

Even if we project an image of a fog or mist, we're still simply only visually, superficially
circumventing our existing limited idea of ourselves.

Now, going back to iON's statement about identifying ourselves, or seeing ourselves,
literally, as the rain. This is just one example, and not to be glommed into.

It's just a glimpse at the vastness of what we are.

If iON went there too quickly, he'd likely either lose us, or we would be inclined to either
simply create an image of what he was suggesting, thinking we'd "gotten it", or we would
make an effort to "get there"; to try to achieve that realization.

Remember, what you can see is not real, and what you can't see is real.

We tend to identify strictly with this physical form we look down (or in a mirror) at and see
moving easily at our command.

I would suggest not seeing that moving form as a limitation, border / separation, or the end
of what we are.

So, back to what you said about electromagnetic fields, vectors and weightlessness - they're
not only here - they're you.

You are the field. You are the vectors. You are weightless travel. You are also the wormhole,
and you're certainly the singularity (something we're still coming to know).

The separations are superficial. We created them, but these things "were" before we separated
them with language; with the concepts of "this and that".

Whatever is allowed, is. No limitations, including as regards what we identify as ourselves.

Not only are our technologies extensions of our senses, as this body first originally provided,
but there are no limitations to what we are, including what we've called nature.

The expansion that is occurring with us is is our notion and experience of the vastness that
we are.

We didn't need these technological extensions until we limited ourselves.

What we are is already "out there", fully populating the vastness - we are the vastness, with
full sensory capability.

It is this realization that comes first as this all unfolds.

The idea of expansion is a limitation, because it implies room to expand. It implies an unfulfilled
condition, and there are no unfulfilled conditions.

There is no space. So, what would there be to expand into, or to?

Of course, the nature of our experience is paradox, so there can be both expansion, and no
possibility to expand.

For the moment, this expansion is only of our awareness and experience of what we are.

This unfolding being eternal and limitless, we can say this expansion goes on eternally.

Is there enough of us to keep us occupied, engaged and in wonder that long?

What do you think?

Bob Neveritt

That, ladies and gentlemen, is iON speaking to you through Bob!! Bravo Bob!! The most intellegent words I've ever heard from you!! Of course there is enough to keep us occupied, engaged and in wonder that long...we're eternal, we did it before, we're doing it now and we will always be doing it!! It is the 144,000 strands, all connected and running on full power!! I think you've just become a teacher...thanks for the lesson.


Author:  crystal77 [ February 9th, 2012, 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a dash of trivia

Yes Legend, we are all bored of this board. Its so yesterday. Time for an upgrade. Time for a new chairman of the board. Bye Bobby.

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