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 Post subject: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 5th, 2012, 5:49 am 
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Part one:
http://www.fivebodied.com/archives/audi ... 051208.mp3

Part two:
http://www.fivebodied.com/archives/audi ... 051208.mp3


 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 5th, 2012, 7:43 am 
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Ah, the famous Quaker, quacker, cracker quadrant (all of which
have been iON's designations, depending on his mood).

Thanks, #1. Downloaded and listening...

Bob and Dave Worcester are both Quakers, by the way. Every time
they get on the phone together a big earthquake erupts somewhere.

I believe that Bob has said that Kroker was the closest of his "holy offices"
to accurately describe, or forecast the circumstances of the chip body

He does place Kroker in the penultimate position to his (the final) quadrant,


My [Bob's] epyllion (little epic) Phatic Communion with Bob Dobbs is not only a
portrait of a tetrad-manager but includes the sub-plot of the xenochronous ("estranged,
deviant, double-purposed, determined/somnambulistic synchronicity") decad-dancer in

with Lyndon LaRouche representing the monad,

William Irwin Thompson the dyad,

Marshall McLuhan the triad,

Arthur Kroker the tetrad, and

Bob Dobbs the pentad.


SOURCE - http://goo.gl/nlt5E

A couple of short excerpts on Arthur Kroker:

Arthur Kroker (born 1945 in Red Rock, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian author, editor,
educator and researcher of political science, technology and culture.


He earned a Ph.D. in political science from McMaster University in 1975. In addition to
being a Professor of Political Science at the University of Victoria, Kroker serves as
director of the Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture (PACTAC), located at the
university. Kroker was appointed to the Canada Research Chair in Technology, Culture
and Theory in 2003. He and his wife Marilouise are the editors for the online academic
journal Ctheory.


SOURCE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Kroker

Ira meets up with a guy who's been called the McLuhan of the nineties, technology critic
Arthur Kroker. Jack Kerouac meets cyberpunk.

Here are some facts you should know about Arthur Kroker. He's 49 years old. He grew up
in the small northern Ontario mill town of Red Rock. He left there at age 17 to join a

He wanted to become a priest. He's a tenured faculty member at Concordia University.
He teaches political theory from a leftist perspective. He and his wife and longtime
collaborator Marilouise live in a comfortable renovated house in downtown Montreal.
They don't own a car.

Do you think you're getting the picture?

Well, here are some other facts you should know about Arthur Kroker. [CD sounds]. A
couple of years ago he put out a CD called Spasm, full of bizarre, electroncially sampled
music. [CD sounds] He took the CD on the road with a band called Sex Without Secretions.
He and Marilouise write a lot about sex of various kinds. They publish an electronic journal.
Arthur likes to wear leather.

Cutting edge writers and artists across North America consider him to be on the vanguard
of postmodern culture. He gets invited to speak all over the world. And that's because
Arthur Kroker may be the most interesting thinker about culture and technology that this
country has produced since Marshall McLuhan. [CD sounds] Which is why if you're going to
paint a true picture of Arthur Kroker, you'll need a very wide canvas and lots of paint.

[Part of Kroker lecture]

And that's what people at Pittsburgh's Carnegie-Mellon University discovered last week
when Arthur and Marilouise Kroker came to speak. They'd been invited there by the Art
Department. About a hundred and fifty faculty and curious students were on hand. There
was a smattering of nose rings and day glo hair and an attractive young couple in full formal
wedding attire participating in their own performance art project. Few people in the crowd
knew very much about these Canadian visitors. Most were anticipating the usual sort of art
lecture, a heavy dose of theory mixed with a few slides.

[Excerpt from performance]

What they got instead was a multi-media assault called "Stories for the Flesh Eating Nineties"
featuring such tales as "Dead dogs and daddies under the Christmas tree," "Shopping for Jesus,"
and "Las Vegas Theme Park" all served up by the middle aged couple dressed in black at the
front of the hall.


