Margarita wrote:
Howdy to iON and everyone,
Enjoyed the song and it makes me wonder the following;
How do we reconciled or how do I come to terms with my belief system from these two "aparently" opposing or conflicting viewpoints or perspectives:
*Service to Self: Individual. You are God.
*Service to Others: Collective. You are part/piece of God.
All commentary welcomed.
Thank you.
iON wrote:
God vs. Science
" . . . My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed.'
. . . 'Flawed? Can you explain how?
'You are working on the premise of duality,' . . . "
PS: the student was Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein wrote a book titled God vs. Science in 1921...
Love Always
So iON, what I getting from the story is that my asking is flawed to begin with, because it is based on the premise of duality; therefore my asking deserves no merit or consideration.
Would you be so kind to enlight me on how my asking is imperfect or faulty because it comes from the premise of duality from a "disconnected" human being like me?