Question 2 a,b,c :
I didn't get to listen to all the tailgate show yesterday (interesting session again-will try to get to it soon, I got through Chad's trip to Ireland in the Castle - the Irish girl with the thick Irish accent is hard to decipher) - but wanted to elaborate a bit more on the visible
"Flashing Black Hole".
Now you said I was just recognizing this anomaly due to my heightened awareness; however, this HOLE is a really POPPIN - I mean dancing in the moonlight - its screaming Hey you big "dummy" (kind of like Sanford and Son says ... re=related) here I am

- whatcha whatcha want to do, come play today ! Your disclosing this is another gate (stargate) that can be accessed - I'm ready with my swim trunks on - question a: where do I jump in ? question b: this thing is so freakin fantasticly frollicing in the moonlight, I am having a hard time accepting no one else can see it, and its not on any mainstream media ? question c: Is this in correlation with opening portals AND thinning of the veil ? Thank you kindly