Legend wrote:
Question 3
There has been discussion (disclosure) of a program called "Project Serpo" in the 1960's - which details an exchange program of a 12 person military team to the home planet of the Ebens, who then offered "the Yellow Book" which details their history and detailed origins of the universe - question; a) is there any truth to the "Project Serpo" - was there an exchange ? question: b) Are the political big wigs- (president, pope, prime minister) going to come out of the closet (public disclosure) on this multi-faceted subject of people from other worlds, planets, aliens, extra-terrestrials, vampires, soul-less creatures, etc. this year ?
The name is not exactly Serpo, it is classified, call the government
What do you think? Not a prayer, why should they, Danger Danger Will Robinson.
People are running around scared poop less now, How the Boys going to tell everyone it is OK, and All the X-files are true.
1 of 3
Man please!