SOURCE - http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/kintvw.htm

I've just started listening to Bob's analysis, and he starts off by providing a setting for the "Kroker
quadrant" (of his "Tiny Note" chart; AKA "a chain letter of phase-shifts. XENOCHRONOUS BOB'S
TINY NOTE = THE GRAND WAZOO'S DECAD-DANCE. Cyclotron of Holeopathic Cliche-Probes.
( "causes" merging with effects )

Bob starts by stating that this quadrant (which is actually 1945 - 1960 being replayed from 1972 -
1977 and peaking / crystallizing in 1980) is characterized by a recession occurring in the U.S., the
mood of which is represented by the Bee Gee's song, Staying Alive (i.e., a notion of simply
trying to survive; stay alive).

LINK TO BOB'S CHART - http://www.earmap.com/tinynote/tinynote.html

The Kroker quadrant is toward the bottom of the chart (see below).



You'll note (for those unfamiliar with Bob's chart) at the center column that various governing
bodies are indicated (starting from the top), including "World Government", "Satellite Government",
etc., and that the last governing body is "Lockdown BobRule" (also, in the same quadrant, to the
right, the Second Coming; iON).

Bob reflects on this same chart after iON's appearance in a thread entitled, "Bob Dobbs' New PositiON
on the Tiny Note Chart
" - http://www.resonantnode.com/ion/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=701&hilit=tiny+note

Further links:

http://krokers.net (If you click on "Media", you can see Arthur and Marilouise in their own words)


http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/kintvw.htm (article excerpt above)

Now to hear what Bob has to say...

 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 5th, 2012, 11:47 am 
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Timely, Chad.

And thanks, Bart, for watching Chad's back.

Just the other day I put this together to highlight some aspects of the chart that haven't been talked about before (via Akito's new improved Tiny Note Chart [the most correct version]):

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/ca ... _Chart.pdf

The 5 Quadrants (with special emphasis on the QUARKTUNE from the far-left column in the Dobbs quadrant):

{{ In particle physics, a hadron is a composite particle made of quarks held together by the strong force (as atoms and molecules are held together by the electromagnetic force). Hadrons are categorized into two families: baryons (made of three quarks) and mesons (made of one quark and one antiquark). }}

HADRON/Holeopathic Radio/Newspaper/LaRouche/audile-tactile/clairaudience/"I know it au fond" (French) (auditory-resonant) and "I know it like the palm of my hand" (Russian) (iconic tactile)/GLOBAL VILLAGE (1840-1900)

MESON/Holeopathic TV/Electric Media/McLuhan/haptic-tactile/clairsentience/"I know it from head to toe" (Japanese) (touch or interval) and "I know it inside out" (American) (kinetic-manipulatory)/SOLAR THEATER (1910-1960)

BARYON/Holeopathic Computer/Printed Book//Thompson/tactile-visual/clairvoyance/"I know it as if I'd given birth to it" (Spanish) (proprioceptive-visceral) and "I know it like the back of my hand" (English) (visual)/UNIVERSAL MEMBRANE (1970-1990)

DI-QUARK/Holeopathic Satellite Squared/Movie/Kroker/tactile-kinetic/telekinesis/"I know it like a snake swimming in water" (Thailander) (dance of thought among words) and "I know it like the inside of my pocket" (German) (tactile-interface)/MYTHIC EROGENOUS ZONE (1995-2010)

DEMON NUCLEI/AP/Magazine/Dobbs/causal effect/xenochrony/"I know NOTHING!!" (Dobbstown) (hexadic) and "I think, I think, I KNOW" (iONdom) (Mystery Body)/MILLENIAL ECSTATICS OF 5-BODIED EXPRESSIONS (2011...)

Bob Dobbs

 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 6th, 2012, 4:52 am 
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rhyee wrote:
Just the other day I put this together to highlight some aspects of the chart that haven't been talked about before (via Akito's new improved Tiny Note Chart [the most correct version]):

http://fivebodied.com/archives/audio/ca ... _Chart.pdf

Even more correct than the old version which had the bottom-right (Rumpelstiltskin) quadrant on an angle?

rhyee wrote:

The 5 Quadrants (with special emphasis on the QUARKTUNE from the far-left column in the Dobbs quadrant):

{{ In particle physics, a hadron is a composite particle made of quarks held together by the strong force (as atoms and molecules are held together by the electromagnetic force). Hadrons are categorized into two families: baryons (made of three quarks) and mesons (made of one quark and one antiquark). }}

HADRON/Holeopathic Radio/Newspaper/LaRouche/audile-tactile/clairaudience/"I know it au fond" (French) (auditory-resonant) and "I know it like the palm of my hand" (Russian) (iconic tactile)/GLOBAL VILLAGE (1840-1900)

