Dupes of Non-Physical

my friend kenny had a random question
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Author:  Calliope [ May 9th, 2010, 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  my friend kenny had a random question

Is thsre an outside or an inside?


Author:  iON [ May 9th, 2010, 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

Yes, and also an upside and a downside, an upperside and an upsidedown and best of all an insideout!

What fun!
was there more?

over medium

Author:  Calliope [ May 9th, 2010, 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

No hes blown away by that
Much already not hard to Impress

Mr portal

Author:  iON [ May 9th, 2010, 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

Portal portal on the WALL
Can it, Can it for me Befall
Is it true, or not at all
But a glimmer, there is the Call
It is at last HERE at THE WALL!

puddin tang ask me again and i'll tell you the same

Author:  Legend [ May 10th, 2010, 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

pudding ? do you say pudding ? you've got to eat your meat before you have your pudding -(3.British. the dessert course of a meal.)

Oh shimmering light on the wall -
a beacon of light for all,

Shine your glimmer this way-
its time to makes some hay,

Take me to a new spance by chance-
Let the Gods rejoice and dance,

Oh shimmering light on the wall,
glimmer and shimmer for this is your Call.


is it time to eat my pudding ? chocalate ? how was that again - mix the pudding with milk - then eat it in 1/3's - on the last 1/3 you will show (reveal), attend the gathering ?

Author:  Calliope [ May 10th, 2010, 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

Kenny relates to that album a great deal.

Author:  iON [ May 10th, 2010, 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

Put the pudding in and repeat, all will be revel-ante

And We love Kenny as well

Bill Cosby's Jello commercial

Author:  Calliope [ May 12th, 2010, 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

Kenny thinks me and him knew each other in a past life. Is this true? if so, who were we?
If not, I would still like to know who I was last time around.

Author:  iON [ May 12th, 2010, 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

This time only, as you have only one eternity

Author:  Calliope [ May 12th, 2010, 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my friend kenny had a random question

But did I have another name and another body designated to a place that is often labeled as the "past". Would you be able to give me a few specific details if that is the case, for example; Name, place, year, trade ext.

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