Hey Tina, a little out of turn here in the post, but regarding ESP of "yesterday". You are spot on...
I am in the process of "unexpectedly" acquiring a screen printing business, lots of colored shirts, boxes comes with the deal!!! Luv ya...
(one hit so far...is Jake a sort of Irish setter type of a beastie?...and I did picture you in a "home" near the beach, sounds like you confirmed that with one of your other posts, regarding bacon I think

And in the spirit of ESP, I am still observing my very active laby, when I hear someone's voice, or hear a story, or read a post, I have always attached a "picture" in my mind to the exchange. Kind of like creating a movie for the wordy words...or is this actually a form of ESP? Am I joining the vibration of the interaction on another level and actually "seeing" the experience in a more holographic view?
just wondering...