MESON/Holeopathic TV/Electric Media/McLuhan/haptic-tactile/clairsentience/"I know it from head to toe" (Japanese) (touch or interval) and "I know it inside out" (American) (kinetic-manipulatory)/SOLAR THEATER (1910-1960)

BARYON/Holeopathic Computer/Printed Book//Thompson/tactile-visual/clairvoyance/"I know it as if I'd given birth to it" (Spanish) (proprioceptive-visceral) and "I know it like the back of my hand" (English) (visual)/UNIVERSAL MEMBRANE (1970-1990)

DI-QUARK/Holeopathic Satellite Squared/Movie/Kroker/tactile-kinetic/telekinesis/"I know it like a snake swimming in water" (Thailander) (dance of thought among words) and "I know it like the inside of my pocket" (German) (tactile-interface)/MYTHIC EROGENOUS ZONE (1995-2010)

DEMON NUCLEI/AP/Magazine/Dobbs/causal effect/xenochrony/"I know NOTHING!!" (Dobbstown) (hexadic) and "I think, I think, I KNOW" (iONdom) (Mystery Body)/MILLENIAL ECSTATICS OF 5-BODIED EXPRESSIONS (2011...)

An iONic upgrade is wrought with the addition of the spiritual gifts (telekinesis, clairvoyance, etc.) to each quadrant. The added plenary awarenesses provide bases for the development of "100 words for (s)know". It's noteworthy that Bob's chart had overlaid/juxtaposed DNA & RNA bases (ACGT/ACGU) in the first column, in anticipation of RnA/C14.

For those who don't know the definition of "cyclotron" as mentioned in the chart's masthead, see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclotron ( a.k.a. U.S. Patent 1,948,384 -- Method and apparatus for the acceleration of ions)


 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 6th, 2012, 5:08 am 
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Joined: May 2nd, 2010, 8:59 am
Posts: 136
Bart wrote:
I believe that Bob has said that Kroker was the closest of his "holy offices"
to accurately describe, or forecast the circumstances of the chip body

He does place Kroker in the penultimate position to his (the final) quadrant,

McLuhan, through the Kroker refractive lens:
(from: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=260&p=3095)

To dismiss McLuhan as a technological determinist is to miss entirely the point of his intellectual contribution. McLuhan's value as a theorist of culture and technology began just when he went over the hill to the side of the alien and surrealistic world of mass communications: the "real world" of technology where the nervous system is exteriorised and everyone is videoated daily like sitting screens for television. Just because McLuhan sought to see the real world of technology, and even to celebrate technological reason as freedom, he could provide such superb, first-hand accounts of the new society of electronic technologies. McLuhan was fated to be trapped in the deterministic world of technology, indeed to become one of the intellectual servomechanisms of the machine-world, because his Catholicism failed to provide him with an adequate cultural theory by which to escape the hegemony of the abstract media systems that he had sought to explore. Paradoxically, however, it was just when McLuhan became most cynical and most deterministic, when he became fully aware of the nightmarish quality of the "medium as massage", that his thought becomes most important as an entirely creative account of the great paradigm-shift now going on in twentieth-century experience. McLuhan was then, in the end, trapped in the "figure" of his own making. His discourse could provide a brilliant understanding of the inner functioning of the technological media; but no illumination concerning how "creative freedom" might be won through in the "age of anxiety, and dread". In a fully tragic sense, McLuhan's final legacy was this: he was the playful perpetrator, and then victim, of a sign-crime. TC-AK-85&86


 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 6th, 2012, 5:33 am 
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Joined: May 2nd, 2010, 8:59 am
Posts: 136
From an email to Den Mu (Kigye/Keith/Hexbodhi), circa 2007:

[BOB: The anamorphic(LOFTI) is not the fractal(TU), because the fractal is
repeating a pattern, sort of like..... generally the macro and the
micro, you keep going miniature- miniature- miniaturized... sort of
like a holeopathic thing. But past the holeopathic,
when the Rumplestiltskin-separateness(R­HYEE) from that happening is
looking at it as elsewhere, the anamorphic would distort, would take
everything to converge on a point, and would distort..... it was
basically surrealism, it was optical anarchy where things were going
in different directions, and if some of them.... the images would
converge on a space, a black hole(MONAD), and what they were trying to
express could not be painted, could not be visualized, so therefore
the convergence was reflected in any part of the painting, like a
fractal, but it was not a pattern of repetition, it was a
capitulation, that because they couldn't get the total image of where
it was all going to, then any part of it could be represented. So it's
decentralized, a decentered thing. We're in an anamorphic situation,
at least the Android Meme was anamorphic.... Kroker is very good at
explaining that. Not fractal, fractal's more the Thompson, still
trying to think that there's a big frame, mystical divine Earth
something..... Isis, that we're reflections of, but when the Android
Meme takes over then mysticism becomes a victim, because the Android
Meme becomes mystical. So where's that leave you sitting in between?
So then it becomes anamorphic. You could think of the black hole as
where you meet the machine, and that's the pentadic position. So,
what.... now, you want to take..... how do you make a piece about the
skyscraper? The skyscraper is such an obsolete artefact. I mean,
anything around here is not as strong as the cellphone network. That's
where people live, that's the new architecture. So you want to
eccentrically pick one object and you want to match music with it, but
the eclecticism that's going on means that anybody will pick any
object and make a composition around it. And it's extraneous, it's
transitory, it's expendable, if you get to perform it and people like
it, then that's transitory. On to the next expression, the next band
comes up. You don't like the eclecticism, it is an effect of it, so
therefore you're looking for something solid. If there's anything
solid, it's a skyscraper. Now that solidity is very vulnerable,
because if you don't like the eclecticism, that's the quadrophrenic
environment we're forced in. The only way to get out of it would be
cold fusion..... out of that eclectic Android Meme seductiveness, or
inevitability. So music as a discipline is subject to that. The stone
building could be reflected in the '2001' obelisk, it's a sign of
something strange and new and cohering, a standard emerges, you know
what I mean? Can't be done unless you have cold fusion, which is not a
communicating, arty thing, it's a hardware power source. So that, cold
fusion, the cold fusion battery is the new..... is an object to write
about that indicates a standard, that gets past the eclectic
no-standards. Right? So it's silence..... Oh, I forgot, you know in
the bottom of my chart where I had 'holeopathic cliche-probes' and
'AP', and then the ninth phase had the flat line?

That's the mystery.]

 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 6th, 2012, 6:58 pm 

Joined: April 28th, 2010, 1:10 pm
Posts: 141
chad wrote:

Thanks for posting Chad... interesting conversations. What inspired you to create your tiny-note chart Bob?

 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 7th, 2012, 3:23 am 
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manitouriver wrote:
chad wrote:

Thanks for posting Chad... interesting conversations. What inspired you to create your tiny-note chart Bob?

BOB: We were living in Manhattan in 1995 and I decided that the charts being produced by various people and institutions were completely incompetent... so I set to work.

It turned out the world required it.

So, it was a major event like:

Stravinsky's 1913 concert

the Dempsey-Tunney rematch fight on Sept.22, 1927

the T.A.M.I. show on Oct.29, 1964, with James Brown and the Rolling Stones

a Babe Ruth homerun record

Zappa and the Mothers of Invention on July 29, 1966, in L.A.

the Charge of the Light Brigade on Oct.25, 1854

final Canada-Russia hockey game in Sept., 1972

the 3 appearances of the the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show during the month of Feb., 1964.

the Clay-Liston fight on Feb.25, 1964

the Battle of the Harvest Moon on Sept.27, 1977

"Etc., etc., you get the picture."

iON later told me an Angel or two helped me.

My response to iON:

"I did not KNOW that!" (said like Johnny Carson used to).

Bob Dobbs

 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 7th, 2012, 4:04 am 
some kinda messed up Angels sounds to me...

sorry hey... i'm outa here
back to 'who misses iON' thread - where i belong (or preferably 'short')
(they appreciate me there... or not... i forget)

 Post subject: Re: BOB Audio Guide to the Kroker Quadrant
PostPosted: February 7th, 2012, 10:37 am 
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Wanted to note the trademark iONic call distortion
that occurred (even though this call took place months
before iON's appearance in 2009).

Bob and Scott suggested it was due to the subject matter
being x-rayed...

Now we can say it was the effects preceding the cause...
or better yet, cause-effect.

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